已閱讀5頁,還剩30頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、.1 商務英語入門商務英語入門 .2 v本書主要內(nèi)容及編寫特色本書主要內(nèi)容及編寫特色 v課時安排課時安排 v以以Management 章節(jié)為例看課堂處理章節(jié)為例看課堂處理 v案例處理方式案例處理方式 v考試方式考試方式 .3 一、主要內(nèi)容與編寫特色一、主要內(nèi)容與編寫特色 v本書的編寫目的是讓學生既能學習豐富的本書的編寫目的是讓學生既能學習豐富的商商 務知識務知識,又能熟悉商務方面的各種英語表達,又能熟悉商務方面的各種英語表達, 提高提高商務英語水平商務英語水平。 v教學對象:大學三年級的學生,在完成大學教學對象:大學三年級的學生,在完成大學 英語階段之后的英語階段之后的后續(xù)選修課后續(xù)選修課。

2、.4 v本書共有八章,分別是:本書共有八章,分別是: vForms of Business Ownership (企業(yè)的產(chǎn)權形式企業(yè)的產(chǎn)權形式)、 vManagement (管理管理) vProduction and Operation (生產(chǎn)與運營生產(chǎn)與運營) vMarketing (市場營銷市場營銷) vHuman Resources Management(人力資源人力資源) vCorporate (企業(yè)文化企業(yè)文化) vElectronic (電子商務電子商務) vBusiness Start-up (小企業(yè)創(chuàng)建小企業(yè)創(chuàng)建) v本書主要涉及基礎商務知識,簡單易懂。主題講解通常分為本書主要

3、涉及基礎商務知識,簡單易懂。主題講解通常分為 45個部分,分別就本章學習的主題進行深入淺出的講解。個部分,分別就本章學習的主題進行深入淺出的講解。 .5 v導讀部分主要提示本章學習要點,概括介紹導讀部分主要提示本章學習要點,概括介紹 全章內(nèi)容并且安排導入學習的課前活動。全章內(nèi)容并且安排導入學習的課前活動。 v每一小節(jié)的開頭都有對應的中文翻譯,便于每一小節(jié)的開頭都有對應的中文翻譯,便于 學生理解本小節(jié)主要內(nèi)容或概念;專業(yè)術語學生理解本小節(jié)主要內(nèi)容或概念;專業(yè)術語 和生詞在原文中標示,背景知識和難點進行和生詞在原文中標示,背景知識和難點進行 注釋注釋 ( (如如P6P6的的partnership)

4、partnership) v本書配有大量的圖表,以確保闡述的清晰性本書配有大量的圖表,以確保闡述的清晰性 并幫助學生理解和記憶內(nèi)容。并幫助學生理解和記憶內(nèi)容。(如如P18的的 types of mergers和和P131的市場營銷組合的市場營銷組合) .6 v每一小節(jié)后都配有思考題或小組討論,使學生能夠每一小節(jié)后都配有思考題或小組討論,使學生能夠 把握要點,同時考查學生對專業(yè)知識的實際運用。把握要點,同時考查學生對專業(yè)知識的實際運用。 (如如P270) v每一章配有每一章配有“小組活動小組活動”和練習題,用來監(jiān)測學生和練習題,用來監(jiān)測學生 對主要的理論知識的掌握程度和應用能力。小組活對主要的理

5、論知識的掌握程度和應用能力。小組活 動設計以小組為單位組織學生綜合運用本章所學的動設計以小組為單位組織學生綜合運用本章所學的 內(nèi)容解決一兩個實際問題,一方面活躍課堂氣氛,內(nèi)容解決一兩個實際問題,一方面活躍課堂氣氛, 另一方面可以讓學生實際運用所學知識。練習題圍另一方面可以讓學生實際運用所學知識。練習題圍 繞每章重點需要掌握的知識編寫,形式多樣,包括繞每章重點需要掌握的知識編寫,形式多樣,包括 選擇、判斷對錯、翻譯、填表等,可以測試和鞏固選擇、判斷對錯、翻譯、填表等,可以測試和鞏固 每章學習的知識。每章學習的知識。 (P21) .7 v設有設有“案例分析案例分析”部分,并配有思考題。部分,并配有

6、思考題。 通過案例分析,以及回答案例后的問題,通過案例分析,以及回答案例后的問題, 學生可以判斷自己是否理解并能應用這學生可以判斷自己是否理解并能應用這 一章所學的概念。一章所學的概念。 v補充閱讀為課外閱讀,所選文章圍繞每補充閱讀為課外閱讀,所選文章圍繞每 章學習的主題,對主題內(nèi)容的學習起到章學習的主題,對主題內(nèi)容的學習起到 有效的補充和擴展有效的補充和擴展。 .8 二、課時安排二、課時安排 v多數(shù)學校是以選修課形式來開設這門課,每周多數(shù)學校是以選修課形式來開設這門課,每周2學學 時,總課時約為時,總課時約為32學時。本書的課時分配為每兩周學時。本書的課時分配為每兩周 一個單元一個單元,即每

7、章即每章4個學時。有時可根據(jù)內(nèi)容的長度,個學時。有時可根據(jù)內(nèi)容的長度, 或授課對象,自行調整。或授課對象,自行調整。 v每章節(jié)的安排情況如下:每章節(jié)的安排情況如下:2-3學時講解正文,學時講解正文,1-2學學 時處理案例學習。案例學習以提問問題和分析問題時處理案例學習。案例學習以提問問題和分析問題 的方式進行。但不管以何種方式處理教材內(nèi)容,都的方式進行。但不管以何種方式處理教材內(nèi)容,都 要求學生課前必須預習,因為本教材內(nèi)容多、面廣,要求學生課前必須預習,因為本教材內(nèi)容多、面廣, 要在有限的課時內(nèi)處理完不是件簡單的事。要在有限的課時內(nèi)處理完不是件簡單的事。 .9 對教師的要求對教師的要求 v對語

8、言文學類的老師是一大挑戰(zhàn),也是自我提高的對語言文學類的老師是一大挑戰(zhàn),也是自我提高的 機會。機會。 v備課量較大,要略懂相關專業(yè)知識:備課量較大,要略懂相關專業(yè)知識:教師先入門,教師先入門, 在領學生入門在領學生入門。講解正文時也不能逐句解釋,不能。講解正文時也不能逐句解釋,不能 像教精讀那樣,因為這不是教語言,教師要擺脫教像教精讀那樣,因為這不是教語言,教師要擺脫教 語言的束縛,學生要擺脫學語言的束縛,學生是用語言的束縛,學生要擺脫學語言的束縛,學生是用 英語掌握些商務經(jīng)濟知識,這是雙贏的局面;講解英語掌握些商務經(jīng)濟知識,這是雙贏的局面;講解 時要提綱攜領,最好做成時要提綱攜領,最好做成Po

9、werpoint 形式,補充形式,補充 一些生動形象的圖片,激發(fā)學生興趣。一些生動形象的圖片,激發(fā)學生興趣。 v對非經(jīng)濟類學生(如果學生認為難)可采用雙語教對非經(jīng)濟類學生(如果學生認為難)可采用雙語教 學。學。 .10 三、Chapter 2 Management .11 vWhat Is Management 什么是管理什么是管理 vManagement Functions 管理職能管理職能 vOrganizational Structure 組織結構組織結構 vManagement Levels 管理層次管理層次 vManagerial Roles 經(jīng)理人角色經(jīng)理人角色 vManageme

10、nt Skills 管理技能管理技能 v課外閱讀:課外閱讀:What Makes an Effective Executive 高效管理者應具備的素質高效管理者應具備的素質 .12 Warm-up activities vWhat qualities do you admire? vDo you think you have some qualities to be a manager? What are they? vWhat qualities do you want to cultivate on you? .13 Management vManagement will be defin

11、ed as the application of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling functions in the most efficient manner possible to accomplish meaningful organizational objectives. vA central person must coordinate the work activities of others to achieve organizational objectives. .14 The Four Management

12、Functions .15 Planning vThe first function is planning. Planning defines where the organization wants to be in the future and how to get there. Planning means defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them. A lack of planning

13、, or a poor planning, can hurt an organizations performance. vAl Copeland, founder of Popeyes Famous Fried Chicken and Biscuits, once said “Plan for what happens when you succeed and plan for what happens when you fail. Planning is the most important thing.” (書中也引用了Eisenhower對planning的評價) .16 vSever

14、al questions to be considered when planning vThe forms of planning vstrategic (long-range) planning vTactical (short-range) planning operational planning vContingency planning .17 Questions on Planning vHave you planned for your college study (tactical) and your future career (strategic)? vEffective

15、 planning helps an organization adapt to change by identifying opportunities and avoiding problems (P40). (find an example in real life) .18 Organizing vOrganizing typically follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to accomplish the plan. Organizing involves the assignment of tasks,

16、the grouping of tasks into departments, and the allocation of resources to departments. .19 Directing or Leading vProviding leadership is becoming an increasingly important management function. Leading is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals. vLeading means crea

17、ting a shared culture and values, communicating goals to employees throughout the organization and infusing employees with the desire to perform at a high level. vLeading involves motivating entire departments and divisions as well as those individuals working immediately with the manager. .20 Two T

18、ypes of Leading vAutocratic leadership, the close style of supervision, means providing subordinates with detailed job instructions. vDemocratic leadership: In this style, the manager consults with subordinates about job activities, problems, and corrective actions. Managers using the general approa

19、ch seek help and ideas. .21 Questions for discussion vWhat type of leadership do you prefer? vWhat kind of leader would you like to be? vHow do you comment on these two types of leading? .22 Controlling vControlling is the last function is the management process. Controlling means monitoring employe

20、es activities, determining the organization is on target toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary .23 Organizational structure vOrganizational structure is the formal decision-making framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated. .24 Five traditional methods for gro

21、uping work activities vDepartmentalization by function vDepartmentalization by product vDepartmentalization by geographical regions vDepartmentalization by process vDepartmentalization by customer .25 .26 Example: Organizational Structure of SASAC(國務院國資委)(國務院國資委) General Office (Office of CPC Commit

22、tee) (黨委辦公室)黨委辦公室) Bureau of Policies, Laws and Regulations(政策法規(guī)(政策法規(guī) Bureau of Performance Assessment(業(yè)績考核)(業(yè)績考核) Bureau of Statistics and Evaluation (統(tǒng)計評價)(統(tǒng)計評價) Bureau of Property Right Management (產(chǎn)權管理)(產(chǎn)權管理) Bureau of Planning and Development (規(guī)劃發(fā)展)(規(guī)劃發(fā)展) Bureau of Enterprise Reform (企業(yè)改革)(企業(yè)改革

23、) Bureau of Enterprise Restructuring (企業(yè)改組)(企業(yè)改組) .27 Bureau of Enterprise Remuneration (企業(yè)分配)(企業(yè)分配) Working Bureau of Supervisory Panels(Working Office of Supervisory Panels for SOEs) (監(jiān)事會)(監(jiān)事會) First Bureau for the Administration of Corporate Executives (領導任免)(領導任免) Second Bureau for the Administr

24、ation of Corporate Executives Bureau of Party Building(CPC Committee Organization Department) (黨建工作)(黨建工作) Bureau of Publicity(CPC Committee Publicity Department)(宣傳工作)(宣傳工作) .28 Bureau of Mass Work (CPC Committee Mass Work Department, CPC Committee United Front Work Department)(群眾工作)(群眾工作) Research

25、 Office Bureau of Foreign Affairs (外事工作)(外事工作) Bureau of Personnel (人事工作)(人事工作) SASAC Discipline Inspection Committee (紀檢監(jiān)察)(紀檢監(jiān)察) Bureau of In-house Logistics (Bureau of Retired Staff Management) .29 四、案例講解四、案例講解 以chapter one 的case study 1 為例 v1. 明確案例所涉及的知識點:明確案例所涉及的知識點:a company owned by husband a

26、nd wife - the form of business ownership is partnership. v2. 分析分析Esprit 的兩位創(chuàng)始人無法繼續(xù)合作的原因:的兩位創(chuàng)始人無法繼續(xù)合作的原因: 1) the relationship between the couple broke 2) markets and profits were lost 3) the couple had different ideas about the development of the company and each wanted to interfere others work. Each

27、 wanted to take main charge of the company. 4) The couple decried each others work .30 v3. 討論合伙制企業(yè)或家族企業(yè)正確的運營方討論合伙制企業(yè)或家族企業(yè)正確的運營方 式式 1) 明確產(chǎn)權,明確股份明確產(chǎn)權,明確股份 2)各司其職,互不干涉)各司其職,互不干涉 .31 五、考試方式五、考試方式 v考試可由兩部分組成考試可由兩部分組成,教師也可根據(jù)情況自定教師也可根據(jù)情況自定: 1) 學期論文學期論文(商務英語方面商務英語方面,或與教材主題相或與教材主題相 關的內(nèi)容關的內(nèi)容) 2) 筆試筆試 .32 筆試的考

28、試題型筆試的考試題型 (僅供參考僅供參考) v1. 概念解釋概念解釋: 如如franchise: A franchise is right to use a business name and sell products or services, usually in a specific geographical territory. v2. 多選題多選題: 課后練習有這種形式。課后練習有這種形式。 v3. 填空題填空題: _ is the managers ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member. .33 v4. 簡答題簡答題: v1) Describe briefly how to become a democratic leader. v2) describe briefly the Four Cs Model for evaluating human resources v5. 閱讀理解閱讀理解:1) 簡答題:選取一篇經(jīng)濟文章,讓考簡答題:選取一篇經(jīng)濟


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