



1、精選資料歡迎下載小學(xué)六年級下冊英語閱讀(一)My Life in New YorkMy name is Lei Lei.I live in New York.There are five people in my family.Weover seas in Chinese.We speak both Chinese and English.My father is a driver and mymother isa teacher.My sister isoffice worker.Her husband isan American .He isamanager.I am a student.

2、 I study ,math and other lessons at school.I go to school bybike, but sometimes by bus. I do my homework at school in the afternoon.I go homeat about five.On Monday and Tuesday evenings I study Chinese at night school.I likeplaying football.But I play at only on Saturday morning,On Sunday I often go

3、 fishingwith my father . What about my mother and sister?They go shopping.重點難點:Overseas Chinese 海外華僑both兩者都manager經(jīng)理night school夜校office辦公室根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷句子對錯,用T 或 F 來表示正誤。1.Li Lei lives in the USA.()2.Li Lei s parents are teachers.()3.Li Lei studies Chinese at night school only on Monday evening.(4.Li Lei

4、 plays football every morning.()5.Li Lei and his family go fishing on Sunday.()(二)Having Breakfast in New York!It s Saturday morning.Mrs Edwards opens the window and looks outside .She isvery happy“. It s going to be a beautiful day! ”She wakes up her small son at seven and says,“ Get up,Teddy.We ar

5、e gonging to the zoo today.Wash your hands and face and have your breakfast quickly.We are going to New York by car. ”Teddy is six years old,He is very happy .He gets up and washes his hands and face精選資料歡迎下載quickly.“ Mum,let s go. ”“ But your breakfast? ”“ I can have it in New York.Lets go.”重點難點: ou

6、tside 外面wake up 喚醒quickly迅速地I can have it in NewYork.Let s go.我可以在紐約吃早飯。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷句子對錯,用T 或F 來表示正誤。1.It s a fine day today.()2.Mrs Edwards has a little son.()3.Mrs Edwards wants to visit her friend with her son in New York.(4.They want to go to New York by train.()5.Teddy has breakfast at home.()(三)Go

7、od FriendsJane and Betty are good friends.Jane is twelve 1old and Betty is eleven years old. I am twelve , too.But Betty is2than Jane and I. She is 3very fast.Janes English is sings the best.We 54 .Betty s English is better.My English is the best.But Jane help one another because we are good friends

8、.重點難點 :grow 成長讀一讀,你能把漏掉的單詞補上嗎?()1.A.yearB.earC.years()2.A.tallB.tallerC.shorter()3.A.growingB.growsC,grow()4.A.OKB.goodC.well()5.A.oftenB.sometimesC.always精選資料歡迎下載(四)A Clever RatA folder is in the room. A fish is on it. A rat comes out .He sees the fish.A cat is in the room,too.He sees the rat and c

9、omes at the rat,“Don teat me , ”says the rat to the cat. “You like fish.I have a nice fish for you.Look, there it is. ”The cat lets the rat go.He comes up to the fish.Oh,the folder catches one of his paws.重點難點 :folder :夾子come out:出來paw:爪子The folder catches of his e at向走來夾子夾住了它的一只爪子。rat:老鼠選擇填

10、空。1.What s on the folder?A. A rat .B. A fishC.A cat2.Is the fish the rats?A. Yes , it is .B.No , it isnt.C.Yes, it isnt.3.Does the cat like the fish?A. No, it doesn t.B.OK.C.Yes,it does.4.Does the cat eat the rat at last?A.Yes , it does.B.No, it doesn t.C. I don tknown.(五)Dog s DayInDogsCanada, are verythere is a day for dogs. It comes on the second Sunday of helpful to Canadians.They can pull a sled and c


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