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1、 Thlvl f t thbjtitif v l tltiDftvl tiwyftPlitfhvl*wthbt l i tvl yvltivyItliyi hiilt thvl t h v lv l vlt t tililzt1t l Llziiiitl ii vllvtfSiltilztthi wttttvlitltylittthf thty-htl i t t t l v t itbvtb iyflThlOtlk att.de s ontf rf crd, icUdig - t ceae a recrd of achf-ethow tlae Iffrman , a nd so on. Wa

2、tvaues -hat knd of Ollodhef t.file orfntld Oulok, s ontf pemse of pect I g tf i nfe ad |o-e of peoplf,ceatnga|o|Ua, mhf as -ad, heatpefrmancfceatngfr one of , the be I fi o ac metsadoal cnstulionolwflofsce,ad promoigtleal r ound opl es pefrma ncf i accmplShmesf a note lok a tf eec-eessfsc, pr ogres

3、Ca ngfsi n tot h ur ba al d ura change fnvionmfe tstegg he a nd b_ anote l ook a tf sf evionmfnt mpro-mfnt momet um of opmentatpesetedigon tf pofn-l fr al i nabl opmf nt.Lf peif talk a loU vues are rt ad le_ pfopftoaboutOul ook s notwha t If pfrforma ncf4 pepf ron- d to the sat ng poit of te quesi o

4、n, andreplid t o que sins poit. M as t he sm of soca l rfainsi ps We cannot t he cicua nyng_, hous ng, tul -ad entetanme nt entra nig, a nd eve n ceti I polial e cnomi c culua ad silal e nvionmet, ad son.、eto hhmane-* al of le l cme itbeng.Peopfcraefrtheituvval ad cnine en,ngtheesusofteconnttultin.

5、Cl oru i t he tansormain of tepepf of te ord, cmmuni,-ta i thecrainofman.Theffrea, o. do, te sat ng poi nt s huma n, a ae pepf. Us sf up dvelpmet te ce of ch s tmef tennedsofpepf,icudigluWl ne-* emotona nne ds a nd lel ac ialzai onnfs It soul d be nottd t hat pe I pf ae notmlchie s not te sve of aob

6、jct not t be cnt.- d. Pepf ha- tei o pesnaiyhasisonpesnnlly hhs i.od. PesniIled of caf,u ne - t undesad, nnetmee. I s sad t ha i the、-uluascey 1f11fpi a; in ndusra scey ma ns an a nima; he informaton sce,-eur塔吊與高壓線防護方案一、 概況工程名稱:鹽城城中雅苑北側(cè)商業(yè)。位于解放南路58號。本工程由S2S10計10幢商業(yè)樓組成,由東向西成一字形排列。南臨小區(qū) 道路,北側(cè)為居民區(qū)。根據(jù)現(xiàn)場實際

7、情況,結(jié)合本工程施工需要,在 S6房南側(cè)安裝1臺QTZ40自升式塔吊為1#塔吊,起重臂回轉(zhuǎn)半徑 46米,安裝高度24米;在S10房西側(cè)安裝1臺QTZ60自開塔吊為 2#塔吊,起重臂回轉(zhuǎn)半徑56m,安裝高度24m。兩塔吊間距120米。 二、現(xiàn)狀分析塔吊塔址確定后,在1#塔機作業(yè)區(qū)內(nèi),距離北側(cè)約11m處有一 落地明裝變壓器,距離南側(cè)約15m有一架空明裝變壓器,安裝高度約10米。均無明設(shè)高壓線路。在 2#塔機作業(yè)區(qū)內(nèi),距離北側(cè)13米 處有一北側(cè)小區(qū)末端高壓電線桿,(南北走向,線外有膠皮),高壓線 桿高度約為11m,由于三處高壓線及裝置均處于塔吊的塔臂回轉(zhuǎn)半徑 覆蓋范圍之內(nèi),根據(jù)施工現(xiàn)場臨時用電安全技

8、術(shù)規(guī)范(JGJ46-2005) 第一部分高壓線防護要求:在建工程的外側(cè)邊緣與電架空線路的邊線 之間必須保持安全操作距離。最小安全操作距離應(yīng)不小于46m,第3.1.4規(guī)定,旋轉(zhuǎn)臂架式起重機的任何部位或被吊物邊緣與10KV以下的架空線路邊緣最小水平距離不得小于2m。另外,在塔吊伸臂旋轉(zhuǎn)范圍內(nèi),如突遇停電又刮起大風(fēng)的特殊情況下,若塔吊正處在正常運行過程中,旋轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)因停電又不能立即采取制動措施,由于受風(fēng)標(biāo)效應(yīng)的影響,伸臂繼續(xù)隨風(fēng)向旋轉(zhuǎn),既有可能造成吊索或吊物碰觸高s one of the pra cia fomof valesThesocledvalesrefersttheobjecvelingsae

9、ofnova a nd the value of Und_enta,espec Xeet va s,peoplesbehaviiuratkie s ways are dfeet. Pepeoreedfoc on huma va ue and r y w e need the br .aies masses as vales Adhee t pepeorieedvale s, s to make the e cnomy more d eipme,mroved_ocy culua prosieiyandIveahappier;is dee,cncerne d lat hmn dev eipmet

10、ad humavaiesdeveopment of s ca and humapmet of aina - 、.s ei in Ie material civIt cal Cvl zain and、.t ual Cvi zainite overall aivaicementofSocalsCvlzaintoahghe Aso want toseethatpersons meetyurneed,aso istomeetthenee- sandIecommuiy. Adhere to peoie ore ntd,tst ongy aive every cmmuiy member, serve ot

11、hers beneicatothecmmuniyofieopl.Thescakd Oul ookI( s on te re crd, indig w tcraearecdof”eets,howtlae lefrmanne, a nd so on. Watvaue, what knd of Oulodheet|epleorent Oulok, s onte pemie of repel! I g te i nee ad powe of people,cratngapopUa,wamheatsId,heatpefrmanceceatngsee fr one ofce, the be “i o ac

12、 metsad oveal cnstuci I n ol welol scey a d promoigllealround oplespefrmanceAci a ccmp-hmets - e another 10k a te ekHveess of socil pr ogress ca n.si n loth ur ban a I d ura change adenvbnmeIttstegheanda-anotel00katesievionmentmproement momet um ol devl “me ntatpeset de edig on te poen-l fr lusai na

13、le deve opme nt.Leve pep、t tab a loU Hu - ae wrtles am peopetoakaoutOulooksnotwhat Ie pefrma nce4. pepe resonne d to the sat ng point of te quesi on, andreplid t oqqe sins point. M a is t he sm of socia l reatonsi ps We cannot lae t he cc nyngdu, hous ng, tul -ad entetanme nt entra ning, a nd eve n

14、ceti I polial e cnomi c culua ad scial e nvionmet, ad son.、eto hhmaneIds al ls of le wl cme intobeng.PeopecraefrtheirluvvaladcnineenjyngtheesusofteconnHultin.Cl oru i t he tansormaton of tepepeofteword,cmmuniyvialyitecrainofman.TherHr* ay w ok do, te sat ng poi nt s huma n, wa ae pepe. Us sen up dve

15、lpmet te ce of wch is tmee tennedsofpepe,including luvivl neId* emotona nne ds a nd -lac Hi onnelds It soul d be nottd t hat pe I pe ae notmlchie s not te save of aobjct not t be cnt.- d. P epe ha - their owpesnaltyhasitsownpesnnlly hhs its ow dggiy. Pesn inIled of cae yu ne t undesa d, nne1m.I s sa

16、d t ha i the、-uluasceypla;inndusrascey.ans an a ; if0rmat0nscey, reu.壓線路的危險。為此,必須采取切實有效的防護措施,為了安全生產(chǎn) 和塔吊的安全運行,確保正常供電和施工人員的人身安全,防止意外事故發(fā)生,項目部特組織專項科研小組進行技術(shù)攻關(guān),經(jīng)反復(fù)研究討論,制定了一套綜合性的安全技術(shù)措施和搭設(shè)毛竹,以防接觸電等安全事故的發(fā)生。三、方案措施確定與實施(一)、嚴格控制塔吊在高壓線路及裝置 5米范圍內(nèi)進行吊運作業(yè), 2#塔吊在旋轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)設(shè)置超限制動裝置,在 13米以外北向各20m范圍 內(nèi)作內(nèi)警戒區(qū),非特殊情況采取安全措施及項目經(jīng)理批準(zhǔn),

17、塔吊伸臂不得隨意進入禁止區(qū),并采取嚴格監(jiān)視與控制措施,司機在起重臂運 轉(zhuǎn)臨近警戒區(qū)時,必須提前減速,一檔微動并有效制動和嚴禁吊運超 過4m長的物料。(二)、塔吊作業(yè)中當(dāng)遇到停電又刮 4級以上風(fēng),或如遇風(fēng)力繼續(xù)加 大時,塔吊司機應(yīng)立即迅速將吊物落下,將吊鉤起升到大臂根部相距2m處,停止一切吊裝作業(yè),并立即松開旋轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)的制動器,使其在 風(fēng)標(biāo)效應(yīng)情況下,伸臂自由旋轉(zhuǎn),避免吊索或吊物碰觸或接近高壓線 路。其大臂及吊鉤上升高度只要脫離了高壓線路感應(yīng)電廠的范圍,就不會發(fā)生觸電事故,也不會造成塔吊在刮大風(fēng)時,因強行制動旋轉(zhuǎn)機 構(gòu)而以致?lián)p傷設(shè)備或造成倒塌事故。(三)、安全作業(yè)區(qū)作業(yè)時,回轉(zhuǎn)只許二檔微動,嚴禁在

18、快檔下旋轉(zhuǎn), 否則視為嚴重違章作業(yè),由塔吊指揮及項目部安全員隨時監(jiān)督。(四)、限制小車在塔吊大臂上的運行最大伸長量和吊鉤的吊、裝、is one ofthe pra cticalformofvalues.Theso-call edvalue s referstothe obje ctive thi ngs are ofnovaluea ndthevalue offundamental perspective.Dattitudeis on there cor d,including w ho, howto create arecordofachievements,how to evaluate p

19、erformance,a nd so on.Whatvalues,wha . I. II. 1.II 一- -.一 - . 一 . I I _ I _ I 1 Imaterial civilizati on, politi calcivilizationand spirit ualcivil izationin theoveralladvanceme ntof Soci alistcivili zation to ahig herlevel.Alsowanttosee that persons val ueis notonlymeetyourneeds,also is to meet the

20、needs ofother s andthe community.Adhere to people -orie nted,tostr ongly advocateevery communitymember, serve others, beneficialt othe community ofpeople. T heso-called Outl ook,enessofsocial pr ogress;cha ngesi n bot hur ban a nd rural change; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a nd take anotherl

21、ookatthe soft environmentimprovement moment um ofdevel opm ntatpresent, depending on the pote ntialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt.Leave people to talka bout values areworthless and leavepe oplet o talkabout Outl ook is notwhatt heperforma nce.-I. - _ _ _ I_ 一 .一 一 . I-LI_L _ II . . .I. . L.L.L. I _ _

22、 一 一 一 . _1_|_. I . .- . 一 .一 一一 . I _ .1 _ I . .1 LI- - - - - - I -.- .L- - - -d value s,isto makethe e conomymore development, improvedemocracy,culturalprnce, creating servefor one officer,the be nefit of achievements,andoverallconstructi L LI -_ L .II_L_I 一-peoples behavi our, attitude s,ways are

23、 different.People -oriented focus on human val ue and reality, w e nee dthe br oade stmassesasvalues.Adheretopeople-orienteopeople -orie nted Outlook,is on the premise ofrespecti ng thei nterests and powerofpeopl e,creati ng apopul ar,warmhe arts,steadyheart performa一一 一一一 L . J - . 一 .一 _ _一一 一一. _

24、| . .-.一. _osperity,a ndlivea happier; is dee ply concerne d that humandev elopment andhuman value s, devel opment of social andhuman developmentofrationalunified,insis on ofwell-offsocietyand promotingtheall-r ound development ofpeopl es performa nce.Achi evementevaluati on inbot h economic a ccomp

25、lishments,takresults oftheconstruction.Col orfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople ofthew orld,communityvitality in thecreation ofman. T herefore,any w ortomeet.Itis saidt hat in theagricultural society, peoplepl ant; in industrial society, ma n isan a nimal;the information society,return運高度。經(jīng)測量檢查,小車

26、平時只能伸長長度為大臂上30m 刻度表及范圍內(nèi),吊鉤在吊起物料后,吊鉤盡量提高到能運行的高度,待到具體下方位置后,在下落物料,保證其小車在大臂上滑行距離及吊鉤上升高度有足夠的距離尺寸以脫離高壓線路感應(yīng)電的范圍。、嚴格塔吊的吊運操作,由于北側(cè)為居民區(qū),行人較多,塔吊應(yīng)盡量減少北側(cè)吊臂運行,平時塔吊回轉(zhuǎn)時其吊鉤的高度必須在高壓線水平線上方6m 以上, 下班后塔吊司機和指揮人員做好檢查,吊鉤、鋼絲繩的回收到位。、設(shè)置高壓靜電釋放裝置和防護措施:1、沿起重臂、平衡臂及塔帽敷設(shè)一根4mm勺鋼芯呈環(huán)形聯(lián)接并可靠接地(可連接避雷裝置),每臺塔吊接地點不得少于兩處(亦可與基礎(chǔ)主筋焊接),接地電阻要求不大于12

27、Q.2、電工跟蹤監(jiān)測塔吊靜電,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時匯報處理,如發(fā)現(xiàn)靜電,在吊鉤上做一絕緣套,并定期更換。、在塔吊駕駛室的臺面配備高壓絕緣墊,所有電器裝置保持絕緣良好。(八 )、對塔吊的設(shè)備電氣裝置進行檢查,使用五芯電線,做到電源線路和電氣裝置的工作零線與保護零線分設(shè),動力與單相(照明)控制開關(guān)分設(shè),并安裝了漏電保護器,使其能其應(yīng)有的作用。(九)、嚴格做好物料的吊、運、落等日常工作,防止物料墜落,尤其是在塔吊旋轉(zhuǎn)運行臨近高壓線警戒區(qū)時,應(yīng)加倍謹慎小心。(十)、嚴格對塔機進行日常的檢測驗收,并對塔吊司機、指揮人員、ow ,we are in anewhistoricalstage ofall-roundc

28、onstruction ofa well-offsociety.In perform duties,a ndcarriedoutworkof process inthe,we t o put peopleas ag uide principle s,and ateststandard,efforts frommasses mosthopedoofthingsdoup, frommasses most careof hotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfaction ofplace m odified up, notmake nominaloffo

29、rmalism, notdograndstandi ngof cosmetic,to seeki ng ofstyle,hel pmasse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investeepeople is notonlyanidea,it isajobre quirement. Philosophythroughtothepe opl e-orient ed thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officein the citythisyearremai ns:A

30、dva nced civi lstrife, localbrand.TheCounty (City) PartyCommittee officesand units directly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-oriented requirements,strengthentheconstr uction a nd managementofthe Officetowardsthe work ahigherlevel.Investee1.politicalpartici pation bas

31、ed on conspiracyto adhereto people-oriented, will be around topromotecoordi nationDevel opme ntevents, greatsear chi ngs.The16 session ofthepartys scientific Outlook ondevelopment, isthe ne wCentral colle ctiveleadershi ptothe developmentofconnotation, dev elopme ntesse ntials, furtherdee penthe ess

32、ence of development and innovation,isourpartys r uling i dea aleap.Atprese nt,establishi ngand implementingthe scie ntificconcept of development hasbecomethe partysimporta ntwork.A s theOffice ofpartyCommittee,working partyshould service ce nter, i nitiativetoclaim leadership ofthe decision,thecurre

33、 ntfocusis tofocuson pr omoting compr ehensive, coordinated andsustainable developme ntwith moresuggesti ons,do more research,summarized thetypical.Oneis drafted toraise thelevelofyour pre sentation. our prese ntation isthe main Officeofproducts,ist he basic carri erstaffservice,is importanttomea su

34、re se rvice level s. Thequaliofyour presentation,mainlydepends on howm uch we drafted adocument recognized byt heleadershi p, howmanyare liste ning tot he pe opl e infavourofthe report, howmany paid divide nds inthepracti calwork. Improve presentati on draftinglevel,requirementsweaccurategrasp le d

35、intent, General le d careofworkaretoasunderstand,Generalledconsiderof problemareto in -de pth thi nking;requirementswehighlig htplace features, put superior approa chpolicy a nd locala ctual combined up, put presentati on ofthemethrustand masses of by thoughtbywant s to combined up;requirements wese

36、ekstostreamli ned clear, withsim pleof languageexpression dee p of thought,with shortofle ngthhosted ri ch of connotation.Second,thesurveyresults more. Investigationofthe base,t heroadt osuccess issomething, is ourfor theParty Committees policydeci siona goodidea,an important partofa g ood staff.Thi

37、s year, to focusaround i ndustrialXING city,a nd farmersincrease, anda ndmanpow erdevel opme nt,andseeki ng,major probl em andfostera dvantage industry, a nd adjustme ntagricult uralstructure,a ndcarrieds one of the pra cia fomof valesThesocledvalesrefersttheobjecvelingsaeofnova a nd the value of Un

38、d_enta,espec Xeet va s,peoplesbehaviiuratkie s ways are dfeet. Pepeoreedfoc on huma va ue and r y w e need the br .aies masses as vales Adhee t pepeorieedvale s, s to make the e cnomy more d eipme,mroved_ocy culua prosieiy a nd Ive a happier; is dee,cncerne d lat hmn dev eipmet ad humavaiesdeveopmen

39、t of s ca and humapmet of aina - 、.s ei in Ie material civ ItcalCvl zain and、.t ual Cvi zainite overall aivaicementofSocalsCvlzaintoahghe Aso want tosee that persons meetyurneed,aso istomeetthenee- sandIecommuiy. Adhere to peoie ore ntd,tst ongy aive every cmmuiy member, serve others beneicatothecmm

40、uniyofieopl.Thescakd Oul ookI( s on te re crd, indig w tcraearecdof”eets,howtlae lefrmanne, a nd so on. Watvaue, what knd of Oulodheet|epleorent Oulok, s onte pemie of repel! I g te i nee ad powe of people,cratngapopUa,wamheatsId,heatpefrmanceceatngsee fr one ofce, the be “i o ac metsad oveal cnstuc

41、i I n ol welol scey a d promoiglleal r ound oplespefrmanceAci a ccmp-hmets - e another 10k a te ekHveess of socil pr ogress ca n.si n loth ur ban a I d ura change adenvbnmeIttstegheanda-anotel00kate si evionment mproement momet um ol devl “me ntatpeset de edig on te poen-l fr lusai nale deve opme nt

42、.Leve pep、t tab a loU Hu - ae wrtles am peopetoakaoutOulooksnotwhat Ie pefrma ncepepe resonne d to the sat ng point of te quesi on, andreplid t oqqe sins point. M a is t he sm of socia l reatonsi ps We cannot lag w tcrae a recd of ”eets, how tlaelefrmanne, and so on. Watvaue, wha. . . 一. .peopes beh

43、avi . 、w* ae dfeet. Pepeore e. focusonhumavaue and r y we need the br .es mas - as .les Adhee tpepeolee| eple ore ntld Oulok, s onte pem of repect I g te i nee ad powe of peopl e, crat ng a popU a, wamhe as Id,heat pefrma. * I . L . . 一 . _ . . 1 r . I .I. .I. . .I . . . . r. . l. l . . d ale s s to

44、 m_e the e cnom,more develpmet imlrove dlmocrcy culua prnce ceatng see fr one ofce, the be I ei o mets ad oveal cnstuli一. LL. . I . _ . L.” . . maea . ca . zainand、rtua cvlzainite oveal IdI ceme nt of Soc als cv. zaton t a hig he l Aso wat tsle ta pesns yunelds als is tomee the sand te .ommuiy-dhee

45、topeoie orie ntd,tst ongyIdvcae eve,commuiy m - be, see otes benelca to the cmmuniy ofleopl. T he sc d OUloo、ssof soca pr ogress ca n.si n loth ur ban a I d ura change ade nvrnme nt tsengt he a nda - anote look a te si evionment impros ae wrtles ad le_pe ope t o ak aout ul ooo s notwha t Ie pefrma n

46、iceospeiy a nd lve a happie; is d y cnnere d tat huma dev elpmet ad himaale, deve opment of scil and huma deveopment of ainaluniid, i on of lof scey and promoiglhe al r ound oples pefrma nce Aci a ccmp-hmets esus of te connttuHn. Cl oru i t he tansormain of tepepe of te w ord, cmmuniy vta i thecra.n

47、 of man. T heefre ay w ortmee. s sad t ha i th、uluasceypl a; in .a scey ma ns an a nima; informaton sce,-eu.及接線裝置四周采用竹笆封閉。(二)、搭設(shè)要求:立桿應(yīng)做到桿身垂直。橫桿上下層大小頭應(yīng)錯開綁扎。 大橫桿應(yīng) 綁扎在立桿里側(cè),力求做到平直。兩端伸出不少于30cm。腳手架體搭設(shè)過程中,剪刀撐要同時跟上,且應(yīng)與立桿和水平橫桿 之間綁扎牢固。鍍鋅鐵絲綁扎,在立桿與橫桿相交處,在相對角綁扎兩個扣。三 根桿交匯在一處時,采用三箍綁扎法一一二二三綁扎法。每處綁扎為 4 6 圈。(三)、注意事項嚴

48、把毛竹質(zhì)量關(guān),橫桿、立桿的有效長度不得低于 46m,小橫 桿有效長度得低于4 m (以最小直徑A 7.5cm確定有效長度)。購置的 毛竹要嚴格挑選,按立桿、大橫桿、小橫桿的要求分類堆放。按方案組織施工,現(xiàn)場需要改動時,要得到項目經(jīng)理、安全員、 技術(shù)人員的同意后方可實施。搭設(shè)人員要持證上崗,戴好安全帽、安全帶,穿好絕緣鞋。進入 現(xiàn)場時,安全員要逐一檢查,做好記錄。8m以下操作,豎立桿時要有專人監(jiān)控,嚴防碰撞電線;8m以上 操作,要提前請甲方通知供電局停電操作。及時檢查搭設(shè)質(zhì)量,確保橫平豎直、綁扎方式正確、牢固。要懸 掛警示標(biāo)識。(四)、保證措施s one of the pra cia fomof

49、 valesThesocledvalesrefersttheobjecvelingsaeofnova a nd the value of Und_enta,espec Xeet va s,peoplesbehaviiuratkie s ways are dfeet. Pepeoreedfoc on huma va ue and r y w e need the br .aies masses as vales Adhee t pepeorieedvale s, s to make the e cnomy more d eipme,mroved_ocy culua prosieiyandIvea

50、happier;is dee,cncerne d lat hmn dev eipmet ad humavaiesdeveopment of s ca and humapmet of aina - 、.s ei inIematerialciv ItcalCvl zain and、.t ual Cvi zainite overall aivaicementofSocalsCvlzainto a hg he Aso want tosee that persons meetyurneed,aso istomeetthenee- sandIecommuiy.Adheretopeoie ore ntd,t

51、st ongy aive every cmmuiy member, serve others beneicatothecmmuniyofieopl.Thescakd Oul ookI( s on te re crd, indig w tcraearecdof”eets,howtlae lefrmanne, a nd so on. Watvaue, what knd of Oulodheet|epleorent Oulok, s onte pemie of repel! I g te i nee ad powe of people,cratngapopUa,wamheatsId,heatpefrmanceceatngsee fr one ofc


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