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1、 PAGE 頁碼 12 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 12人教PEP版四年級上冊英語期中知識點綜合復(fù)習(xí)積累練習(xí)班級:_ 姓名:_ 【看圖寫單詞】1. 看圖,完成句子。1.Now o_your eyes.2.I w_in the evening.3.Our school has many t_.4.My flat is in that b_.5.I have a largel h_.2. 看圖寫單詞。 3. 看圖片,選單詞。1( ) A.bird B.brown C.busy2 ( ) A.name B.need C.nurse3( ) A.draw B.drink C.dress4 ( ) A

2、.potato B.people C.parent5( ) A.school B.swim C.street4. 看圖片,寫單詞。12345_5. 看圖補充單詞。1_gg 2p_ncil 3n_tebook 4t_y5k_y【填空題】6. 選擇合適的單詞完成句子。am is are some a1Can I have_juice?Here you are.2He_not hot.3I_cold.4Tom and Tim_tired.5Can I have_pie?7. 選出與所給單詞同類的一項,并將序號填在相應(yīng)的橫線上。A. write B. eight C. bread D. English

3、 E. breakfast1dinner lunch_ 2PE music_3rice milk_ 4six nine_5sing read_8. 選擇正確的單詞補全對話或句子(只填序號)。A. have B. has C. What D. Her E. Who F. are1_is her name?Her name is Kate.2He_glasses and his shoes_blue.3She is my good friend._name is Sarah.4_is he?Oh, he is Zhang Peng.5I_a friend. His name is John.9.

4、按要求填空。1What_(時間) is it?2It is_(6點鐘).3Its time to_(起床).4_(快點). We are late.5I_(吃早飯) at 7:20.10. 單詞分類。A. art B. hot dog C. chicken D. Chinese E. hamburgerF. PE G. noodles H. science I. meat J. music1food:_2subject:_11. 將下列單詞歸類。fan strong computermaths bookfriendlylightnotebookquietblackboard tall1教室陳設(shè)

5、:_2書本類:_3外貌性格:_12. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1Lets_(go) to the park.2_(who) socks are they?3Look, my jacket_(be) long. Id like a short one.4The yellow jacket is_(Nancy), I think.5My brother can_(jump).6Whose trousers_(be they?)Theyre my cousins.13. 看圖,補全句子或?qū)υ挕?Lookatthe_Theyaresocute.2Theyare_.3Whatarethose?_.4_e

6、ggsdoyouhave?Eleven.5Arethesehorses?_,_.【選擇題】14. I want _ a football. But I only can _ a pen. ( )A.to buy; buy B.to buy; to buy C.buying; buy15. It is raining. I want _. ( )A.a clock B.some rice C.an umbrella16. Can you make snowmen? ( )_.A.Yes, I do B.No, it isnt C.Yes, I can17. Its hot in summer.

7、We can go _. ( )A.swim B.swimming C.to swimming18. 選出不同類的一項。1A.shoes B.socks C.sixteen( )2A.go to school B.go home C.art room( )3A.goat B.pear C.cow( )4A.rabbit B.carrot C.green beans( )5A.sunglasses B.cheap C.umbrella( )【連詞成句】19. is, tall, he, strong, and (.)20. Lily, orange, has, an, dress (.)21.

8、fly like to my I kite (.)22. is, my, green, T-shirt, where (?)23. like Id some dinner beef for (.)【閱讀理解】24. 閱讀理解。At a snack barDad: What would you like?Su Hai: Im hungry. Id like a pie.Dad: What about you, Su Yang?Su Yang: Im not hungry. Im thirsty. Id like some orange juice.Assistant: Sorry, theres

9、 no orange juice. Would you like some apple juice?Su Yang: No, I dont like apple juice. Can I have some water?Assistant: Ok. What about you, sir?Dad: Id like some noodles and a cup of coffee.Assistant: Ok.Dad: How much are they?Assistant: Forty yuan.Dad: Here you are.Assistant: Thank you very much.(

10、 )(1)Where are they now?A. At school B. In a shop. C. At a snack bar.( )(2)Is Su Hai hungry?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, she isnt.( )(3)How much are they?A. Fifty yuan. B. Forty-five yuan. C. Forty yuan.( )(4)Does Su Yang like orange juice?A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. I dont k

11、now. (我不知道)( )(5)What does Su Yang have at last(最終) ?A. Some orange juice. B. Some water. C. Some apple juice.25. 閱讀理解。Our classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new. Theres a big desk in the front of the classroom. Its for our teach

12、ers. There are five pictures on the right wall. Theres a map of the world and a map of China on the left wall. Beside the window theres a bookshelf. There are many books on it. They are story-books. Our classroom is very nice. We have our lessons here. We like our classroom.(1)How many desks are the

13、re in your classroom?(2)Where is the big desk?(3)How many pictures are there on the right wall?(4)Whats on the left wall?(5)Where is the bookshelf?(6)What do you do in the classroom?26. 閱讀對話,完成句子。Li Shan: We are going to have a party. What can you do, Su Nan?Su Nan: I can sing a song.Li Shan: Can yo

14、u sing an English song?Su Nan: I can try.Li Shan: Kevin, can you play the music at the party?Kevin: No, I cant. But I can take photos for you.Li Shan: Thank you. You are helpful. What can Colin do? Do you know?Kevin: He can draw pictures for us.Li Shan: Thats gooD.Kevin: Li Shan, can you dance?Li Sh

15、an: Yes, I can. I am going to dance at the party.(1)Li Shan can.(2)Su Nan can.(3)Kevin cant.But he can.(4)Colin can.27. 閱讀對話,判斷正誤。A: Can I help you?B: Yes. The green scarf is very pretty. How much is it?A: Its $100.B: Its too expensive. What about the sunglasses?A: Theyre $20.B: Theyre cheap. I like

16、 them.( )(1)The scarf is very expensive.( )(2)The sunglasses are green.( )(3)The sunglasses are $200.( )(4)The scarf is very pretty.28. 閱讀對話,選擇正確答案。My mother goes shopping at a supermarket today.AAssistant(售貨員)MMy motherA: May I help you?M: Yes, please. I want to buy some vegetables.A: The potatoes

17、are very fresh(新鮮的)today.M: I like potatoes, but my son doesnt.A: How about some tomatoes? They are good for your health(健康)M: OK. They are my sons favourite. Five tomatoes, please.A: OK. Your bag, please.M: Oh, no. I have my shopping bag.1_ goes shopping today. ()A.My teacher B.My father C.My mothe

18、r2_ like(s) tomatoes. ()A.I B.My mother C.My father3Does my mother like potatoes? ()A.No, she doesnt. B.Yes, she does. C.We dont know.4My mother takes _ tomatoes. ()A.three B.five C.fifteen5My mother uses _. ()A.her shopping bag B.no bag C.the supermarkets bag29. 閱讀短文。One day five fishermen go fishi

19、ng. They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. What a fine supper we will have! says one fisherman. Now lets go home.Are we all here? Let me count first, says another. One, two, three, four. Oh, no! One of us is missing!It cannot be! says another. So he begins to count. One, two, three, four. I

20、 see four fishermen too! One of us has drowned!All the fishermen hug each other. They cry and cry.Just then a little girl comes by. Why are you so sad? she asks them. One fisherman is missing, says one fisherman. One, two, three, four, he counts again.The little girl sees his mistake right away. The fisherman forgets to count himself. Wil


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