



1、2021年外研三起版六年級上冊期末詞匯檢測卷一、按例詞把以下單詞分類。west restaurant million lake north Haikoushop Houston mountain thousand.east.school.hundred.Harbin.river二、將下面排列錯亂的字母重新組合成單詞并寫出意思。l.setw ()3.hotsul.setw ()3.hotsu ()5.ynocurt () 三、英漢互譯。1.排隊.in the library2.taes ()rohnt ()2.沒問題4. at five7. be quiet 8. in four weeks9.

2、 turn right 10. turn left四、根據(jù)提示完成單詞。一Whats this? Its b.Look at the s. It is coming out of the box.一Do you like milk?一No, I don t. But it can keep my (身體)strong.This is my pet dog. (它 的) name is Dorudou.一Do you b (相信)him?一Yes. He is a good student.五、用“and”或“but”完成以下句子Pve got a kite ,I cant fly itSam

3、has got a dog he often plays with it.Fve got a postcard its from my pen friend .She*s got an eamil in French ,she can*t read it. 六、選擇正確的單詞填空。1.1 will write(to, for)you soon.My mother(speak, speaks)English.Darning(wants, want)a pen friend from Canada.(They, Their)names are Sam and Amy.七、用括號中所給單詞的正確形式

4、填空。(not talk) in the classroom.There are many(rule) in the school.Darning is going to(climb) that tall treeDid you(draw) pictures yesterday?Please(be) quiet here.八、選詞填空。strong high long beautifulThe Huangshan Mountain is.The West Lake is.The Great Wall is.九、用所給詞的適當形式填空。.your parents(love) sports?.yo

5、ur brother(like) oranges?. My father(go) to bed at ten oclock every day.Tingting(not like) meat.get from go on I(,1) Where are you this weekend?Start the bus stop in front of our school.Go straight.(4)off .at the post office.(5) Now let tell you how to come to my home.答案: 一、l.west north.restaurant s

6、lion thousand.Haikou Houston5.lake mountain二、l.west 西方 2. east 東方 3. south 南方 4. north 北方 5. country H 家三、1. stand in line2. no problem3.在圖書館 4.在五點鐘5.差二十分鐘五點/四點四十6.圖書館規(guī)章制度7.保持安靜8.在四周內(nèi)9.向右轉(zhuǎn)10.向左轉(zhuǎn)四、1. bamboo 2. snake 3. body 4. Its 5. believe五、(1) but (2) and (3) and (4) but (5) but六、 L to 2. likes 3. speaks 4. wants 5. Their七、1. Don, t talk 2. rules 3. climb 4. draw 5. be八、1 .high 2.beautifu


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