2023年統(tǒng)考版高考英語總復習考點限時提分練(二十)必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks_第1頁
2023年統(tǒng)考版高考英語總復習考點限時提分練(二十)必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks_第2頁
2023年統(tǒng)考版高考英語總復習考點限時提分練(二十)必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks_第3頁
2023年統(tǒng)考版高考英語總復習考點限時提分練(二十)必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks_第4頁
2023年統(tǒng)考版高考英語總復習考點限時提分練(二十)必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks_第5頁




1、限時提分練(二十)必修 Unit 5 Theme parks限時40分鐘I .閱讀理解A2022唐山市二模If a president, a philosopher, and one of the best-selling writers credited the same secret with their success, would you try to follow it too? What if the secret was something you already knew how to do? In fact, you probably do it every day. Her

2、es what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth. Thomas Jefferson: Walking is the best possible exercise. Charles Dickens: If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish (夕匕亡).Researchers have found quite a lot of connections be

3、tween walking and producing ideas. A Stanford University study found that participants were 81 percent more creative when walking as opposed to sitting. According to the study, walking outside-compared with on a treadmill (跑步札L)produces the most novel and highest-quality ideas.The movement aspect of

4、 walking is obviously key. Our creative thinking is triggered (觸發(fā))by physical movement, which is exactly why walking-with your dog, a friend, or alone一feeds creative thinking.The scenery is almost as important as the sweat. Breaking your routine with a walk can be a catalyst for fresh understanding

5、of problems or projects. Just by going outside, you are stepping out of your familiar surroundings and your comfort zone, which is necessary if you want to open your mind to new possibilities. You can walk through a tree-filled neighborhood. You can walk through a park and observe people joking or b

6、irds singing. Being inside, you*re more likely to be lifeless, which means you dont have enough energy to wonder or create things.So instead of setting a fitness goal, why not set a creativity goal that starts with walking? Involve yourself more closely in your surroundings. Turn off your phone and

7、give yourself the chance to be present in the world, to hear conversations and natural sounds, and to notice the way people move, etc.How does the author introduce the topic?By providing backgroundBy borrowing phrases from great minds.By giving definition.By presenting well-known examples.The underl

8、ined word in Paragraph 4 means something.causing a changestopping progressdrawing attentioninterrupting creativityWhat can we learn from the passage?Nature exploration improves fitness.Walking on a treadmill brings more energy.Working indoors makes people less creative.Familiar surroundings encourag

9、e novel ideas.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Exercise in Nature.B. Train Your Brain.C Develop Your Creativity.D. Walk for Wonder.B2022??谑姓{(diào)研考試When most of us think of sand, we immediately think of sunny beaches and summer holidays. But actually its in pretty much everything that surroun

10、ds us in our everyday lives. From the walls of our homes to the glass bottles in our kitchens and even the mobile phones in our hands, sand is the second most used resource in the world after water: it accounts for more than two-thirds of everything thats being dug out of the ground. But there isnt

11、a limitless supply. In fact, a UN report says we might be running out.According to the report, we use an estimated 15 billion tons of sand every year in the construction industry alone. Thats enough to build a 20 m X 20 m wall around the equator every year. However, sand can take tens of thousands o

12、f years to form: the process starts with rock being eroded (侵蝕)in the mountains and ends, eventually, with sand being in river beds and on the seafloor.Sand is heavy and difficult to transport, so in developing countries, sand is often mined from the nearest convenient source, and quite often that m

13、eans a river bed or beach. But beaches and rivers are delicately balanced ecosystems and when a large amount of sand is removed, the balance is upset. The smallest fish, which eat organic matters on the sand in river beds, is the base of the food chain in a river. If this sand is removed, so is the

14、source of food for the bottom feeders. All organisms in a food chain share the joys and the sorrows. Thus, when they disappear, so does the food for the larger fish which would have been caught and eaten, or sold by fishermen.It is high time we took into consideration the big problems concerning the

15、 tiny things. More and more conservationists are callings for alternatives to replace sand especially in the construction industry.Why are the things in our daily life mentioned in the beginning?A. To show the uses of sand.B To indicate our relationship with nature.C. To introduce our lifestyles.D.

16、To stress the convenience of modern life.What does the UN report imply?A. Sand is actually our most used natural resource.B Sand is used more quickly than its formed.C. The construction industry doesnt use sand wisely.D. The problem of washing sand is worsening.What does the underlined phrase the bo

17、ttom feeders in Paragraph 3 refer to?A The river beds. B. The fishermen.C. The larger fish. D. The smallest fish. Which can be the best title for the text?The world is running out of sandAlternatives to replace sand will be found soon.Sand mining is unfriendly to natureSand is in need of immediate c

18、onservation II.完形填空2022河南省適應性測試Four teenage girls. Two tents. No cellphones. A severe thunderstorm. One hundred and thirty hours of nonstop . This was what Julia Ruelle just 2 “It was really 3, “ said Julia Ruelle of her recent weeklong adventure to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with thr

19、ee childhood friends.Earlier this year, Julia, having completed a 4 for a brain tumor (腫瘤)in April, won an essay contest and was a five-day camping adventure with up to three friends. Its aim is to get kids away from technology. She struggled to choose the threeAnna Wander, Madeline Wilson and Julia

20、nna Torelli. No are allowed,so getting their approval was kind of $. Having a satellite phone and promising to check in twice during theweek finally won their 9.The four girls arrived in Ely on June 10 for training. They 10 the next day at 7: 00 a. m., and quickly developed a 11 一getting up early ev

21、ery morning, going boating 12 , then having lunch at the campsites, 13 by swinging, reading, talking, and napping.“I love how you are separated from everything in your life, especially 14, “ Anna said. Without herphone, she saidJTm less 15 about things.” We got along pretty well, said Madeline. We w

22、ere always talking before bed, about specific things and thoughts 16 But we might sometimes have had 17 , Julianna added. No one was even hungry or homesick, but they were 18 nervous one night as they waited out a thunderstorm.After the adventure, Julia will continue to take physical examination eve

23、ry three months to make sure the tumor is gone. u Mental health can be 19 so much in the Boundary Waters. It really helps to 20 and reconnect with yourself, “ said Julia.A.tirednessC darknessA.describedC. plannedA.boringC perfectB , togethernessD. happiness B. suffered D. experienced B - terribleD.

24、costlyA petitionC preparationA.awardedA petitionC preparationA.awardedB. presentationD. treatmentB directedC promised 6. A.rich C - cute 7. A.friends C teachers 8. A.challenging C. satisfying 9. A.confidence C. permission 10. A.set out C turned out 11. A.hobby C. routine 12. A.by noon C. by night 13

25、. A.taught C. divided 14. A.society C. entertainment 15. A.doubtful C. curious 16. A.in additionD. advisedB. topD. finalB parentsD. guidesB educating D. dominating B. satisfaction D expectation B set inD. turned upB. project D. system B. at dawnD. at dusk B. followed D. instructedB , homeworkD. tech

26、nology B - worriedD. unsatisfied B in generalC. in needC. in needD . in totalA.disappointmentC argumentsA.unbelievablyC. unsuccessfullyA.damagedC. affectedD.A.get awayC. take upD.Ill .書面表達B. joyfulnessD. fightsB supposedlyD. admittedlyB improved weakenedB get back take over2022西安高三檢測試題假定你是李華,上星期四你班舉

27、行了一個關(guān)于感恩父母的主題班會。請你為 校英文報寫一篇報道,內(nèi)容包括:.班會目的;2.班會過程;3.班會反響。 注意:.寫作詞數(shù)應為100左右;.請按如下格式作答。A Theme Class Meeting限時提分練(二十)1 .閱讀理解A語篇類型:說明文 主題語境:人與社會研究發(fā)現(xiàn)散步促進靈感的產(chǎn)生【語篇解讀】 研究發(fā)現(xiàn),在戶外散步更能激發(fā)人的創(chuàng)造力,所以,何不關(guān)掉手機去戶外聆聽大自然 的聲音,從而激發(fā)自己的創(chuàng)造力呢?.答案與解析:B考查推斷的能力。根據(jù)第一段中三位名人所說的名言(表述由散步產(chǎn)生的想法有價 值及散步的重要性),并結(jié)合本文主題(散步有益于激發(fā)創(chuàng)造性思維)可知,本文通過引用名人名

28、言引出本文 主題。故B項正確。.答案與解析:A 考查理解詞匯的能力。根據(jù)第四段第三句可知,如果你想翻開思維去迎接新的可 能性,那么你需要走出去,離開你熟悉的環(huán)境和你的舒適區(qū)。結(jié)合畫線詞所在的句子可以判斷,用散步打 破你的常規(guī)可以促使你對問題或工程產(chǎn)生新的理解。據(jù)此可推知,A項正確。.答案與解析:C 考查推斷的能力。根據(jù)第四段尾句“Being insideor create things”可知,在室內(nèi)時, 你更可能沒有活力,這意味著你沒有足夠的能量去琢磨或創(chuàng)造東西;據(jù)此可以推斷,在室內(nèi)工作,人們的 創(chuàng)造力更弱,故C項正確。.答案與解析:D 考查理解文章主旨要義的能力。通讀全文可知,文章第二段第一

29、句Researchers have found quite a lot of connections between walking and producing ideas”是全文的主旨句,結(jié)合全文內(nèi)容可知,本 文主要說明了戶外散步能激發(fā)人的創(chuàng)造力,故D項適合作為本文標題。干擾項分析A項“在大自然中鍛煉”并沒有涉及散步與創(chuàng)造性思維之間的聯(lián)系;B、C項沒有涉及 “散步”,都不能概括主題。B語篇類型:說明文 主題語境:人與自然自然資源沙子并非取之不盡,用之不竭【語篇解讀】一提到沙子,大家立馬會想到沙灘和假期,但是實際上沙子的用途非常廣泛。于是,有人認為沙子是取之不盡的。但是,根據(jù)聯(lián)合國的一份報告,

30、大自然中的沙子需要很長時間才能形成,人 們采沙的速度遠過于此。大自然中的沙子快要用光了,這將影響魚類的生存,需要引起我們的注意。.答案與解析:A 考查推斷的能力。根據(jù)第一段中的“sand is the second most used resource in the world after water. out of the ground”可知,提到沙子的目的是說明沙子的用途廣泛。.答案與解析:B 考查推斷的能力。根據(jù)第二段中的According to the report, we use an estimated 15 billion tons of sand every year in t

31、he construction industry alone. to form”可知,作者進行 了數(shù)據(jù)比照,這份報 告暗示我們使用沙子的速度遠超過沙子形成的速度。.答案與解析:D 考查理解詞匯的能力。根據(jù)第三段中的“The smallest fishso is the source of food for the bottom feeders”中可看出,最小的魚是食物鏈的底端即bottom feeders。.答案與解析:A 考查理解文章主旨要義的能力。根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容尤其是第一段中的“But there isnt a limitless supply. In fact, a UN report s

32、ays we might be running out”可知,本文主要是說沙子這一資源快消耗完 ToII.完形填空語篇類型:記敘文主題語境:人與自我個人經(jīng)歷遠離技術(shù)設(shè)備的野營歷險【語篇解讀】Julia Ruelle剛完成一次腦瘤治療,她有幸獲得了五天的野營歷險獎勵,她可以帶三個 朋友,但是大家都不可以帶手機。她們每天待在一起,雖然只有一部衛(wèi)星 ,但這次經(jīng)歷讓她們增進了 對彼此的了解,也讓她們很好地體驗了沒有手機的生活,對身心都是一次很好的歷練和放松。.答案與解析:B 考查語境推斷。根據(jù)語境和下文中講到的five-day camping adventure with up to three fr

33、iends. Its aim is to get kids away from technology ”可知,她們一直待在一起,時間長達 130 個小時。 togetherness “ 親密無間”。.答案與解析:D 考查語境推斷。結(jié)合下文中的her recent weeklong adventure to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with three childhood friends”可知,這是 Julia 剛剛經(jīng)歷的事。.答案與解析:C考查語境推斷。結(jié)合最后一段中Julia說的話可知,這次經(jīng)歷很完美。.答案與解析:D 考查常識推斷

34、。根據(jù)空后的“for a brain tumor (腫瘤)”并結(jié)合常識可知,此處表 示Julia剛剛完成一項對腦瘤的治療。.答案與解析:A 考查邏輯推斷。根據(jù)上文中的“won an essay contest”可知,Julia獲得的獎勵是為期 五天的野營歷險。.答案與解析:D 考查語境推斷。根據(jù)上文中的“struggled to choose”以及破折號后的人名可知,Julia 艱難地選擇了最終的三人。.答案與解析:B考查語境和常識推斷。根據(jù)語境和常識可知,參加歷險的是四個青少年,青少年 出去參加活動一般會需要父母的許可或陪伴,故此處應是父母不得跟隨。.答案與解析:A 考查語境推斷。根據(jù)語境可

35、知,參加歷險的是四個青少年,且父母不得跟隨,所 以要想征得父母同意是富有挑戰(zhàn)性的。.答案與解析:C考查同義復現(xiàn)。根據(jù)語境和上文中的“getting their approval”可知,此處指她們最終 得到了父母的許可。.答案與解析:A考查語境推斷。根據(jù)語境可知,她們6月10號抵達Ely培訓之后,第二天一早 就動身了。set out ”出發(fā),動身“ ;set in ”到來,開始“;turnout “結(jié)果是;turn up 偶然出現(xiàn),到達”。.答案與解析:C 考查語境推斷。根據(jù)語境和下文中的ugetting up early every morning, going boating, then h

36、aving lunch at the campsites”可知,每天早早起床、去劃船等是常規(guī)的活動,已經(jīng)形成了固定行程。.答案與解析:A 考查邏輯推斷。根據(jù) ugetting up early every morning, going boating 12 , then having lunch at the campsites”可知,劃船這個活動發(fā)生在早上和午飯.之間,因此應該是中午去劃船。at down ”在破曉的時候”;at dusk “在黃昏時”。.答案與解析:B 考查邏輯推斷。根據(jù)空前的“having lunch at the campsites可知,“swinging, reading, tal


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