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1、Part 2Learning about Language and Using Language1Part 2Learning about Language語言知識 預(yù)習(xí)核心知識 探究備用講義2語言知識 預(yù)習(xí)核心知識 探究備用講義2.核心單詞 1. n. 條;棒;條狀物2. n.&vt. 損失;損害3.f vt. 使驚嚇;嚇唬adj.令人恐懼的 adj. 受驚的;受恐嚇的 .4.c n.祝賀; (復(fù)數(shù)) 賀詞vt. 祝賀 .5. n. 裁判員;法官vt.斷定;判斷;判決6.s adv. 真誠地;真摯地7. vt. 表示;表達n. 快車;速遞n.表達;詞語;表情 . 語言知識預(yù)習(xí)bardamag

2、erightenfrighteningfrightened ongratulationcongratulatejudgeincerelyexpressexpression3.核心單詞 語言知識預(yù)習(xí)bardamagerightoutline8. n. 要點;大綱;輪廓9.h n.報刊的大字標題10. n. 騎自行車的人vi. 騎自行車 .eadlinecyclistcycle4outline8. n. 要點;大綱;巧記單詞合成詞outlineout+lineheadlinehead+line派生詞frightenedfrighten(動詞)+-edfrighteningfrighten(動詞)+

3、-ingcongratulationcongratulate(動詞)+-ioncyclistcycle(動詞)+-ist5巧記單詞合成詞outlineout+lineheadlin.課文預(yù)習(xí) 閱讀P30的課文,從各題所給的四個選項中,選出最佳選項。1.Whats the speaking competition about? A.The earthquake which happened in Tangshan. B.The old Tangshan. C.New Tangshan. D.New China.答案:1.C 6.課文預(yù)習(xí) 答案:1.C 62.Why will the city o

4、pen a new park? A.To honour those who died and those who helped the survivors in the disaster. B.To honour the students who have won the speaking competition. C.To show respect to the heroes who died for new Tangshan. D.To show respect to the people who work for new Tangshan.3.When did the terrible

5、earthquake happen in Tangshan? A.On August 26. B.On August 27. C.On July 27. D.On July 28. 答案:2.A3.D72.Why will the city open a new核心知識探究Learning about Language1.damage n.&vt.損失;損害(P28)Most of the damage was caused by your sister.大部分損壞是你妹妹造成的。Dont damage your health for a good figure.不要為了好身材而損害健康。Th

6、e accident did a lot of damage to the car.這一事故把汽車損壞得很厲害。歸納拓展do/cause damage to給帶來/造成毀壞be badly damaged遭受嚴重損害damage ones health損害某人的健康8核心知識探究Learning about Language【即學(xué)即用】 完成句子不久前的這場暴風(fēng)雨對農(nóng)作物造成了很大損失。 The late storm the crops.吸煙會嚴重損害你的健康。 Smoking seriously .照相機被他的兒子弄壞了。他不得不找人修理了一下。 The camera his son.He

7、had to have it repaired.答案:did much damage todamages your healthwas damaged by9【即學(xué)即用】 完成句子答案:did much damage2.frighten vt.使驚恐;嚇唬(P28)Dont stand so near the edge;youre frightening me!別站得這么靠邊,你嚇壞我了!Im frightened of walking home alone in the dark.我害怕在黑夜獨自走路回家。They frightened the old lady into signing t

8、he paper.他們恐嚇那位老太太,使她簽了字據(jù)。歸納拓展frightening adj.令人恐懼的frightened adj.受驚的be frightened of sth./to do 害怕be frightened at/by sth.因而害怕frighten o/out of (doing) sth.把某人嚇得做/不做某事102.frighten vt.使驚恐;嚇唬(P28)Dont【即學(xué)即用】 語法填空The news was (frighten) and they were all . (frighten).Hearing the (frighten) story,the li

9、ttle boy had a . (frighten) expression on his face.答案:frightening;frightenedfrightening;frightened11【即學(xué)即用】 語法填空答案:frightening;friUsing Language3.Congratulations!祝賀你!(P30) congratulation n.祝賀;賀詞(常用復(fù)數(shù)形式)Congratulations to you on your success in the English examination.恭喜你在英語考試中取得成功。Congratulations on

10、your 50th wedding anniversary!祝賀你們結(jié)婚50周年!歸納拓展congratulations to sb.on sth.祝賀某人某事offer/send congratulations to sb.on sth.向某人祝賀某事congratulate v. 祝賀,向致賀詞congratulate sb.on/upon sth./doing sth.就某事向某人祝賀12Using Language congratulation溫馨提示:congratulation作“祝賀”講時,常以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)。congratulate的賓語是指人的名詞,不是指物的名詞;celebr

11、ate的賓語往往是表示活動的名詞。We held a large party to celebrate his birthday.我們開了一個盛大的宴會來慶祝他的生日。We congratulated him on winning the game.我們祝賀他贏得了這場比賽。13溫馨提示:congratulation作“祝賀”講時,常以答案:congratulated him on/uponmy congratulations onto celebrate【即學(xué)即用】 完成句子她對他的成功表示祝賀。 She his success.你通過了考試,我要向你表示祝賀。 I want to send

12、 your passing the examination.為了慶祝新年,他們放起了鞭炮。 They set off firecrackers the new year.14答案:congratulated him on/upon4.Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year. 五位評委聽了你的演講,他們都認為你的演講是今年最好的。(P30)本句中含有all of whom引導(dǎo)的定語從句和that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。 judge n.裁判員

13、;法官 vt.判斷;判決;斷定All the five judges scored him the full mark at the same time.五位裁判員同時給了他滿分。Never judge a book by its cover.勿以貌取人。Judging by the look on Adams face,the news must have been terrible.從亞當?shù)谋砬閬砼袛?肯定是可怕的消息。As far as I can judge,Im afraid you are wrong.據(jù)我判斷,恐怕是你錯了。154.Your speech was heard by

14、 a g歸納拓展judge.by/from.根據(jù)判斷judge sb./sth.as/to be.斷定某人/物是as far as I can judge據(jù)我判斷judging by/from.從來看,根據(jù)判斷溫馨提示:judging from/by是習(xí)慣短語,作獨立成分時,常常用現(xiàn)在分詞形式,而不考慮與主語是主動關(guān)系還是被動關(guān)系。Judging from her accent,she must be from Sichuan.聽口音,她準是四川人。16歸納拓展judge.by/from.根據(jù)判斷溫馨【巧學(xué)助記】 The judge judged that the ancient painti

15、ng should be judged by some judges of art.法官判決這幅古畫應(yīng)由一些擅長藝術(shù)鑒定的鑒賞家來鑒定。17【巧學(xué)助記】 The judge judged that t答案:Judging from/byjudge;by/from【即學(xué)即用】 完成句子根據(jù)他所說的話來判斷,他不是一個值得信賴的人。 what he said,he isnt a person to depend on.我們應(yīng)學(xué)會根據(jù)人們的行為來評價他們。 We should learn to people what they do.18答案:Judging from/byjudge;by/5.I

16、would like to express my thanks to.who. 我想向表達我的感謝。(P30) express vt.表示;表達n.快車;速遞I wish to express my appreciation for your kindness.我要對于你的好意表示感激。The company usually sends goods by express.這家公司通常用快遞發(fā)貨。There was a worried expression on her face.她臉上流露出擔心的表情。The beauty of the scenery there is beyond expr

17、ession.那兒風(fēng)景的美麗是無法表達的。195.I would like to express my t歸納拓展向某人表示/表達某事express oneself表達自己的意見expression n.表達;表示;表情beyond expression無法形容,難以言喻【巧學(xué)助記】 情景記憶expression/expressAs soon as he got off the express train he noticed a piece of news,and his expression expressed that it was something important beyond

18、expression.他一從特快列車上下來,就注意到了一則消息,他的表情表明那是一件難以表達的重要事情。20歸納【巧學(xué)助記】 情景記憶expression/expres答案:she couldnt express herselfbeyond expression【即學(xué)即用】 完成句子這個女孩那么緊張,以至于她無法表達自己的觀點。 The girl was so nervous that .我家鄉(xiāng)的景色美得無法形容。 The scenery in my home town is beautiful .21答案:she couldnt express herse長難句分析We are please

19、d to tell you that you have won the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan.我們很高興地告訴你,你在以新唐山為主題的中學(xué)演講比賽中獲得第一名。本句是一個復(fù)合句。that 在句中引導(dǎo)賓語從句,主句的謂語是“be pleased”。22長難句分析We are pleased to tell yo備用講義Reading and speaking1.Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was

20、 the best one this year.(P30) 此句為主從復(fù)合句,數(shù)詞/代詞+of+whom/which引導(dǎo)的定語從句。 Here are the questions,some of which I think are too difficult for you. 就是這些問題,其中一些我認為對你來說太難。 I met the volunteers,most of whom were university students. 我碰到過那些志愿者,大多數(shù)是大學(xué)生。23備用講義Reading and speaking232.Next month the city will open a

21、 new park to honour those who died in the terrible disaster.(P30) honour n.榮譽;光榮;尊敬;敬意 vt.尊敬;給以榮譽 The students should show their honour to their teachers. 學(xué)生應(yīng)該尊敬老師。 The ceremony was held in honour of those killed in the battle. 這個儀式是為了紀念陣亡將士而舉行的。 It is a great honour to be invited here today. 今天承蒙邀請到此,深感榮幸。 I am honoured to be asked to speak here. 受邀請在這兒發(fā)言我感到非常榮幸。242.Next month the city will ope歸納:show ones honour to對表示某人的敬意in honour of 為紀念 have the honour to do/of doing sth.榮幸地做某事It is an honour(for sb.) to do sth.做某事(對某人來說)是榮幸的feel/be honoured to do sth.做某


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