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1、2022-2023學(xué)年中考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng):1答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)碼填寫(xiě)清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。2答題時(shí)請(qǐng)按要求用筆。3請(qǐng)按照題號(hào)順序在答題卡各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書(shū)寫(xiě)的答案無(wú)效;在草稿紙、試卷上答題無(wú)效。4作圖可先使用鉛筆畫(huà)出,確定后必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆描黑。5保持卡面清潔,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Look at this nice watch. Is it _, Daming?No, it isnt. Ask Betty, I think its _.Ayour; hersByours; h

2、ersCyour; herDyou; her2、 Look, Tom is still in the classroom. It be him. He left the school five minutes ago.AmustBmayCcant3、On the Internet, you can find the information of Ma Yun _ can help you finish the paper.AwhoBwhatCwhenDwhich4、The nurse wont leave her patients _ shes sure somebody else takes

3、 good care of them.Aif Bbecause Csince Dunless5、Sam,I called you yesterday,but you were not at home.Oh,I at my aunts.Aam Bwas Chave been Dwill be6、- _ you often go to school by bike?- Yes, but sometimes I go by bus when it rains.ADoBWillCHaveDAre7、Hello, is Lily at home?No, she _ with her friends in

4、 the park.AplaysBis playingCwas playingDplayed8、The ice hotel built in Canada is _snow and ice, so it doesnt last long.Acovered withBmade up ofCconnected toDprovided with9、Have you seen the movie Wolf Warriors II?Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world.

5、Aa; /Ba; theCan; theD/; the10、一Do you think the weather will be all right for a weekend outing?一No, unless were . The newspaper says itll be very hot anyway.AluckyBconfidentCwrongDcrazy. 完形填空11、One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become nervous unle

6、ss things went a certain way. Happiness was “ 1 the cookie”. If you had the cookie, things were good. If you didnt have the cookie, life wasnt worth 2 . Unfortunately, the cookie kept changing. Sometimes it was money, sometimes power, sometimes a new car. A year and a half 3 he had a cancer, he sits

7、 shaking his head, “Its like I stopped learning 4 to live after I was a kid. When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it breaks, he is 5 . But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. Its taken me this long to understand that the cookie will never make me happy for lo

8、ng. The 6 you have the cookie, you start to worry about it. You know, you have to 7 a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from breaking and be sure that no one takes it away from you. You may not even get a chance to eat it 8 you are so busy just trying not to lose it. Having the co

9、okie is not what life is about.”My patient 9 and says cancer has changed him. For the first time he is happy. No matter if his business is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. “Two years ago, cancer asked me, Okay, whats important? What is really important? Well, 10 is important

10、. Life any way you can have it, life with the cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie; it has to do with being alive. Before, who made the time?” He pauses(停頓) thoughtfully. “Damn(該死), I guess life is the cookie.1Acooking Bbuying Cmaking Dhaving2Aevery

11、thing Banything Cnothing Dsomething3Abefore Bafter Cwhen Dsince4Ahow Bwhere Cwhich Dwhen5Aexcited Bbored Csurprised Dunhappy6Aplace Bway Cminute Dreason7Alook up Bsend up Cgive up Dset up8Abecause Bso Cand Dbut9Acries Blaughs Cworries Dshouts10Alife Bcookie Ccancer Dtime. 語(yǔ)法填空12、A man was walking th

12、rough a large city. On a street corner,he saw a boy 1 (sell) a number of small birds in a cage(籠子)He looked at the birds flying about in the cage and 2(try)to get out. He stood for some time looking at the birds .At last he said to 3(冠詞)boy,“How much do you ask for your birds?” “Fifty cents a bird,s

13、ir,” said the boy. “I 4(not) mean how much a bird,” said the man,“ 5(連詞)how much for all of them? I expect to buy 6(it) all.”The boy began to count,and found they came to five dollars. “There is your money,” said the man. The boy took it 7(happy).Then the man opened the cage door as quickly as he co

14、uld,and let all the birds 8(fly)away.The boy,in great surprise,cried,“What did you do that9(介詞),sir?You have lost all your birds.”“I will tell you why I did it,” said the man.“ I has been shut up for three years in a prison(監(jiān)獄), and I10 decide) never to see anything in prison which I can make free.”

15、. 閱讀理解A13、Its early in the morning and the alarm clock has already rung several times. You have to drag yourself out of bed and rush to school. As a school student, this is probably a common experience for you. But thanks to new rules, many students in Zhejiang and Heilongjiang provinces can now sta

16、y in bed longer than before. On Feb 23th, the Zhejiang Department of Education published a new guideline that asks primary schools to start school later. According to the guideline, start times could vary among different grades and seasons, with students in Grade 1 and 2 starting no earlier than 8:3

17、0a.m. A similar guideline was announced by the education department in Heilongjiang province on Feb 24th. Since the new term began in March, students from all primary and junior high schools have been required to arrive at school no earlier than 8 a.m. And senior high school students are now require

18、d to arrive at school no earlier than 7:30a.m. These changes are aimed at making sure students get adequate sleep and enough time for breakfast. According to a 2016 study, only 54.1 percent of students in Grade 4 slept 9 hours or more a night, while the required sleep time for primary students is 10

19、 hours. These changes have received much praise. “I definitely welcome the move, since this will ensure my son has enough time for breakfast, which is important for his health and growth,” a mother from Hangzhou told China Daily. Pushing back school times isnt unique to China. In the United States,

20、schools in at least 21 states began to start school later in 2017. According to a 2015 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, later school start times could help improve students health and study performance. Just as Mary Carskadon, a sleep expert from Brown University,

21、US, told The Atlantic, “Everybody learns better when theyre awake.”1Which province required students to arrive at school no earlier than 8 oclock?AHeilongjiang BHubei CZhejiang DChongqing2How long does a primary student need to sleep every day?A8 B9 C10 D113What does the underlined word “adequate” m

22、ean?A多余的 B靈活的 C充足的 D困倦的4Which of the following is not true?ASome schools in the United States began to start school later in 2017.BLater school start times could help improve students wealth and study performance.CStarting school later has received much praise.DEveryone learns better when theyre awa

23、ke.5Whats the main idea of this passage?AIts important for students to keep healthy.BStudents should get up early to go to school.CStudents should have enough time to have breakfast.DIts good for students to start school later.B14、 When you were at school, the last thing you probably wanted to do wa

24、s spend your weekends going to work. There was homework to do, sport to play and fun to be had. But our parents probably advise us to find a job to make some pocket money and get some life experience. When I was a teenager I had a paper round: delivering newspapers to peoples homes. I then turned to

25、 a Saturday job in a supermarket: putting the things on the shelves in order and working at the checkout.Today in the UK you are allowed to work from the age of 13, and many children take up part-time jobs. Its a taste of independence. Teenagers agree that it teaches valuable lessons about working w

26、ith adults and about managing your money. So, thats no bad thing!Some research has shown that not taking on a Saturday or holiday job could bedetrimentalto a person later. A 2015 study by the UK Commission on Employment and Skills found that employers(雇主) organizations criticized young adults becaus

27、e they were ill-prepared for full time work. And they were proved not having taken part-time work at school age. However, a recent report has shown that the number of school children in the UK with a part-time job has fallen by 20% in the past five years.So, does this mean that British teenagers are

28、 now more afraid of hard work? Probably not. Some experts feel that young people think going out to work will influence their performance at school, and they are under more pressure now to study hard and get good exam results-and a good job in the long term. However, Geoff Barton, general secretary

29、of the Association of School and College Leaders, told BBC News that Proper part-time work is a good way to help young people learn skills that they will need in their working lives. Its all about getting the right balance between doing part-time work and having enough time to study and rest.Many yo

30、ung people actually want to work because it gives them a sense of freedom. One 13-year-old girl called Rachel, who has a Saturday job in a shop, told the BBC that I enjoy my job because Im making money and it helps my confidence speaking to people and socializing with people I work with. That seems

31、like something worth getting up for on a Saturday morning. Did you do a part-time job when you were at school?1According to the passage, teenagers probably preferon the weekend.Adoing homework to having fun with friendsBplaying sports outside to doing homework at homeChaving fun with their parents t

32、o playing sports outsideDplaying sports to delivering newspapers to peoples homes2What does the word detrimental in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AHarmful.BImpossible.CImportant.DWorthy.3According to the passage, Geoff Barton probably agrees that.ATeenagers like taking part-time jobs more than full-time

33、 jobs.Bdoing part-time jobs is more important than studying and resting.Ctaking up part-time jobs benefits teenagers future working lives.Dteenagers are under more pressure now to study hard and get good grades.4Whats the writers main purpose in writing the passage?ATo call peoples attention to the

34、school childrenBTo Criticize school children are out of controlCTo show school children dislike part-time jobsDTo encourage school children to take part-time jobsC15、Cows that are named and treated with a “more personal touch” can increase milk production by up to 500 pints a year.The study, by the

35、universitys School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, involved(包括) 516 farmers across the UK.The study found farmers who named their cows got a 54% higher production than those that did not give their cows names. Dairy farmer Dennis Gibb said he believed treating every cow as an individual(

36、個(gè)體) was very important.“They arent just our means of making money. Theyre part of the family,” he said. “We love our cows here and every one of them has a name. All of us regard them as our ladies but we know every one of them and each one has her own personality.”Dr Catherine Douglas said, “What ou

37、r study shows is what many good, caring farmers have long since believed. Our data suggests that UK dairy farmers regard their cows as intelligent beings(智能動(dòng)物). They are able to experience a range of emotions(情感的領(lǐng)域).”“Placing more importance on knowing the individual animals and calling them by name

38、 can, at no extra cost to the farmer, also increase milk production.”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,將其標(biāo)號(hào)填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。1How much milk can a named cow produce in a year?A300 pounds. B500 pounds.C500 pints. D600 pints.2What does the farmer Gibb regard his cows as?ATheir parents. BMembers of their family.CTheir friends. DCleve

39、r animals.3Where did the experience come from?AThe USA BThe UK. CThe UN. DChina.4How did the farmers make their cows happy?AThey played music in the barn.BThey fed better food than others.CThey named each cow themselves.DThey let their cows free on the farm.5Why did the farms want their cows to incr

40、ease milk?ABecause they wanted to drink more.BBecause their cows can be happy.CBecause the milk is more delicious.DBecause they made by money by selling milk.D16、 When Isaac Theil let a sleepy stranger take a little catnap on his shoulder, it was because I simply remembered the times my own head wou

41、ld bop on someones shoulder because I was so tired after a long day, he said to Tova Ross of Tablet Magazine. Another subway rider was so struck by Theils nonchalant(若無(wú)其事的,冷淡的) empathy that he snapped a picture and put it on Reddit, from which it was then posted to Facebook. One redditor wrote, Head

42、ing home on the Q train yesterday when this young black guy nodded off on the shoulder of a Jewish man. The man didnt move a muscle and just let him stay there. After a minute, I asked the man if he wanted me to wake the kid up, but he shook his head and responded, He must have had a long day, let h

43、im sleep. Weve all been there, right? Theil himself has been completely surprised at the attention hes received for his small act of kindness, as the photo has been shared over 20, 000 times on Facebook. There is only one reason that I didnt move, and let him continue sleeping, and that had nothing

44、to do with race. He was simply a human being who was exhausted, and I knew it and happened to be there and have a big shoulder to offer him. I would love for people to use this as a lesson to just be good to each other, Theil said to Tablet.1According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A

45、Theil has the same color as the sleeping guy.BTheil woke up the black guy at the beginning.CTheil let a strange black guy sleeping on his shoulder all the time.DTheil has a racial discrimination(種族歧視).2What is Theils attitude towards this matter?AHe was surprised at it.BHe hoped it could encourage p

46、eople to be kind to each other.CHe was happy to be the public attention.DHe was unhappy to be taken the picture.3Where does the text come from?AEntertainment Newspaper.BInternet News.CHealth Magazine.DTV Chatting Program.4What can be the best title for the text?AA Kind-hearted ManBA Catnap on a Warm

47、 ShoulderCBe Kind to OthersDSleeping on the SubwayE17、One night about nine oclock, Dr. Eyck, a surgeon(外科醫(yī)生), had a phone call from Dr. Haydon at the hospital in Clens Falls. The surgeon was asked to go there at once to operate on a very sick boy who shot himselfThe doctor was soon on his way to Cle

48、ns Falls.It was 60 miles away.And it was snowing heavily in the sky.The surgeon thought he could get there before 12 oclock.A few minutes later, the doctor was stopped by a man in an old black coat.Gun in hand,the man ordered the doctor to get out.Then the man drove the car down the road,leaving the

49、 doctor in the falling snow.while playing with a gun.It was after two oclock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Clens Falls. Dr. Haydon told him that the boy had died an hour before. The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room. There sat the man in the old

50、black coat with his head in his hands.“Mr. Cunningham,” said Dr. Haydon to the man, “this is Dr. Eyck. He is the surgeon who came all the way from Albany to save your boy.”1Choose the right order of the events given in the story.a. Dr. Eyck was asked to come to the hospital in Clens Falls.b. Dr. Eyc

51、k arrived at the hospital.c. The boy shot himself.d. The boy died.e. The man in an old coat reached the hospital.f. Dr. Eyck was robbed of his car.Aa,c,f,d,b,e Bc,e,f,a,b,dCa,c,f,e,d,b Dc,a,f,e,d,b2The boy died because _.ADr. Haydon didnt to anything to save himBhe was too far away from hospitalCsom

52、ething was wrong with Dr. Eycks carDDr. Eyck was not able to arrive at the hospital in time3Who should be responsible for (對(duì)負(fù)責(zé)) the boys death?AThe hospital. BThe boys father.CDr. Haydon. DDr. Eyck.F18、Two little boys Two little boys had two little toysEach had a wooden horse.Joyfully they played ea

53、ch summers daySoldiers (士兵) both, of course.Then Jack broke off his horses head,Sad for his toy, then cried with joyAs his young friend Joe said:Did you think I would leave you cryingWhen theres room on my horse for two?Climb up here, Jack, and dont be cryingI can go just as fast with twoWhen we gro

54、w up well both be soldiersAnd our horses will not be toysAnd I wonder if wel rememberWhen we were two little boys.Long years past, war came so _Bravely they marched away.Guns roared loud and in the mad crowdWounded and dying lieUp goes a shout, a horse rushes outOut from the crowd, to where Joe layThen came a voi


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