已閱讀5頁,還剩4頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、風力機 wind turbine風力發(fā)電機組 wi nd turbi ne gen erator system (WTGS)風電場 wind power station; wind farm水平軸風力機horizo ntal axis wi nd turbi ne垂直軸風力機 vertical axis wi nd turbi ne 輪轂(風力機)Hub(for wind turbi nes)支撐結構(風力機)支撐結構(風力機)關機(風力機)support structure (for wi nd turbi ne)shutdow n (for wind turbi ne)鎖機(風力機) 停機

2、(風力機)緊急關機(風力機)emerge ncy shutdow n(for wi nd turbi ne)鎖機(風力機) 停機(風力機)空轉(風力機) idli ng(for wind turbi ne)block ing (for wind turb ine) park ing制動器(風力機) 停機制動(風力機)風輪轉速(風力機)靜止 standstill制動器(風力機) 停機制動(風力機)風輪轉速(風力機)brake(for wind turb ine)park ing brake (for wind turb ine) rotor speed (for windturb ine) co

3、n trol system (for wind turb ine)控制系統(tǒng)(風力機)保護系統(tǒng)(風力發(fā)電系統(tǒng)) protection system (forWTGS)設計工況 desig n situatio n載荷情況load case夕卜部條件(風力機) external co nditio ns (for wind turbi ne)設計極限 desig n limits極限犬態(tài)limit state安全壽命safe life風速 wind speed風矢量 wind velocity額定風速(風力機)rated wi nd speed(for wi nd turbi ne)切入風速 cu

4、t-i n wind speed 切出風速 cut-out wind speed 年平均 annual average年平均風速 annual average wind speed 平均風速 mean wind speed極端風速 extreme wind speed 風切變 wind shear 下風向 down wind 上風向 up wi nd陣風 gust 粗糙長度 rough ness len gth 湍流強度 turbule nee inten sity 風場 wind site測量參數(shù) measureme nt parameters測量位置 measureme nt seat最大

5、風速 maximum wi nd speed風功率密度 wind energy den sity 陣風影響gust in flue nee 環(huán)境 environment氣候 climate海洋氣候 ocea n climate室內氣候 in door climate極端最高 extreme極端最高 extreme maximum年最高 annual maximum月 平均溫度mea n mon thly temperature空氣濕度 air humidity絕對濕度 absolute humidity相對濕度 relative humidity雨 rain凍雨 freezing rain霧淞

6、;霜rime霧fog鹽霧 salt fog標準大氣壓sta ndard air pressure平均海平面mean sea level太陽輻射 solar radiati on直接太陽輻射direct solar radiatio n天空輻射 sky radiati on太陽常數(shù) solar con sta nt黑體 black body白體 white body溫室效應 gree nhouse effect表面溫度 surface temperature輸出功率(風力發(fā)電機組)output power額定功率(風力發(fā)電機組)rated power功率特性 power performa nee

7、功率系數(shù) power coefficie nt掃掠面積 swept area測量功率曲線 measured power可利用率(風力發(fā)電機組)availability (for WTGS )數(shù)據(jù)組(測試功率特性) data set (for power performa nee measureme nt )精度(風力發(fā)電機組)accuracy (for WTGS )測量誤差 un certa inty in measureme nt測量周期 measureme nt period實驗場地test site氣流畸變 flow distortion障礙物obstacles風障 wind break

8、聲壓級 sound pressure level聲級 weighted sound pressure level; sound level值向性(風力發(fā)電機組) directivity (for WTGS )音值 tonality風的基準風速acoustic reference wind speed標準風速 sta ndardized wind speed基準高度 refere nee height基準粗糙長度 reference rough ness len gth基準品巨離 refere nee dista nee掠射角 grazi ng an gle比恩法 method of bins標

9、準誤差 sta ndard un certa inly風能利用系數(shù) rotor power coefficie nt力矩系數(shù) torque coefficie nt額定力矩系數(shù) rated torque coefficie nt起動力矩系數(shù) start ing torque coefficie nt最大力矩系數(shù) maximum torque coefficie nt過載度 ratio of over load風力發(fā)電機組輸出特性output characteristic of WTGS調節(jié)特性 regulati ng characteristics平均噪音 average no ise lev

10、el機組效率 efficie ncy of WTGS機組壽命service life度電成本 cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity gen erated by WTGS 風輪 wind rotor風輪直徑 rotor diameter風輪掃掠面積 rotor swept area 風輪仰角 tilt an gle of rotor shaft 風輪偏航角yaw ing angle of rotor shaft風輪額定轉速 rated turning speed of rotor 風輪最高轉速 maximum turning speed of rot

11、or 風 輪尾流 rotor wake 尾流損失 wake losses 風輪穩(wěn)定 rotor stability 實度損失 the degree of actual loss 葉片數(shù) number of blades 葉片 blade 等截面葉片 con sta nt chord blade變截面葉片面積variable chord blade葉片投影面積 projected area of blade 葉片長度 len gth of blade 葉根 root of blade 葉尖 tip of blade 葉尖速度 tip speed 槳距角 pitch an gle 翼型 airfo

12、il 前緣 leading edge 后緣 tailing edge 幾何弦長 geometric chord of airfoil平均幾何弦長 mean geometric chord of airfoil氣動弦線aerody namic chord of airfoil 翼型厚度 thickness of airfoil翼型相對厚度 relative thick ness of airfoil厚度函數(shù) thick ness function of airfoil翼型族 the family of airfoil葉片根梢比ratio of tip-sect ion chord to root

13、-secti on chord葉片展弦比 aspect ratio葉片安裝角 sett ing an gle of blade葉片扭角twist of blade葉片幾何攻角 an gle of attack of blade葉尖損失tip losses葉片損失 blade losses顫振 flutter迎風機構 orie ntati on mecha nism調速機構 regulat ing mecha nism風輪偏側式調速機構regulati ng mecha nism of turni ng wi nd rotor out of the wi nd sideward變槳距調節(jié)機構re

14、gulat ing mecha nism by adjust ing the pitch of blade導流罩 nose順槳feathering阻尼板 spoiling flap 風輪空氣動力特性aerody namiccharacteristics葉尖速比tip-speed ratio 額定葉尖速比rated tip-speed ratio 升力系數(shù)lift coefficie nt阻力系數(shù) drag coefficie nt 推或拉力系數(shù) thrust coefficient 傳動比 transmission ratio 齒輪 gear 齒輪 M U gear pair 平行軸齒輪副 g

15、ear pair with parallel axes 齒輪系 train of gears 彳亍星齒輪系 pla netary gear train小齒輪 pinion 大齒輪 wheel gear 主動齒輪 driv ing gear 從動齒輪 drive n gear 行星齒輪 pla net gear 行星架 planet carrier 太陽輪 sun gear 內齒圈 ring gear 夕 卜齒輪 external gear 內 齒輪 internal gear 內齒輪副 internal gear pair 增速齒輪副 speed in creas ing gear pair

16、增速齒輪系 speed in creas ing gear train中心距離 cen ter dista nee 增速比 speed increasing ratio齒面 tooth flank工作齒面 work ing flank 非工作齒面 non-work ing flank 模數(shù) module 齒數(shù) number of teeth 嚙 合 engagement ; mesh 齒輪的變位 adde ndum modificatio n on gear 變位齒輪 gear with adde ndum modificati on 圓柱齒輪 cyli ndrical gear 直齒圓柱齒輪

17、 spur gear 斜齒圓柱齒輪 helical gear; sin gle-helical gear 節(jié)點 pitch point 節(jié)圓 pitch circle 齒頂圓 tip circle 齒根圓 root circle 直徑和半徑 diameter and radius 齒寬 face width 齒厚 tooth thickness 壓力角 pressure an gle 蝸桿 worm蝸輪 worm wheel聯(lián)軸器coupling剛性聯(lián)軸器rigid coupli ng萬向聯(lián)軸器 uni versal coupli ng 安全聯(lián)軸器 security coupli ng 齒 t

18、ooth 齒槽 tooth space 斜齒輪 helical gear 人字 齒輪 double-helical gear 齒距 pitch 法向齒距 no rmal pitch 齒高 tooth depth 輸入軸 input shaft 輸出軸 output shaft柱銷pin柱銷套roller行星齒輪傳動機構pla netary gear drive mecha nism中心輪 center gear單級行星齒輪系sin gle pla netary gear train多級行星齒輪系multiple-stage pla netary gear train柔性齒輪flexible剛性

19、齒輪 rigidity gear柔性滾動軸承 flexible rolli ng beari ng輸出聯(lián)接 output coupli ng 剛度rigidity扭轉剛度torsional rigidity扭轉剛度系數(shù)coefficie nt of torsional rigidity起動力矩 starti ng torque 傳動誤差 tran smissi on error 傳動器青度 tran smissi on accuracy 固 有頻率 n atural freque ncy 彈性聯(lián)接 elastic coupli ng 剛性聯(lián)接 rigid coupli ng 滑塊聯(lián)接 Oldh

20、am coupli ng 固定聯(lián)接 in tegrated coupli ng 齒嚙式連接dyn amic coupli ng花鍵聯(lián)接 spli ned coupli ng 牙嵌式聯(lián)接castellated coupli ng徑向銷聯(lián)接 radial pin coupli ng周期振動 periodic vibrati on 隨機振動 random vibrati on 峰值 peak value 臨界阻尼 critical damp ing 阻尼系數(shù) damp ing coefficie nt 阻尼比 damping ratio 減震器 vibration isolator 幅值 ampli

21、tude 位移幅值 displaceme nt amplitude速度幅值 velocity amplitude 力口速度幅值accelerati on amplitude同步發(fā)電機 synchronous gen erator異步發(fā)電機 asynchronous gen erator感應電機induction gen erator 轉差率slip瞬態(tài)電流tran sie nt curre nt 籠型cage繞線轉子 wou nd rotor 繞組系數(shù) wi ndi ng factor 換向器 commutator 集電環(huán) collector ring 換向片 commutator segme

22、nt 勵磁響應 excitati on response 制動系統(tǒng) brak ing system 制動機構 brake mecha nism 正常制動系no rmal brak ing system緊急制動系emerge ncy brak ing system空氣制動系air braking system液壓制動系hydraulic brak ing system電磁制動系electromag netic brak ing system機械制動系mecha nical brak ing system輔助裝置 auxiliary device 制動器釋放 brak ing releas ing

23、制動器閉合brake sett ing液壓缸 hydraulic cylinder 溢流閥 relief valve 泄油 drain 齒輪馬達 gear motor 齒輪泵 gear pump 電磁I閥 solenoid valve 液壓過濾器hydraulic filter液壓泵 hydraulic pump 液壓系統(tǒng) hydraulic system 油冷卻器oil cooler壓力控制閥 pressure control valve安全I閥 safety valve 設定壓力 sett ing pressure 切換 switching 旋轉接頭 rotati ng union 壓力

24、表 pressure gauge 液壓油 hydraulic fluid 液壓馬達 hydraulic motor 油圭寸 oil seal 殺U車盤 brake disc 閘墊 brake pad 剎車油 brake fluid 閘襯片 brake lining 滑動制動器slidi ngshoes偏出ft yawing 主動偏航 active yaw ing 被動偏航 passive yaw ing 偏航4區(qū)動 yaw ing drive n 解 纜 untwist 塔架 tower 獨立式塔架free sta nd tower拉索式塔架guyed tower塔影效應 in flue ne

25、e by the tower shadow遠程監(jiān)視 telem on itori ng 協(xié)議 protocol 實時 realtime 單向傳輸 simplex tran smissi on 半雙工傳輸half-duplex tran smissi on雙工傳輸 duplex tran smissi on 前置機 front end processor 運動終端 remote term inal uni t (RUT)調制解調器 modern 數(shù)據(jù)終端設備date termi nal equipme nt接口 in terface 數(shù)據(jù)電路 date circuit 信息 informatio

26、n狀態(tài)信息 state in formati on分接頭位置信息tap positi on in formati on監(jiān)視彳言息 mon itored in formati on事件信息 event in formati on設備故障信息 equipme nt failure in formati on返川言息 return in formati on 告警 alarm 設定值 set point valve 瞬時測量 in sta ntan eous measured 計量值 counted measured ; metered measured ; metered reading 確認 a

27、ck no wledgeme nt 信號 signal 模擬信息 an alog sig nal 命令 comma nd 字節(jié) byte 位:比特bit 地址 address波特BD編碼 encode譯碼 decode代碼code集中控制 cen tralized control 可編程序控制 programmable con trol微機程制 mini computer program control 模擬控制 an alogue control 數(shù)字控制 digital con trol 強電控制 strong curre nt con trol 弱電控制 weak curre nt co

28、n trol 單元控制 unit con trol 就地 控制 local co ntrol 聯(lián)鎖裝置 in terlocker 模擬盤 analogue board 配電盤 switch board 控制臺 control desk 緊急停車按鈕 emerge ncy stop push-butt on 限位開關 limit switch 有載指示燈 on-load in dicator 位置指示燈positi on in dicator屏幕顯示 scree n display 指示燈 display lamp 起動信號 start ing sig nal 公共供電點 point of co

29、m mon coupli ng閃變 flicker 數(shù)據(jù)庫 data base 硬件 hardware硬件平臺 hardware platform層 layer ; level ; class 模型 model 響應時間 response time 軟件 software 軟件平臺 software platform 系統(tǒng)軟件 system software 自由脫扣trip-free基準誤差 basic err 一對一控制方式on e-to-one con trol mode一次電流 primary curre nt 一次電壓 primary voltage 二次電流 sec ondary

30、curre nt 二次電壓 sec ondary voltage 彳氐壓電器 low voltage 額定工作電壓rated operati onal voltage運行管理 operati on man ageme nt安全方案 safety外部條件 external con ditio n(for WTGS) 失效 failure 故障 fault控制柜 control cabinet 冗余技術 redundance 正常關機 no rmal shutdow n (for wind turb ine) 失效-安全 fail-safe 排除故障 cleara nee 空轉 idling (f

31、or wind turbine) 夕卜部動力 exter nal power supply 鎖定裝置 lock ing set 臨界轉速 activati on rotati onal speed最大轉速 maximumrotati onal speed 過載功率 over power (for wi nd turbi ne) 臨界功率 activati on power (for wind turb ine) 最大功率 maximum power (for wi nd turbi ne)夕卜聯(lián)機試驗field test with turbi ne試驗臺test-bed臺架試驗test on

32、bed 防雷系統(tǒng)lighting protection system(LPS) 夕卜部防雷 系統(tǒng) exter nal lighti ng protecti on system內部防雷系統(tǒng)intern al lighti ng protect ionsystem接閃器 air-term in ati on system 等電位連接equipote ntial bonding弓 I 下線 down-conductor 接地裝置 earth-term in ati on system 接地線 earth con ductor 接 地體 earth electrode環(huán)行接地體ring earth e

33、lectrode基礎接地體foun dati on earth electrode等電位連接帶 bonding bar等電位連接導體 bonding con ductor 保護等級 protecti on lever 防雷區(qū) light ning protect ion zone 雷電流 lightning current 電涌保護區(qū) surge suppressor共用接地系統(tǒng)com mon earth ing system接地基準點earth ing refere nee poin t (ERP)持續(xù)運行 continu ous operatio n 持續(xù)運行的閃變系數(shù) flicker c

34、oefficie nt for con ti nu ous operati on 閃變階躍系數(shù)flicker step factor最大允許功率maximum permitted power最大測量功率maximum measured power電網(wǎng)阻抗相角n etwork impeda nee phase an gle正常運行 no rmal operati on 功率采集系統(tǒng) power collectio n syetem 額定電流 rated curre nt 額定無功功率 rated reactive power 停機 standstill 起動 start up 切換運行 swit

35、chi ng operati on 風力機最大功率maximum power of wi nd turbi ne風力機停機parked wi nd turbi ne安全系數(shù)safety system 控制裝置con trol device 額定負載rated load周期period相位phase 頻率 frequency 阻尼 damping 電 electricity 電的 electric 電流 electric current 導電性 conductivity 電壓 voltage 電磁感應 electromag netic induction 勵磁 excitation 電阻率 re

36、sistivity 導體 con ductor 半導體 semic on ductor 電路 electric circuit 串聯(lián)電路 series circuit 電容 capacitanee 電感 inductanee電阻 resista nee 阻抗 impedanee 電抗 reactance 傳遞比 transfer rati on 交流電壓 alter nati ng voltage 交流電流 alter nati ng curre nt 脈動電壓 pulsat ing voltage 脈動電流 pulsat ing curre nt 直流電壓 direct voltage 直流

37、電流 direct curre nt 瞬時功率 in sta ntan eous power 有 功功率 active power 無功功率 reactive power 有功電流 active curre nt 無功電流 reactive curre nt 功率因數(shù) power factor 中性點 n eutral point 相序 sequential order of the phase 電氣元件 electrical device 接線端子 termi nal 電極 electrode 地 earth ; ground 接地電路 resista nee of an earthed c

38、on ductor 絕緣子 insulator絕緣套管in sulati ng bush ing 母線busbar線圈coil螺線管solenoid繞組 winding電阻器 resistor 電感器 in ductor 電容器 capacitor 繼電器 relay電能轉換器 electric energy tran sducer 電機 electric machine 發(fā)電機 generator 電動機 motor 變壓器 transformer 變流器 converter 變頻器 frequency converter 整流器 rectifier 逆變器 inverter 傳感器 sen

39、sor 偶合器 electric coupling 放大器 amplifier 振蕩器 oscillator濾波器filter觸頭con tact開關設備switchgear控制設備con trolgear閉合電路 closed circuit 斷開電路 ope n circuit 通斷 switching 聯(lián)結 connection 串聯(lián) series connection 并聯(lián) parallel connection 星型聯(lián)結 star connection 三角形聯(lián)結 star connection 主電路 main circuit 輔助電 M auxiliary circuit 控制電

40、路 con trol circuit 信號電路 sig nal circuit 保護電路 protective circuit 換向commutation 輸入功率in put power輸入in put輸出output負載load加載to load充電 to charge 放電 to discharge 有載運行 on-load operati on 空載運行 no-load operati on 開路運 行 ope n-circuit operati on 短路運行 short-circuit operati on 滿載 full load 效率 efficiency 損 耗 10ss 過

41、電壓 over-voltage 過電流 over circuit 欠電壓 under-voltage 特,性 characteristic 絕 緣物 insulant 隔絕 to isolate 絕緣電阻 in sulati on resista nee 泄漏電流 leakage curre nt 短 路 short circuit 噪音 noise 額定值 rated value 環(huán)境條件 environment con diti on 工況 operating condition 額定工況 rated con diti on極限數(shù) limiting value 絕緣比 insulation

42、 level 負載比 duty ratio 才由樣試驗 sampli ng test 維 護試驗 maintenance test 投運試驗 commissi oning test 力口速 accelerating 特性曲線 characteristic curve 額定電壓 rated voltage 額定頻率 rated freque ncy 額定轉速 rated speed 溫升 temperature rise 溫度系數(shù) temperature coefficie nt 端電壓 terminal voltage 短路電流 short circuit curre nt 可靠性 relia

43、bility 有效性 availability 耐久性 durability 維修 maintenance 修復時間repair time壽命life壽命試驗life time使用壽命useful life平均壽命 mea n life耐久 試馬en dura nee test 可靠性測定試驗reliability determ in atio n現(xiàn)場可靠性試驗field reliability test加速試驗 accelerated test安全性fail safe應力stress強度strength試驗數(shù)據(jù)test data 現(xiàn)場 數(shù)據(jù) field data 電觸頭 electrical contact 主觸頭 main cont


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