六年級英語下冊試題-Unit4 Road safty有答案譯林版_第1頁
六年級英語下冊試題-Unit4 Road safty有答案譯林版_第2頁
六年級英語下冊試題-Unit4 Road safty有答案譯林版_第3頁
六年級英語下冊試題-Unit4 Road safty有答案譯林版_第4頁




1、Unit 4一選擇題(共26小題)1We mustnt run on the road()AquickBhappyCquicklyDslow2They are the baby everywhere(到處)()Alook forBlooking forClooks forDlooked for3To keep , we must walk on the pavement()AsafeBsafetyCsafelyDunsafe4In the United States, people drive on the side of the road()ArightBleftCmiddleDbeside

2、5Some children run on the road This is not ()AsafetyBsafelyCsafeDslowly6There are on the table()Atwo bottles of watersBa little waterCtwo bottles of water7 your English ?()ADo wellBIs wellCIs good8 , you can wait here and look out for cars()ATo keep safetyBKeep safelyCTo keep safe9In , people drive

3、on the right side of the road()Athe UKBthe USACJapan10Please us your city, Ok?()Ashow toBshowing forCshow around11He found a hole the playground just now()AonBwithCin12He does well at home()AtooBalsoCeither13 English book is this? It is Lilys()AWhoseBWhosCWho14I usually have some porridge breakfast

4、time()Aas inBfor atCfor on15Toms mother at 8 oclock yesterday morning()Awakes up himBwoke him upCwoke up him16He looked yesterday He looked at me()Aangry angryBangry angrilyCangrily angrily17Tom, some now, please()Ahas sweetsBis having sweetChave sweets18Sam hits the ball and it away()Ahard fliesBha

5、rdly fliesChard flew19Milk is your body()Agood atBgood forCbad for20You must not play on the road _ there are many cars and bikes()AbecauseBbutCso21To keep _, you must walk slowly()AsafetyBsafeCsafely22Look! Some ants _the road()Aare crossingBcrossCcrossing23Running on the road is not _()AsafetyBsafeCsafely24Heres the_ man We can cross the road now()AredBgreenCyellow25There_ so many people on the road()AisBwasCare26They _the bus and sat near the door()Agot toBgot onCgot offUnit 4參考答案一選擇題(共26小題)1C; 2B; 3A; 4A; 5C; 6C; 7C; 8C


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