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1、2021-2022學(xué)年中考英語模擬試卷考生須知:1全卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分,全部在答題紙上作答。選擇題必須用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題的答案必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆寫在“答題紙”相應(yīng)位置上。2請(qǐng)用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆在“答題紙”上先填寫姓名和準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)。3保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Because of the heavy traffic, it_ Gina an hour to get to the restaurant.Aspent Btook Cpaid Dcost2、- Why didnt you enjoy the conc

2、ert? - It was _ concert I had ever listened to.more wonderful Bless wonderful Cthe least wonderful Dthe most wonderful3、I called you last night, but there was no reply.Oh, sorry. I _ in the park at that time.Awas walkingBwalkedCam walking4、Linda, are you sure you want to _Helens invitation?Im afraid

3、 so. I have to look after my sister.Aturn downBfall downCcut downDdie down5、Excuse me, madam. Would you please the total cost of the trip?一All right, I will make it at once.Agive outBlook outCtake outDwork out6、My grandma dinner when I got home yesterday.Acooks Bwas cooking Cis cooking Dwill cook7、-

4、She stayed up late last night. She can hardly do more work now.- . I m too tired.ASo can I. BSo I canCNeither can I DNeither I can.8、Lily is _ shy girl, but shes good at playing _ guitar.Aan, theBa, theCa, /Dan, /9、 There are some flies (蒼蠅) here. They will _ diseases.Let me kill them.AspreadBfindCi

5、nvent10、 Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you,Dad? No,you_,sonYoure free to make your own decisionAcantBmustntCshouldntDneednt. 完形填空11、 Mary was ill, so she went to see 1 .“Doctor, Im not feeling 2 ,” said Mary. “Every time I do my homework, I feel 3 . If I go to school on foot, I ha

6、ve to sit down and 4 for a few times.”The doctor looked over her 5 . At last he said, “ 6 serious(嚴(yán)重的), but Im afraid you are eating too much.” “I dont understand. What do you mean(意思)?” asked Mary.“I mean you eat 7 food,” said the doctor.“Oh! You mean Im too 8 Thats a problem,” said Mary. “What sho

7、uld I do?”“The answer is easy,” said the doctor. “If you eat a lot of food and also do much 9 , you 10 thinner and healthier”1Aher motherBthe teacherCthe doctorDher friend2AterribleBillCgoodDwell3AhungryBthirstyCtiredDhappy4Astand upBlie downCeat foodDhave a rest5AcarelesslyBcarelessCcarefullyDcaref

8、ul6ASomethingBAnythingCEverythingDNothing7Atoo manyBmany tooCtoo muchDmuch too8AthinBhealthyCstressed outDheavy9AhouseworkBhomeworkCshoppingDexercise10AareBwillCwill beDshould. 語法填空12、Srikanth Bolla, 24 years old, is the first blind CEO in the world, who built a company valued at over $75 million. T

9、oday, he considers himself the 1 (lucky) man in the word, not only his 2 (succeed), but also for having great parents and friends who always stand by him.When Srikanth was born, some of his 3 (parent) friends and relatives them not to keep him, because it was difficult for a poor family 4 (raise) a

10、blind baby. But his parents didnt follow them. They decided to give Srikanth a positive, loving environment.Life was not easy for Srikanth. He had to face many challenges all his life. He 5 (refuse) by his village school. So he had to go to school for special children. He did very well in studies an

11、d also developed many hobbies such as chess and cricket. Later Srikanth found a teacher who was kind enough to turn all his lessons into audio clips, and helped him 6 his exams.7 high school was difficult for a blind student, Srikanth didnt give up. Instead, he worked very hard and tried his best to

12、 go to MT(麻省理工), and graduated from 8 university in 2012. After his graduation, he returned to India, and decided to start to a company 9 employed disabled people like him.Srikanth said, “Compassion(憐憫) is showing somebody the way to love and giving them the opportunity to grow up. If you do somethi

13、ng good, it 10 (come) back to you.”. 閱讀理解A13、Dear doctor,First Aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly ill, including self-help and home care if medical help cant be given in time. First aid knowledge means life or death during an emergent(緊急的)situation. So I wan

14、t to learn something important about general treatment to burns and heatstroke(中暑). Can you help me? JackDear Jack,Thank you for asking me some questions about first aid. I hope I can give you a hand.General Treatment to Burns: Move the injured away from the heat. Check the breathing as well as the

15、size and depth of burns. Wash the burnt area with water to reduce pain. Cover the wound with a sterilized(消毒的)dressing For burns on the face, use sheet or something else to cover the burnt area.Heatstroke:To avoid heatstroke, you should stop tiring activities in hot weather. If you still go outdoors

16、, you should: wear light loose-fitting(寬松的)clothing. rest in a cool place as often as possible; drink boiled water or fruit juice; avoid drinks such as milk, wine and beer. Doctor1First Aid is given .Awhen doctors arriveBbefore doctors arriveCafter doctors arriveDto patients in hospital2If someones

17、arm is burnt by a fire, you should .Acover his arms with some sheetBcut his arm off to get it away from the fireCcheck the size of his arm firstDput his arm under some running water3What should you do if you must go outdoors in hot weather?AWear close clothesBRest outdoors as often as possible,CDrin

18、k boiled water or fruit juice.DDrink milk, wine and beer.B14、Water pollution happens when waste things from many areas are thrown into rivers,lakes and seasAgricultureTo get more food,farmers use large amounts of chemicals(化學(xué)制品)When the chemicals are not completely used by the plants,they are washed

19、 away by the rainwater into rivers,lakes and seas,which pollute both surface water and underground waterIndustryFactories and industries oftenreleasepoisonous chemicals into seas,rivers or lakes,which is quite bad for Mother NatureAn example of industrial sea pollution happened in Japan in the 1950s

20、A local factory had poured waste water with mercury(水銀)into the Minamata Bay for 20 yearsTuna fish in the bay took in the mercury and people ate the tuna. Many children were born with birth deformities(畸形)As a result,people lost their,hearing and sight,and thousands of people died in the endSea tran

21、sportationWhen ships transporting oil get damaged on the way,oil spillage(溢出)happensOne major disaster was the Exxon Valdez oil spillAn oil tanker sink off Alaska in 1989 and leaked(泄漏)oil into the oceanTo save cost,some ships also poured unwanted oil from their engine rooms into the sea,thus pollut

22、ing the oceansHome activitiesIf the waste from the washing of clothes and dishes are not treated and poured into the sea,they will do harm to the sea lifeSome diseases may also spreadSometimes,rubbish is dumped into the sea1Farmers Use large amounts of chemicals to Ahave more foodBrelease poisonCpla

23、ntingDplant more crops2From the example in Paragraph 3we learn that Aeating tuna fish is sometimes a great dangerBwater pollution is a serious problem in JapanCfactories and industries should be closed in JapanDwater pollution can do great harm to peoples health4The underlined word“release”probably

24、means A釋放B吸收C生產(chǎn)D運(yùn)用5What is the best title for the passage?AIndustrial water pollutionBAgriculture water pollutionCReasons for water pollutionDWays to solve water pollutionC15、Last year, some groups of students in their community (社區(qū)) made a survey about “How do people spend their free time? ” The fo

25、llowing diagrams(圖表) show some results of it:Diagram (1): Hours for people of different ages who surf the Internet in a week.Diagram (2): Different days people go to the library. (libraryattendance)(%)Diagram (3): Different programs people like.1People aged spend the most time surfing the Internet e

26、very week.A716B1730C3155Dover 562The word “attendance” in Diagram (2) means “ in the library”.Athe hours people spendBthe number of peopleCthe number of booksDthe days people spend3How many people go to the library on Saturdays?AAbout 20%.BAbout 40%.COver 60%.DMore than 80%.4Which of the following i

27、s TRUE according to the diagrams?AThe fewest people like watching music programs.BSports are the most peoples favorite programs.CPeople seldom go to the library on weekdays.DHalf of the people like watching news and cartoons.5The three diagrams show us the results of a survey about .Awhat people do

28、every dayBpeoples different habitsCpeoples different lifestylesDhow people spend their free timeD16、A public primary school in the USA has stopped giving its students homework.Principal Jane Hsu wrote a letter to parents last month, explaining that after more than a year of analyzing (分析) studies, t

29、he school had decided that students after-school time would be better spent on activities like reading at their own pace (步伐) and playing instead of working on homework.Hsus letter says that many studies show that there is no connection between homework and academic (學(xué)業(yè)的) success. Some other studies

30、 also show that the connection between homework and success is dubious at the primary school level.Harris Cooper, a social psychologist who researches education, found that doing homework makes students perform better in school as they grew older. In later grades, students who did homework performed

31、 increasingly better than students who did not. In 2006, Cooper published a study that analyzed 15 years worth of data on the influence of homework. He found that homework had a good influence on students as they aged.Some parents are not happy with the decision to give up homework. “I think they sh

32、ould have homework. I want my daughter to have fun, but I also want her to be working towards a goal,” Daniel Tasman, the father of a second-grader at the school, said to the reporter.“Students have to do homework in order to gain. Students have to do homework because they may not be able to underst

33、and everything in school,” Sharon Blake, a students grandmother told ABC news.1Jane Hsu wrote a letter to parents to explain .Ahow students should read at their own paceBwhy the school gave up homework recentlyCwhat activities students could take at homeDhow important the homework is for students2Th

34、e word “dubious” in Paragraph 3 probably means “not ”.Areal Bpublic Cclear Dspecial3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ACooper found homework had a bad effect on students as they aged.BSome parents are worried about their children if there is no homework.CSome students are not h

35、appy with the decision to give up school homework.DDaniel Tasman wanted his daughter to have fun instead of working to a goalE17、 Do you want to have a special holiday?Have a look at our exciting activities and decide what kind of trips youd like.Active HolidaysIts for everyonepeople who love danger

36、 or who just like sports.We have many water,snow or desert activities.If you like water,you can dive in the Red Sea.If you prefer snow,you can try skiing or snowboarding in the Alps.For those who love warmer weather,we also have sand boarding or camel safaris(游獵).Culture JourneysOur cultural journey

37、s will help you discover ancient cultures such as India,Thailand and Egypt.Visit old temples,palaces and ancient ruins(遺跡).Just remember to bring your camera.You can get to know local ways of life by visiting markets,trying local food and meeting local people.Hiking ToursWe have hiking trips to famo

38、us places.You dont need to be too sporty.Just be quite fit.Youll have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new friends.You dont have to carry too many things.Instead,well send tents to you.Wildlife HolidaysWe organize small group tours to get closer to nature in Africa,Asia or South Africa.G

39、o on safari in Africa and watch lions and giraffes.Meet the famous turtles(海龜)of Galapagos Islands.Look for tigers in India,or take an elephant safari in Sri Lanka.We use local guides and stay in tents or tree houses.1You can do the following things during a cultural Journey EXCEPT .Avisiting an old

40、 templeBmeeting local peopleCvisiting marketsDtrying diving2During a Hiking Tour,the travelers .Aneed to carry tents themselvesBmust love sports very muchCmust be very healthyDmust be with their old friends3Which of the following is NOT true?AYou can see many animals in Wildlife Holidays.BHiking Tou

41、rs allow people to get close to nature.CYou can go skiing in Hiking Tours.DThey have sand boarding in deserts.F18、 Chinas Top Three Express Delivery Companies(快遞公司)Company nameS.F. ExpressExpress Mail ServiceYTO ExpressFounding Time March, 1993June, 2010May, 2000Headquarters locationShenzhenBeijingS

42、hanghaiBusiness areaInternational and domestic express servicesInternational and domestic mail express servicesExpress services and electronic businessExpress price (out of the province)20yuan/kg20yuan/kg12yuan/kgAdvantageBeing fast and safeCovering every corner of the countryHaving the whole-proces

43、s monitoring systemWord Box: headquarters 總部 domestic 國(guó)內(nèi)的 monitoring 監(jiān)控 根據(jù)表格所提供的信息選擇最佳答案。1The three express delivery companies above are the top three ones in _.Athe worldBChinaCAsia2Of all the three companies, Express Mail Service was founded _.AlatestBearliestCsecond3Both _ and _ have express business at home and abroad according to the form above.AS.F. Express, YTO ExpressBYTO Ex


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