



1、省錫中實驗學(xué)校 9BUnit 2 Exercise、單項選擇 Whenthe telephone? In 1876.D.was,inventingA.did,inventB.was,inventedC.had,inventedMike was the first studentthe maths problem yesterday.D.worked outA.works outB.who worked outC.to work outDo you know whothe lamp and whoAmerica first?A.discovered;found B.discovered;inve

2、nted C.found;discovered D.invented;discoveredWho do you thinkthe greatest inventor whoever lived?A.being;have B.is;haveC.to be;has D.is;has What did he say? He told usA.there were four seasons in a yearB.light travels much faster than soundC.how can we get to the Peoples ParkD.great changes had been

3、 taken place here recentlyAlthoughmy opinion,the old professor didnt come up with his own.A.against B.on C.for D.in Jenny,will you leave for the USA?No.It will be two weeksI leave here.A.until B.since C.before D.when 8 The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.What? Ive never h

4、eard ofidea before.A.a crazier B.the crazier C.a craziest D.the craziestThey have decided to goin China.A.to somewhere warm B.warm somewhereC.to anywhere warmD.somewhere warmWhy ishonest leader like him supported byfew workers?A.an;SoB.ans suchC.a;soD.a;suchDo you know our new manager? Yes.Heto be a

5、 friend of my brother.A.turns up B.turns on C.turns out D.turns offHave youthe person called Mike? -Certainly,Ihim yesterday.A.heard of; heard a letter fromB.heard from;heard ofC.heard of; heard fromD.heard of; heard from a letterMrs.Clinton be the new president of the United State?Shebe,but Im not

6、sure.A.Can;cant B.Can;may C.May;must D.May;mustntJack,Id like to have your ideas about my written report.But I have one suggestion.A.Thats a good idea B.You are too modestC.It looks fine to meD.You should check it firstB ADA CCBC二、詞匯Zhang Heng is one of the greatest (invent) in ancient China.Are the

7、re any new(invent) on show in that museum?Nelson Mandela is a (fight) for the rights of black Africans all his life.That camel is an (Africa)animal that lives in the desert.How many female(science) do you know there are in the world?Are the men smoking at the gate( 俄羅斯人 ) ?7.I plan to travel to seve

8、ral countries in( 歐洲 ) and speak to the(歐洲人 ).8.In the USA,many people dream of becoming a ( 總統(tǒng) )someday.inventors;inventions;fighter;African;scientists;Russians;Europe/Europeans;president三、動詞填空1.It is known to all that paper(invent) in China by Cai Lun long,long ago. Have you finished using my dict

9、ionary?Yes I put it back on your desk just now.Who(take)it away?As an excellent explorer, he devoted most of his time to (explore) somewhereunknownFiles directed by Beijing TV Station(cover) many mysteries in history.The three boy students Miss White paid special attention to (make) great progress a

10、t last. I wonder if you could go with me to the cinema.Id like to,but I(write) my experiment report and have to finish it this afternoon.The new kind of mobile phone you are crazy about(sell)out yesterday Why not look at page 20 of your English book?Ah, here the key is .I wonder why I (not think) of

11、 this.was invented;has taken;exploring;covers;made;am writing;was sold;didn t think四、完成句子你認(rèn)為歷史上最偉大的人是誰 ?Who do you think?莎土比亞是一位偉大的英國文學(xué)作家。Shakespeare is.愛迪生一生創(chuàng)造了 1000 多項發(fā)明。Thomas Edison all his life.哥倫布,意大利人,是第一批發(fā)現(xiàn)美洲的歐洲人之一。Columbus an Italian,is one of 曼德拉將他的一生致力于為非洲黑人的權(quán)利而斗爭。Mandela devoted all his life to我從來都沒有聽說過他。 我也沒有。I ve-.-.is the greatest person in history a gr


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