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1、PAGE Page PAGE 17Semiinarr foor Carrriagge oof DDanggeroous Gooods05 JJulyy 20002GL AASEAA BuusannY. SS. KKimBrieef IInsttrucctioonTherre iis aa trremeendoous varrietty oof ddanggeroous carrgoees bbeinng ccarrriedd onn seeagooingg shhipss, tto ssomee exxtennt iin vveryy laargee quuanttitiies. Daange

2、erouus ggoodds aare maiinlyy miinerral oills aand prooduccts of thee chhemiicall inndusstryy whhichh maay rreprreseent a ddangger forr thhe ccreww, tthe shiip aand envviroonmeent. TThiss haas bbeenn taakenn acccouunt by thee IMMO iin tthe intternnatiionaal CConvventtionn foor tthe Saffetyy off Liife

3、 at Seaa, SSOLAAS. Thee caarriiagee off daangeerouus ggoodds iin ggeneerall iss deealtt wiith in SOLLAS Chaapteer VVII, cooverringg chhemiicall taankeers in Parrt BB, ggas carrrieers in Parrt CC annd tthe carrriaage of danngerrouss gooodss inn paackaagedd foorm or in sollic forrm iin bbulkk iss coon

4、taaineed iin PPartt A.Partt A of SOLLAS Chaapteer VVII conntaiins genneraal rrequuireemennts covveriing maiinlyy opperaatioonall asspeccts andd apppliies to alll shhipss, iinclludiing carrgo shiipess off leess thaan 5500 grooss tonns, carrryiing danngerrouss gooodss. PPartt A of SOLLAS Chaapteer VVI

5、I is thee leegall baase forr thhe “Intternnatiionaal MMariitimme DDanggeroous Gooods Codde“ (IMMDG Codde) andd thhe “Codde oof SSafeety Praactiice forr Soolidd Buulk Carrgoees“ (BCC Coode). TTherre ccodees cconttainn thhe sspeccifiic rrequuireemennts witth rregaard to pacckinng, labbelllingg , stoow

6、agge, seggreggatiion andd ottherr opperaatioonall asspeccts.In RReguulattionn 2 of SOLLAS Chaapteer VVII, Paart A ddanggeroous gooods aree cllasssifiied acccorddingg too thheirr sppeciificc prropeertiies:Classs 11ExpplossiveeClasss 22.1Flaammaablee GaasessClasss 22.2 Nonn-fllammmablle GGaseesClasss

7、22.3Poiisonnouss GaasessClasss 33.1/3.22Flaammaablee liiquiids witth fflassh ppoinnt oof 223C andd beelowwClasss 33.3Flaammaablee liiquiids witth fflassh ppoinnt aabovve 223C up to 61CCClasss 44.1Flaammaablee sooliddsClasss 44.2Subbstaancees lliabble to spoontaaneoous commbusstioonClasss 44.3Subbsta

8、ancees, whiich, inn coontaact witth wwateer, emiit fflammmabble gassesClasss 55.1Oxiidizzingg suubsttanccesClasss 55.2Orgganiic ssubsstanncessClasss 66.1Toxxic subbstaanceesClasss 66.2Inffecttiouus ssubsstanncessClasss 77Raddioaactiive matteriialssClasss 88Corrrossivees (liqquidds aand sollid forrms

9、)Classs 99Misscelllanneouus ddanggeroous subbstaancees aand artticllesFor thee deetaiils of thee cllasssifiicattionn off thhe ddanggeroous gooods, reeferr too IMMGD Codde PParaa.5 as atttachhed.Danggeroous subbstaancees iin ppackkageed fformm arre tto bbe sshipppedd inn appproovedd paackaaginngs as

10、speeciffiedd inn thhe IIMDGG coode forr eaach subbstaancee inndivviduuallly, inccluddingg a limmitaatioon oof tthe filllinng ccapaacitty. Commmonn paackaaginngs aree booxess, ddrumms, preessuure cyllindderss ettc. Theese parrcellledd gooodss arre eeithher be stoowedd diirecctlyy inn thhe ccarggo hho

11、ldd orr innsidde aa frreigght conntaiinerr. GGoodds sstowwed in tannk cconttainnerss, bbulkk coontaaineers or bigg baags aree coonsiiderred pacckagged as welll. Pleeasee noote thaat bbulkk caargooes meaan ccarggoess whhichh arre iinteendeed tto bbe ttrannspoorteed wwithhoutt anny iinteermeediaate fo

12、rrm oof cconttainnmennt iin bbulkk paackaaginngs or porrtabble tannks.Stowwagee reequiiremmentts sspeccifyy, aamonng ootheer tthinngs, reestrricttionns rrelaatedd too thhe ddisttancce tto lliviing quaarteers andd too ennginne rroomm boounddariies, orr whhethher on decck oor uundeer ddeckk sttowaage

13、is perrmitttedd orr sttowaage on passsenngerr shhipss.Segrregaatioon iis rrequuireed ffor inccomppatiiblee gooodss liike subbstaancees, whiich stoowedd toogettherr, ppressentt a rissk ffor unddue hazzardds iin ccasee off leeakaage or spiillaage.Reguulattionns aand ProovissionnSOLAAS III-22, RReg. 54

14、4Speeciffic reqquirremeentss foor sshipps ccarrryinng ddanggeroous gooodsThesse rreguulattionns sspeccifyy thhe rrequuireed iinsttalllatiionss annd eequiipmeent in thee caargoo sppacees ffor thee inndivviduual carrgoeesSOLAAS VVII, Paart ACarrriaage of danngerrouss gooodss inn paackaagedd foorm or i

15、n sollid forrm iin bbulkk.Appllicaatioon oof tthe Rulles andd cllasssifiicattionn off thhe vvariiouss gooodss. GGeneerall innforrmattionn reegarrdinng ppackkagiing, maarkiing, laabelllinng, doccumeentss annd sstowwagee. IMDGG CoodeIntternnatiionaal MMariitimme DDanggeroous Gooods CoddeSpeccifiic ppr

16、ovvisiionss foor eeachh inndivviduual carrgo witth rresppectt too paackiing, sttowaage andd seegreegattionn duuingg thhe ttrannspoort. Too bee onnboaard if gooods in pacckagged forrm aare carrrieed.BC CCodeeCodde oof SSafee Prractticee foor SSoliid BBulkk CaargooesSpeccifiic pprovvisiionss foor eeac

17、hh inndivviduual carrgo witth rresppectt too sttowaage andd seegreegattionn duurinng tthe traanspportt. TTo bbe oonbooardd iff buuldkk caargoopess arre ccarrriedd.INF CoddeCodde ffor thee saafe carrriaage of irrradiiateed nnucllearr fuuel, pllutooniyym aand higgh-lleveel rradiioacctivve wwasttes in

18、flaaskss onn booardd shhipss. IINF 1, INFF 2, INNF-33 deepenndennt oon tthe tottal raddioaactiive quaantiity.Claass 7, nott cooverred by SOLLAS II-2, Regg. 554.As iindiicatted in thee liist of claassees ssomee gooodss arre ddanggeroous on acccounnt oof ttheiir ffeatturees ( eexpllosiive or poii

19、sonnouss prroduuctss). Othher gooods connstiitutte aa haazarrd dduriing thee trranssporrt iif ttheyy geet iin ttoucch wwithh ottherr maaterrialls aand theerebby aa chhemeeicaal rreacctioon iis ccaussed, e.g. devveloopmeent of ignnitaablee orr tooxicc gaasess affterr coontaact witth wwateer. Theereff

20、oree,thhe ccarggo sspacces conncerrnedd haave to be proovidded witth tthe firre pprottecttionn annd ssafeety sysstemms ddepeendeent on thee scchemme oof tthe carrriaage of danngerrouss gooodss ass sppeciififfiedd onn SOOLASS Chhaptter II-2, Reggualltioon 554 iin oordeer tto ccopee wiith danngerrouss

21、 siituaatioons whiich mayy evvolvve.It sshouuld be notted thaat aa shhip neeed nnot to commplyy wiith alll thhe rrequuireemennts inddicaatedd inn thhe SSOLAAS III-22, RReguulattionn 544. TThe claassees oof ddanggeroous gooods whiich mayy bee caarriied andd poossiiblee reestrricttionns aare asccertta

22、inned on thee baasiss off thhe aarraangeemennts andd eqquippmennt pprovvideed ffor eacch sspacce aand succh sstatted in thee “DDocuumennt oof CComppliaancee foor tthe Carrriaage of Danngerrouss Gooodss (DDanggeroous Gooods Cerrtifficaate)“.As aattaacheed, ourr Ruuless Chhaptter 2, Secctioon 112, The

23、e taablees 112.77 annd 112.88 arre uusedd too deeterrminne tthe reqquirremeentss too bee fuulfiilleed ffor parrticculaar cclasssess off daangeerouus ggoodds tto bbe ccarrriedd inn a parrticculaar ttypee off caargoo sppacee.Speccifiic RRequuireemennts forr thhe CCarrriagge oof DDanggeroous GooodsGene

24、erall innforrmattionn reegarrdinng tthe apppliccatiion of thee Sppeciial Reqquirremeentss off Reegullatiion 54 of SOLLAS II-2 aaccoordiing to thee sccopee off daangeerouus ggoodds tto bbe ccarrriedd.The scoope of danngerrouss gooodss, wwhicch mmay be carrrieed, deppendds oon tthe vesssells outtfittt

25、inng.A.TTrannspoort of Danngerrouss Gooodss (DD.G.) iin ppackkagee foormA miinimmum of succh rrequuireemennts as dettailled herre bbeloow hhas to be mett inn caase D.GG. iin ppackkageed fformm shhalll bee caarriied in a ccarggo hholdd:1.AAll carrgo hollds to be fitttedd wiith a ffixeed ffiree exxtin

26、nguiishiing sysstemm(coonveentiionaal/cconttainner/bullk ccarggo sspacces: COO2 ssysttem)speeciaal ccateegorry sspacces, oppen ro/ro spaacess annd aalikke: watter sprrayiing sysstemm2.IImmeediaate avaailaabillityy off waaterr foor ffiree fiighttingg byy reemotte sstarrt oof tthe firre ppumpps ffromm

27、 thhe wwheeelhoousee3.HHydrrantts tto bbe aarraangeed ssuchh thhat anyy paart of thee emmptyy caargoo sppacee caan bbe rreacchedd wiith fouur jjetss off waaterr siimulltanneouuslyy. TTwo of thee jeets shaall be supppliied viaa siinglle llenggth of hosse eeachh, ttwo mayy bee suupplliedd viia ttwo co

28、uupleed hhosee leengtths. Thhis reqquirremeent apppliees aalsoo too thhe ccarggo wweattherr deeck dessignnateed ffor thee sttowaage of D.GG.4.AApprroveed ffiree deetecctioon ssysttem forr thhe ccarggo hholdds (in casse oof cclasss 11 onn weeathher decck aalsoo apppliicabble to thee caargoo hoold ben

29、neatth)5.FFourr seets of cheemiccal prootecctivve cclotthinng6.TTwo addditiionaal bbreaathiing appparaatuss wiith spaare chaargees aacc. too fllag staate reqquirremeentss 6000 ltrs. each for German flag., butt noot llesss thhan twoo7.AAddiitioonall drry ppowdder firre eextiinguuishherss tootall 122

30、kgg peer hholdd (nnot reqquirred in conntaiinerr caargoo hooldss, bbut alsso ffor weaatheer ddeckk sttowaage)Witth fforeegoiing equuipmmentt thhe ffolllowiing mayy bee caarriied in thee caargoo hoold(s):IMO CllasssResttricctioons1.4.Snonee2.2nonee3.3nonee4.1exceept subbstaancees ffor whiich thee IMM

31、DG codde sstippulaatess sstowwagee inn a mecchannicaallyy veentiilatted spaace4.2exceept subbstaancees ffor whiich thee IMMDG codde sstippulaatess sstowwagee inn a mecchannicaallyy veentiilatted spaace5.1exceept subbstaancees ffor whiich thee IMMDG codde sstippulaatess sstowwagee inn a mecchannicaal

32、lyy veentiilatted spaace6.1exceept liqquidds aand excceptt suubsttancces forr whhichh thhe IIMDGG coode stiipullatees stoowagge iin aa meechaaniccallly vventtilaatedd sppacee8exceept liqquidds wwithh fllashh poointt 661C9exceept subbstaancees ffor whiich thee IMMDG codde sstippulaatess sstowwagee in

33、n a mecchannicaallyy veentiilatted spaaceProvvideed aaddiitioonall drry ppowdder firre eextiinguuishherss off tootall 122 kgg arre aavaiilabble deddicaatedd too thhe uuse in thee caargoo deeck areea aall claassees oof DD.G. maay bbe ccarrriedd onn weeathher decck.8.FFor thee caarriiagee off fllammma

34、blle ggasees (claass 2.11), toxxic gasses (cllasss 2.3), suubsttancces of IMOO cllasss 4.3, liqquidds oof cclasss 66 annd 88 wiith flaash poiint 611CC, bbut aboove 23C andd foor tthe carrriaage of thoose gooods forr whhichh thhe IIMDGG coode reqquirres sttowaage in a mmechhaniicallly venntillateed s

35、spacce, thhe ccarggo hholdd iss too bee prroviidedd wiith mecchannicaal eexhaaustt veentiilattionn giivinng 66 aiir cchanngess peer hhourr baasedd onn thhe eemptty hholdd. Thiis aapplliess allso to gooods of IMOO cllassses 4.11, 44.2 andd 5.1 iif sstowwagee inn a mecchannicaallyy veentiilatted spaac

36、e is stiipullateed iin tthe IMDDG ccodee. The venntillatiion duccts shaall be arrrangged succh tthatt appprooximmateely 1/33 off thhe aair vollumee iss reemovved froom tthe uppper andd 2/3 lloweer ppartt off thhe ccarggo hholdd. The venntillatiion mayy bee reeducced to twoo aiir cchanngess peer hhou

37、rr inn caase of conntaiinerr caargoo sppacees aand if theese gooods aree caarriied in cloosedd frreigght conntaiinerrs.The inllet (iff suupplly ffanss arre pprovvideed) andd ouutleet vventtilaatioon oopenninggs aare to be fitttedd wiith wirre mmeshh guuardds nnot excceeddingg 133mmm meesh to preeven

38、nt fforeeignn obbjeccts froom eenteerinng iintoo thhe ffan cassingg.9.WWithh veentiilattionn accc. to 8. andd exx-prrooff ellecttriccal equuipmmentt off exxploosioon ggrouup IIIB, teempeeratturee cllasss T44 annd ggradde oof pprottecttionn IPP 555, aalsoo thhe fflammmabble gasses (cllasss 2.1) witth

39、 tthe exccepttionn off Hyydroogenn annd mmixtturees ttherreoff maay bbe ccarrriedd inn thhe hholdd. It shoouldd bee nootedd thhat alll ellecttriccal equuipmmentt coominng iintoo coontaact witth hholdd attmosspheere hass too meeet thiis rrequuireemennt (ligghtiing, fiire dettecttionn syysteem, vennti

40、llatoors etcc.).Thee caarriiagee allso of Hyddroggen andd miixtuuress thhereeof wouuld reqquirre eex-pprooof iinsttalllatiion of IICC T44. Lighhtinng iis nnot a rrequuireemennt oof tthe Rulles norr SOOLASS. LLighhtinng oor aany othher eleectrricaal eequiipmeent, unnlesss rrequuireed bby tthe Reggula

41、atioons or in connnecctioon wwithh thhe ttrannspoort of D.GG., mayy bee issolaatedd duurinng tthe traanspportt off gooodss reequiirinng eex-pprooof eelecctriicall eqquippmennt.10.Witth vventtilaatioon aaccoordiing to 8., exx-prrooff innstaallaatioon aaccoordiing to 9. andd ann adddittionnal fixxed b

42、illge sysstemm foor tthe remmovaal oof DD.G. sppillls, thee cllassses 3.11, 33.2, 6.1 aand 8 mmay be carrrieed wwithhoutt reestrricttionns.11.In casse oof IIMO-claass 1, excceptt 1.4.SS, tthe folllowwingg woouldd haave to be proovidded in addditiion to thee baasicc reequiiremmentts aas pper iteems 1

43、. - 110:eelecctriicall eqquippmennt oof aat lleasst IIIB T5, IPP 655 (oonlyy foor ggoodds lliabble to emiit eexpllosiive dusst oor vvapoour)wwateer sspraayinng ssysttem forr thhe ppartt whheree cllasss 1 is to be stoowedd (55 liitrees/mm2 miin)aa maachiinerry sspacce bbulkkheaad aadjooiniing thee ca

44、argoo hoold is to be inssulaatedd too A-60 staandaard.12.In a ccarggo hholdd addjoiininng tthe macchinneryy sppacee vaarioous IMOO cllassses havve tto bbe sstowwed 3m awaay ffromm thhe mmachhineery spaace bullkheead, unnlesss iit iis iinsuulatted to A-660 sstanndarrd. Forr deetaiils pleeasee reeferr

45、 too thhe RRulees. Thiis rrequuireemennt, howweveer, is nott apppliicabble to conntaiinerr caargoo hooldss.In casse oof IIMO claass 1 (excceptt 1.4.SS) hhoweeverr, tthe A-660 ffiree prroteectiion inssulaatioon iis mmanddatoory forr thhe mmachhineery spaace bullkheead adjjoinningg a carrgo holld. In

46、addditiion, thhesee gooodss haave to be stoowedd 3 m aawayy frrom thee maachiinerry sspacce bbulkkheaad.13.Notte:IMOO-cllasss 5.2 nneveer iis ppermmittted to be carrrieed iin aa hoold reggarddlesss oof aany equuipmmentt fiitteed. Thiis ssub-claass is allloweed oon ddeckk onnly.14.Carrriaage of connt

47、aiinerrs oon NNon-weaatheertiightt Haatchh cooverrs Withh reegarrd tto tthe carrriaage of conntaiinerrs oon nnon-weaatheertiightt haatchh cooverrs, pottenttiall haazarrds havve bbeenn iddenttifiied in casse oof ddanggeroous gooods of whiich leaakedd liiquiids mayy ennterr innto thee coontaaineer cca

48、rggo hholdd annd ffor danngerrouss gooodss foor wwhicch tthe IMDDG ccodee reequiiress “oon ddeckk sttowaage” onnly.For newwbuiildiingss inntenndedd foor tthe carrriaage conntaiinerrs oon nnon-weaatheertiightt haatchh cooverrs wwithh gaaps, foolloowinngs shaall be obsservved:IACSS LLL 644Fromm thhe c

49、carrriagge oof ddanggeroous gooods poiint of vieew, he maiin iitemms aare:the gapps sshalll nnot excceedd 500 mmmto mminiimisse tthe enttry of leaakedd liiquiids intto tthe conntaiinerr caargoo hoold, efffecctivve pprovvisiionss (ee.g. guutteer bbarss) sshalll bbe pprovvideed iin wway of thee gaapst

50、he reqquirremeent CO22 quuanttityy foor tthe carrgo holld iis tto bbe iincrreassed by at leaast 10 %In aaccoordaancee wiith intterpprettatiion, paara 9 oof LLL644 neeed nott too bee obbserrvedd unnderr foolloowinng ccondditiionss:Stowwagee off coontaaineers on thee haatchh cooverrs iinsiide thee guu

51、tteer bbarss, ii.e. wiithoout briidgiing thee gaaps: noo fuurthher reqquirremeentStowwagee off coontaaineers aboove gapps, bby bbriddginng tthe gapps:Addiitioonall drrainnagee reecesss, rreceesseed llabyyrinnth arrranggemeent, shhalll bee prroviidedd beetweeen thee haatchh cooverrs.Mechh

52、aniicall veentiilattionn inn thhe ccarggo hholdds sshalll bbe pprovvideed. Thee kiind of venntillatiion (exxhauust or oveerprresssuree veentiilattionn) sshouuld be sellectted as folllowws:For conntaiinerr caargoo hooldss fiitteed wwithh ceertiifieed ssafee ellecttriccal equuipmmentt off att leeastt

53、IIIBT44 IPP55 andd veentiilattionn giivinng aat lleasst 22 aiir cchanngess peer hhourr, GGL rrecoommeendss meechaaniccal venntillatiion of exhhausst ttypee whhichh wee deeem morre eeffeectiive in casse oof lleakkagee off daangeerouus ggoodds ffromm coontaaineers stoowedd wiithiin tthe holld. Shoould

54、d anny ggasees oor vvapoour froom tthe “onn deeck onlly” carrgo be draawn intto tthe holld iit wwilll bee diilutted suffficcienntlyy soo thhat toggethher witth tthe forremeentiioneed sstanndarrd oof eelecctriicall prroteectiion theere shoouldd bee noo riisk of ignnitiion.Overrpreessuure venntillatii

55、on of thee caargoo hooldss beeneaath shoouldd bee reequiiredd onnly if thee caargoo hooldss arre nnot equuippped forr thhe ccarrriagge oof fflammmabble gasses andd liiquiids witth fflassh ppoinnt bbeloow 223 CC (tthatt meeanss e.g. no cerrtiffiedd saafe eleectrricaal eequiipmeent). AAn aair chaangee

56、 raate of at leaast 2/hhr sshalll bbe pprovvideed aand conntinnuouus vventtilaatioon sshouuld be maiintaaineed tthrooughhoutt thhe hholdds iif ssuchh caargooes aree sttoweed oon tthe hattchees.For dettaills rregaardiing thee inndivviduual reqquirremeentss plleasse rrefeer tto tthe Rulles.B.TTrannspo

57、ort of Sollid Danngerrouss Gooodss inn BuulkIn ccasee a vesssell shhalll allso be suiitabble forr thhe ccarrriagge oof ssoliid DD.G. inn buulk thee foolloowinng iis tto bbe aapplliedd:1.IIf ffittted witth eequiipmeent as perr ittemss 1., 22., 3., 5. annd 66., thee foolloowinng cclasssess caan bbe cc

58、arrriedd inn buulk:5.1 Separation to engine room bulkhead in accordance with BC code., 66.1, 8aand 9 NOTEREF _Ref474726172 h * MERGEFORMAT 112.MMechhaniicall veentiilattionn iss maandaatorry oonlyy foor aa liimitted nummberr off buulk carrgoees. Forr deetaiils pleeasee reeferr too thhe RRulees.3.AA

59、fiire dettecttionn syysteem aas pper iteem 44. iis nnot reqquirred in casse oof ssoliid DD.G. inn buulk. 4.TThe CO22 syysteem mmay be exeemptted on apppliccatiion in casse oof bbulkk caargooes whiich aree noon-ccombbusttiblle oor oof llow firre rriskk orr foor wwhicch CCO2 iss deeemeed tto bbe iinef

60、ffecctivve (IMOO MSSC/CCircc.6771).5.CClasss 44.1 In a cargo hold adjoining a machinery space stowage at least 3m away from engine room bulkhead, unless it is insulated to A-60 standard. inn buulk wouuld reqquirre eelecctriicall eqquippmennt oof aat lleasst IIP 555, maxx. ssurffacee teempeeratturee


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