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1、Unit 9Credit Cards,Warm-up Activities,I. Pair works What do you know about credit cards? Think about their functions and talk with your partner.,II. Group work Work in small groups, discussing how to use credit cards correctly. IIIThink about and then make a list of the advantages and disadvantages

2、of using credit cards in our daily life.,Background Information,A credit card is a payment card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows the cardholder to pay for goods and services based on the holders promise to pay for them. The issuer of the card creates a revolving account and grants a

3、 line of credit to the consumer (or the user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user.,A credit card is different from a charge card: a charge card requires the balance to be paid in full each month. In contrast, credit cards allow the consumer

4、s a continuing balance of debt, subject to interest being charged. A credit card also differs from a cash card, which can be used like currency by the owner of the card. A credit card differs from a charge card also in that a credit card typically involves a third-party entity that pays the seller a

5、nd is reimbursed by the buyer, whereas a charge card simply defers payment by the buyer until a later date.,Notes of Text 1.ISO/IEC 7810: an international standard that defines the physical characteristics for identification cards. The ID-1 format specifies a size of 85.60 53.98 mm (3.370 2.125 in).

6、 It is commonly used for banking cards (ATM cards, credit cards, debit cards, etc.). Today it is also used for driving licenses in many countries. This format is also used as a personal identity card in some countries, in retail loyalty cards, and it is one fairly common format for business cards. T

7、he United States passport card also uses the ID-1 format. ISO 7810,是身份證、銀行卡等尺寸的國際標準,分為ID-1、ID-2、ID-3及ID-000四種。ID-1的規(guī)定尺寸為85.60 53.98毫米(3.370 2.125英寸),其長寬比與黃金分割(1.618:1)接近。 2.a magnetic stripe card: a type of card capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic particles

8、 on a band of magnetic material on the card磁條卡,3.a chip card: (also known as a smart card or memory card) a plastic card that has a computer chip implanted into it that enables the card to perform certain functions芯片卡 4.debit card: a card issued by a bank or building society allowing the holder to t

9、ransfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase借記卡 5.personal identification number (PIN): a secret numeric password shared between a user and a system that can be used to authenticate the user to the system. Typically, the user is required to provide a non-confidential u

10、ser identifier or token (the user ID) and a confidential PIN to gain access to the system. Upon receiving the user ID and PIN, the system looks up the PIN based upon the user ID and compares the looked-up PIN with the received PIN. The user is granted access only when the number entered matches with

11、 the number stored in the system. Hence, despite the name, a PIN does not personally identify the user. 個人識別號;用戶識別代碼略作PIN;(自動提款機提款磁卡的)個人密碼,Text analysis,1. The issuer of the card creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the user) from which the user can borrow mone

12、y for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user. 發(fā)卡機構為消費者(持卡人)提供可循環(huán)使用的賬戶及授信額度,這樣他們就可以借錢消費或者預借現(xiàn)金。 revolving adj. 旋轉的 v. 旋轉 例:You can visualize it revolving around the sun in a predictable orbital pattern. 你可以想象它按照可預測的軌道圍繞太陽旋轉。 Then there is the revolving door from Congress to lobbying fi

13、rms, further ensuring that policy will suit special interests, leaving out the rest of us. 然后,是一道從國會到游說團體的旋轉門,這進一步保證了政策只適合那些特定的利益群體,而不是其余的人。 Up a tower to a defunct revolving restaurant, where I snapped photos of the hazy skyline. 上了塔,到了一頹敗的旋轉餐廳,那里我對著朦朧地天空的輪廓,拍了照片。,Phrase revolving credit金融 周轉信貸;循環(huán)信

14、用證;循還貸款;循環(huán)貸款 revolving furnace冶 旋轉爐; 冶 轉爐 revolving stage旋轉舞臺;旋轉式鏡臺;旋轉臺;轉臺 revolving speed轉速;葉輪轉速;主機轉速 revolving digester回轉式蒸煮器 revolving shaft轉軸;旋轉軸;回轉軸 revolving axle回轉軸 revolving center活頂尖;活動尖 revolving shutter卷筒百葉窗,grant vt. 授予;允許;承認 vi. 同意 n. 撥款;法 授予物 例:Grant and Lee are bracketed in history. 在

15、歷史上格蘭特和李兩人的名字總是被一起提及的。 You have to grant us control explicitly. 你們必須允許我們明確地控制。 You should grant them access only to the resources that they require. 您應該僅向用戶授予它們所需的訪問權限。 Phrase take for granted 認為理所當然 government grant 政府批地書,政府補助金 land grant 政府贈地;政府撥給大學或鐵路之土地,merchant n. 商人,批發(fā)商;店主 adj. 商業(yè)的,商人的 例:Their

16、 merchant ship was reflagged last year. 他們的商船去年改變了注冊國。 The merchant worked off an undesirable lot of goods. 這個商人銷掉了一大批劣貨。 Dont chase after her any more, she is going to marry a rich merchant. 別再追她了,她就要嫁給一個有錢的商人了。 Phrase merchant ship 商船 merchant marine (一個國家的)商船,商船隊 merchant bank 商業(yè)銀行 merchant banki

17、ng 商業(yè)銀行業(yè)務 retail merchant 零售商 commission merchant n. 代銷商,掮客 merchant fleet 商船隊,Text analysis,2. The cardholder indicates consent to pay by signing a receipt with a record of the card details and indicating the amount to be paid or by entering a personal identification number (PIN). Also many merchan

18、ts now accept verbal authorizations via telephone and electronic authorization using the Internet known as a card not present transaction (CNP). 持卡人可通過以下方式授權支付:在交易清單上簽名認可消費金額,或者輸入個人身份認證碼(PIN碼)。當然,現(xiàn)在很多商家接受電話口頭授權和網(wǎng)絡電子授權,就是常說的離線交易(CNP)。 consent vi. 同意;贊成;答應 n. 同意;(意見等的)一致;贊成 例:I ought first to have ask

19、ed your consent. 我本應該首先征得你的同意。 He threw me a smile that telegraphed consent. 他朝我微笑,流露出同意的神情。 He misinterpreted her silence as giving consent. 他把她的沉默誤認為是同意。 Phrase informed consent 知情同意,知會同意;知后同意 written consent 書面同意;同意書 mutual consent 雙方同意 by common consent adv. 大家都同意(公認),receipt n. 收到;收據(jù);收入 vt. 收到

20、例:Please give me an interim receipt. 請給我一張臨時的收據(jù)。 Heres the receipt for half payment on goods. 這是支付一半貨款的收據(jù)。 His main work is to receipt for each lot of goods. 他的主要工作是給每一批貨物開收據(jù)。,phrase on receipt of 在收到后 official receipt 正式收據(jù) acknowledge receipt 證實收到 acknowledge receipt of 收到 in receipt of 已收到 deposit

21、 receipt 存單,存款收據(jù) warehouse receipt 倉單;棧單;倉庫收據(jù) courier receipt 專遞收據(jù);快郵收據(jù) trust receipt 信托收據(jù) tax receipt 稅單;報稅收據(jù) place of receipt 收貨地;收貨地點 return receipt 回執(zhí) cargo receipt 貨運收據(jù) goods receipt 貨物收據(jù) acknowledgement of receipt 回執(zhí),接收確認 bank receipt 水單;銀行收據(jù),identification n. 鑒定,識別;認同;身份證明 例:Do you have any i

22、dentification? 你有什么身份證明文件嗎? Yes,sir. But I need your address and some identification. 收的,先生,不過我們需要您的地址和身份證明。 But we leave them out in the identification of the premise and conclusion. 但是我們去掉了它們,在識別前提和論點的時候。,Phrase system identification 系統(tǒng)辨識;系統(tǒng)識別 fingerprint identification 指紋鑒定 identification card 身份

23、證;計標識卡 identification number 標識號;身份證號碼;成套設備編號 hazard identification 危險標志;危害鑒定;災難識別 identification code 標識碼 method of identification 識別法 product identification 產(chǎn)品鑒定;產(chǎn)品識別 personal identification number 計個人標識號;個人識別號碼 object identification 目標識別;對象的確認,對象標識;物體識別 user identification 使用者庫名;用戶標識 hazards iden

24、tification 危害確認;危害識別 group identification 團體認同;團體意識 identification test 鑒別測驗;藥物的鑒別試驗 identification marking 打印標號;識別標志 identification tag 美軍官兵套在頸上的軍籍號碼牌 component identification 元件識別名 opportunity identification 機會識別 identification mark 識別標記;商標,authorization n. 授權,認可;批準,委任 例:What do our efforts now ha

25、ve to do with the original authorization of the use of force? 我們現(xiàn)在所做的一切和當初授權使用武力的初衷有還有什么聯(lián)系嗎? You can define roles in this record as well provide authorization for your application. 您可以在這個記錄內定義角色以及為應用程序提供授權。 If you choose to deploy them, do so carefully and ensure that they have proper authorization

26、on their operations. 如果您選擇部署它們,要十分謹慎,以確保它們的操作具有合適的授權。 Phrase authentication and authorization 鑒別與授權;驗證和授權 authorization letter 授權書;授權信 letter of authorization 授權證書;委任證書 written authorization 授權書;核準書 access authorization 存取授權;訪問權限 authorization code 計授權代碼,Text analysis,3. The verification is performe

27、d using a credit card payment terminal or point-of-sale (POS) system with a communications link to the merchants acquiring bank. Data from the card is obtained from a magnetic stripe or chip on the card. 這種驗證通過與商戶所在銀行聯(lián)網(wǎng)的信用卡支付終端或POS機系統(tǒng)完成。信用卡數(shù)據(jù)可從卡片上的磁條或芯片讀取。 verification n. 確認,查證;核實 例:Final verificati

28、on of all functionality. 所有功能最終的確認。 Along with this, they can add verification points and drive data. 與這些一起,他們還可以添加驗證點和驅動數(shù)據(jù)。 If you have verification points, summary information for those tests will be shown here, as well as in Figure 30. 如果您有驗證點,那么在此將顯示出那些測試的摘要信息,以及圖 30 中的內容。,Phrase experimental ve

29、rification 實驗驗證;實驗性鑒定 verification process 驗實過程,驗證過程 verification code 驗證碼 design verification 設計驗證 verification test 驗證試驗;證實測驗 verification and validation 計檢驗和確認 formal verification 形式驗證,形式證明 verification procedure 查證程序;核查程序 data verification 數(shù)據(jù)驗證,數(shù)據(jù)校驗 cancel after verification 核銷 verification cert

30、ificate 存貨核實證明書;檢定證書;驗單,terminal n. 末端;終點;終端機;極限 adj. 末端的;終點的;晚期的 例:He worked the bus terminal for a few days until they chased him. 他在公共汽車終點鬼混了幾天,最后被人家轟走了。 If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal? 如果飛行是這么的安全,為什么他們管飛機場叫“終端”? As with the Ethernet switches, you can view the run

31、ning configuration in order to do some sanity checking of the configuration on the terminal servers, if required. 同處理以太網(wǎng)交換機一樣,可以查看運行的配置,以便在終端服務器上對配置進行完備性檢查(如果需要的話)。,phrase terminal market 農產(chǎn)品集散市場 container terminal 集裝箱碼頭;貨柜碼頭 terminal equipment 終端設備 airport terminal 航站樓;機場候機樓 bus terminal 公車總站,公車終站,

32、巴士站 terminal unit 終端設備 terminal point 終點;端點 terminal cancer 癌癥晚期 ferry terminal 渡輪碼頭;車船聯(lián)運港;客輪碼頭 terminal voltage 端電壓;高壓電極電壓;終端電壓 display terminal 顯示終端 terminal building 航站樓;候機樓;機場大廈;候機室建筑物,magnetic adj. 地磁的;有磁性的;有吸引力的 例:But magnetic propulsion has some drawbacks. 但是磁力推進有一些缺陷。 If we charge it with el

33、ectricity, it will become magnetic. 如果充上電, 它就會帶有磁性。 Some realized they could use the new materials tools to test their understanding of the magnetizing process, because they could precisely control layers of both magnetic and nonmagnetic metal atoms. 有些人意識到,他們可以使用新材料的工具,以測試他們對磁化過程的理解,因為他們可以精確地控制磁性和非

34、磁性兩種金屬原子層。,phrase magnetic field 磁場 magnetic resonance 磁共振;磁諧振 magnetic separation 磁選;磁性分離;磁力分離;磁力選礦 magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成象 nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振 magnetic flux 磁通量 magnetic force 物磁力 magnetic material 磁性材料 magnetic circuit 磁路 magnetic induction 磁感應,磁感應強度 magnetic bearing (電)磁向位 m

35、agnetic separator 磁力分離器,stripe n. 條紋,斑紋;種類 vt. 加條紋于 例:Our swap will be a stripe, as we want performance and no redundancy is needed. 我們的交換分區(qū)是一個條帶,因為我們想要性能和不需要冗余。 I was checking out your site before I went to work, and there was this cat (orange stripe I think) sitting in that box next to your bookca

36、se. 我上班前登陸了一下您的網(wǎng)站,看到這只貓(看起來有橙色斑紋的)坐在您書架旁的箱子上。 Your first suit should be either navy blue or gray, possibly with a light chalk stripe (like a pinstripe, but softer), and in an all-season, medium weight. 你的第一套該選海軍藍或者灰色,可能帶著淺白色條紋那種(像細條紋,不過更柔和),四季皆宜,重量適中。,Phrase stripe set帶區(qū)集;條帶集;等量磁區(qū);帶區(qū)集磁盤 magnetic str

37、ipe磁道;磁條;活動電影菲林邊的磁帶;條形碼 stripe yarn長結子花式線 chalk stripe深地細白條子布;白條紋;粉筆條 crammed stripe密經(jīng)條紋 Borneo stripe博爾尼奧條紋布 Reflective stripe反光條;反光條紋 Ava stripe阿瓦條子綢 service stripe軍齡袖條;年資袖章;精勤章,4. To help mitigate this some financial institutions can arrange for automatic payments to be deducted from the users ba

38、nk accounts thus avoiding such penalties altogether as long as the cardholder has sufficient funds. 為了減少這種情況發(fā)生,部分金融機構允許持卡人綁定銀行賬戶,進行約定還款,由此可避免這種整體罰款,只要持卡人(綁定銀行賬戶中)有足夠的資金。 mitigate vt. 使緩和,使減輕 vi. 減輕,緩和下來 例:How to mitigate this trend? 怎樣緩和這種傾向呢? First, there are constraints on what they are able to do

39、 to mitigate their situation. 第一,許多限制使得他們不能做什么事情來緩解他們的狀況。 The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the mother had treated her child. 法官說,這位母親虐待孩子,罪行無法減輕。,Phrase mitigate risks規(guī)避風險 mitigate damages減輕損害 mitigate damage減輕破壞 mitigate sth調和或減輕某事物的作用 Mitigate stimulate減輕刺激 mitigat

40、e responsibility減輕責任 mitigate pain減輕疼痛 mitigate punishment減輕刑罰 mitigate emissions減排,deduct vt. 扣除,減去;演繹 例:Once you deduct your expenses, there is nothing left. 一旦扣除你的費用,就什么也沒有了。 Pay your savings just like you would a utility bill, add it to your savings and deduct it from your checking. 就像付水電費一樣支付你的

41、存款,把它從你的活期賬戶上扣除,放到你的儲蓄賬戶上去。 Each buyer is associated with a particular bank that can provide information about the account status, as well as deduct the required funds from that account. 每個買方都與一個特定的銀行聯(lián)系在一起,該銀行可以提供買方的帳戶狀態(tài)信息,還可以從該帳戶扣除所需資金。 Phrase deduct from 扣除 deduct money 扣錢;扣款,penalty n. 罰款,罰金;處罰 例

42、:The fees and penalty charges ballooned. 花費和罰款費用一路激增。 Yes. Its a notice of violation but no civil penalty. 是的,它是一個違規(guī)的通知,但是沒有民事處罰。 If not, well, I accept the physical penalty without complaint. 就當是毫無怨言地在承受這個肉體上的罰款。,Phrase death penalty 死刑 penalty function 罰函數(shù);數(shù)補償函數(shù) penalty for 罰金;對的處罰 administrative

43、penalty 行政處罰 penalty area 罰球區(qū),禁區(qū) penalty kick 罰點球,罰球 penalty spot 罰球點 pay the penalty 得報應,受懲罰 penalty factor 懲罰因子 penalty shootout 點球大戰(zhàn) penalty cost 虧損;違約成本 penalty shot 籃罰球;冰罰任意球 penalty goal 罰球得分;罰進的球 penalty box (冰球、曲棍球)被罰下場的隊員座席,sufficient adj. 足夠的;充分的 例:Will there be sufficient stocks to meet o

44、ur demand? 有足夠的存貨滿足我們的需求嗎? Yes, but how do I know if I have sufficient detail? 是的,但是我如何知道我已經(jīng)有了足夠的細節(jié)? Proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada. 證明你有足夠的資金能夠維持你和你家人在到達加拿大以后的生活。 Phrase sufficient condition 充分條件 sufficient for oneself 不靠他人,不受他人影響

45、 necessary and sufficient condition 充要條件;必要且充分的條件 sufficient for 足夠的;充分的 sufficient and necessary condition 充要條件;充分必要條件 sufficient quantity 足夠的數(shù)量;適宜量 more than sufficient 綽綽有余 sufficient cause 充分理由;充足原因 self sufficient 自給自足的;極為自負的,Text analysis,5. Some credit cards often levy a rate of 20 to 30 perc

46、ent after a payment is missed; in other cases a fixed charge is levied without change to the interest rate. 因為所有的信用卡均要收取費用和利息,一些持卡人因此變得負債累累而被迫執(zhí)行破產(chǎn)。 levy n. 征收;征兵,征稅 vt. 征收(稅等);征集(兵等) vi. 征稅;征兵 例:We should levy a heavy tax on the wealthy men. 我們應該向富人征重稅。 Phrase tax levy 納稅;征收稅款 levy on 征稅;扣押 levy tax

47、 征稅 transaction levy 交易征費,Exercise:I. Answer the following questions according to the text:,1. What do you know about credit cards? A credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows its holder to buy goods and services based on the holders promise to pay for the

48、se goods and services. 2. What is the difference between credit cards and charge cards? A credit card is different from a charge card: a charge card requires the balance to be paid in full each month. In contrast credit cards allow the consumers a continuing balance of debt subject to interest being

49、 charged. 3. When are credit cards issued by a credit card issuer? Credit cards are issued by a credit card issuer such as a bank or credit union after an account has been approved by the credit provider after which cardholders can use it to make purchases at merchants accepting that card.,4. How do

50、es the cardholder indicate consent to pay? The cardholder indicates consent to pay by signing a receipt with a record of the card details and indicating the amount to be paid or by entering a personal identification number (PIN). Also many merchants now accept verbal authorizations via telephone and

51、 electronic authorization using the Internet. 5. For card not present transactions, what do merchants additionally verify? For card not present transactions where the card is not shown (e.g. e-commerce mail order and telephone sales) merchants additionally verify that the customer is in physical pos

52、session of the card and is the authorized user by asking for additional information such as the security code printed on the back of the card date of expiry and billing address. 6. What does the statement that the credit card user is sent each month indicate? Each month the credit card user is sent

53、a statement indicating the purchases undertaken with the card any outstanding fees and the total amount owed.,7.Compared to debit cards and cheques, what are the benefits of credit cards to customers? Compared to debit cards and cheques a credit card allows small short-term loans to be quickly made

54、to a customer who need not calculate a balance remaining before every transaction provided the total charges do not exceed the maximum credit line for the card. Credit cards also provide more fraud protection than debit cards. 8.What rewards and benefits packages do many credit cards offer? Many cre

55、dit cards offer rewards and benefits packages such as offering enhanced product warranties at no cost free loss/damage coverage on new purchases and points which may be redeemed for cash products or airline tickets. 9. What are the detriments of credit cards to customers? The detriments of credit ca

56、rd to customers are high interest, bankruptcy and inflated pricing for all consumers. 10.What must merchants that accept credit cards pay? If they are barred by their credit agreements from passing these fees directly to credit card customers or from setting a minimum transaction amount, what is the

57、 result? Merchants that accept credit cards must pay interchange fees and discount fees on all credit-card transactions. If they are barred by their credit agreements from passing these fees directly to credit card customers or from setting a minimum transaction amount, the result is that merchants

58、may charge all customers (including those who do not use credit cards) higher prices to cover the fees on credit card transactions.,Word PracticeFill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.,1. Once the aim is fixed, we should not

59、 change it a_. 2. We need further investigation to v_ this entire issue. 3. He refused to g_ them long-term credits. 4. A new tax could be l_ on industry to pay for cleaning up contaminated land. 5. The prices of meals are often artificially i_.,1. Arbitrarily 2. verify3. grant4. levied 5. inflated,6. You have to apply for a renewal within six months before e_. 7. The ticket is v_ within three days. 8. He apologized to the traf


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