2023屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)介詞考點(diǎn)精講精練 講義 (含答案)_第1頁(yè)
2023屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)介詞考點(diǎn)精講精練 講義 (含答案)_第2頁(yè)
2023屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)介詞考點(diǎn)精講精練 講義 (含答案)_第3頁(yè)
2023屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)介詞考點(diǎn)精講精練 講義 (含答案)_第4頁(yè)
2023屆高考英語(yǔ)二輪復(fù)習(xí)介詞考點(diǎn)精講精練 講義 (含答案)_第5頁(yè)
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1、一、方位介詞1. among, between一般來(lái)說(shuō),among用于三者或三者以上的“在中間”;而between主要指兩者之間。among表示范圍時(shí),還可表示“在之中”?!究祭?】 Their wings can bridge the gap _ lines, resulting in electrocution(電死) if they touch two lines at once.解析:根據(jù)句中的bridge the gap,lines可判斷填between,表示線與線之間的距離?!究祭?】The city psychology cafes, which offer great comf

2、ort, are _ the most popular places. 解析:the most popular places是解題的關(guān)鍵,說(shuō)明很多,所以用among。2. in, on二者均可表示“在上”。on側(cè)重于表面接觸,而in側(cè)重于接觸的深度。英語(yǔ)中的某些習(xí)慣表達(dá)常用in或on。若打擊某人的臉、嘴、眼、胸、腹等部位,用in;若打擊的是頭、額、鼻、頸、肩、腿等部位,用on?!究祭?】Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them _ the walls of the classroom. 解析:張貼到墻上應(yīng)用介詞on?!究祭?】 A trai

3、n driver threw a piece of coalat one of us, hitting him _ the eye.解析:打在眼睛上,用介詞in。3. across, through二者均可表示“穿過(guò)”。across表示從表面穿過(guò),through表示從空間的里面穿過(guò)?!究祭?】Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see _ walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly. 解析:根據(jù)句中的Dreaming與have superhuman strength可

4、判斷出,本空應(yīng)用介詞through?!究祭?】 Once called the Garden of Amsterdam, it still attracts travelers to come over to cycle and walk _ the surrounding forests. 解析:根據(jù)“walk _ the surrounding forests”的意思“漫步在周圍的森林”,可知應(yīng)用through。4. in, on, to, off四個(gè)詞都表示兩地之間的方位關(guān)系。in表示在某范圍之內(nèi);to表示在某范圍之外;on表示“毗鄰”“接壤”;off強(qiáng)調(diào)兩地隔著一段距離?!究祭?】Ni

5、cholas did the only thing he could he huddled(蜷縮) _ his cave and slept. 解析:根據(jù)“蜷縮在洞中”可知填in?!究祭?】As we all know, Japan lies _ the east of China.解析:日本與中國(guó)不挨著,判斷用to。二、時(shí)間介詞1. at, in, on, atat表示時(shí)間的一點(diǎn)、時(shí)刻等,如at 9:00, at noon;也可以表示短暫的一段時(shí)間,如at Christmas;in表示在某段較長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間內(nèi)(如世紀(jì)、朝代、年代、月份及泛指上午、下午和晚上);on表示具體的日子或一個(gè)特定的時(shí)間(如

6、某日、某節(jié)日、星期幾),也可以表示特定的上午、下午和晚上?!究祭?】Taxis _ a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine.解析:“在紐約一個(gè)下雨的夜晚”,為具體的時(shí)間,所以本空應(yīng)填on?!究祭?】 I have read half of the English novel, and Ill try to finish it _ the weekend. 解析:at the weekend “在周末”,故填at?!究祭?】My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, even though

7、hes _ his nineties. 解析: in his nineties意為“在他九十多歲”,再根據(jù)句意可知填in。2. in, afterin表示時(shí)間,意為“在之內(nèi)”;如表示“在之后”,所在句子用一般將來(lái)時(shí),同時(shí)后面必須是一段時(shí)間。after表示時(shí)間,意為“在之后”。通?!癮fter+時(shí)間段”,與一般過(guò)去時(shí)連用;“after+時(shí)間點(diǎn)”,與將來(lái)時(shí)連用?!究祭?】I told her she shouldnt swim _ a whole nights coughing.解析:a whole nights coughing為時(shí)間段,同時(shí)根據(jù)句意可知應(yīng)填after?!究祭?】I have a

8、lways enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope to attend many more _ the coming years. 解析:the coming years是將來(lái)的時(shí)間,同時(shí)根據(jù)后半部分句意可知應(yīng)填in。3. for, from, sincefor后面接時(shí)間段,表示行為或狀態(tài)持續(xù)了多久;from后接時(shí)間點(diǎn),表示行為或狀態(tài)的起始點(diǎn);since后接時(shí)間點(diǎn),不僅表示行為或狀態(tài)的起始點(diǎn),而且還強(qiáng)調(diào)該行為或動(dòng)作從起始點(diǎn)一直持續(xù)到說(shuō)話的時(shí)刻,因而常與延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞的完成時(shí)連用?!究祭?】Excuse me, which movie are

9、you waiting for?The new Star Wars. We have been waiting here more than two hours.解析:根據(jù)“We have been.more than two hours.”的意思,可知本空應(yīng)填for。【考例2】I tried to hold off at first, I played it cool _ a short while.解析:根據(jù)后半部分的意思“我沉著冷靜了一會(huì)兒”可知,本空應(yīng)填for。三、表示工具、手段、方式的介詞1. by, in, on三個(gè)詞都可以表示旅行的方式。(1)不涉及交通工具的名詞時(shí),用by,名詞

10、前沒(méi)有冠詞。如by sea, by water, by land, by air等。(2)涉及交通工具的名詞時(shí)用by,但名詞需要用單數(shù),其前面不加冠詞和任何修飾語(yǔ)。如by bike, by car, by bus等。(3)當(dāng)旅行方式涉及特指的交通工具時(shí),用on或in,名詞前用冠詞、物主代詞、指示代詞等修飾語(yǔ)。如on my bike, in a black car等。注意:步行、騎馬、騎駱駝等需要用on。如on foot, on horseback, on a camel等。【考例】The towns harbor was already full of ice, so it couldnt c

11、ome _ ship. 解析:by ship“乘輪船”,為固定短語(yǔ)。2. with, inwith用于有形的工具或者身體某些器官之前,其后的名詞多被冠詞、物主代詞等修飾。如with our eyes, with a pick等。in后面接的詞表示原料、顏色、語(yǔ)言、鋼筆、鉛筆等。如in Chinese, in ink等?!究祭緾hopsticks are not used everywhere in Asia. In India, for example, most people traditionally eat _ their hands. 解析:根據(jù)后面的their hands可知本空填

12、with,意思是“用手”。3. 注意以下固定短語(yǔ):on/over the telephone/radio 通過(guò)電話/廣播; in this/that way用這/那種方式; by this/that means用這/那種方式;with this/that method用這/那種方式。【考例1】But now that information is being spread and monitored(監(jiān)控) _ different ways. 解析:根據(jù)different ways可知,本空填in。【考例2】Today,I heard another his song _ the radio.

13、解析:表示“通過(guò)廣播”,通常用介詞on或over。四、表示原因的介詞1. for多與表示情感的抽象名詞以及reason, famous等詞連用。2. of用于某些形容詞之后,后接與感情相關(guān)的人或事。3. over常用于帶有感情色彩的動(dòng)詞,如cry, quarrel, laugh, sigh等,講述所發(fā)生的事情的原因?!究祭?】In general, they can expect to live six or seven years more than men. One reason _ this is biological.解析:reason通常與介詞for連用,故本空應(yīng)填for?!究祭?】

14、And then,weeks later, I counted, re-counted and jumped _ joy. 解析:根據(jù)“因?yàn)楦吲d跳了起來(lái)”,可知本空應(yīng)填for。五、表示支持、反對(duì)的介詞against意為“反對(duì)”,指在觀點(diǎn)、主張等方面與某人采取對(duì)立的態(tài)度。此外,against還有“逆著,依靠,在襯托下,與比賽”等意思。for意為“贊成,支持”,指在觀點(diǎn)、主張等方面與某人采取一致的態(tài)度。此外,還有“對(duì)于”的意思?!究祭?】A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice _ those wanting a g

15、ood nights sleep. 解析:根據(jù)“對(duì)于那些希望睡一晚好覺(jué)的人來(lái)說(shuō)”可知,本空應(yīng)填for。【考例2】They help the body defend itself _ some kinds of infections.解析:根據(jù)句意“它們有助于身體自我保護(hù),避免一些感染?!笨芍?,應(yīng)填against。六、其他??冀樵~1. besides, except, but, except forbesides意為“除之外(還有)”;except意為“除之外(不再有)”,通常可以與but互換,但如果后接副詞、介詞短語(yǔ)、when從句時(shí),不能用but。except for意為“除了”之意,它所敘述

16、的事實(shí)或細(xì)節(jié)部分用來(lái)修正句子的主要意思。如The composition is well written except for some spelling mistakes.【考例】Honestly speaking, we have lots of other things in common _ music.解析:句子中的other很關(guān)鍵,故用besides。2. with的用法with用法繁多,成為高考熱點(diǎn)。其主要用法如下:表示“和在一起,和,跟”;表示“帶有”,表示伴隨的意思;指原因或理由;用在“with+賓語(yǔ)+賓補(bǔ)”這個(gè)復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中。【考例1】Suddenly, he saw a ca

17、r _ its bright lights on. 解析:此處為“with+賓語(yǔ)+賓補(bǔ)”復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),所以本空填with?!究祭?】 The menu is Italian, _ excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食). 解析:“with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食) ”是對(duì)菜單的解釋說(shuō)明,所以本空填with。3. beyond的用法表示“(時(shí)間)過(guò)了,比晚,遲于”;也可以表示“(范圍)超過(guò),為所不及”?!究祭?】_ a certain point, thoug

18、h, further stress will only lead to exhaustion, illness and finally a breakdown. 解析:further stress很關(guān)鍵,根據(jù)句意可知本空應(yīng)填Beyond?!究祭?】The number of cities producing CO _ the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9 .解析:beyond the standard“超過(guò)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”,為固定短語(yǔ)。4. as與likeas意為“像”“如同”“當(dāng)作”,可以與the same,such,as連用;like意為“像”。【考例

19、1】 .universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment _ that of the home. 解析:the same通常與介詞as連用,故本空應(yīng)填介詞as?!究祭?】We start with small talk, a polite conversation about something _ traffic or weather.解析:根據(jù)句意“我們從聊天、禮貌的交談開(kāi)始,談?wù)撘恍┫窠煌ɑ蛱鞖膺@樣的事情?!笨芍究諔?yīng)填like。5. 名詞與介詞的固定搭配后接介詞to

20、的名詞:access, approach, attention, answer, apology, attitude, devotion, entrance, introduction, journey, key, visit。后接介詞in的名詞:expert, interest, pride, trouble, problem。后接介詞on的名詞:congratulations, effect, influence。to后接情感名詞,表示“某種行動(dòng)后產(chǎn)生的感覺(jué)”:to ones delight/horror/joy/surprise/amazement/sorrow/regret【考例1】H

21、er popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals _ humans and on the worlds lakes and oceans.解析:句中effects與介詞on搭配使用,故本空應(yīng)填介詞on?!究祭?】It was really annoying; I couldnt get access _ the data bank you had recommended. 解析:get access to為固定短

22、語(yǔ),意思是“接近,獲得,可以使用”,故本空應(yīng)填to?!究祭?】_ my surprise, I found that she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nine. 解析:to ones surprise意為“使某人驚訝的是”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填To。6. ??冀樵~短語(yǔ)介詞與名詞的常用搭配at a loss, at breakfast, at Christmas, on show, by accident, by nature, in anger, in co

23、mfort, in fear, in secret, in place, in advance, out of date, out of order, under discussion, with ease, with satisfaction等?!究祭?】The dictionary is _ date: Many words have been added to the language since it was published. 解析:根據(jù)“自從出版以來(lái),增添了很多詞匯?!笨芍?,“這本字典過(guò)時(shí)了”。out of date意為“過(guò)時(shí)”,為固定短語(yǔ)。故本空應(yīng)填out of?!究祭?】We

24、 require the students full details at least 4 weeks _ advance. 解析:in advance意為“提前”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填in。形容詞與介詞的常用搭配be anxious about, be curious about, be absorbed in, be dressed in, be rich in, be fit for, be thankful for, be absent from, be equal to, be devoted to, be contrary to, be similar to, bee/get u

25、sed to, be ashamed of, be proud of, be angry with, be concerned about, be patient with等?!究祭?Are you interested _becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)?解析:be interested in意為“對(duì)感興趣”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填in。動(dòng)詞+介詞ask for, leave for, agree with, catch up with, get on/along with, make friends with

26、, bring in, fall into, get rid of, look into, pick up, take on, focus on等。【考例1】For years I dealt _ my travel agent only by phone. 解析:deal with意為“應(yīng)付,對(duì)付”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填with?!究祭?】Most of us are more focused _ our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. 解析: focus on意為“專心于,專注于”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填on。其他常用

27、短語(yǔ)according to, along with, because of, due to, but for, for fear of, for lack of, for the purpose of等?!究祭?】According _ a study by grandparents. com, 83 percent of the people said Mrs. Robinson s decision will influence grandparents in the American family.解析:according to意為“根據(jù),按照”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填to?!究祭?】

28、It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due _ heavy snow. 解析:due to意為“因?yàn)?,由于”,為固定短語(yǔ),故本空應(yīng)填to。七、強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練(一)單句填空1. Consistency is key _ a good nights sleep, especially when it comes to waking up.2. Armed with two over-packed suitcases, I arrived at the

29、airport just _ time for my flight.3. The review explains that smell is unique in its effects _ the brain.4. _ the other hand, negative thinking will only cause more depression in your life.5. There is a famous quote that reads, “A healthy body leads _ a healthy mind.”6. If I have saved any children,

30、 it is because _him.7. But in modern societies, the old can also learn _ the young.8. _ time of anger, do yourself a favor by releasing(釋放) it in a quiet place.9. _ my amazement, I did find some interesting books.10. The history of people planting and using bamboo can date _ as far as 7000 years.(二)語(yǔ)法填空Tooth decay(蛀牙) is a major health problem for billions of people around the world. According to a recent study, a third of the worlds population, 1 (be) suf


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