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1、人教英語選修7Unit5reading公開課課件人教英語選修7Unit5reading公開課課件人教英語選修7Unit5reading公開課課件Keep it up, Xie LeiChinese girl fitting in well人教英語選修7Unit5reading公開課課件1. Who is the girl? 2. Where is she now? 3. What is she doing there? 4. How long has she been there? The girl is Xie Lei.She is in London now.She is studying

2、 there.For 6 months.1. Who is the girl? The girl general ideaFit in wellKeep it upA girl, Xie Lei, overcame _ and _ the new environment .difficultiesgeneral ideaadapted to general ideaFit in wellKeep itStructure:Part I ( para1 ) The situation before leavingPart II ( para 2 )Part III ( para )5The sit

3、uation at the beginning67The situation now and in the futureStructure:Part I ( para1 ) 5ThImportant informationproblemssolutionslifestudyImportant informationproblemss1. What was her trouble in life? 2. How did she feel then? 3.What did she do then? 4. What advice did she get? She had to learn almos

4、t everything.She felt like a child.She lives with a host family, who gave her a lot of advice.New culture, idiom, and bring comfort to her.1. What was her trouble in lifproblemssolutionslifestudyhost familyproblemssolutionsImportant informationproblemssolutionslifestudyhost1. Whats her problem in st

5、udy? 2. How did she deal with it this time? 3.How many pieces of advice? 4. How could you get the answer so quickly? 5. What benefit did she get? Her essay.She turned to her tutor for help.Four.First Besides Then FinallyImproved her mark and became an autonomous learner.1. Whats her problem in study

6、_learnerread different textsanalyzegive my own opinionexplain it by referring to otherscontradictautonomousImportant information自主學(xué)習(xí)者_read different textsanapara 1para2-5 para 6-7time before leavingat the beginningnow and futurefeelingsexcited & nervouslike a babynumb with shockat homeImportant info

7、rmationpara 1para2-5 para 6-7time befDiscussion:Who are “ we” ?2. In which page can we read the article? 3. What does it mean “follow Xie Leis progress in later editions of this newspaper” ?Reporters.In the column of education in the newspaper .There will be follow-up report . 4. How do you understa

8、nd the sentence “ she deserves to succeed” ?Discussion:Who are “ we” ?2. IThank youThank you1.近年,越來越多的天鵝選擇到伊犁河流域越冬,這與當(dāng)?shù)貙嵤┨烊涣直Wo、濕地生態(tài)恢復(fù)等重點林業(yè)工程建設(shè)使?jié)竦厣鷳B(tài)明顯改善有很大關(guān)系。2.校慶在即,學(xué)校要求全體師生注重禮儀,熱情待客,讓從全國各地回母校參加慶?;顒拥男S迅械劫e至如歸。3. 近三十年來,中國社會的快速發(fā)展,以及中國和國際交流的擴大,西方媒體從敵視到誤讀,逐漸改變了對華的片面報道4我們可通過河流觸摸歷史,把河流和歷史抽象成一種符號,賦予河流更加豐富和充滿變數(shù)的內(nèi)涵。5河流不僅煥發(fā)了所有大地景觀的活力,且還是重要的經(jīng)濟資源、戰(zhàn)略資源和不可替代的文化資源。6 幫助家境不好的孩子上大學(xué),是我們應(yīng)該做的,況且這孩子各方面都很優(yōu)秀,我們一定要幫助她圓大學(xué)夢。7 在那個民族獨立和民族解放斗爭風(fēng)起云涌的時代,能激發(fā)人們的愛國熱情是評判一部文學(xué)作品好壞的非常重要的標準。8社會大轉(zhuǎn)型的時代,往往也是造就偉人的時代,幾乎所有基本領(lǐng)域,


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