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1、廈門大學(xué)2010年翻譯碩士英語考研真題試卷科目:211翻譯碩士英語MTI考研迅速提分材料 認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)可以得到400分 搞定一切學(xué)校文章來源: HYPERLINK http:/ http:/ 整理:博文MTI(專業(yè)學(xué)位) 科目代碼:211 科目名稱:翻譯碩士英語 專業(yè)領(lǐng)域:翻譯碩士 考生須知:答題必須使用黑(藍(lán))色墨水(圓珠)筆;不得在試題(草稿)紙上作答;凡未按規(guī)定作答均不予評閱、判分。 Part I. Grammar and VocabularyA. Proofreading (total of 10 points,1 point for each error corrected)The fo

2、llowing paragraphs contain 10 errorsEach indicated line contains ONE errorIn each case,only ONE word is involvedYou should proofread the paragraph and correct it in the following way:For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one inthe blank provided at the end of the lineFor a

3、 missing word mark the position of the missing word with a“”signand write the word you believe to be missing in theblank provided at the end of the lineFor an unnecessary word cross the unnecessary word with a slash“”and put theword in the blank provided at the end of the lineEXAMPLEWhenan museum wa

4、nts a new exhibit, (1) anit never buys things in finished form and bangs (2) neverthem on the wallWhen a natural history museum wants an exhibition it must often build it (3) exhibitAlthough cosmetic surgery (and non-surgically cosmetic (1)procedures,such as Botox injections)sometimes produce negati

5、veoutcomesmedia often highlights surgery“disasters”一 (2)in the most partthe health risk for cosmetic procedures (3)is low and patient satisfaction is highOften,people who have beenhobbled by poor body image all of their lifewalk away from (4)cosmetic surgery in confidence and the motivation to lead

6、(5)healthier livesIn additionreconstructive surgery for burning (6)and accident victims or to those disfigured from disease restore (7)self-esteem and wellbeing in the way that other therapy cannot (8)In my professional opinionit is a time for members of the (9)medical community to examine the benef

7、its and results ofcosmetic surgery with prejudice and jealousy (10)BChoose the word or phrase that can be used to replace the underlined part in each sentence(total of 10 points,0.5 point for each question).1Because noises modulate radiofrequency,radio stations use a band of frequencies to prevent i

8、nterference with other stationsAgovern Badapt Ctemper Drenovate2A fossil is a remnant of a once-living organismAbone Bsolvent Cpicture Dvestige3 When squashed the stem and leaves of the jewelweed exude a juice that will soothe some skin irritationsAboiled Baged Ccrushed Dchopped4The legislative fili

9、buster is a parliamentary tactic designed to delay or prevent action by the majorityAtradition Brule Cobservance Dmaneuver5Ocean waves can cut imposing cliffs along coastlinesAimmobile Bimpermeable Cimpressive Dimaginative6Mergers may be effected to revive or rejuvenate failing businesses by the inf

10、usion of new management and personnelAinspection Bintroduction Cevaluation D. concentration7A fable is a didactic tale focused on a single character trailAan authentic B. a muddied Can instructive Dan old-fashioned8The compact dictionaries published in recent years are not as unwieldy as some of the

11、 older editionsAcomplete Btiresome Creliable Dcumbersome9Author Kmhefine Sherwood McDowell had a knack for converting almost every experience into marketable proseAan aptitude for Ban obsession with Can alternative to Da purpose for10South Carolinas mineral resources are abundant,but not all of them

12、 can be lucratively minedAprofitably Bsafely Ceasily D. extensively11Ravaged by pollution and war, many famous monuments have become eroded and stained.Adiscolored Bdismembered Cdisplaced Ddistinctive12Orioles are arboreal birds, and when they descend to the ground,it is mainly to gather nest materi

13、alsAterritorial Btree-dwelling Cconsummate Dgrumpy13Louisa May Alcotts novel Little Women,which recounts the experiences of the four March sisters during the American Civil war,is largely autobiographicalApraises Bnarrates Cexaggerates Dclassifies14Fertilizer applied to soil can replace depleted nut

14、rientsAorganic Bacidic Cexhausted Ddesirable15Galena, the chief ore of lead,is a brittle mineral with a metallic lusterAhazel Bdense Cbreakable Dsparking16In Hawaii,endemic birds,such as the omao and the apapane,dwell in the volcanic highlands and tropical rain forestsAalluring Baquatic Cgraceful D.

15、 native17Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.Adetermined Bargued Chypothesized Dgriped18Pocahonta,a seventeenth century Powhatan Indian,went to the Jamestown colony as her fathers emissaryAward Battendant C,messenger Dtranslator19Neon lig

16、ht is utilized in airport beacons because it can permeate fogApass through Btransmit Csuspend Dbreak up20Alexander Woollcotts flamboyant personality combined sharpness of wit with sentimentality.Adevious Bhumorous Csingular DshowyC. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence(total o

17、f 10 points,0.5 point for each question)1The form and physiology of leaves vary according to the in which they develop:for example,leaves display a wider range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture.A. relationship Bsequence Cpatterns Denvironment2Since most,if not all,learning Oc

18、curs through ,relating one observation to another,it would be strange indeed if the study of other cultures did not also illuminate the study of our ownAassumptions Bexperiments Ccomparisons Drepetitions3He had expected gratitude for his disclosure,but instead he encountered bordering on hostilityAp

19、atience Bdiscretion Cineptitude Dindifference4Although Simpson was ingenious at to appear innovative and spontaneous,beneath the ruse he remained uninspired and rigid in his approach to problem-solvingAintending Bcontriving Cforbearing Ddeclining5Because modem scientists find the ancient Greek view

20、of the cosmos outdated and irrelevant,they now perceive it as only of interestAhistorical Bintrinsic Cexperimental Dsuperfluous6In spite of the increasing of their opinions,the group knew they had to arrive at a consensus so that the award could be presentedAimpartiality Bjudiciousness Cpolarity D.

21、consistency7Ironically,the proper use of figurative language must be based on the denotative meaning of the wordsbecause it is the failure to recognize this meaning that leads to mixed metaphors and their attendant incongruityAesoteric Bliteral Gallusive Dsymbolic8Although any destruction of vitamin

22、s caused by food irradiation could be the use of diet supplements,there may be no protection from carcinogens that some fear might be introduced into foods by the processAcounterbalanced by B. attributed to Caugmented with Dstimulated by9Data concerning the effects on a small population of high conc

23、entrations of a potentially hazardous chemical are frequently used to the effects on a large population of lower amounts of the same chemicalAverify Bredress Cpredict Drealize10Early critics of Emily Dickinsons poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she construct

24、ed with such Aastonishment Bvexation Callusion Dcunning11After a slow sales start early in the year,mobile homes have been gaining favor asto increasingly expensive conventional housingAa reaction Ban addition Can introduction Dan alternative12Although adolescent maturational and developmental state

25、s occur in an orderly sequence,their timing with regard to onset and durationAlasts Bvaries Cfalters Daccelerates13Psychology has slowly evolved into an scientific discipline that now functions autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciencesAindependent Bunusual Coutmode

26、d Duncontrolled14Noting the murder victims flaccid musculature and pear-like figure,she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some occupationAtreacherous Bill-paying Cillegitimate Dsedentary15The discovery that,friction excluded,all bodies fall at the same rate is so simple to

27、 state and to grasp that there is a tendency to its significanceAunderrate Breassess Cpraise Deliminate16The painting was larger than it appeared to be,for hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel,it was by the perspectiveAimproved Bdiminished Cembellished Djeopardized17Because folk art is neither

28、 completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians,their final evaluations of it necessarily remain .Aarbitrary Bestimable Cequivocal Dorthodox18Although economists have traditionally considered the district to be solely an agricultural one,the of the inhabitants occupations makes su

29、ch a classification obsoleteAproductivity Bdiversity Cpredictability Dprofitability19Although specific concerns may determine the intent of a research project,its results are often .Aunanticipated Bbeneficial Cspectacular Dspecialized20The notion that a parasite can alter the behavior of a host orga

30、nism is not mere fiction;indeed,the phenomenon is not even Aobservable Breal Ccomprehended DrarePart II. Reading ComprehensionRead each of the following passagesChoose the most appropriate from the four choices to complete the sentence or answer the questionAnswer the question or write a summary as

31、is required(total of 40 points,2 points for each question)Passage ANotation gave western music a means of written recordbut at first only for a kind of music,chant,that was believed to have originated half a millennium and more in the pastto be effectively,agelessEarly medieval chants sprang from th

32、e whole time of eternal sameness,which they so readily conveyand similarly there was no measure of the time within themthe rhythmThen measure cameAnd with it came the first identifiable composers and precisely datable worksWhere chant was of a piece with other musical traditions in being self-suffic

33、ient melody,working within a modal system,belonging to no creator(but to God)and designed for worship,the new music of the twentieth century opened a distinctively western pathThe measuring of time was the beginning not only of rhythmic notationknown,far beyond Europe,to the Indian theorist Sarngade

34、va in the first half of the thirteenth centurybut also of music involving coordination among singers carrying different melodies,of polyphonyThis,too,was by no means confined to the wedge of land between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic:the gamelan music of Bali,a tradition independent of Europe,i

35、s comparable with early western polyphony in its superposition of different time streams,fast and slow,while the music of many sub-Saharan African peoples often piles up dissimilar rhythmic layers in ways foreign to Europe outside certain special repertories(fourteenth-century song and some music si

36、nce 1950)But,from the twelfth century to the fifteenth,polyphony in the west gradually moved away from the repetitive structures that were retained on Bali or in central Africa as Europeans discovered how harmony could result in continuous flowThe source,as of so much in western culture,was a misund

37、erstanding of classical Greek knowledge,again acquired through BoethiusHe had nothing to say about harmony in the sense of chords,but he conveyed a Geek satisfaction in the primacy of the octave and the fifth,which medieval musicians took as models of consonance(theeuphonious combining notes)Just as

38、 essential were dissonant combinations,lacking euphony,for these would intensify the need for consonanceA dissonance placed immediately before a final consonance would produce a firmly conclusive endinga cadence,such as became an essential of western musicExtending back from the cadence,the forces o

39、f harmony,marshaled through relationships between each chord and the next,could amplify the directional sense already present in the melodythe sense of movement towards a resting point on the last noteThus time measured became time decisively having a goal,and music could emulate the progress in eve

40、ry human soul towards eternityMusic mirrored,too,how time generally was being toldGuidos staff notation came roughly when water clocks were reintroduced from Byzantium and Islam,enabling monks to know when a service was due from the level reached by water slowly filling a vesselThus reading,whether

41、of a chantbook or a water gauge,substituted for memory and intuitionExact synchrony between music and time was lost a little when clockwork mechanisms appeared in the mid-thirteenth century,half a century later than the gear-driven music produced at Notre Dame in ParisHowever,the perfection of hour-

42、chiming with hour-chiming capabilities,in the astronomical clock made by Richard Wallingford for StAlbans Abbey(1 32736),strikingly coincided with the perfection of rhythmic notation that spread from Paris and gave music its own machinery of time lengthsChoose the most appropriate from the four choi

43、ces to answer the question or complete the sentence1. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for this passage?AThe Development of Rhythm BTime MeasuredCNotation and Time DMusic and Civilization2It can be inferred from the passage that before notation appeared Amusic was always renewed

44、and could last only as long as memoryBmusic presented people with three times at once:the now in which they heard it,the then in which it was made,and the further then of when the piece was composedCpolyphony had already been developed to such a degree that different melodies carried by different si

45、ngers could form a coordinated harmonyDmusic mostly was not improvised and was not dated with precision3The author would most likely consider Western musician the music of non-Western cultures as .Arespectively revolutionary and conservativeBequal but distinctCboth homogeneous and heterogeneousDillu

46、strative of advancement and backwardness4The passage states that Amusic and civilization complement each other and contradict each otherBrhythmic notation appeared because human beings could tell time in a new wayCnotation appeared when musical works were 130 longer anonymous and nondatableDthe appe

47、arance of rhythmic notation manifests a new stage of human beings quantitative method of thoughtWrite a summary5Summarize the passage in 4 or 5 sentencesPassage BFrench toys:One could not find a better illustration of the fact that the adult Frenchman, sees the child as another selfAll the toys one

48、commonly sees are essentially a microcosm of the adult world;they are all reduced copies of human objects,as if in the eyes of the public the child Was,all told,nothing but a smaller man,a homunculus to whom must be supplied objects of his own sizeInvented forms are very rare:a few sets of blocks,wh

49、ich appeal to the spirit of doityourself,are the only ones which offer dynamic formsAs for the others,F(xiàn)rench toys always mean something,and this something is always entirely socialized,constituted by the myths or the techniques of modern adult life:the army,broadcasting,the post office,medicine(mini

50、ature instrument-cases,operating theaters for dolls),school,hair styling(driers for permanent-waving),the air force(parachutists),transport(trains,Citrons,Vedettes,Vespas,petrol stations),science(Martian toys)The fact that French toys literally prefigure the world of adult functions obviously cannot

51、 but prepare the child to accept them all,by constituting for him,even before he can think about it,the alibi of a Nature which has at all times created soldiers,postmen,and VespasToys here reveal the list of all the things the adult does not find unusual:war,bureaucracy,ugliness,Martians,etc,It is

52、not so much,in fact,the imitation which is the sign of an abdication,as its literalness:French toys ale like a Jivaro head,in which one recognizes,shrunken to the size of an apple,the wrinkles and hair of an adultThere exist,for instance,dons which urinate;they have an esophagus,one gives them a bot

53、tle,they wet their nappies;soon,no doubt,milk will turn to water in their stomachsThis is meant to prepare the little girl for the causality of housekeeping,to“condition”her to her future role as motherHowever,faced with this world of faithful and complicated objects,the child can only identify hims

54、elf as owner,as user,never as creator;he does not invent the world,he uses it:There are,prepared for him,actions without adventure,without wonder,without joyHe is turned into a little stay-at-home householder who does not even have to invent the mainsprings of adult causality;they are supplied to hi

55、m readymade:He has only to help himself,he is never allowed to discover anything from start to finishThe merest set of blocks,provided it is not too refined,implies a very different learning of the world:Then,the child does not in any way create meaningful objects,it matters little to him whether th

56、ey have an adult name;the actions he performs are not those of a user hut those of a demiurgeHe creates forms which walk,which roll,he creates life,not property:Objects no,act by themselves,they are no longer an inert and complicated material in the palm of his handBut such toys are rather rare:Fren

57、ch toys are usually based on imitation,they are meant to produce children who are users,not creatorsThe bourgeois status of toys can be recognized not only in their forms,which are all functional,but also in their substancesCurrent toys are made of a graceless material,the product of chemistry,not o

58、f natureMany are now molded from complicated mixtures;the plastic material of which they are made has an appearance at once gross and hygienic,it destroys all the pleasure,the sweetness,the humanity of touchA sign which fills one with consternation is the gradual disappearance of wood,in spite of it

59、s being an ideal material because of its firmness and its softness,and the natural warmth of its touchWood removes,from all the forms which it supports,the wounding quality of angles which are too sharp,the chemical coldness of metalWhen the child handles it and knocks it,it neither vibrates nor gra

60、tes,it has a sound at once muffled and sharpIt is a familiar and poetic substance,which does not sever the child from close contact with the tree,the table,the floorWood does not wound or break down;it does not shatter,it wears out,it can last a long time,live with the child, alter little by little


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