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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項1考生要認(rèn)真填寫考場號和座位序號。2試題所有答案必須填涂或書寫在答題卡上,在試卷上作答無效。第一部分必須用2B 鉛筆作答;第二部分必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆作答。3考試結(jié)束后,考生須將試卷和答題卡放在桌面上,待監(jiān)考員收回。. 單項選擇1、Must I park my car behind the building?No, you _. You _ park it there.Amustnt; mayBmay not; mustCdont have to; mayDshouldnt; must2、singersAclimbsBparentsCworks3、L

2、isa, how is your cousin? He is now. Thank you.Amore healthierBmuch healthierCvery healthierDhealthiest4、The basketball players all arrive as early as they can so that they can _.Awake upBshow aroundCwarm upDfill out5、The 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing and in Zhangjiakou in 2022.AholdsBwill h

3、oldCwere heldDwill be held6、I don t like the color of this shirt. Could you please give me one?Athe otherBothersCanotherDother7、Your skirt looks very nice. Ill buy _.Lets go shopping this afternoon.AitBoneCthatDthis8、Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?ACreate.BReal

4、ize.CForward.9、Life is _ /fl/ of happiness and pain. You never know what will happen next.AfallBfillCfeelDfull10、How long have you _ these books?For nearly two weeks. Ill return them to the library this afternoon.AkeptBborrowedClentDbought. 完形填空11、 Do you like smiling or laughing? When you laugh, yo

5、u will open your mouth and show your teeth. The 1 those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that? Its because your teeth are important in many ways. If you 2 them, theyll help to take care of you, too. Strong, healthy teeth help you eat the 3 food to help you grow. They also help you speak clear

6、ly. You can take care of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth twice a dayafter breakfast and 4 bedtime. If you can, brush before lunch or after eating sweet cakes. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. You should spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. T

7、ake your 5 while brushing. Spend at least 3 minutes each time you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parents to help you get a new toothbrush every three months. Brushing keeps your teeth healthy. You also need to care about 6 you eat and drink. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and dr

8、ink water instead of drinks. 1AbiggerBwiderChealthierDthinner2Alook afterBlook upClook likeDlook at3AdeliciousBrightCtastyDsweet4AatBonCbeforeDafter5AphoneBtimeCfoodDmirror6AwhereBwhenCwhyDwhat. 語法填空12、My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. Im 1.1(quiet) and more serious than most kids. T

9、hats why I like reading books and I study harder 2.2 class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, 3.3 we enjoy studying together. Im shy so its not easy for me 4.4(make) friends. But I think friends are like booksyou dont need a lot of 5.5(they) as long as theyre good.I dont 6.6(real) care if my frie

10、nds are the same as me or different. My favorite 7.7(say) is, “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” My best friend Carol is kind and very funny. We 8.8(know) each other since we were very little. In fact, shes funnier than anyone I know. I 9.9(break) my arm last year and she

11、made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she 10.10(care) about me because shes always there to listen. 閱讀理解A13、Last week, Chicago became the first city in the US to join the “Lights Out Plan”. People turned off the lights in the citys tallest buildings, so that t

12、housands of birds could get to their winter homes. Every year in autumn, some birds fly over Chicago on their way to the south, and come back the next springLights mean danger to birds. Birds find their way by looking at the stars in the sky. Lights in tall buildings are so bright that birds may mis

13、take them as stars. This means they can not find the right way to go homeThis month, about 300 types of birds are flying over Chicago to go back to the south to live through the cold winter. Birds fly to warmer places for a few reasons. Many birds cannot live in the cold, so they fly to warmer place

14、s. But there are other reasons,too. Birds need to look for food in the south. Another reason is that they want to have baby birds. Many birds like to have their baby birds in the same “house” they lived in last year, so they fly back there.There are about 9,000 kinds of birds in the world, and about

15、 600 kinds of birds migrate(遷徙). Some birds can fly a very long way. Sometimes they fly to other countries. We have fewer birds today because there are fewer places for birds1Why did people in Chicago turn off their lights last week?ABecause people wanted to save moneyBBecause people liked the dark

16、nightCBecause people were afraid that birds would make much noiseDBecause people were afraid that birds would lose their way2Today we have fewer birds because _Alots of birds are often ill Bpeople kill lots of birdsCthere are fewer places for birds Dother animals eat them3Which of the following stat

17、ements is NOT true?AAll birds fly to warmer places every yearBSome birds have to fly to warmer places in autumnCSome birds can fly a long way to other countriesDAbout 600 kinds of birds migrate in the worldB14、The greatest sales woman in the world today doesnt mind if you call her a girl. Thats beca

18、use Markita Andrews made more than $80,000 by selling cookies when she was 13 years old.Andrews and her mother shared a dream of traveling around the world. Once while reading a magazine ad, Andrews found that the person who sold the most cookies could win a free trip for two around the world. She d

19、ecided to give it a try.To make her dream come true, Andrews went door to door every day after school and repeated, “Hi, I have a dream. Im earning a trip around the world for my mom and me by selling cookies. ” Then she asked,” Would you like to buy one or two dozen boxes of cookies?”Andrews kept a

20、sking for a whole year, no matter how heavily it was raining or snowing outside. Her hard work_. She sold 42,000 boxes of cookies that year and she won her trip around the world.Andrews is no smarter than thousands of other people. The key to her success is that she has found the secret of selling:

21、Ask, Ask, Ask! Many people fail before they even begin because they fail to ask for what they want.It takes courage to ask for what you want. And , as Andrews has discovered, the more you ask, the easier ( and more fun) it gets.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,將其標(biāo)號填入題前括號內(nèi)。1How old was Andrews when she made more than $8

22、0,000?AShe was 13 years old then.BAfter she and mother travelled around the world.CBefore she sold cookies.DWhen she was making cookies in the street.2_ gave Andrews the idea to sell cookies.AAn advertisement in the magazineBHer dream to travel around the worldCHer motherDHer friends3According to th

23、e passage, what does the underlined phrase “paid off” mean?A努力工作 B為付款C全部還清 D帶來好結(jié)果,成功4Which of the following is NOT true?AAndrew and her mother had a same dream.BAccording to the ad, two people could tour the world.CAndrews sold 42,000 cookies.DAndrews kept working even though it was raining heavily

24、outside.5How did Andrew succeed?ABecause she was young when she started doing things.BBecause she knew how to sell well and she worked really hard at it.CBecause her mother helped her a lot.DBecause she wanted to travel around the world.C15、CWhy are you study habits different from those of your frie

25、nds? Why do you seem to learn faster in some classes while more slowly in others? One reason you may not know is that people have different types. Scientists say there are three different learning types: Visual(視覺型),Auditory(聽覺型),and Kinesthetic (動覺型)。Visual learners learn best by seeing. If you see

26、m to easily remember information from pictures, graphs(圖表),and videos, you are probably a visual learner. Youre not good at copying down what the teacher says in class. Never mind. You can draw graphs or pictures instead, if you find that works better for you.Auditory learners learn best by hearing.

27、 If you seem to easily remember things by hearing them, then you are probably an auditory learner. You must listen carefully while the teacher is speaking because its the easiest way for you to learn . Sometimes you may find that taking notes tops you from listening carefully. After class, you can w

28、rite down what you remember or borrow your friends notes to copy.Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing. If you seem to learn best by working with your hands, you are probably a kinesthetic learner. Taking notes by writing can make you pay close attention to information as you receive it. Of cours

29、e, you can learn best by making full use of labs or other class activities.Hope you learn better by knowing what your personal learning type is.1There are_ different learning types according to the passage.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive2Jude can remember the words of a song quickly by listening to it once or

30、twice. She might be a /an _ according to the passage.Aauditory learnerBvisual learnerCstrange leanerDusual learner3Kinesthetic learners learn best by _ARemembering information from videosBlistening teachers in classCdrawing graphs or picturesDdoing things with their hands4The best title of this pass

31、age may be “_”AStudy HabitsBWays to studyCLearning typesDReasons to learD16、The sun gives energy and the earth receives the suns energy. The way the earth interacts with the suns energy can be displayed in a picture called the earths energy budget(預(yù)算). It displays the suns energy that reaches us and

32、 how much of that energy is taken in and how much is thrown back by the earth and its air. Once the energy reaches the earth, some of it is taken by land and oceans. The amount of energy that is taken in influences the temperatures. The energy that is not taken in is thrown back to space.Generally,

33、the amount of energy coming in is_the amount of energy going out. So, we say the earths energy budget is balanced. If more energy was coming in than was going out, the earths temperature would increase. On the other hand, if too much energy is thrown back, and not taken in, we would see the earths t

34、emperature dropping.Of all of the suns energy that hits the earth, about 67% is taken in by the land, oceans, air and clouds and about 33% is thrown back into space.1The picture above shows us how _ hits the earth.Athe high temperature Bthe heavy rain Cthe suns energy2In the 2nd paragraph, the under

35、lined phrase “equal to ” means “_”.Aless than Bthe same as Cmore than3Picture _ shows us the main idea of the last paragraph.A B C4If too much energy is thrown back, we will feel _on the earth.Acold Bhot Cwarm5The amount of energy that is _ influences the temperatures.Awell balancedBthrown backCtake

36、n inE17、Musical Instruments Sold Best in Uncle Johns ShopItemFluteViolinGuitar*ErhuMain materialBambooWoodWoodWoodProducing placeChinaSpainFranceChinaTypeChinese instrumentWestern instrumentWestern instrumentChinese instrumentWind instrumentStringed instrumentStringed instrumentStringed instrumentPr

37、ice 200 2,000 1,800 550Word Box: flute 笛子 wind instrument 管樂器 stringed instrument 彈撥樂器根據(jù)表格所提供的信息選擇最佳答案。1Of all the musical instruments in the form, _ is mainly made of bamboo.Athe fluteBthe violinCthe guitar2_ and _ are produced in Europe.AThe violin and the fluteBThe guitar and the erhuCThe violin

38、and the guitar3The piece of the guitar is _ of all the musical instruments in the form.Athe highestBthe second highestCthe lowestF18、 The“59 smiles”on a smartphone by an old woman in Wuhan,Hubei province in about six months tell a big story.The smiles are from the 59 people who offered her seats on

39、buses.“Everybody can be a good citizen,because in many cases a friendly smile is all that is needed to build a better world,”says Zhang Yongsheng in an article on .The 69yearold Wuhan woman has taken photographs of the people who offered their seats to her on buses.The 59 photographs are good memori

40、es for her.Some of the smiles are shy,some friendly,while others are like sunshine.The old lady is not good at taking photographs with her smartphone,because some of them are of poor quality,but in spite of that,the series of photographs has become famous immediately on the Internet.The smile that t

41、he old lady has taken show peoples care and love for others,which is becoming valuable in todays society.Her act also expressed her thanks to those who have helped her,says Zhang.Offering ones seat to elderly people on buses has become a hot topic of discussion.There have been many cases of quarrels

42、(爭吵)between young and aged people recently.They could have been avoided if we had thought more about others and also more thankful when others offered help.1Why has the woman taken so many photos?ABecause she has a smartphone of good quality.BBecause she wants to show thanks in this way.CBecause she

43、 decides to become famous.DBecause she is good at taking photos.2The underlined word “citizen”means“_”in Chinese.A模特B乘客C市民D攝影師3Which of the following statement is NOT true?AThe woman is 69 years old.BIt took her about 6 months to photograph the“smiles”CPeople offering seats to her are not happy at a

44、ll.DThe 59 photos are valuable to the woman.4We should_to make a better world according to the passage.Alove ourselves firstBtake many photosCavoid quarreling with old peopleDcare about others and be thankful5The best title for this passage is_.AKindness recorded in picturesBPictures popular on the InternetCA woman taking picturesDAn incident inspiring others.書面表達19、書面表達(15分)假如你是Thomas, Jack 是你美國的一個筆友,前不久他寫信告訴你他生活和學(xué)習(xí)上遇到的困難,希望你能給他提供一些幫助。請你根據(jù)下面一封


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