



1、5/5Sense 1Alice: How do you do, my dear? I am afraid you have had a tedious ride. John drives so slowly; you must be cold, e to the fire.Mrs. Fairfax?Alice: Yes, you are right: do sit down.Alice: Oh, it is no trouble; I dare say your own hands are almost numbed with cold. I am so glad, I am so glad

2、you are e; it will be quite pleasant living here now with a panion. How do you like Thornfield?Jane:I like it very much.Alice: Yes, it is a pretty place; but I fear it will be getting out of order, unless Mr. Rochester should take it into his head to e and reside here permanentlyJane:Mr. Rochester!.

3、 Who is he?Alice: The owner of Thornfield.Did you not know he was called Rochester?Jane:I though Thornfield belonged to you.Alice: To me? Bless you, child; what an idea! To me! I am only the housekeeper- the manager. To be sure I am distantly related to the Rochesters by the mothers side.I never pre

4、sume on the connection- in fact, it is nothing to me; my employer is always civil, and I expect nothing more.Aside: A few days later, Rochester returns to Thornfield. After a period time together, he finds that Jane is independent and smart. Everything about Jane touches him deeply and he falls in l

5、ove with her. As for Jane, she admires Mr.Rochester very much, from appearance to his kind heart. However, Jane is too humbled and Rochester is too unsocial. So both of them dont find each others love. Then where does their story go?Sense 2Rochester:Jane, you love thornfield? If one day, you have to

6、 leave there, would you like to?Jane:Absolutely no!Rochester: I believe you must leave them, Jane, I am sorry, but I believe you must. It has e. I must tell you tonight. There is a place in the west of Ireland to which I can send you.Jane: its a long way off, sir. Its a long way from England, from t

7、hornfield, fromRochester: well?Jane: From you, sir.Rochester: You will forget me.Jane: that I never should, sir. I love thornfield. Here I have lived a full and happy life. I have been free. I have know you, Mr. Rochester, and although I see I must go, I feel as though I were going to my death. I wi

8、sh Id never been born!I wish Id never e to Thorn field!Rochester:Jane!Jane, please dont go anywhere, stay here!Jane:stay?Rochester:Yes!Jane:Do you think I will stayRochester:Yes, I am!Jane:to bee nothing to you?Rochester:Nononono.Jane:Do you think I am an automaton? A machine without feelings? And c

9、an bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?Rochester:It is not the case.Jane: do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am souless and heartless?Rochester:Jane, listen to me!Jane:You think wrong!I have as much soul as

10、you,and full as much heart!And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me ,as it is now for me to leave you.Rochester:Yes, we are equal individuals!JaneI am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.Roches

11、ter: Waitwait a moment. Let me explain. I want you as my wife. It is only you whom I wish to marry. Jane, will you marry me?Jane:Are you mocking me?Rochester: It is you I love,Jane, I beg you to accept me as your husband.Jane: sir, do you really wish me to be your wife?Rochester:I do. I swear it.Jan

12、e:I would.Rochester: Jane! I will guard and love her. God will understand me. God will forgive me.Sense3Rochester:Have you been to the chapel?Servant:Yes, sir. The pastor has just arrived .Rochester: Is John getting the carriage ready?Servant :Yes, sir.Rochester:Is the luggage brought down?Servant :

13、They are bringing it down, sir.Rochester:Go you to the church: see if Mr. Wood (the clergyman) and the clerk are there: return and tell me.Servant :Mr. Wood is in the vestry, sir, putting on his surplice.Rochester:And the carriage?Servant :The horses are harnessing.Rochester:We shall not want it to

14、go to church; but it must be ready the moment we return: all the boxes and luggage arranged and strapped on, and the coachman in his seat.Servant :Yes, sir.Rochester:Jane!Jane!Jane: Yes, Im here!Rochester: Honey, you are so beautiful!Jane: Thank you.Rochester: Any regrets?Jane: Only that Adle is awa

15、y at school. She would have loved to see me in this dressRochester: we will have a portrait painted and send it to her. Like this, with the morning light upon you.Rochester: My lover, Jane, will be my wife, l will take care of you,and make you the luckiest woman in the world!Alice:Im sorry to distur

16、b .But I have to .Mr. Rochester, Its time to go to the church. The pastor is waiting.Sense 4Pastor: We are gathered together here at the sight of God to join together. This man, and this woman in holy matrimony. So many as are coupled together, otherwise than Gods World doth allow. I now join togeth

17、er by GodLawyer : The marriage cannot go on !I declare the existence of an impediment.Rochester: Proceed.Pastor:I cannot proceed without some investigation into what has been asserted, and evidence of its truth or falsehood.Lawyer:I am in a condition to prove my allegation: an insuperable impediment

18、 to this marriage exists.Pastor:What is the nature of the impediment?Perhaps it may be got over-explained away?Lawyer :Hardly,I have called it insuperable, and I speak advisedly. It simply consists in the existence of a previous marriage. Mr. Rochester has a wife now living.Rochester: Who are you?An

19、d you would thrust on me a wife?Lawyer:I would remind you of your ladys existence, sir, which the law recognises, if you do not.Rochester: Favour me with an account of her- with her name, her parentage, her place of abode.Lawyer:Certainly. Edward Fairfax Rochester, of Thornfield England, was married

20、 to my sister,Bertha Antoinetta Mason, daughter of Jonas Mason, merchant, and of Antoinetta his wife, a Creole, at- church, Spanish Town, Jamaica. The record of the marriage will be found in the register of that church- a copy of it is now in my possession. Signed, Richard Mason.Rochester: That- if

21、a genuine document- may prove I have been married, but it does not prove that the woman mentioned therein as my wife is still living.Lawyer:She was living three months ago.Rochester: How do you know?Lawyer:I have a witness to the fact, whose testimony even you, sir, will scarcely controvert.Rocheste

22、r: Produce him- or go to hell.Lawyer:I will produce him first- he is on the spot. Mr. Mason, have the goodness to step forward.(Mason came in and Rochester tried to fight him.)Rochester: What have you to say?The devil is in it if you cannot answer distinctly. I again demand, what have you to say?Pas

23、tor: Sir- sir,do not forget you are in a sacred place.Are you aware, sir, whether or not this gentlemans wife is still living?Lawyer:Courage, - speak out.Mason: She is now living at Thornfield Hall,I saw her there last April. I am her brother.Pastor:At Thornfield Hall! Impossible! I am an old reside

24、nt in this neighbourhood, sir, and I never heard of a Mrs. Rochester at Thornfield Hall.Rochester: No, by God! I took care that none should hear of it- or of her under that name. Enough! . Wood, close your book and take off your surplice; John Green (to the clerk), leave the church: there will be no

25、 wedding today. What these men say is true. I have been married. And the woman to whom I was married still livese to my house ,all of you! And meet Grace Pools patient! My wife.Sense 5Rochester: you know this place, mason. She bit you and knifed you here .Good-morrow, Mrs. Poole! How are you? and ho

26、w is your charge to-day?Mrs. Poole:Were tolerable, sir, thank you,rather snappish, but not rageous. Ah! sir, she sees you.youd better not stay.Rochester:Only a few moments, Grace, you must allow me a few moments.Mrs. Poole: Take care then, sir!- for Gods sake, take care!Rochester: Keep out of the wa

27、y. she has no knife now, I suppose, and Im on my guard!Mrs. Poole:One never knows what she has, sir: she is so cunning: it is not in mortal discretion to fathom her craft.Mason: We had better leave herMrs. Poole: Ware!(The three gentlemen retreated simultaneously. Mr. Rochester flung me behind him:

28、the lunatic sprang and grappled his throat viciously, and laid her teeth to his cheek: they struggled. Mr. Rochester then turned to the spectators: he looked at them with a smile both acrid and desolate.)Rochester: this, this is my wife. This is the love she gives me- tried to murder me.Jane is the only one I wish to marry.Sense 6Rochester: you have e out at last. | have been waited f


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