高中英語(yǔ)必修三 4.2 Reading and Thinking 練習(xí)(解析版)_第1頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)必修三 4.2 Reading and Thinking 練習(xí)(解析版)_第2頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)必修三 4.2 Reading and Thinking 練習(xí)(解析版)_第3頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)必修三 4.2 Reading and Thinking 練習(xí)(解析版)_第4頁(yè)
高中英語(yǔ)必修三 4.2 Reading and Thinking 練習(xí)(解析版)_第5頁(yè)




1、Unit 4 Space ExplorationPeriod 2 Reading and Thinking練習(xí). 根據(jù)語(yǔ)境及漢語(yǔ)提示寫(xiě)出正確的單詞1. Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct _(程序) in applying for a visa. 2. Susans a very bright and _(聰明的) woman who knows her own mind. 3. It wasnt difficult then to cross the _(國(guó)界). 4. I want to have an all-ele

2、ctric_(車(chē)輛) in my lifetime. 5. They are hoping to learn more about how the _(宇宙)expands and shrinks. 6. Is there any other travel _(代理處, 服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)) near here? 7. He is_(堅(jiān)決的)to stay for a long time. 8. A satellite has been _(發(fā)射) to learn more about space. 9. I was _ (感到失望的)that John was not there. 10. Your

3、 _(欲望;渴望)success leaves a deep impression on me.【答案】1.procedure2. intelligent3. frontier4. vehicle5. universe6. agency7. determined8. launched9. disappointed10. desire. 完成句子1. I live_ meeting with him; but this meeting is not yet. 我活在與他相見(jiàn)的希望中, 但這相見(jiàn)的時(shí)間還未到來(lái)。2. He was _ his opinion among us. 他是我們中最后一個(gè)發(fā)

4、表意見(jiàn)的人。3. As soon as we went _ our ship left port. 我們一上船, 船就出港了。4. We will _our discussion tomorrow. 我們明天將繼續(xù)討論。5. Unfair bosses and rude staff _. 不公正的老板和粗魯?shù)牡陠T讓我們不愉快。They _ go abroad. 他們下定決心出國(guó)。_is not an easy goal to achieve. 把人送入太空是不容易實(shí)現(xiàn)的。We have _in the area of space exploration in recent years. 近些年

5、,我們?cè)谔仗剿鞣矫嫒〉昧撕艽蟮倪M(jìn)步?!敬鸢浮縤n the hope of 2. the last person to express3. on board4. carry on5. make us unhappy6. are determined to7. Sending people into space8. made great progress. 閱讀理解A(2019臨沂高一檢測(cè))Sitting under the national flag and separated from the media by a transparent glass wall, 50-year-old Ji

6、ng Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong appeared calm as they prepare to be part of, what is scheduled to be, Chinas longest-ever manned spaceflight mission. The two were scheduled to spend a total of 33 days in orbit. This would be the 3rd trip into space for veteran Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng. He

7、 has been on the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008 and the Shenzhou-9 mission in 2012. The missions commander was also part of docking missions (太空對(duì)接任務(wù)) on both his previous space flights, giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou-11 with Tiangong-2. Jing Haipeng said, “With the past 18 years

8、of intensive professional astronaut training, together with the two previous experiences Ive had flying in space, Im very confident and determined that this mission is going to be a great success. Personally, Im much calmer and in a more positive head-space than I was during my previous missions. Im

9、 very proud to be here to greet our country. I know my confidence is shared with the rest of our entire space program. ”With an unblemished flight record of 15 hundred hours as a pilot, 37-year-old Chen Dong was chosen in 2010 to be part of the next generation of Chinese astronauts. He too said he w

10、as confident of heading into the mission, even though it would be his first time in space. “I have the chance to join my first mission after 6 years of intensive training and learning. For me, the timing is perfectnot too early, but not too late either. When we train, Jing is my teacher. In life, he

11、 is my brother. He is so dedicated, and demands only the best from me and the others that he works with. Because of his experience, I am very lucky to be paired with him on this mission into space. ”After being put into orbit, Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong were going to conduct a series of experiments,

12、 including testing the latest in Chinas advanced life support systems, as well as scientific research. Wu Ping, deputy director of Chinas Manned Space Program, explains the role of the two astronauts in space. “During their mission, the two are essentially back-ups to one-another. They are both capa

13、ble of piloting the spacecraft, complex management, manual docking as well as handling any emergency situations or malfunctions (故障). While in orbit, they are going to complete a number of maneuvers (演習(xí)) with Shenzhou-11, as well as orbital experiments, demonstrations and tests on human health in sp

14、ace. ”1. From what Jing Haipeng said we can infer_. A. previous experience matters a lotB. the missions commander helped himC. the Shenzhou-7 mission is to be docked with the Shenzhou-9D. he lacked confidence during the previous launching2. The underlined word “unblemished” in Paragraph 3 can be rep

15、laced by“_”. A. continuousB. surprisingC. perfectD. significant3. What made Chen Dong a qualified astronaut? A. His confidence of heading into the mission. B. His intensive training and learning. C. His luck to be paired with Jing Haipeng. D. His experience of conducting a series of experiments. 4.

16、Where would you most probably see the text? A. In a newspaper. B. In a science journal. C. In a travel magazine. D. In a government document. 【答案】 BCDA【文章大意】本文是一篇新聞報(bào)道, 報(bào)道了神舟十一號(hào)太空飛船成功將50歲的景海鵬和37歲的陳冬兩位宇航員送入太空。1. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段中的With the past 18 years of intensive professional astronaut training, together

17、 with the two previous experiences Ive had flying in space, Im very confident and determined that this mission is going to be a great success. 可知, 有了過(guò)去十八年的高強(qiáng)度專業(yè)宇航員訓(xùn)練以及他之前的兩次太空飛行經(jīng)歷, 景海鵬有信心也堅(jiān)信這次任務(wù)將會(huì)圓滿成功。由此可以推斷出過(guò)往的經(jīng)驗(yàn)至關(guān)重要。故選A。2. 詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)第三段中的With an unblemished flight record of 15 hundred hours as a pil

18、ot, 37-year-old Chen Dong was chosen in 2010 to be part of the next generation of Chinese astronauts. 可推知, 有安全完美的飛行記錄, 才可能被選為宇航員。continuous持續(xù)的; surprising令人驚訝的; perfect完美的; significant重大的。故選C。3. 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段中的I have the chance to join my first mission after 6 years of intensive training and learning.

19、 可知, 經(jīng)過(guò)六年的高強(qiáng)度訓(xùn)練和學(xué)習(xí), 陳冬終于有機(jī)會(huì)執(zhí)行他的第一次太空任務(wù)。故選B。4.推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段Sitting under the national flag and separated from the media by a transparent glass wall, 50-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong appeared calm as they prepare to be part of, what is scheduled to be, Chinas longest-ever manned spacef

20、light mission. 可知, 50歲的景海鵬和37歲的陳冬坐在國(guó)旗下方, 與媒體僅一堵透明玻璃墻之隔, 看上去氣定神閑, 他們即將展開(kāi)中國(guó)史上持續(xù)時(shí)間最長(zhǎng)的載人飛行任務(wù)。由此可推斷出本文最有可能出自報(bào)紙上的新聞報(bào)道。故選A。B(2019臨川高一檢測(cè))The sky is a large place, and though it has been carefully examined for centuries, new features still turn up. Last March it was the rule of Uranus(天王星), and last week ast

21、ronomers announced what may turn out to be a new planet, though a very small one, in the solar system. The object was first sighted last month by Charles Kowal, an astronomer at the Hale Observatories in Pasadena, Calif. Mr Kowal observed a faint trail of light on photographic plates, indicating tha

22、t something was moving in relation to the background of stars. Other observers have confirmed the discovery. The “mini-planet”, identified for the time being as “Object-Kowal”, appears to be about 1. 5 billion miles away, between the orbit of Saturn and Uranus, and its diameter(直徑) has been estimate

23、d at between 100 and 400 miles. Its orbit has not been determined yet, but if the orbit proves to be roughly circular, like that of the major planets, the new object would probably take 66 to 70 years to make a circuit of the sun. Some astronomers have speculated that Mr Kowals discovery may be the

24、first indication of an asteroid(小行星) belt beyond Saturn. 5. What may have been found in the solar system according to the first paragraph? A. A small new planet. B. A new solar system. C. A large new object. D. A large new planet. 6. What can we learn from the second paragraph? A. What the object is like. B. How the object was found. C. Where the astronomers live. D. Why the object was moving. 7. What magazine might this passage be taken from? A. Astronomy. B. Industry. C. Spaceflight. D. Agriculture. 【答案】 ABA【文章大意】本文介紹了目前在太


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