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1、 PAGE 頁(yè)碼 18 / NUMPAGES 總頁(yè)數(shù) 18湘少版六年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期末綜合復(fù)習(xí)年級(jí)聯(lián)考習(xí)題班級(jí):_ 姓名:_ 拼寫(xiě)單詞1. 給下列單詞加上“ing”。1.take_ 2.write_3.run_ 4.swim_5.play_ 6.do_7.read_ 8.sing_9.sleep_ 10.walk_2. 請(qǐng)根據(jù)照片和首字母提示寫(xiě)出單詞。1e_ 2s_3p_ 4p_5s_3. 按要求寫(xiě)單詞。1. eat(過(guò)去分詞) 2. quick(副詞)3. have(現(xiàn)在分詞) 4. care(形容詞)5. Saturday(縮寫(xiě)) 6. be careful(英譯漢)7.另一個(gè)的(漢譯英)

2、8. made(原形)4. 寫(xiě)出下列單詞的適當(dāng)形式。1candy(復(fù)數(shù)形式)_2do(過(guò)去式)_3have(第三人稱(chēng)單數(shù)形式)_4look(ing形式)_5long(比較級(jí))_5. 用括號(hào)中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.Itakemydogoutforawalk_(one)aday.2. Theres somebody _ (hide) behind the door.3. Sandy does her homework _ (careful) than Tom.4. There are many tall _ (build) on both sides of the street.5. Why

3、 does she look _ (worry) today? Whats the matter?6. 根據(jù)語(yǔ)境,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。A:_1_canIdoforyou?B:Idliketobuysomemooncakes_2_theMid-AutumnFestival.A:Wehavemany_3_kindsofmooncakeshere.Whichkinddoyoulike_4_?B:Theone_5_meatinit.A:How_6_doyouwant?B:Ten.A:What_7_doyouliketobuy?B:Doyouhave_8_todrink?A:Yes.Theyareoverther

4、e.B:Iwantthreebottles_9_orangejuice.A:OK.Hereyouare!B:Howmucharetheyall_10_?A:Fiftyyuan.B:I11takethem.Heresthemoney.A:Thankyou.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._7. 補(bǔ)全單詞并寫(xiě)出漢語(yǔ)意思。1. l_ntern(_)2. m_on cake(_)3. drag_n(_)4. fest_val(_)5. h_ng(_)8. 看圖寫(xiě)單詞。1. It means you cant_here.2. Im hungry. Lets go to the

5、_.3. It means you cant_here.4. This is the biggest_in our city.填空題9. 用動(dòng)詞的正確形式填空。1What are you_(do)?I_(watch) TV.2Its 9:00 p.m. My parents_(read) newspapers.3Look! The boy_(throw) rubbish on the floor.4Tom and his sister_(wait) for their parents at the moment.5Where is Miss Zhang?She_(talk) with the

6、pupils.10. 填空題。1I am teaching my brother_(fly) a kite.2I_(eat) some noodles yesterday morning.3Yao Ming is a basketball_(play).4He_(think) he can help his mother.5Math is_for her, but_for him.11. 用所給詞適當(dāng)形式填空。1Sarah_(read) the story last weekend.2The book talks about a lot of_(film).3Lets_(go) to the

7、bookstore.4What_you_(do) last night?5Lets go by car. Its faster than_(walk).12. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1We_(catch) a mouse last week.2He_(let) the old man get on the bus first yesterday.3The girl is sitting there_(quiet).4How can he_(get) out from the room?5All the students are very_. They are talking_.(excite

8、d)6The little girl sings very_(good).7The mouse_(bite) the door yesterday evening.8Bill_(wake) his sister up this morning.9They danced_(happy) at the party last night.10How_your mother_(help) you?She bought some fruit.13. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1Lets_(put) on our new clothes.2He wants_(go) swimming.3Lets have

9、a good time_(one).4Here_(be) some toys for you.5_you going to_(watch) cartoons?6Shall we_(clean) the classroom now?7What about_(go) shopping?Good idea!14. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1_(safe)mustcomefirstwhenwetakeatrip.2We all know that its not good for us to eat_(quick).3Tony eats lots of_(health) food every day

10、. Look, he is strong.4Thefanscheered_(loud) fortheirfootballteam.5_(sad), he lost his bike on the first day of school.15. 根據(jù)句意,首字母或所給詞提示填入所缺單詞。1March, April and_are in spring.2July is the s_month in a year.3Tom likes vegetables. He eats potatoes,_,_and_.4There are six_(giraffe) in the zoo. Lets_(go)

11、 to the zoo tomorrow.5He_(put) them on this shelf yesterday.6How many_(bench) are there under the tree?16. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1They are_(cheer) for the party.2I_(hit) the dog with the stone just now.3They run to the classroom_(quick).4I want_(reach) the pears.5Wang Bing_(write) an email to his friend now.6

12、Hes_(real) good at English.7I_(go) to a shopping centre last Sunday.8We couldnt_(find) our football.連詞成句17. art have I to an lesson am going(.)18. buy, to, where, a, you, going, book, are, word (?)19. in, front, them, sitting, the, dog, is, of (.)20. have, a new football, got, you, a new basketball,

13、 or (?) 21. a, at, light, stop, red (.)22. isnt, There, enough, water (.)23. is, Where, new, the, restaurant (?)24. like, going, does, he, hiking (?)句型轉(zhuǎn)換25. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1This jacket is Mikes. (改為復(fù)數(shù)句)2Is there a hill in your school? (作肯定回答)3Hesmy father. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))4I want to go inside.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)5My mother i

14、san English teacher. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))26. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1I played badminton last night(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_you_badminton last night?2Twenty years ago, I could buy things from shops. (變?yōu)榉穸ň?3She lives ina small townnear New York. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))4She is a nurse. (改為否定句) 5Its a big building. (改為what引導(dǎo)的感嘆句)27. 按要求完成句子。1. Mr. Wang ma

15、dea handbagwith an old coat. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))2. the, the, into, workers, a, put, machine, bottles, (.) (連詞成句)3. this, and, put, clean, your, in, can, it, crayons, (.) (連詞成句)4. This coat will bea handbag. (對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))5. Dont smoke. (另寫(xiě)一句,但意思不變)28. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1Students like staying in the library in summerbecause

16、 it is air-conditioned.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_students_staying in the library in summer?2Perhaps there will be more pavements in our city.(改為否定句)Perhaps there_more pavements in our city.3I cant decide when we will have the next class meeting.(改為簡(jiǎn)單句)I cant decide_have the next class meeting.29. 按要求完成下列句子。(1)He

17、has a brother and a sister .(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_he_any brothers or sisters?(2)Open the windows .(改為否定句)_the window.(3)She is watching cartooons at home now .(改為一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))Sometimes she_at home.(4)Jim is good at PE .(改為同義句)Jim_in PE.(5)We saw a play last Sunday .(用tomorrow替換last Sunday)We are_see a play tomorrow.(6

18、)秋天是北京最美的季節(jié)。(漢譯英)Its the_in autumn in Beijing.30. 按要求改寫(xiě)句子,每空一詞。1. Theyll stay in Sydneyfor three weeks.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_will they stay in Sydney?2. Mrs Green made a cake last Saturday.(用now改寫(xiě))Mrs Green_a cake now.3. There are some flowers in front of the house.(改為否定句)There_flowers in front of the house.4

19、. I usually finish my homework before dinner.(將I改成she)She usually_homework before dinner.5. Mike walks to school from Monday to Friday.(改為同義句)Mike goes to school_from Monday to Friday.31. 按要求改寫(xiě)下列句子。1There are some picture books in the library.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_there_picture books in the library?2He puts on

20、his coat quickly.(改為否定句)He_ on his coat quickly.3ItsWednesdaytoday.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ is it today?4All the students went to the museumon footlast week.(對(duì)句子主題意思提問(wèn))_ did all the students_to the museum last week?5The strawberries are delicious.(改為感嘆句)_ the strawberries are!32. 按要求完成下列各題。1.I likesinging and d

21、ancing. (主題意思提問(wèn))_are your_?2. Is there a cinema near here?(肯定回答)_,_3.Turn left at the bookstore.(否定句)_turn left at the bookstore.4. I am going toBeijingnext week.(劃線提問(wèn))_you going next week?5.I have some comic books. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句)_you have_comic books ?6. likes, he, singing, also (.)(連詞成句)7. is, to, comi

22、c, his ,John, going, favourite, buy, book(.)(連詞成句)閱讀理解33. 閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。Hello, my name is Lily. Im twelve years old. I live in Haikou. My hobby is playing the piano. Tina is my best friend. She is younger than me. She likes playing football very much. Ms Smart is our English teacher. She is very beaut

23、iful and humorous. She likes skating. We all like her very much.1Mybestfriendis_.( )A.MsSmart B.Tina C.Lucy2Tinamaybe_yearsold.( )A.13 B.11 C.123Myhobbyis_whileMsSmartshobbyis_.( )A.playingfootball,skatingB.collectingstampsandskatingC.playingthepiano,skating4MsSmartisour_.( )A.bestfriend B.classmate

24、 C.Englishteacher5MsSmartisvery_.( )A.tallandbeautiful B.cleverandbeautiful C.beautifulandhumorous34. 閱讀短文,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。On Childrens Day, a young woman from America goes to Beihai Park with her little daughter. There are too many people in the park, and the woman cant find her daughter, so she goes

25、 to a policeman for help. She tells the policeman her daughter is only six years old. She has two big eyes and a round face. Her hair is golden. And she wears a short blue dress. At last the policeman helps her find her daughter. She thanks him very much.( )(1)On Childrens Day,woman goes to Beihai P

26、ark with her little daughter.A. USA B. an American C. an America( )(2)The woman cant find her.A. son B. children C. child( )(3)Her daughter is only.A. five B. six C. four( )(4)The little girls hair is.A. yellow B. brown C. golden( )(5)helps her find her daughter.A. The policeman B. Some people C. Po

27、licemen35. 閱讀理解,判斷正誤。Daming: Simon, What are you doing?Simon: Im reading a book about spaceship.Daming: Im interested in it, too. May I have a look at it?Simon: Of course. Look, this is Shenzhou V. It took a man into space for the first time.Daming: I know. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut

28、 into space.Simon: Yes, and now he is very famous.Daming: And I want to be an astronaut like him one day.( )(1)Simon is reading a newspaper.( )(2)The book is about spaceship.( )(3)Shenzhou V is the first Chinese spaceship into space.( )(4)Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut into space.( )(5)S

29、imon wants to be an astronaut.36. 閱讀短文并判斷正(T)誤(F)。People like to drink tea. There is black tea, green tea, white tea and yellow tea. People drink a lot of tea in China. Some Chinese people drink it because it is good for their health. Many people drink it because it tastes very good. People drink a

30、lot of green tea in Japan. People drink lots of green tea in South Korea(韓國(guó)),too. In Vietnam(越南),people like to drink coffee first. Then they drink tea.People drink lots of tea in England. Every afternoon, people drink tea. Its the afternoon tea. English people like to drink their tea with milk in i

31、t. Many people drink black tea in the USA. In the South, people like to drink sweet tea. Sweet tea is cold black tea with sugar(糖)in it. Most tea comes from China. Some tea comes from India(印度),Sri Lanka(斯里蘭卡),Kenya (肯尼亞),Japan and Indonesia(印度尼西亞)。( ) 1. People like to drink coffee before tea in So

32、uth Korea.( ) 2. Most tea comes from China.( ) 3.In England, people like to drink tea with sugar in it.( ) 4. In the South of the USA, people like to drink sweet tea.( ) 5. “Black tea” means “紅茶”.37. 閱讀理解,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案?!?Early to bed, early to rise (起身) makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.” This i

33、s an old English saying. Children should have eight hours sleep every night, or they cant do their work well. They will not be wise. The body needs exercise. Walking , running , swimming and playing ball games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.( ) 1. “Early to rise” means that we must

34、 _ early.go to school B. get up C. go home( ) 2. Children should have _hours sleep every night.A. 10 B. 9 C. 8( ) 8. Everybody_ exercise.A. need B. needs C. wants ( ) 4. _ is good exercise, too.A. Jog B. Jogging C. Jogged( ) 5.Exercise makes us _.A. fat B. stronger C. thinner38. 以下是五個(gè)人的愛(ài)好和六則俱樂(lè)部招會(huì)員的廣

35、告,請(qǐng)為每個(gè)人選擇正確的選項(xiàng),有一項(xiàng)是多余的。( )(1)Sarah likes dancing very much. She needs a partner.( )(2)Wu Yifan is good at skating. He loves it very much. He wants to do more exercise.( )(3)Mikes Chinese friends are good at playing ping pong. He wants to learn to play it, too.( )(4)Swimming is Olivers favourite spor

36、t. He is good at it.( )(5)Zhang Peng loves reading. He wants to share books with others.39. 閱讀,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正(T)誤(F)。Magical(有魔力的)Space(太空)The universe(宇宙)includes(包括)the Earth(地球)and all the things in space. It includes(包括)planets(行星),stars and galaxies(星系). The universe is I3,750,000,000 years old. Ast

37、ronomers(天文學(xué)家)study the universe with the help of telescopes(望遠(yuǎn)鏡).There are countless(無(wú)數(shù)的)stars in the universe. They have bright light(光). Stars have different colors.The sun is the nearest(最近的)star to us. It gives the heat(熱)and light to all the things on Earth(地球). Light helps the animals, plants

38、 and us humans to live and grow. The sun is about 150,000,000km away from us. If Liu Xiang ran from Earth to the sun at his fastest(最快的)speed(速度), he would take(花費(fèi))about 560 years to reach(到達(dá))it.1Astronomers use telescopes to study the universe.(_)2There are 13,750,000,000 stars in the universe.(_)3

39、Liu Xiang would(將)need(需要)about 560 years run from the Earth to the sun.(_)4The moon is the nearest star to us.(_)5The sun gives water to all the things on Earth.(_)40. 閱讀理解。Its camping time. Jack is reading a story in the tent now.A young goat was walking in a forest. Suddenly, a hungry wolf appeared. The goat ran and ran but the wolf soon caught him. The hungry wolf licked his lips. He opened his mouth to eat the goat.Wait! cried the goat before the wolf could eat him up. Help me please before you eat me, he said.What can I do for you? asked the wolf.Its a small thing, said the goa


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