附件3mhlevel3o2o數(shù)字化電子教案o2o mh3冊unit4-u45、6課時_第1頁
附件3mhlevel3o2o數(shù)字化電子教案o2o mh3冊unit4-u45、6課時_第2頁




1、O2O數(shù)字化全景課堂 Magic HouseUnit4 What do you have for breakfast?大橋外語 教學研發(fā)部 Date:_ Period 5.6課時Section 1 教學概述教學目標 知識目標1. 語音:(四會)字母組合“ar”,能夠聽懂、會說、會拼讀帶有“ar”的單詞:“jar, shark”。 2. 詞匯:(四會)pancake, egg, sausage, for 3. 句型:能夠熟練運用重點句型“What do you have for.? -I have for. .”詢問三餐吃什么以及回答。 能力目標1. To learn some food.2.

2、To ask and answer questions about your meals. 情感目標 Dont waste the food.教學重難點 重點1. Words: pancake, egg, sausage, for2. Sentences: What do you have for.? I have for. .3. 由“what”引導的特殊疑問句及回答 難點由“what”引導的特殊疑問句及回答教學準備 食物的圖片,三餐餐盤的圖片,字母ar的卡片,拼讀卡片(教具)興趣教學板書設計獎勵機制Section 2 教學過程Step 1 Greeting, Roll call & Fre

3、e talk 1.教師與學生進行簡單的問候。T: Hello!Ss: Hello! 2.利用課件平臺中的“班級管理”對班級當日出勤學生進行點名,同時與學生進行本單元重點語言知識的活動輸出檢測。(教師根據(jù)班級實際情況酌情設置) T : When I call your name, please say “here”.T : * S : Here.T : Hello, *【建議活動】 教師把學生分為3人一小組,進行點餐活動,一人是服務員,其他二人是顧客。教師給出客觀評價?;顒忧?: 教師分組并舉例。 T : Lets order the meal. (Eg) T : Hello. Can I he

4、lp you? S : Do you have and ? T : Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 活動中 : 教師巡視并給予指導。S1 : Hello, can I help you? S2 : Do you have and ?S1 : Yes, I do. / No, I dont. S3 : Do you have and?S1 : Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 活動后 : 學生展示,教師給出評價。3.利用課件平臺中的“組管理”給出勤學生分組,管理和調(diào)控課堂。T : Get into two groups. * and * are in group

5、A. Your teams name is and you can choose the photo of your teams.Step 2 Warm up 用視頻吸引孩子們的注意力和提高學生們的興趣。T : Lets sing a songsay a chant. 課件對應課件對應:L1-Listen and chantStep 3 Phonics (復習ar)Practice & Production教師利用課件中復習字母組合ar,進行關(guān)鍵詞及拼讀的復習T : Lets review the letters. What does “ar” say? Ss : T : Tell me, w

6、hat do you see? 備 課 札 記 備 課 札 記Ss : Jar, shark.T : Lets blend some words. (教師將單詞 mark dark large bark park 呈現(xiàn)在黑板。) T : Lets spell some words. (老師說單詞,學生拼讀) 【建議活動】 每組選擇4名同學,站到前面進行PK. 老師出示單詞,大家,拼讀??斓慕M加分。老師說單詞,大家拼寫??斓慕M加分。Step 4 Lead in 用課件上Lesson 3 的主題圖(看醫(yī)生)來引入單詞和句型的學習。 T : I have a stomachache. Ill go

7、to see a doctor. Doctor(老師扮演) : What do you have for breakfast? T : I have pancakes,eggs and a sausage. 課件對應:課件對應:L3-Look, listen and say.Step 5 New words & SentencesPresentation & Practice of new words呈現(xiàn)食物單詞pancake, egg, sausage,同時跟讀單詞、正音、糾音、單詞拼讀并記憶單詞,同時滲透本節(jié)課的重點句型。 (pancake) T : This is cake. Do yo

8、u know what this is? Ss : T : Lets listen and follow. Ss : Pancake. (整體-分組-個體正音-整體;并滲透拼讀)T : One pancake, two pancakes, three pancakes【建議活動】p-an-c-a-k-e 全班進行拼讀比賽。炸彈卡:老師拿一張單詞卡,一張炸彈卡,老師閃卡,看見單詞說單詞,看見炸彈,拍手。T : What do you have for breakfast? Ss : I have pancakes for breakfast. (教師引導學生回答pancake) (egg)T :

9、 Now you are the doctor. Ask me: What do you have for breakfast? (教師引導學生詢問) Ss : What do you have for breakfast?(教師和學生一起說) T : I have pancakes and an egg. Do you know egg? (教師指圖片) Ss : 雞蛋。T : Lets listen and follow. Ss : Egg. (整體-分組-個體正音-整體;并滲透拼讀)【建議活動】 1. hot egg. 學生邊快速傳遞熱雞蛋,邊說單詞 2. 教師說單詞,學生拼讀該單詞。T

10、 : What do you have for breakfast ? Ss : I have eggs for breakfast. (教師引導學生回答句型) (sausage)T : I also have sausages for breakfast. Do you want to have them? Ss : Yes.T : Lets listen and follow. T : Follow me, sausage. (呈現(xiàn)sausage的卡片) Ss : Sausage. (整體-分組-個體正音-整體;并滲透拼讀)【建議活動】1. 點擊課件,跟讀單詞。2. 老師在黑板上畫saus

11、age,畫一個,學生說一遍sausage.最后說復數(shù)形式sausages. T : What do you have for breakfast? Ss : I have sausages for breakfast. (學生自己回答)課件對應課件對應: L1-Listen,point and repeat.Comprehensive practice of new words通過教學活動整體操練、鞏固重點單詞。 【建議活動1】Game:A,B兩組同學進行PK。把單詞卡片貼在黑板,兩個同學根據(jù)老師的口令進行拍單詞。 T : Two Ss PK, listen and touch the wor

12、ds. 【建議活動2】 閃卡:將單詞圖片和炸彈卡,放到一起閃卡,看到單詞說兩遍單詞,看到炸彈,快速站起來。全部做對的組加分?!窘ㄗh活動3】借助課件完成L1- listen and match的活動T : Lets listen and match課件對應課件對應: L1-Listen and match. Presentation & practice of sentencesT : Now look at the pictures. Who are in the picture? Ss : T : Yes, lets watch a video. Emma goes to see a doc

13、tor. Listen, what happened? 聽音跟讀 點擊單個句子聽音跟讀2. T : Listen and make a conversation. 聽例句根據(jù)課件提示造句Show the answers and check課件對應課件對應:L3-Look, listen and sayL3-Listen, and practiceI know the reason of stomachache. The pancake was bought yesterday. So the doctor tells me. “Dont eat the food not fresh.”Step

14、 6 Production 通過教學活動操練和輸出主要目標語言,檢測學生的掌握情況。 【建議活動1】Game : 給學生準備三餐的圖片,學生們分為若干組,選擇圖片進行問答。 T : Ill give you the food. You choose the pictures and make a conversation.【建議活動2】完成課件中的習題操練T : Lets do some exercises.課件對應課件對應:L3-Listen and match. L3-Listen and choose. L3-Match the sentences and pictures. Step

15、7 Song & Summary 根據(jù)歌曲的授課流程完成歌曲部分教學,最終達到學生能夠跟唱的目標。(根據(jù)歌曲中的形狀進行問答) 1.T : Look at the pictures. Then answer my questions. Q1 : Do you have egg and bread? Q2 : What do you have for lunch ?2. T : Lets listen to the song. 3. T : Lets listen and sing . 4. T : Watch the video carefully and try to memorize the actions. 5. T : Listen and follow. 6. T : Listen, follow and do. 7. T : Lets have a show.Open your books and do some exercises.課件對應課件對應: L4- Listen, and


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