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1、1.ability 才能55.channel 海峽110. endless 冗長的系2.able 有能力的56.character 漢字,性質(zhì),111. enter 進入,報名參加162. mention 說起,提起,3.accident 意外特性,人物112. envy 羨慕,妒忌提到4.active 主動的57.charge要求收費,充電,113. example 榜樣,例子163. monitor 監(jiān)視器5.admire 羨慕指控114. expect 期盼,期待, 預164. nearby 在附近6.afford 抽得出(時間)58.check 批改,校對期,指望165. next 緊

2、挨著的7.against 靠,緊靠,違反,59.cheer 喝彩,使高興115. fan 扇子166. offer 提出抵御,反對60.chip 炸土豆條116. fare 車費167. officer 警官8.age 時代61.cigarette 紙煙,香煙117. fashion 時尚,風尚,168. operate 操作9.agreement 一致,協(xié)議62.citizen 市民,居民時裝169. order 命令10.ahead 預先63.close 親密的,近的118. fashionable 時髦的170. over 結束11.aid 救護,輔助器具64.closing 倒閉,停業(yè)

3、119. fantastic 了不起的171. pardon 原諒,對不起12.airline 航空公司65.cloudy 陰天的120. fault 過失,過錯(名詞)13.alive 存在的66.coach 教練121. fear 恐懼,害怕172. pass傳遞,通過14.amount 數(shù)量67.cold 感冒傷風122. frightened 感 到 害 怕173. patient 病人,耐心的15.answer 答復68.college ??茖W校的,感到恐懼的174. pilot飛行員16.anyway 不管怎樣69.comfort 安慰,寬慰123. frightening 令 人

4、 害 怕175. pity 憐憫,同情17.area 區(qū)域70.comfortably安逸地的176. plastic 塑料18.argument 論點71.common 普通的124. film 拍攝177. pleasure 滿足,愉快19.arm 支架72.completely徹底地,完125. fix 固定,安裝,修理178. politics 政治20.ask 詢問,請求,邀請全地126. flight航班179. physics 物理21.asleep 熟睡的73.concert 演奏會127. forecast 預報180. pollute 弄臟22.attractive 迷人的

5、74.conclusion 結論,結束128. free 免費的181. poor 可憐的,弱的23.available 可獲得的75.confident 確信的, 有信129. full 吃飽的,滿的,完182. population 人口,人數(shù)24.aware 意識到的心的整的183. power 權力right 權25.back 反面,背面,后面,76.consider 細想130. gather 聚集利返回77.copy 抄本,復印件131. general 大體的,籠統(tǒng)184. primary 初級的,初等26.balance 天平78.correct 改正,校正的,總的的27.ba

6、ll 舞會79.country 農(nóng)村132. goal 進球,得分,目標185. prize獎賞,獎品28.bank 岸,銀行80.courage 膽略,膽量133. guest 客人,賓客win the first prize29.bar 做柵欄的桿, 酒吧,81.court 法院,法庭,球場134. guide 導游,指南186. professor 教授條82.cover 封面135. half 二分之一187. purpose目的,意圖30.base底座,基地83.crazy 不理智的136. hand遞,交,面,方on purpose 故意31.bath 浴缸84.culture 文

7、明面on the other hand188. quality 質(zhì)量32.bear 忍受,生育85.curtain 窗簾,幕137. happen 碰巧,恰巧189. quarter 四分之一33.below 在。之下,低86.customer 顧客138. head 首腦190. realize 認識到,實現(xiàn)于87.cute 機靈的139. hire 租用,雇傭191. reduce 縮減34.bit 少量88.cycle 騎自行車140. hit 碰撞,擊中,打192. regard 把??醋?;35.bite咬89.dark 深色的,黑暗的141. hold 容納,裝,維持,regards

8、 問候bite bit bitten90.deal 涉 及 , 對 付握住193. represent代表36.board 木板,甲板,登deal dealt dealt142. hot 辣的symbol 代表,象征(名機、船等91.dear 貴的dearer143. inform 通 知 , 告 知詞)37.body 尸體92.decorate 裝飾,修飾inform sb of sth194. risk 遭遇危險,危險38.box 拳擊93.degree 程度144. interview 會見,面試195. room 空間39.brain 智力,腦94.delicious 美味的,可口14

9、5. knock 敲,撞196. scene 鏡頭,片斷,風40.break 違反的146. lesson 教訓光,場面,現(xiàn)場41.broad 寬的,寬闊的95.desert 沙漠147. lie 躺,位于,坐落于197. select 挑選,選拔be42.brush 毛筆,畫筆96.dessert 甜品148. lift 電梯,舉起,抬起selected to be43.burn 燒焦,燒傷, 燙傷97.design 圖案,圖樣,樣149. light燈,燈光,淺色198. send打發(fā),派遣44.can 罐頭式的,輕的sendforadoctor45.capital 省會,大寫be98.d

10、esk 寫字臺150. likely很有可能send up 發(fā)射written in capitals大寫99.devotion 奉獻(精神)151. lonely孤獨的,寂寞199. sense感覺,意識46.car 車廂100. difficult不易相處的的,荒涼的,偏僻的200. shelter 掩蔽,住宿47.card 名片101. difficulty費力152. lose 丟失,輸?shù)?01. sick 惡心的48.care 照料,保護,小心,102. director 指揮家153. loss 遺失,損失202. signal 暗號,信號注意103. distance 距離,遠處

11、154. low 低聲地203. simply 的確,簡直49.careless 漫不經(jīng)心的104. doubt 不相信155. lucky 吉祥地204. sleepy 困倦的50.catch 染上(疾?。?,聽105. drawer 抽屜156. magazine 期刊205. solve 解決清楚,理解106. drawing素描157. manage 經(jīng)營,管理206. soldier 士兵51.century 百年107. earth 泥土158. manners 禮貌207. sorry 抱歉的52.certain 一定會108. educate 培養(yǎng),教育159. match 火

12、柴,比賽208. astronaut宇航員,53.chance 可能性109. effort 努力,艱難的嘗160. materials 原料,材料spaceman 航天員54.change 零錢,找零試161. matter 要緊,有重大關209. spare 備用的,多余的210. spirit 精神spirits 情緒211. stay 停留,保持 stay cold for another week212. straight 直接的,坦率的213. strange 陌生的214. strict 嚴格的,嚴密的215. task 任務216. test 測試,考查217. thick 濃

13、的,密的,厚的218. thought 思考( un), 想法( cn)219. three-D 立體的220. trap 陷 入 困 境 be trapped in221. truly 誠懇地222. truth 事實,真相223. value 益處224. valuable 寶貴的,貴重的225. video 視頻226. warm 熱情的227. wave 揮動,波,波浪228. whisper 私下說229. wing 機翼230. wonder 對。疑惑,想知道,不知道,奇跡231. work 起效232. air 使通風 aired233. amount 數(shù)量234. basic

14、基礎的,根本的235. basin 盆236. brain 腦,智力237. complaint 抱怨,投訴238. cigarette 香煙239. cloth 布,抹布240. coal 煤241. contract 合約,契約242. crowd 人群,觀眾243. decorate 裝飾,修飾244. district 地區(qū),區(qū)域245. fault 過失,過錯246. major 主要的,重要的247. method 方法,辦法248. mixture 混合物249. mosquitoes 蚊子250. rocket 火箭251. shut 關上252. tongue 舌頭253.

15、stepped 踩254. suffered 遭受255. beat beat beat 打敗256. blow blew blown吹257. bear boreborn 生,忍受258. bite bit bitten 咬259. bleed bledbled 流血260. choosechose chose n 選擇261. draw drew drawnsth 做某事有問題 =havewalked on the moon 第畫畫,拉,取錢a problem doing sth一個在月球上行走的262. deal dealt dealt對296. have troubledoingsth

16、人付,處理做某事有麻煩321. takesthback for263. eat ate eaten 吃297. be interestedindoingfurtherresearch 將某物264. fall fell-fallen落,降,對。感興趣帶回作進一步研究倒298. devoteto doing奉獻322. Don t put all your eggs265. feel felt felt 感覺299. practice doing sth 練習in one basket 切莫孤注266. feed fed fed 喂養(yǎng)做某事一擲267. fly flew flown300. ge

17、t/be used to doing習323. rain dogs and cats 下傾268. hang hung hung懸慣做某事盆大雨掛301. donate to捐.贈324. many hands make light269. hang hanged hange302. makecontributiontowork 人多好辦事d 絞死doingsth為做某事作325. toomanycooks spoil270. hide hid hidden貢獻the broth 人多手雜躲,藏303. payattentiontodoing326. thegrassisalways271.

18、lay laid laid下蛋,sth 注意做某事greener on the other放置304. suggest not doing 建議side 隔岸風景好272. lie lay lain躺,位不要做某事327. theearlybirdcatches于,坐落于305. advise doing 建議做某theworm早起的鳥兒273. lie lied lied 撒謊事有寵吃274. lead led led 領導,306. instead of doingsth 而328. insome ways在某些引領不是,而沒有做某事方面,在某種程度上275. let let let 讓3

19、07. after/before/when/In some ways I agree276. forecast forecast forwhile doing sthwithyou 在某種程度ecast 預報308. put off doing推遲做某上,我同意你的觀點277. rise rose risen上事329. fromtimeto time= at漲,升起309. can stop doing不停times時而,不時,偶278. shake shook shaken地做某事爾搖晃,震動,握手310. can helpt doing忍不330. find/think it +形容詞2

20、79. shoot shot shot射住做某事to dosth 發(fā)現(xiàn) / 認為做擊311. mindsb doing 介意某某事。280. shut shut shut 關閉人做某事331. sb has done sth since+281. steal stole stolen312. Thankyou fordoing過去時偷sth 謝謝某人做某事332. It is + 一段時間 +since+282. stick stuck stuck黏313. insist on sb s doingth s 過去時自從。已貼堅持要求某人做某事經(jīng)一段時間了283. spread spread s

21、prea=insistthat sb (should)333. 一段時間 +haspassedd 傳播,感染do sthsince+過去時284. sweepswept swept314. spend as much time as334. 針對 since 提問用 how掃地sb can doing sth 花某人long, 跟 since /for 連用285. understand understoo盡可能多的時間做某用延續(xù)性動詞dunderstood 理解事335. since+ 一段 時 間286. wake woke woken315. warnsbagainst+ago=for+

22、 一段時間醒doing=warn sb not to do336. withjoy高 興 得287. wear wore worn 穿警告某人不要做某事dance withjoy高興得288. spit spat spat 吐痰 /316. protectsbagainst跳起舞來spit spit-spitdoing .保 護 。 抵337. it stiring/ exciting/289. tear tore torn 撕御。/免受。傷害surprising/interesting/290. throw threw thrown317. remindsb ofsth 使某pleasant

23、(愉快 ) to do sth扔人想起。提醒某人做某事很疲勞a下面是要跟動詞 ing 形式連某事remindsbtired/ excited smile用的詞組to do 提醒某人做某事338. offer to do主動提出做291. lookforward todoing318. out ofcontrol 失去控某事盼望制,不受操縱The下面是特殊的感嘆句292. havefun doingsth/car was out of control339. Whatgreat funit is tohave a good time doingand hit a tree by thedo st

24、h 做某事真是有趣sth 做某事充滿樂趣road 車失去控制, 撞上的事293. have a hard time doing了路邊的一棵樹340. What a great time they做某事很艱難319. better (tobe) safe thanhad yesterday 他們昨天294. havedifficultydoingsorry寧可事先謹慎有玩得真開心sth 做某事有困難余,不要事后追悔莫及341. Whatexciting news it295. haveproblemsdoing320. thefirstmanthatis! 多么激動人心的消息啊342. What

25、 great progress he has made in English 他在英語上取得了多么大的進步啊343. What useful suggestions you offeredus 你給我們提供了多么有用的建議啊344. How +形容詞 +it is to do sth 做某事真。345. How hard/heavily it is raining 雨下得多大啊346. How hard they are working 他們工作多么認真啊347. How time flies 時間過得多快啊348. How I wish I were abird 我多么希望我是只小鳥啊下面是

26、特殊的被動句型349. be asked/told to do 被叫做某事350. it s said/reportedthat 據(jù)說 / 報道。351. be invited to do sth 應邀做某事352. need doing 需要被做353. sb be said to do sth 據(jù)說某人做某事354. be involved with 卷入。,和。有關355. prevent the trees frombeing cut down 阻止樹木被砍伐356. prevent the rivers from being polluted 阻止河流被污染357. prevent

27、the earth from being washed away 阻止泥土被沖走下面的句型無被動358. rise 上升,上漲,升起359. prove證 明Theanswer proves to be right 這個答案證明是對的He provesguilty 他證明有罪360. appear/ disappear出現(xiàn) /消失361. take place/ happen 發(fā)生happen to do碰巧做某事362. sell well 好賣 / washwell 好洗 / break easily 易碎363. come out 出版,開放364. belong to 屬于 the b

28、ook belonging to mycousin 屬于我表弟的書365. the book written by a French writer 一個法國作家寫的書366. a film directed by a famous director 一部由一個名導演導演的電影下面是易錯的動詞現(xiàn)在分詞形式367. spitting/mopping/stepping/preferring/winning/jogging/shutting/cutting/begging/letting/hitting368. eating/waiting/writing/suffering/offering/rai

29、ning/training/ explaining 下面是易混淆的詞組辨析和單詞辨析369. put up 張 貼 ; 搏 斗 put down 鎮(zhèn)壓;放下 put away 把。收起來放好put on 穿上put off 推遲 put out 撲滅370. take off 脫下;起飛 take away 拿 走take in 吸收takeup 從事;占領371. lookup 查閱; 查找look into 調(diào) 查 look after 照 顧look for 尋找 look out 小心372. break into 強 行 闖 入 break out 爆 發(fā) break down 拋錨

30、373. knockat/on敲knock into 和某人撞個滿懷knock over撞翻knock sth offsp 把某物從某地撞翻374. be used to do 被用來做某 事be used fordoing sth 被用來 get/ be used to doing 習慣做某事 used to do 曾經(jīng),過去做某事375. so sb+ 助動詞某人的確。 so+助動詞 +sb 某 人 也 。neither+ 助動詞 +sb 某人也不。376. hearof聽 說 。hear from sb 收到某人的來信hear about聽到有關。377. have sb do sth=

31、make sb do=let sb do=get sb to do 讓 某 人 做 某事 have sth done(請人)做某事have sthto do 有某事要做378. there be sb doing sth 有人正在做某事there be sth to do 有某事要做379. see/hear sb do 看 /聽到某人做。(的過程)-be seen/heard to do see/hear sb doing 看到某人做。(正在發(fā)生)-be seen/heard doing find sb doing 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在做notice sbdo 注意到某人做。(過程)noticesb

32、 doing 注意到某人正在做。380. be grateful to sb for sth感激某人做某事be strict with sb in sth 在某方面嚴格要求某人be angry withsb about sth 因為某事對某人生氣forgive sb for doing 原諒某人做某事best wishes for sb for sthcongratulations to sb onsthgood luck tosb with sth381. lively生動的alive活著的,存在的living 有 生 命 力 的 live 現(xiàn) 場 直 播 的 lovely 可愛的382.

33、like喜歡;像belike 像dislike 不喜歡unlike不像likely很可能alike 一樣383. make sb do be made to do 被 迫 做 某 事make sb/sth+形容詞 使某人、某物。-sb/sthbe made+形容詞384. be made of 看得出材料be madefrom看不出材料be made in 產(chǎn)于某地 be made by 由某人制造385. keepdoing sth 不斷地做某事keep sbdoing讓某人一直做某事keep sbfrom doing 阻止某人做某 事keep ondoing持續(xù),繼續(xù)做某事386. loo

34、k serious/ angry 看起來嚴肅/生氣lookseriously/angrilyat sb 嚴肅地 /生氣地看著某人387. whether or not 是否 whether to do 是否要做whether+ 句子作主語Whetherwewillgothere hasn t been decided 我們是否要去那里還沒決定介詞 +whether388. fall asleep 睡 著 feel sleepy 打 瞌 睡find sb asleep 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人睡著 go to sleep 入睡 sleep late 睡懶覺389. stay up 熬夜stayout呆在外面st

35、ay+形容詞保持。狀態(tài)390. be a great success=be very successful 非常成功391. carry on with sth 繼續(xù)做某事 continue to do/ doing 繼續(xù)做某事continue to theend堅持到最后carry on with your work while I am away 我不在時你接著干392. in need 需 要 幫 助 in need of 需 要 need doing=need to be done 需要被做393. contact sb on+ 電話號碼email sb at+郵箱地址liveat+門

36、牌號碼 live in+ 大街、394. sell well 好賣 (無被動) sell out 賣光(有被動)395. There are lots ofclothes to choose from 有很多衣服可以從中選 擇Theproblem is hard to solve 問題很難解決396. have no choice but to wait for help 除了坐等救援別無選擇do nothing but do 除了做。什么也沒做397. leave 離開( -be awayfrom )buy 買( -havehad )borrow/lend 借( -keep) begin/s

37、tart 開始( be on) finish/end 結 束 ( be over)398. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物lendsth to sb 把某物借給某人399. 一段時間 +ago 過去時的標志一段時間 +before 過去完成時的標志before 單獨用,現(xiàn)在完成時的標志400. in the past 過去時的標志in the past+ 一段時間現(xiàn)在完成時的標志over +一段時間 現(xiàn)在完成時的標志401. just now 剛才過去時的標志 have just done 剛剛做了某事402. a little/a few一 些405. at a spee

38、d of 以。的速度 The car is moving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour on the highway 汽車正以每小時 80 公里的速度在公路上行駛406. comparedwith .和。相比Wecarefully compared the result of the first experiment with that ofthe second one.我們仔細地將第一次實驗的結果與第二次的做了比較412. complainto the robotshop 向機器人商店投訴413. be happy with=be satisfied with 對。滿意Are you happywith your job now? 你對你現(xiàn)在的工作滿意嗎?414. go wrong 出現(xiàn)問題,發(fā)生故障,出毛病Somethinghasgonewrong with the clock


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