



1、2021年安徽省蕪湖市繁昌縣荻港中學(xué)高二英語上學(xué)期期末試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. The foreign office deals with international _.A. events B. matters C. accidents D. affairs參考答案:D2. - Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.- I _ it, but was busy preparing for a job interview.A. would have attended B. had attended C. would attend D

2、. attended 參考答案:A3. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _ his courage.A. pick up B. keep up C. set up D. give up參考答案:B4. The journalist Zhou Yang has _ preference for life styles of famous film stars, but he always gets the wrong end of _ stick. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. /; the參考答案

3、:C5. The cruel man_his wife and child.Aabandoned Binvolved Cappointed Dtolerated參考答案:A6. In spite of his of work experience;the young man finally got the job because of his creativity(創(chuàng)造性)Achallenge Black Cguide Ddemand參考答案:B7. It was a long way. Why didnt you come to borrow my bicycle?Oh, I thought

4、 it _.A. will be used B. was used C. had been used D. was being used參考答案:D8. For weeks after the crash, divers had searched accessible areas for the body of the Indian man who was a Concordia waiter.Yes, they did their best and were not to blame for the unfortunate result.A. in reward B. in troubleC

5、. in vain D. in reality參考答案:C考查介詞短語辨析。句意:車禍后數(shù)星期,為了找到那名印度人,一個(gè)Concordia服務(wù)員的尸體,司機(jī)們徒勞地搜尋了能進(jìn)入的區(qū)域。是的,他們竭盡全力,不應(yīng)該因?yàn)椴恍业慕Y(jié)果受到責(zé)備。A. in reward作為報(bào)答;B. in trouble處于困境中;C. in vain徒勞地;D. in reality事實(shí)上。根據(jù)語境,故選C。9. I _ to attend your birthday party the day before yesterday, but my mother fell ill. A. was planningB. ha

6、ve plannedC. had plannedD. would plan參考答案:C10. Tony hopes that his Chinese teacher will suggest a good way to have his Chinese _ in a short period of time.A improved B improving C to improve D improve參考答案:A11. _ sweater he wears is made of a special kind of _ wool.A. The; the B. The; C. The; a D.A;

7、the參考答案:B12. Leaving the car unlocked like that is just an open _ to thieves.A. invitation B. access C. solution D. key參考答案:A13. Tom prepared well for the job interview, for he couldnt risk _the good opportunity.A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost參考答案:B14. Passengers on board arent allo

8、wed _ calls during take-off. A. making or receiving B. having made or receivedC. to have made or received D. to make or receive參考答案:D15. The eruption of volcano _ by an earthquake caused great damage. A. accompanied B. companies C. companions D. accomplished參考答案:A略16. Was it in this house he was bor

9、n he married and later died?Ain which;in which Bthat;on which Cin that;where Dwhere;that參考答案:D17. _ will get the first prize? Im sure, Li Hua. A. Who do you think B. You think who C. Do you think who D. Whom do you think參考答案:A略18. The young man is quite brave and strong. He is always ready toheavy r

10、esponsibilities and turn down the light ones.A. take off B. take down C. take on D. take over參考答案:19. The problem _at present is the global financial turmoil. ( 全球經(jīng)濟(jì)動蕩)A. discussed B. being discussed C. having been discussed D. to be discussed參考答案:B二、 新的題型20. Sports shoes that work out _16_ their ow

11、ner has enough exercise to warrant time in front of the television have been devised in the UK. The shoes named Square Eyes contain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the wearer has taken in a day. A wireless transmitter passes the information to a receiv

12、er _17_ (connect) to a television, and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves, based on the days efforts.The design was inspired by a desire to fight _18_ the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers, says Gillian Swan, _19_ developed Square Eyes as a final year

13、design project at Brunel University to London, UK. “We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out,” she says. “And I wanted to tackle that with my design.” _20_ a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically _21_ (switch) off.

14、And further time in front of the TV _22_ only be earned through more steps.Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts of _23_. Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television. So,

15、every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes _24_ (equal) precisely one minute of TV time.Existing pedometers(計(jì)步器)normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by measuring sudden movement. Swan says these can be easily tricked _25_ recording steps through shaking. But

16、 her shoe has been built to be _26_ (hard) for lazy teenagers to cheat. “It is possible, but it would be a lot of effort,” she says. “That was one of my main design considerations.”參考答案:16. whether 17. connected 18. against 19. who 20. Once 21. switches 22. can 23. both 24. equals 25. into 26. harde

17、r【分析】這是一篇說明文。短文主要介紹了一款記錄孩子跑步數(shù)和看電視時(shí)間的鞋子,以限制孩子看電視時(shí)間,避免孩子肥胖?!?6題詳解】考查連接詞。分析句子可知,work out 后接賓語從句,賓語從句的主語為 their owner,謂語為has,賓語為 enough exercise。句中缺少表示“是否”的連接詞whether。故填 whether?!?7題詳解】考查形容詞短語。be connected to “與連接”為固定短語。本句為ed結(jié)尾的形容詞短語作receiver的后置定語。故填connected。【18題詳解】考查介詞。由“ rapidly ballooning waistlines

18、”可知,空處應(yīng)填against。fight against“跟斗爭”為固定短語。故填against?!?9題詳解】考查關(guān)系代詞。分析句子可知,Gillian Swan為先行詞,在后面的非限制性定語從句中作developed的主語,所以關(guān)系代詞為who。故填who?!?0題詳解】考查從屬連詞。分析句子可知,本句為once引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句。故填Once。【21題詳解】考查一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。once引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句,主句為一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),主語為the television ,謂語為switches。故填switches?!?2題詳解】考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:而看電視的時(shí)間只能通過更多的走步來獲得。分析句子可知

19、,本句缺少情態(tài)動詞can。故填can?!?3題詳解】考查代詞。句意:Swan利用推薦的日常鍛煉和看電視的時(shí)間,來計(jì)算如何將鍛煉時(shí)間轉(zhuǎn)換為看電視的時(shí)間。分析句子可知,Swan利用推薦的日常鍛煉和看電視的時(shí)間。所以“日常鍛煉和看電視的時(shí)間”是兩者。故填both?!?4題詳解】考查一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。分析句子可知,本句為一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),主語為 every 100 steps,謂語為equals。every和數(shù)字連用時(shí),后面接復(fù)數(shù)名詞,謂語用單數(shù)。故填equals。【25題詳解】考查介詞。be tricked into“被誘使做某事”為固定短語。故填into。【26題詳解】考查形容詞比較級。句意:但是她鞋子對那些

20、企圖作弊的懶孩子來說就有點(diǎn)困難。分析句子可知,鞋子的設(shè)計(jì)對那些企圖作弊的懶孩子來說更難了。所以用形容詞比較級harder。故填harder?!军c(diǎn)睛】定語從句中關(guān)系詞的選擇可考慮以下三點(diǎn):(1) 一看先行詞的意義,即分清先行詞是指人、指物、時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)還是原因(如指物時(shí)不能用who或whom,指人時(shí)通常不用which等。(2) 二看關(guān)系詞的句法功能,即分清關(guān)系詞是擔(dān)任什么句子成分,是作主語還是賓語、是作定語還是狀語等(如作定語通常用whose,有時(shí)也用which;作狀語要用when, where, why。(3) 三看定語從句的種類,即分清是限制性定語從句還是非限制性定語從句(如that和why通

21、常不引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句。分析小題4的句子可知,Gillian Swan為先行詞,在后面的非限制性定語從句中作developed的主語,所以關(guān)系代詞為who。故填who。三、 閱讀理解21. We live in a world where new technologies and new methods are constantly being introduced. As humans,we are learning machines. We are most alive and functioning closest to our potential when we are learni

22、ng,adapting,adjusting and finding new ways,approaches and techniques to improve our lives or the lives of others in some way.Learning does not finish when we leave school. Learning can become a way of life that helps us to achieve our greatest potential. We shall never stop learning,as there is alwa

23、ys something new and interesting to discover.Lifelong learners never fail,because failure isnt in the vocabulary. Failure is just defined as “a failure to learn”When a project does not go according to the plan,lifelong learners ask themselves “What can I learn from this?” and follow up with “How can

24、 I do this differently and achieve my outcome?”They do not say,“I did not get to my goal,so I must be a failure.”There is a wonderful saying: “The only way to fail is to quit!” Robert Kiyosaki,author of Rich Dad,Poor Dad,said,“The only reason I am standing up here and you arent is that I have failed

25、 more often than you have.”It is sad but true that our greatest lessons come from our greatest failures.The important thing is the lesson. There is no such thing as failure as long as there is a lesson to be learned.Learn something new every single day. Three very good reasons for becoming a lifelon

26、g learner include promoting your brains health,giving your life a sense of purpose and promoting your financial security. Any one of these reasons should be enough,but all three combine to a powerful motivation to learn.42. Whats the main purpose of learning?A. To learn more knowledge.B. To be diffe

27、rent from animalsC. To be a learning machine.D. To live a better life.43. What is failure in the authors opinion?A. Failure is the career setback.B. Failure is the mother of success.C. Failure is losing the ability to learn.D. Failure is not achieving ones goal.44. What conclusion can we draw from R

28、obert Kiyosakis word?A. Never give up when facing failure.B. Be confident that you can succeed.C. Climb up bravely where you fall.D. Work hard until you finally succeed.45. What makes us a lifelong learner?A. A calm state of mind.B. A clear life goal.C. A strong athletic build.D. A stable income source.參考答案:42. D 43. C 44. A 45. B這是一篇說明文。介紹了為什么要終身學(xué)習(xí)。終身學(xué)習(xí)和失敗的關(guān)系以及成為終身學(xué)習(xí)者的三個(gè)原因。【42題詳解】推理判斷題。第一段


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