



1、 新概念第一冊1-20測驗(yàn)滿分:100分Name:_ NO:_ Grade:_I選擇題15( )1.-Excuse _!- Yes?A I B me C he D she( )2.Nice _ you!A meet B meat C to meet D to meat.( )3.-Is this your book?- _ . Thank you.A yes,this is B no ,this isnt C Yes ,it is D No,its not.( )4.Here it _ .A am B is C are D be( )5.-What are their jobs?-They a

2、re _ ?A policeman B postman C policewomen D housewife ( )6.I beg your _?A pardon B pardons C to pardon D pardoning( )7.-Whats your fathers job? He is _.A am engineer B teacher C a engineer D a teacher( )8.Here _ your umbrella.A am B is C are D be( )9._ these your umbrellas?A Am B Is C Are D Be( )10.

3、-Is this your pencil?- _.Its Tinas.A yes,this is B no ,this isnt C Yes ,it is D No,its not.( )11.He is _.He is from China.A China B Chinese C a China D an Chinese( )12.-Thank you. - _ . A you are welcome B thats OK C Not at all D No thank.( )13.Are you French _?A to B too C either D also( )14.-Im a

4、keyboard operator.-What _ you?A about B to C in D for( )15._ is your sister? Shes fine,thanks.A how B what C How D whatII用所給的詞的正確形式填空1016.Glad _(see) you!17._ (who)shirt is white.18.Is that pen _(Tim).19._ (catch)it,this is your book.20.Its not my dress._ (my) is pink.21.What _(colour) is your hat?2

5、2.Its _(same) color.23.Thats a _(love) hat.24.Are _(this) your cases?25.Are your friends _(tour)?III. 英漢互譯161. 怎么啦,孩子們?2. 你們現(xiàn)在好些了嗎?3. 有個(gè)買冰淇淋的。4. 這些冰淇淋真好吃。5. 她們是做什么工作的?6. Come and see our employees.7. Those women are very hard-working.8. What nationality are you?IV完形填空10 Ling Ling _ a pretty girl. Sh

6、e _ eight. She _ in Shanghai. She _ in a primary school.Ling Ling _ at 6:40 every day. After that, she _ English. She _ breakfast at 7:00. Now, its seven oclock in the morning. What _ Ling Ling _ ? She _ breakfast with her family. ( ). A. is B. am C. are ( ) A. is B. am C. are( ) A. lives B. live C.

7、 living( ) A. study B. studies C. studying ( ) A. get up B. gets up C. getting up( ) A. read B. reads C. reading( ) A. had B. have C. has( ) A. is B. am C. are( ) A. do B. does C. doing( ) A. is having B. have C. hasV 補(bǔ)全對話14A ) A:Are you Swedish?B:_.We are Danish. A.No,they arent.A:Are your friends

8、Danish too?B:_.They are Norwegian. B.No,we arent.A:Your passports,please. B:_. C.Thanks.A:Thats fine. B:_ . D.Here they are A:You are welcome.B ) A:Good morning!B:_.A:Hi,Im Tina.Whats your name?B:Tony._?A:How do you do?B:_?A:Im a student,how about you?B:_.I work in a hospital.A:See you later.B:_.VI閱

9、讀理解20A ) Today is Sunday. Its nine thirty in the morning, Michael, Funny, Sally and Jessica are in Sallys house. Sally is cooking a meal in the kitchen. Michael is watching TV. Jessica and Mike are playing chess. What is Funny doing? She is listening to the radio. They are very happy. 1. What day is

10、 today? 2. Is Sally doing her homework? 3. What are Jessica and Mike doing? 4. Are they happy?5.Whats the time?B ) It is Saturday。The Browns are at home。Mrs Brown is in the kitchen。Shes making apple pies。The pies she makes are very delicious。Do you want to have a taste?Mr Brown isnt in the living ro

11、om。He is outside。He is washing his car。The car is new and very beautiful。So he looks after it very well。Jim is in the garden。He is playing football with some other boys。Where is his sister,Sue?Shes in her bedroom with her friend,Ann。They are watching the Animal World。( )1 There are _ people in Mr Br

12、owns family。A six B four C two D three( )2 Mrs Brown is _.A tasting the apple pies B watching TV C cooking D eating a cake( )3 Mr Brown looks after _very well.A Mrs Brown B his daughter C his family D his car( )4 Who are playing outside? _A Mrs Brown and Sue B Some boys C Sue and Ann D Some girls( )

13、5 Sue and Ann are _.A watching TV in the living room? B playing football in the open airC watching TV in Sues room? D playing in Anns room VII作文15以“My family”(我的家庭)為題,寫一篇記敘文。介紹你的英文名字,年齡,愛好等,以及你的父母相關(guān)情況。50個(gè)單詞左右。答案: 1-15:BCCBC ADBCD BABAC 16-25:to see,Whose, Tims, Catch, Mine, colour, the same, lovely,

14、 these, tourists 1. Whats the matter,children? Are you all right now?Theres an ice-cream man.These ice-creams are nice.What are their jobs?來看看我們的雇員。那些姑娘很勤快。你是哪國人? 1-10:AAABB BCACA A)BADCB)Good morning,How do you do,Whats your job,Im a doctor,See you A)1. Today is Sunday.2. No,she isnt.Theyre playing chess.Yes,they are.Its nine thirty.BCDBCVII作文 My familyMy name isThere are three people in my family.They are my fath


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