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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)土火之藝館藏歷代陶瓷展覽Exhibition of Pottery and Porcelain through Dynasties2009/ 前 言水、土、火的碰撞,產生了絢麗多彩的陶瓷文化。陶器是全人類共同擁有的財富。而瓷器是中華民族對世界文明的重要貢獻,中國因此而擁有了“瓷之國度”的美稱。早在新石器時代,我們的祖先就已經學會制造和使用陶器。商周時期出現了原始瓷。成熟的青釉瓷器燒成于一千八百多年前的東漢時期。經過三國兩晉南北朝的初步發(fā)展,到了唐宋時期,我國的制瓷業(yè)進入

2、第一個發(fā)展高峰。明清時期,我國陶瓷業(yè)發(fā)展到了巔峰階段。至少在唐代,我國已開始大量出口陶瓷器。此后歷經宋、元、明、清各朝,日益發(fā)展,長久不衰。從東海和南海通向東亞、東南亞、中西亞、非洲、歐洲以及美洲的各條航線,無不見證了這一輝煌。因此這條海外貿易通道也被稱為“陶瓷之路”。廣東最早的陶器出現在新石器時代早期。晉代開始出現青釉瓷器。唐、宋、元時期廣東的制瓷業(yè)飛速發(fā)展,并大量輸出國外。明、清時期,石灣陶器、廣彩瓷器成為斐聲中外的著名品種。一部中國陶瓷史,反映的不僅僅是整個中國文化史的面貌,而且也書寫了經濟貿易史、工藝美術史、航海史、對外貿易史等方面的華彩篇章。 IntroductionCollisio

3、n of water, clay and fire gave rise to colorful pottery and porcelain culture. Pottery is a treasure of humankind. However, porcelain is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization. China won its name as Country of Porcelain.As early as the Neolithic Age, Chinese people

4、 had already got to know how to make and use pottery. Proto-porcelain had been made in the Shang Dynasty. Mature green glazed porcelain was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had well developed in the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, and the Southern and Northern Song Dynastie

5、s. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak of development. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ceramicPorcelain had begun to export in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, large quantities of pottery and porcelain exported from the

6、 East Sea and the South China Sea to East Asia, Central and West Asia, Africa, Europe and America, which witnessed the glory .Therefore the oversea trade line was also named as “Road of Porcelain”.Pottery was first made in Guangdong in the early Neolithic Age. In the Jin Dynasty, green glazed porcel

7、ain was made. In the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, ceramic industry developed well and exported to foreign countries. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shiwan pottery and Kwon-glazed porcelain had enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad. A history of Chinese pottery and porcelain reflects not on

8、ly an overview of cultural history of China, but also shows the history in terms of economy and trade, arts and crafts, maritime, foreign trade and so on 制瓷:瓷器是如何制造出來的1、采泥:制作瓷器的原料主要有瓷土、瓷石、高嶺土、長石等。瓷土指粉碎瓷石所得之土或人工配制成的制瓷原料,由高嶺土、石英、長石等組成,主要成份是二氧化硅(SiO2)和氧化鋁(Al2O3)。瓷石由石英、長石、絹云母、高嶺石等組成,完全風化后就是常見的瓷土。高嶺土是一種以


10、、拉坯 :將練好的胎泥置于轆轤車的轉盤中心,隨手法的屈伸收放拉制出坯體的大致模樣。4、修坯:對已干燥(或半干)的坯體,進行外型的修平、磨光、挖底、鉆眼等精修工作。分干修和濕修兩種。前者因干燥后的坯體含水分低,修坯時不易變形,但粉塵較大。后者坯體水分含量較高,修坯時粉塵較小,但掌握不好,坯體容易變形。5、曬坯:將加工成型的坯體擺放在木架上晾干。6、裝飾:美化瓷器的重要工序。一般是在瓷坯入窯前對其進行紋飾加工,以增強器物的審美效果。常見的裝飾技法有印花、刻花、劃花、鏤空、貼花、剔花、繪畫等。工具多為印模(或范)、毛筆、刻刀、劃針、剔刀等。除了釉上彩以外,其他裝飾均在施釉前進行。而印花則是在坯體半干

11、濕時進行。7、施釉:亦稱上釉、掛釉、罩釉等。指在陶瓷坯體表面施一層瓷土(或陶土)、助熔劑加水調和成的釉漿。這層釉漿經焙燒后即成為光亮、堅硬的釉層。古代施釉的方法有多種,早期通常為刷釉,漢以后多為蘸釉、蕩釉、澆釉。明清景德鎮(zhèn)窯部分瓷器施釉時采用噴釉、吹釉、輪釉等方法,器物釉層厚薄均勻。8、燒窯:是陶瓷制作的最后一道工序。分一次燒成和二次燒成(釉上彩瓷器)兩類。將陶瓷坯件裝入窯爐中焙燒,時間過程約一晝夜至三晝夜,溫度在11001300左右。焙燒時,陶瓷器的胎、釉發(fā)生一系列的物理變化和化學反應,使產品獲得所需要的強度、光澤、釉色和其他性能。第一部分 初見窯火陶器的起源與瓷器的濫觴(新石器三國兩晉南北

12、朝)陶瓷器的出現,與人們的日常生活有著密切的關系。我國目前發(fā)現最早的陶器碎片,距今已有一萬多年。陶器的發(fā)明,在人類發(fā)展史上具有劃時代的意義它是人類最早的化學革命,促進了農業(yè)的發(fā)展,以及人類定居生活的更加穩(wěn)定。商周時期,在黃河、長江中下游的廣大地區(qū)出現了原始瓷。最早的成熟瓷器是青釉瓷,出現在東漢時期的浙江地區(qū)。瓷器是我國人民的重要創(chuàng)造之一,豐富了人類的物質和文化生活。三國兩晉南北朝時期,戰(zhàn)亂頻仍。江南地區(qū)較之北方相對安定,因而瓷業(yè)得以較大發(fā)展。北方地區(qū)的瓷業(yè)則發(fā)展相對緩慢。這一時期的陶瓷器型日漸增多,大量流行隨葬用的陶明器,并出現了釉彩裝飾瓷器。Part One Origin (From the

13、 Neolithic Age to the Southern and Northern Dynasties)The emergence of pottery and porcelain had a close relationship with daily life.At present, pottery fragments dating back to more than 10,000 years ago are regarded as the earliest pottery found in China. As a significant epoch-making creation, p

14、ottery brought human beings the earliest chemical revolution, which promoted the development of agriculture and made life settlement more stable.Proto-porcelain was first made in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties .The earliest green glazed

15、porcelain was first made in the Zhejiang area in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Porcelain is one of important creations of Chinese people. During the Three Kingdoms, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties, in contrast to the frequent wars and turbulence in the north of China, the stable social environme

16、nt in the south of China helped the ceramic industry develop well. At this time, more shapes of pottery and porcelain were made .Funeral pottery objects were popular .Color glazed porcelain was made.*1、馬家窯類型四山字紋彩陶缽 新石器時代(約1萬年4千年前)馬家窯文化是黃河上游地區(qū)新石器時代晚期,因最先發(fā)現于甘肅臨洮馬家窯而得名,主要分馬家窯、半山、馬廠三期。馬家窯文化陶器胎體多為細泥紅陶,其彩

17、陶常見紋飾有弦紋、波紋、旋渦紋、網紋、圓圈紋等。這件展品為馬家窯類型中較為精美的器物,年代約為公元前3300前2900年。四山字紋在戰(zhàn)國至西漢時期青銅鏡上較多見,而在新石器時代陶器上十分罕見。Painted pottery bowl, Majiayao Culture Neolithic Age (about 4000 to 10000 years ago)The Majiayao Culture, located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in the late Neolithic Age, is named for its being

18、 first unearthed in the Majiayao, Lintao ,Gansu .Most pottery wares of the culture were red clay bodies with bow string pattern, whorl design and running-spiral design ,etc.This fine bowl represents the high workmanship of the culture.2、馬家窯類型雙耳彩陶壺 新石器時代(約1萬年4千年前) Painted pottery pot with two ears, M

19、ajiayao CultureNeolithic Age (about 4000 to 10000 years ago)#3、半山類型雙耳葉紋彩陶壺 新石器時代(約1萬年4千年前) 半山類型陶器為馬家窯文化晚期的一個類型,年代約公元前2900前2350年。其紋飾較復雜,動感強烈,以紅彩和黑彩兩色相間的鋸齒紋為骨架構成各種圖案。常見的圖案有水波紋、漩渦紋、菱形網紋、方格紋、蛙紋和附加堆紋等。Painted pottery pot with design of leaves, Banshan CultureNeolithic Age (about 4000 to 10000 years ago)T

20、he Banshan Culture is a late phase of the Majiayao Culture at about 2900 to 2350 BC. Pottery of the Culture was designed with complicated patterns, such as wave design, whorl design, running-spiral design, rhomboid mesh design and trellis pattern, etc.*4、半山類型五圓圈紋雙耳彩陶罐 新石器時代(約1萬年4千年前) Painted pottery

21、 jar with double ears, Banshan CultureNeolithic Age (about 4000 to 10000 years ago)*5、半山類型葉紋雙耳長頸壺 新石器時代(約1萬年4千年前)Long-necked pot with double ears, Banshan CultureNeolithic Age (about 4000 to 10000 years ago)6、半山類型雙耳圓圈紋彩陶壺 新石器時代(公元前3300公元前2050) Painted pottery pot with double ears, Banshan CultureNeo

22、lithic Age (3300- 2050 B.C.)7、馬廠類型雙耳蛙紋彩陶壺 新石器時代(公元前3300公元前2050) 馬廠類型是馬家窯文化最晚期的一個類型,年代約公元前2350公元前2050年。其陶器紋飾的特點是用很寬的黑邊紫紅條帶構成圓圈紋、螺旋紋、變體蛙紋、波折紋等。或用黑色或紅色單線畫出波折紋、菱形紋、編織紋和變體蛙紋等。馬廠類型的彩陶,是半山類型的繼續(xù)與發(fā)展,品種類型繁多,如提梁罐、鴨形壺、彩陶鼓、人像彩陶壺等。Painted pottery pot with double ears, Machang Culture Neolithic Age (3300 - 2050 B.

23、C.)The Machang Culture is the last phase of the Majiayao Culture at about 2350 to 2050 BC. Painted pottery of the Machang Culture was the continue and development of the Banshan Culture. There were many kinds and shapes of pottery wares, such as jar with over-top handle, duck-shaped pot, painted pot

24、tery drum, painted pottery pot in shape of figure.8、山東龍山文化白陶鬲 新石器時代(公元前2500公元前2000)White pottery Li (cauldron for cooking meat and cereals), Longshan CultureNeolithic Age (2500 - 2000 B.C.)*9、陶爵 商(約公元前1611世紀)Pottery Jue (goblet) Shang Dynasty (16th 11th century B.C.)*10、繩紋陶罐 商(約公元前1611世紀)Pottery jar

25、 with rope pattern Shang Dynasty (16th 11th century B.C.)*11、素陶鬲 西周(約公元前11世紀前771年)Pottery Li (cauldron for cooking meat and cereals)Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century B.C. 771 B.C.)12、原始青瓷雙耳獸首鼎 戰(zhàn)國(公元前476221年) 所謂原始青瓷,就是指各方面都接近瓷器的標準,胎體具備瓷石加高嶺土的成分,經過人工施釉,用1200高溫燒制而成。原始青瓷的出現,是我國陶器向瓷器飛躍的過渡階段。Proto-celado

26、n Ding (tripod for cooking meat and cereals) decorated with animal headWarring States Period (476 B.C. 221)The so-called proto-celadon approaches to the standards of porcelain in all aspects. It was fired under the temperature of 1200 after being glazed. Proto-celadon is the transition from pottery

27、to porcelain in China13. 綠釉陶犬 東漢(25-220)Green glazed pottery dogEastern Han Dynasty (25 220)*14、彩繪獸面紋帶蓋陶鈁 東漢(25-220) 古代明器。泥質陶制品,器型仿青銅式樣,方腹外鼓,方圈足外侈,方頂蓋。陶鈁為戰(zhàn)國、西漢年間開始流行,西漢晚期產量增多,東漢以后逐漸消失。Painted pottery Fang (rectangular pot) Eastern Han Dynasty (25 220)This article was a typical funeral object in anci

28、ent times in style of bronze ware. It was popular in the Warring States Period and the Western Han Dynasty, made on large scale in the late Western Han Dynasty and had died away gradually since the Eastern Han Dynasty. *15、綠釉凸獸紋陶壺 東漢(25-220) 這是一件漢代的典型器物,因為久埋地下而使綠釉氧化成銀色,又稱銀釉。漢代發(fā)明了低溫鉛釉工藝,為后代各種低溫釉的出現奠定

29、了基礎。鉛釉以氧化鉛為助溶劑,燒成溫度約在700左右,主要著色劑是銅和鐵,銅使釉呈現出美麗的翠綠色,鐵使釉顯黃色和棕紅色。低溫綠釉陶器在全國發(fā)現的范圍很廣,以河南、河北、山西、陜西、甘肅等省為最多Green glazed pottery pot with design of animals in reliefEastern Han Dynasty (25 220)This pot was a typical pottery made in the Han Dynasty. Green glaze or silver glaze was oxidized into silver because

30、of having been buried for a long time. Thanks to the invention of lower-temperature plumbic-glazed technique in the Han Dynasty, lower-temperature green glazed pottery wares were popular all over China, especially in Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi16、青褐釉盤口壺 東漢(25 220)Bluish brown glazed pot Eastern Ha

31、n Dynasty (25 220)17、綠釉通花陶熏爐 東漢(25-220) Green glazed pottery incense burner figured on both sidesEastern Han Dynasty (25 220)18、青釉印花盤口壺 西晉 (265-316) Celadon pot with stamped decorationWestern Jin Dynasty (265 316)19、青釉虎子 西晉 (265-316) 虎子,古代盛水器,一說是便器,因其形似臥虎而得名。繭形器身,圓筒形器口,外壁模印虎頭,虎背裝半環(huán)行提梁,器身陰刻虎腿結構,下裝四伏臥

32、虎爪。通體施不均勻的青黃色釉?;⒆恿餍杏跐h至南北朝時期。該器為西晉典型之物。Celadon water containerWestern Jin Dynasty (265 316)It is a water container or chamber pot in shape of a lying tiger, popular from the Han Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties. This is a typical one made in the Western Jin Dynasty.20、青釉雞頭壺 西晉 (265-316)

33、 雞首壺,西晉時壺頸低矮,雞頭小而無流,后端為一小雞尾;東晉時壺身、壺頸都比西晉的略高,雞頭高起可做流水使用,后端可為執(zhí),使用性明顯高于前朝;南北朝時期,雞頭壺壺身、壺頸明顯高于前朝,雞頭高高昂起,似正在打鳴的公雞,雞冠美麗,后端的執(zhí)高于壺口,為龍柄形。Celadon chicken-spout ewerWestern Jin Dynasty (265 316)Chicken-spout ewer made in the Western Jin Dynasty is lower at spout with small chicken head and tail. The body and sp

34、out of a chicken-spout ewer made in the Eastern Jin Dynasty are higher and more practical than the ones made in the Western Jin Dynasty. The body and spout of chicken-spout ewer made in the Southern and Northern Dynasties are higher than the ones made in the prior dynasties. *21、青灰釉印方格紋洗 西晉 (265-316

35、)Bluish gray glazed basin Western Jin Dynasty (265 316)22、青釉蛙形水注 東晉(317-420) Celadon water dropper in shape of frogEastern Jin Dynasty (317 420)*23、青釉臥獸水注 東晉(317-420)Celadon water dropper Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 420)*24、青釉點褐彩雙耳罐 東晉(317-420) Celadon jar with brown splashesEastern Jin Dynasty (317 42

36、0)25、釉堆貼人物鳥獸谷倉 東晉(317-420) 谷倉又稱魂瓶,流行于三國、兩晉至唐代的器物,由東漢五連罐演變而來。五連罐是中間有一大罐,四周四個小罐,腹間互不連通。西晉的谷倉堆塑,頂部樓閣,器身堆塑各種人物、瑞獸、飛禽。腹壁貼塑不同造型的人物。通體施青釉,底無釉,淺灰胎。該件谷倉具有典型的西晉風格。Model of granary with embossed decoration of figures, birds and beastsEastern Jin Dynasty (317 420)Pottery granary was a funeral object, which was

37、popular in the Three Kingdoms, the Western and Eastern Jin Dynasties, and the Tang Dynasty. This model was typical 26、青釉雞首壺 東晉(317-420) Celadon chicken-spout ewerEastern Jin Dynasty (317 420)*27、青釉劃花大圓盤 南朝(420-589)Celadon plate with incised floral designSouthern Dynasties (420 589)*28、青釉點彩單把缽 南朝(420

38、-589)Celadon bowl with colored splashesSouthern Dynasties (420 589)*29、黃釉劃花兩系水丞 南朝(420-589)Yellow glazed water container with incised floral designSouthern Dynasties (420 589)*30、黃釉陶盤 南朝(420-589)Yellow glazed pottery plateSouthern Dynasties (420 589)*31、黃釉三足洗 南朝(420-589)Yellow glazed basinSouthern D

39、ynasties (420 589)*32、青釉瓶 南朝(420-589)Celadon vaseSouthern Dynasties (420 589)*33、青釉虎子 南朝(420-589)Celadon water container Southern Dynasties (420 589)*34、青釉燈 南朝(420-589)Celadon lampSouthern Dynasties (420 589)*35、青釉格型洗 南朝(420-589)Celadon basin with check designSouthern Dynasties (420 589)陶與瓷:陶與瓷的區(qū)別陶的



42、文化等等。常見器物有飲食器、盛儲器、汲水器等。紋飾圖案主要包括植物花紋和幾何形線條。第二部分 瓷國崛起陶瓷的發(fā)展期(隋唐五代宋遼金)唐宋時期迎來了我國陶瓷業(yè)的第一個發(fā)展高峰。隋唐的統(tǒng)一,促進了經濟的繁榮、民族的融合和中外經濟文化的交流,也帶來了制瓷業(yè)的迅猛發(fā)展。除了以越窯青瓷與邢窯白瓷為代表的“南青北白”以外,三彩陶器、絞胎瓷器和彩繪瓷器,以及黃、黑、綠、花等釉色瓷也有所發(fā)展。在工藝上,匣缽的廣泛應用,大大提高了產品的質量。宋代是我國陶瓷業(yè)突飛猛進的發(fā)展時期。如脂似玉的青釉瓷器,在釉色方面為陶瓷美學開辟了一個新的境界。著名的汝、官、哥、定、鈞五大名窯體系,與磁州窯系、景德鎮(zhèn)窯系,龍泉青瓷系、遼

43、金陶瓷等等,共同構成了這一時期瓷業(yè)的繁榮。從九世紀起,我國陶瓷大量輸出國外,遠銷至東亞、東南亞、非洲東海岸等地區(qū)。Part Two Development (From the Sui to the Jin Dynasties)In the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak.In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, unity promoted prosperity of economy, national integration and foreign e

44、conomic and cultural exchanges as well as rapid development of ceramic industry. Besides celadon wares made in the Yue Kiln ,white porcelain made in the Xing Kiln ,which were representatives of “green in the south and white in the north”, tricolor pottery , twisted glazed porcelain and painted porce

45、lain as well as yellow ,black, green and painted glazed porcelain had well developed. Technique had greatly been enhanced.In the Song Dynasty, ceramic industry developed rapidly, opening up a new realm for ceramic aesthetics in pained glaze. Five famous kilns systems, such as the Ru Kiln, official k

46、ilns, the Ge Kiln, the Ding Kiln and the Jun Kiln, as well as systems of the Cizhou Kiln, Jingdezhen Kiln, Longquan Kiln, and porcelain made in the Liao and Jin Dynasties, etc. formed the prosperity of ceramic industry in the period.Since the 9th century, Chinese ceramics has exported on a large sca

47、le to East Asia, Southeast Asia and the east coast of Africa.1、青釉三獸足龍柄鐎斗 隋(581619) 板沿口,折腰,扁圓腹,平底,三獸蹄足,足較高長。龍首為提梁,全器滿施青釉,造型美觀,制作精細。鐎斗又稱“刁斗”,盛行于漢、晉,與同期的青銅器形制相同。出土時多伴有火盆并擱置于火盆中,說明用途為溫食炊具,軍旅多用之。唐詩有“行人刁斗風沙暗”之句。Celadon cooking utensil Sui Dynasty (581 619)This kind of utensil was popular in the Han and Ji

48、n Dynasties, used for warming food in the army.2、青釉四耳蓋罐 隋(581619)Celadon covered jar with four earsSui Dynasty (581 619)#3、青釉四耳罐 隋(581619)Celadon jar with four earsSui Dynasty (581 619)4、鞏縣窯絞胎釉陶小方枕 唐(618-907)枕作方形,抹角,前低后高,后壁有一小孔,通體用綠、黑兩色胎泥絞出裝飾紋飾,施綠色釉。絞胎是唐代出現的新的裝飾技法,是借鑒于漆器犀毗工藝而來,宋以后不多見。此類器物以杯、碗、三足小盤、長

49、方形小枕等為常見。燒制的窯口有唐代河南鞏縣窯、宋代河南修武當陽峪、寶豐清涼寺等。Pottery pillow with the twisted colored body, Gongxian wareTang Dynasty (618 907)Twisted colored body was a new decorated technique in the Tang Dynasty and had seldom been seen since the Song Dynasty. Cups, bowls, small plates with three legs and rectangular p

50、illows were usually decorated with twisted colored body in the Gongxian Kiln in the Tang Dynasty and the Dangyangyu Kiln and the Qingliangsi Kiln in the Song Dynasty.5、越窯青釉葵瓣口碗 唐(618-907)碗淺腹,花瓣口,玉璧底。里外施青釉,有細小開片。底足露胎,見殘留墊餅痕。胎灰白,碗心刻花卉,此器物為典型唐代越窯茶盞之一。越窯是我國燒瓷歷史最早的瓷窯之一,窯址在浙江余姚、上虞、紹興一帶,燒瓷時間為漢至宋。唐、五代時越窯形成獨

51、特的風格,成為南方最著名的青瓷窯。Celadon bowl, Yue wareTang Dynasty (618 907)This is one of typical tea bowls made in the Yue Kiln in the Tang Dynasty. The Yue Kiln, located in Yuyao, Shangyu and Shaoxing of Zhejiang Province, is one of the earliest porcelain kilns in China. The kiln was used to make porcelain from

52、 the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. During the Tang and Five Dynasties, it formed a unique feature and became the most famous celadon kiln in the south of China.#6、越窯葵瓣口碗 唐(618907)Bowl, Yue wareTang Dynasty (618 907)7、河南登豐曲河窯綠釉絞胎小方枕 唐(618-907)Green glazed pillow with the twisted colored body, Quhe

53、 ware, Henan Tang Dynasty (618 907)8、三彩鎮(zhèn)墓獸 唐(618907)Tricolor pottery tomb animalTang Dynasty (618 907)9、三彩文立俑 唐(618907)Tricolor pottery tomb figurine Tang Dynasty (618 907)10、三彩武士俑 唐(618907)俑頭戴盔,身穿武士甲,鎖眉睜目,高鼻闊口,滿臉胡須,右手握拳于胸前,左手叉腰,雙腳踏臥牛,三彩武士俑是唐代貴族墓中的陪葬品,用以顯示死者生前的顯赫地位。Tricolor pottery figurine of warri

54、orTang Dynasty (618 907)Ttricolor pottery figurine of warrior was a funeral object of noble tombs of the Tang Dynasty, representing the celebrated position of the deceased.11、三彩釜 唐(618907)Tricolor pottery cauldronTang Dynasty (618 907)12、河南黃道窯黑釉雙耳罐 唐(618907)口外卷,短頸,平底。肩間兩側貼拱形耳內外施黑釉,外釉不到底,釉色勻凈溫潤,有細小黃點

55、。底露灰黃胎,露胎處見批削痕,此罐為唐代河南郟縣黃道窯器物。黃道窯為唐至元代瓷窯,唐代生產黑釉、黃釉、黑釉花瓷等品種;宋代有白釉綠彩器;元代器物有磁州窯風格的白地黑花、鈞釉器等。Black glazed jar with two ears, Huangdao ware, HenanTang Dynasty (618 907)Huangdao Kiln had been used to make porcelain from the Tang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. Black and yellow glazed porcelain was made in it

56、 in the Tang Dynasty. Porcelain in green family was made in it in the Song Dynasty. Porcelain with decoration in style of the Cizhou Kiln or the Jun Kiln was made in it in the Yuan Dynasty.13、河南魯山窯黑釉加彩罐 唐(618907)Black glazed jar with added color, Lushan ware, Henan Tang Dynasty (618 907)14、長沙窯褐綠瓜棱壺

57、唐(618907)壺的腹部貼胡服雜技人物紋及武士人物紋,上覆蓋大片斑狀褐彩,突出堆貼圖案裝飾效果?;野滋ィ|較細膩,通體施青黃色釉,釉不及足,有冰裂紋開片。貼塑裝飾是長沙窯瓷器的特色之一,出現在中唐偏晚期,題材有人物、鳥獸、花葉、椰棗、雙魚等。Brownish green glazed pot, Changsha ware, Hunan Tang Dynasty (618 907)Applied floral design was one of features of the Changsha Kiln in the middle and late Tang Dynasty with desi

58、gn of figure, bird and beast, flower leaves, date palm and double-fish, etc.15、河南西關窯綠釉雙耳葫蘆瓶 唐(618907)小口,葫蘆身,餅形足,腰間裝三并條拱形耳,上部和中部印雙弦紋一周,通體施綠釉稍泛黃,底無釉,胎呈灰黃色。為唐代河南密縣西關窯產品。西關窯創(chuàng)燒于唐、終于宋,燒制白釉、黃釉、青釉、黑釉及珍珠地劃花等品種。Green glazed gourd-shaped vase, Xiguan ware, HenanTang Dynasty (618 907)Xiguan Kiln was used to mak

59、e porcelain from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. White, yellow, celadon, black glazed porcelain and porcelain with incised floral design over a pearl-pattern ground were made in it.16、邢窯白釉罐 唐(618907)White glazed jar, Xing wareTang Dynasty (618 907)17、邢窯白釉碗 唐(618907)碗撇口,淺腹,玉璧底,通體施白釉至足。外壁施白釉不均處,

60、似流趟的淚痕,此物是唐代河北邢窯典型白瓷產品。邢窯是唐代重要瓷窯,所產白瓷被譽為“類銀”、“類雪”,不僅廣銷國內,還遠銷至埃及、西亞等地。White glazed bowl, Xing wareTang Dynasty (618 907)This type of bowl was typical made in the Xing Kiln. The Xing Kiln was a main porcelain kiln in the Tang Dynasty. White glazed porcelain made in the kiln was regarded to be “as whit


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