九年級英語全冊 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第4課時)教學案 (新版)人教新目標版_第1頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第4課時)教學案 (新版)人教新目標版_第2頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第4課時)教學案 (新版)人教新目標版_第3頁
九年級英語全冊 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(第4課時)教學案 (新版)人教新目標版_第4頁




1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark【教學目標】掌握本課生詞ant,insect;掌握本課短語;運用used to結構描述自己或他人過去和現在的愛好的變化;【教學重難點】運用used to結構描述自己或他人過去和現在的愛好的變化;【學法指導】運用已有經歷談論自己及他人的變化。【教學過程】導入(啟發(fā)探究)介紹自己的變化:I didnt use to like tests. Now I dont worry about tests, but I really used to be very nervous about them.I used to hate

2、P.E. class. Now I love it.we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time. we used to have to wear the school uniform. Now we can wear whatever we like.詢問同學的變化。二、自學(自主探究 )1、PPT呈現本課單詞,學生拼讀、記憶。ant /a:nt/ n. 螞蟻 insect /insekt/ n. 昆蟲 2、看圖畫,你過去害怕這些東西嗎?用used to結構描述自己過去害怕的事物。并寫出4個use

3、d to結構的句子。完成1a。3、回想一下,你過去還害怕哪些東西?用used to結構描述自己過去害怕的事物。完成1b。4、PPT呈現本課聽力中的短語,讓學生朗讀并理解。worry about testsused to be very nervous about them.I still like high school more than primary school.we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.we used to wear the school uniform. Now we

4、 can wear we like.I dont mind wearing a school uniform.三、交流(合作探究)聽力訓練與交流聽磁帶一次,感悟語音語調、句群停頓。聽磁帶一次,勾出你聽到的句子,完成1c。再聽磁帶一次,磁帶中的同學害怕什么東西,請?zhí)顚懕砀瘢?d。跟讀磁帶一次,模仿語音語調、句群停頓。朗讀聽力材料,進一步理解磁帶內容。根據1d表格,描述男孩和女孩的變化。談談自己的變化,完成1e。四、總結(引深探究 )1 、fifteen-year-old 作形容詞15歲的 fifteen years old 指年齡15歲 連字符的作用:連字符前后連接的詞應用單數形式,通常作定語。

5、 (1)Tom is a student. He is seven years old.(合并)Tom is a _ student. (2)He will have a _holiday. A. three day B. three days C. three-day 2、I dont worry about test. worry about sb./ sth. 擔心某人/某事,worry 是動詞。be worried about sb./sth. 擔心某人/某事,worried 是形容詞如(1不用擔心他。_ _ _ _.(2)Mother _ _ _her son. 媽媽擔心他的兒子3、

6、I didnt used to like tests, but now I dont worry about tests. 談論過去的喜好,并與現在作對比I _ _ _English _ in the morning.(過去早上我常常大聲朗讀英語)But now I like to learn English _ _ _ _. (我喜歡通過聽磁帶來學英語。)4、“穿”的各種表達 wear、put on、dress、have on和be in的區(qū)別1)wear : “穿、穿著、戴著”,強調狀態(tài)。wear后面接可穿戴的東西,也包括眼鏡、首飾等,可用于進行時態(tài)。2)put on “穿上、戴上”,指“

7、穿”的動作,反義詞為“take off”。例:You should put on your jacket . We need to wear warm clothes in winter .He put on his hat and coat and went out . 3)dress 穿衣,作及物動詞,后接人做賓語,意為“給某人穿衣服”例如: The girl likes to dress in black .Will you dress the children ?注:dress的賓語一般是表示人的名詞,而不是表示衣服的名詞。4)dress up:動詞短語,“打扮漂亮”“打扮成某種樣子”

8、。例如: They all dressed up for her birthday party .We are going to dress the boy up as a PLA man .5)be dressed in 指某人在某場合穿什么衣服。6)have on 指“穿”后狀態(tài),后可接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的東西,但它不能用于進行式。例:He has on a blue coat today . 7)be in表示狀態(tài),后接衣服,也可接表顏色的單詞。例:The boy in black is my brother . 5、whatever1)、whatever作連接代詞,意為無論什么;

9、不管什么,連接賓語從句、主語從句。如:They eat whatever they can find. 他們找到什么就吃什么。You can take whatever you like.你喜歡什么就拿什么吧。2)、whatever作連接形容詞,意為無論什么樣的。應當注意, 此用法的whatever必須同其被修飾的詞一起放在從句前引導從句。如:I can do whatever work I can find.我可以做我能找到的任何工作。Whatever difficulties we meet, we can work them out.3)whatever與what的區(qū)別。whatever

10、可以引導名詞性從句或狀語從句;what是個疑問詞,用在疑問句中。如:4)、whatever與no matter what的區(qū)別。no matter what 只能引導狀語從句,但whatever既可引導狀語從句,還可引導名詞從句。Dont trust him, no matter what he says. We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford. Wherever you go , whatever you do , I will be right here waiting for you .No matter which

11、 dictionary you want to buy, Ill pay for it6、I dont mind them. 一、mind作可數名詞,意為腦子;想法;記性。 如:An idea has just come into my mind. 我剛才想到一個主意。 I cant think where Ive left my umbrella; my mind is a complete blank! 我想不起來把傘落哪兒了;一點兒印象都沒有! 二、mind作動詞。 1. 意為當心;注意,后跟名詞或從句,也可單獨使用。 如: Mind the step! 小心臺階! Now mind!

12、You must hurry home. 注意啦!你必須趕快回家。 2. 意為介意;在乎,主要用于疑問句和否定句。 作不及物動詞。 如: Do you mind if I call you later? a. 如果同意;不反對別人做某事,答語用否定形式。 b. 如果不同意;反對別人做某事,答語用肯定形式。一般多用I am sorry.或Im afraid.等以緩和語氣。 -Do you mind if I smoke? -Not at all, please. -Would you mind me opening that door? -Im sorry, but its not allowe

13、d. 作及物動詞,后面通常接名詞、代詞、V-ing形式、復合結構、從句等。 如: Would you mind my closing the window?注意:Do (Would) you mind doing sth.? 這一句型通常用來表示請他人做某事,常譯為可否請你做.或勞駕你做.,多用Would開頭,用Do的情況較少。 Would you mind making some room for the patient? 三、mind的常用短語: change ones mind 改變主意; make up ones mind作出決定;keep.in mind記住.; never mind

14、不要緊,等。五、練評單項選擇:1. Mario used to _ in the morning.(A)A. practice swimming B. practicing swimming C. practice swim D. practicing swimming2. The movie is so _ that I am very _ in it.(C)A. interesting, interesting B. interested,interestedC. interesting, interested D. interested, interesting3. Xiao Ming plays _ piano in his free time. (D)A. a B. an C. the D. /4. Tina will be used to _ in Quanzhou. (B)A. live B. living C. lives D. lived5 .Antonio spent two hours _the job yesterday. (A)A. finishing B. finish C. to finish D. finished6. Would you mind _


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