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1、Unit 2 Lessons in lifeDeveloping ideas. 單句語(yǔ)法填空1. And he started to race towards me; arms outstretched (outstretch)making a kind of wailing, screaming noise. 2. While nobody was looking, she squashed her school hat and crammed (cram)it into a wastebasket. 3. In my eyes, sincere friendship means a hig

2、her and purer (pure)state of life. 4. Ministers have begun work on the vexed (vex)issue of economic union. 5. It is ridiculously absurd (absurdly)to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow. 6. Eileen leaned (lean)across and opened the passenger door. 7. Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking

3、a cigarette and stroking (stroke)her cat. 8. Its an absolutely instinctive (instinctively)reactionif a child falls you pick it up. 9. He wished to earn a living through writing but despaired (despair)of doing so. 10. His salary is low and he gets few luxuries( luxury). . 選詞填空set off, go up to, vote

4、for, burst out, be crammed with1. When the temperature goes up to 3 centigrade, the snow will melt. 2. The street was crammed with reporters, photographers, cameras and microphones. 3. Everyone was quiet when John suddenly burst out laughing. 4. I shall vote for Hall because I think hes the better m

5、an. 5. Having said farewell to their friends, they set off for home. . 完成句子1. The student who is answering the question is John. 正在回答問(wèn)題的那個(gè)學(xué)生是約翰。(who引導(dǎo)定語(yǔ)從句)2. Every time he went out, he took an umbrella with him. 他每次出門(mén)都帶著傘。(every time引導(dǎo)狀語(yǔ)從句)3. I shall be away for no more than a week. 我離開(kāi)不超過(guò)一個(gè)星期。(no m

6、ore than)4. Time zipped by and the year was soon over. 光陰荏苒, 轉(zhuǎn)瞬又是一年。(and并列句)5. The villagers are helping to search the woods for the missing child. 村民們正在幫忙在樹(shù)林里尋找失蹤的孩子。(search for). 閱讀理解A(2021沈陽(yáng)高二檢測(cè))Many scientists today are convinced that life exists elsewhere in the universelife probably much like

7、that on our own planet. They reason in the following way. As far as astronomers can determine, the entire universe is built of the same matter. They have no reason to doubt that matter obeys the same laws in every part of the universe. Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that other stars, with thei

8、r own planets, were born in the same way as our own solar system. What we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist. Life requires the right amount and kind of atmosphere. This eliminates(除去)all those planets in the universe that are not about the same

9、size and weight as the earth. A smaller planet would lose its atmosphere; a larger one would hold too much of it. Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light. This eliminates double stars, or stars that flare up suddenly. Only single stars that are steady sources of heat and light like our

10、sun would qualify. Finally, life could evolve(進(jìn)化)only if the planet is just the right distance from its sun. With a weaker sun than our own, the planet would have to be closer to it. With a stronger sun, it would have to be farther away. If we suppose that every star in the universe has a family of

11、planets, then how many planets might support life? First, eliminate those stars that are not like our sun. Next eliminate most of their planets; they are either too far from or too close to their suns. Then eliminate all those planets which are not the same size and weight as the earth. Finally, rem

12、ember that the proper conditions do not necessarily mean that life actually does exist on a planet. It may not have begun yet, or it may have already died out. This process of elimination seems to leave very few planets on which earthlike life might be found. However, even if life could exist on onl

13、y one planet in a million, there are so many billions of planets that this would still leave a vast number on which life could exist. 【文章大意】這是一篇議論文。文章主要講述了整個(gè)宇宙都是由同一種物質(zhì)構(gòu)成的, 在宇宙中的每一部分物質(zhì)都遵循同樣的規(guī)律。1. The existence of life depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT _. A. the right amount of atmosphere

14、B. our own solar systemC. steady heat and lightD. the right distance from the sun【解析】選B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第三段中“Life requires the right amount and kind of atmosphere. ”以及文章第四段中“Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light. ”以及文章第五段中“Finally, life could evolve only if the planet is just the right dist

15、ance from its sun. ”可知, 生命的進(jìn)化需要適當(dāng)數(shù)量和種類(lèi)的大氣、穩(wěn)定的光和熱供應(yīng)以及行星與太陽(yáng)的距離恰到好處。文章中沒(méi)有提到生命的進(jìn)化需要太陽(yáng)系。結(jié)合選項(xiàng), 故選B。2. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. The planet must be as big and heavy as the earth. B. Proper conditions are essential to the existence of life. C. Double stars can provide steady light a

16、nd heat. D. The distance between a planet and its sun should be right. 【解析】選C。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第四段中“Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light. This eliminates double stars, or stars that flare up suddenly. ” 可知, 生命也需要穩(wěn)定的光和熱供應(yīng)。這就排除了雙星, 或突然爆發(fā)的恒星。結(jié)合選項(xiàng), C項(xiàng)表述錯(cuò)誤。故選C。3. What kind of planet might NOT su

17、pport life? A. Most of the planets of the stars. B. Stars similar to our sun. C. Planets similar to the earth. D. Planets with proper conditions. 【解析】選A。推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章倒數(shù)第二段可知, 大部分行星都不能維持生命, 因?yàn)樗麄円措x太陽(yáng)太近, 要么離太陽(yáng)太遠(yuǎn), 要么與地球大小和重量不一樣, 而且適當(dāng)?shù)臈l件也并不一定意味著生命存在。結(jié)合選項(xiàng), 故選A。4. At the end of the passage the author suggest

18、s that A. it is impossible for life to exist on planets. B. earth like life could only exist on a few planets. C. life could exist on only one planet in a million. D. life could exist on a great number of planets. 【解析】選D。推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章最后一句可知, 然而, 即使生命可能只存在于百萬(wàn)分之一的行星上, 仍有數(shù)十億的行星可能存在生命??芍? 生命可能在許多星球上存在。結(jié)合選項(xiàng)

19、, 故選D。B(2021杭州高二檢測(cè))Sometimes life can seem challenging (挑戰(zhàn)的)and we usually get the feeling of “the grass on the other side is always greener”! We usually feel upset with the troubles that life throws at us. The best thing to do at that point of time is to close our eyes and start counting of all the

20、 blessings in life that God has given us. If we think deeply, our life is full of blessings that we hardly recognize. Listening to the singing of birds early in the morning, we realize that there are many people who spend their life in a world that is silent while many others spend their lives in a

21、world that is dark and may have never seen a rainbow or the setting sun. When you go out for a drive, pull down the window and look at the poor beggar standing under the hot sun, begging for filling his hungry stomach. We get three meals a day without realizing its importance. Isnt that a blessing?

22、Whenever you are sad, look at the eyes of your parents and family filled with love and concern for you. There are many people who have never experienced the love of a family. Isnt that a blessing? As Mother Teresa once said, “We dont need to do great things. We need to do small things with great lov

23、e”. The key to a happy life is when we consider others problems to be our own and try to help them. When we love people without any expectations and help them, our heart is filled with a sense of happiness and peace seeing the smile on their face. So the next time whenever life knocks you down, clos

24、e your eyes and. . . start counting! 【文章大意】這是一篇夾敘夾議文。文章主要介紹了生活中充滿(mǎn)挑戰(zhàn), 為此我們會(huì)感到沮喪, 有時(shí)會(huì)這山望著那山高, 其實(shí)我們只需要數(shù)數(shù)我們被給予的恩典就會(huì)懂得知足。5. What does the author intend to tell us? A. True happiness lies in achieving wealth. B. Blessings should be treasured in our life. C. The singing of birds can make us happy. D. Love

25、from our family gives us courage to face life. 【解析】選B。推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段可知, 在那個(gè)時(shí)候, 最好的辦法就是閉上眼睛, 開(kāi)始數(shù)數(shù)上帝賜予我們生命中的所有福氣。作者告訴我們福氣應(yīng)該在我們的生命中得到珍惜。故選B。6. The underlined part “the grass on the other side is always greener” in Paragraph 1 probably means that_. A. however happy we are, we never seem to be satisfiedB. t

26、hough we are rich, we are poor in mindC. we can have a better life if we work harderD. there exists a greener grass on the other side【解析】選A。詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)第一段可知有時(shí)生活似乎很有挑戰(zhàn)性, 我們通常會(huì)有這樣的感覺(jué): “這山望著那山高! ”我們通常對(duì)生活中遇到的麻煩感到心煩意亂。此處表示不管怎樣, 我們總會(huì)心煩意亂, 因此the grass on the other side is always greener的意思是“無(wú)論我們多么快樂(lè), 我們似乎從不滿(mǎn)足

27、”。故選A。7. What can be learned from the text? A. We have already known that life is filled with blessings. B. It is a blessing to have three meals a day. C. Its natural to see a rainbow or the setting sun in life. D. Mother Teresa calls on us to do great things in life. 【解析】選B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段中We get three

28、 meals a day without realizing its importance. Isnt that a blessing? 我們一天吃三頓飯卻沒(méi)有意識(shí)到它的重要性。這難道不是一種福氣嗎? 換句話(huà)說(shuō), 我們能一日吃三餐就是一種福氣。故選B。8. What would be the best title for the text? A. Troubles in LifeB. Secrets of LifeC. A Sense of HappinessD. Count Your Blessings【解析】選D。主旨大意題。根據(jù)第二段可知, 在那個(gè)時(shí)候, 最好的辦法就是閉上眼睛, 開(kāi)始數(shù)

29、數(shù)上帝賜予我們生命中的所有福氣。還有最后一段可知, 所以下次當(dāng)生活把你打倒的時(shí)候, 閉上你的眼睛, 開(kāi)始數(shù)數(shù)! 我們只需要數(shù)數(shù)我們被給予的恩典就會(huì)懂得知足。因此, 本文最佳標(biāo)題是Count Your Blessings。故選D。. 閱讀填句(2021沈陽(yáng)高二檢測(cè))Why Pursuing (追求)Happiness Will Make You End up Being UnhappyWhen we talk about happiness, we think about staying happy all the time. We try to pursue this constant sta

30、te of “happiness” as our goal. 1 No one has a perfect life. Pursuing happiness makes us end up being unhappy. There are several ways to avoid it. Stop trying to be happy. Its natural to want to be happy as often as possible. So what can you do? Throw away the belief that a perfect life means happine

31、ss. Its from experiencing the pains of lifelong challenges that drive us to care for others when they are experiencing the same tracks. If life were perfect, you wouldnt be able to comprehend. 2Understand the importance of gratitude. Instead of focusing on the unpleasant moment right now, flash back

32、 your memory to when you had or didnt have something. I like to think about my career, for example. 3 But when I found my purpose and started my company, I was deeply happy, even before I realized I would be successful! This memory keeps me going when there are tough spots. It takes the darkness to

33、make us grateful for the light. 4 Your life will be filled with beautiful, happy and incredible moments. But your life will also be filled with rain and storms that dont ever seem to pass when youre going through them. 5 Dont try to avoid “sad” or “negative” experiences, and blindly chase being “hap

34、py”. Being able to create growth and meaning out of both positive and negative eventsthat is the true meaning of “happiness”. A. Find the right motivation. B. If life were perfect, you wouldnt grow. C. Remember happiness and sadness exist together. D. When I didnt have a career, I felt lost and hope

35、less. E. Treasure the happy moments and pass through the sad ones. F. However, in reality, there is always something missing or unpleasant. G. The secret to happiness is to keep setting yourself new challenges. 【文章大意】這是一篇議論文。文章主要說(shuō)明了當(dāng)我們談?wù)撔腋5臅r(shí)候, 我們總是想著保持快樂(lè)。我們努力追求這種持續(xù)的“幸福”狀態(tài)作為我們的目標(biāo)。然而, 在現(xiàn)實(shí)中, 總是有一些缺失或不愉

36、快的東西。就此, 文章說(shuō)明了幾種方法可以避免這種情況。1. 【解析】選F。根據(jù)下文No one has a perfect life. Pursuing happiness makes us end up being unhappy. (沒(méi)有人有一個(gè)完美的生活。追求幸福會(huì)讓我們不幸福)可知, 現(xiàn)實(shí)中有一些不完美或不愉快是很正常的。故選F。2. 【解析】選B。根據(jù)上文中If life were perfect可對(duì)應(yīng)到B選項(xiàng)中If life were perfect, 都是在說(shuō)明現(xiàn)實(shí)生活不完美的情況。故選B。3. 【解析】選D。根據(jù)下文可知, 但當(dāng)我找到了自己的目標(biāo), 創(chuàng)辦了自己的公司, 我非常高

37、興, 甚至在我意識(shí)到我會(huì)成功之前! but表示轉(zhuǎn)折, 可推知本句是說(shuō)作者沒(méi)有事業(yè)的時(shí)候, 感到迷茫和絕望。故選D。4. 【解析】選C。根據(jù)下文你的人生將充滿(mǎn)美麗、快樂(lè)和不可思議的時(shí)刻。但你的生活也會(huì)充滿(mǎn)風(fēng)雨, 當(dāng)你經(jīng)歷它們時(shí), 它們似乎永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)過(guò)去??赏浦? 人生中快樂(lè)和悲傷總是并存的。故選C。5. 【解析】選E。根據(jù)下文不要試圖避免“悲傷”或“消極”的經(jīng)歷, 盲目地追求“快樂(lè)”可知, 既不要避免消極的經(jīng)歷, 也不要盲目地追求快樂(lè), 即對(duì)二者的態(tài)度應(yīng)當(dāng)是珍惜快樂(lè)的時(shí)光, 度過(guò)悲傷的時(shí)光。故選E。語(yǔ)法填空(2021大慶高二檢測(cè))Living a life with meaning and pur

38、pose is the key to improving your psychological well-being. Your purpose doesnt 1. (necessary) have to involve changing the world or finding a career 2. (devote)to helping others. Instead, you might make it your purpose to be kind every day. 3. you feel like your life lacks purpose, dont worry. Ther

39、e are many ways you can find purpose in life and build a life that has more meanings. You can begin by thinking about the legacy(遺贈(zèng))you would like to leave behind. Write down how youd like to 4. (remember)at the end of your life, or think about the impact you want to leave 5. the planet. Then, estab

40、lish some 6. (objective)that can help you reach those goals. 7. (work)toward your goals will give you a reason, to get out of bed every day, beyond earning money. Thinking positively 8. (improve)your psychological well-being. In turn, as your psychological well-being improves, 9. becomes easier to t

41、hink positively and feel good overall. Spend time thinking about some of the best memories of your life. Whether its a family vacation you went on 10 years ago or you won an award at work two years ago, recalling the 10. (happy)times in your life can bring more positivity to your thinking. 【文章大意】這是一

42、篇議論文。文章論述的是過(guò)有意義、有目的的生活是改善心理健康的關(guān)鍵。1. 【解析】necessarily??疾楦痹~。句意: 你的目標(biāo)不一定要改變世界或找到一份致力于幫助他人的職業(yè)。固定搭配: not necessarily“不一定”。此處是用副詞修飾動(dòng)詞 have to。故填necessarily。2. 【解析】devoted。考查固定搭配。句意: 你的目標(biāo)不一定要改變世界或找到一份致力于幫助他人的職業(yè)。固定搭配: be devoted to“致力于, 專(zhuān)心于”。此處用過(guò)去分詞短語(yǔ)作后置定語(yǔ), 相當(dāng)于定語(yǔ)從句which is devoted。故填devoted。3. 【解析】If/When??疾?/p>

43、狀語(yǔ)從句。句意: 如果或當(dāng)你覺(jué)得你的生活缺乏目標(biāo), 不要擔(dān)心。此處是條件或時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句的引導(dǎo)詞, 故填I(lǐng)f/When。4. 【解析】be remembered??疾閯?dòng)詞不定式。句意: 寫(xiě)下你希望在生命的最后被人記住的方式, 或者想一想你希望給這個(gè)星球留下的影響。固定搭配: would like to do sth. “愿意做某事”。此處句子主語(yǔ)you和remember之間是一種被動(dòng)關(guān)系, 用被動(dòng)形式表達(dá)“你想怎樣被記住”。故填be remembered。5. 【解析】on??疾榻樵~。句意: 寫(xiě)下你希望在生命的最后被人記住的方式, 或者想一想你希望給這個(gè)星球留下的影響。on the planet

44、 “在這個(gè)星球上”, 故填on。6. 【解析】objectives??疾槊~的數(shù)。句意: 然后, 建立一些目標(biāo)來(lái)幫助你實(shí)現(xiàn)這些目標(biāo)。some后面跟可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù), 故填objectives。7. 【解析】Working??疾閯?dòng)名詞作主語(yǔ)。句意: 不止是掙錢(qián), 每天從床上爬起來(lái)朝著你的目標(biāo)努力會(huì)給你一個(gè)理由。此處是動(dòng)名詞作主語(yǔ), 故填Working。8. 【解析】improves/ will improve??疾闀r(shí)態(tài)。句意: 積極地思考會(huì)改善你的心理健康。此句中缺乏謂語(yǔ), 主語(yǔ)是動(dòng)名詞, 文章時(shí)態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí), 根據(jù)句意, 此處需要用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的第三人稱(chēng)單數(shù)形式或一般將來(lái)時(shí), 故填improves

45、/ will improve。9. 【解析】it??疾閕t作形式主語(yǔ)。句意: 反過(guò)來(lái), 隨著你的心理健康狀況的改善, 你會(huì)更容易積極地思考, 整體感覺(jué)也會(huì)更好。此處是it作形式主語(yǔ), 動(dòng)詞不定式作真正的主語(yǔ)。故填it。10. 【解析】happiest??疾樽罡呒?jí)。句意: 無(wú)論是10年前的家庭度假, 還是兩年前在工作中獲獎(jiǎng), 回憶生活中最快樂(lè)的時(shí)光都能給你的思想帶來(lái)更多的積極因素。與前句中的 the best memories相對(duì)應(yīng), 應(yīng)用 happy的最高級(jí)形式。故填happiest。話(huà)題寫(xiě)作素養(yǎng)升級(jí)概要寫(xiě)作The Blue Bird written by Maurice Maeterlinc

46、k is a six-act fairy play which is about Tyltyl and Mytyls adventures as they search for the Blue Bird of Happiness. They go to many magical places and encounter numerous characters. Although they try very hard to find the Blue Bird but in vain. The central idea of the play is that happiness is to b

47、e found not in luxuries but in simple things that are found in family life, and in acts of friendship and kindness. The Blue Bird is a play about happinessnot pleasure based on material things, but a more meaningful, special joy. 1. 話(huà)題特點(diǎn)概要寫(xiě)作要求根據(jù)原文寫(xiě)出內(nèi)容一致、結(jié)構(gòu)近似、語(yǔ)言簡(jiǎn)潔的短文。應(yīng)注意抓住重點(diǎn), 準(zhǔn)確理解原文, 綜合概括文本內(nèi)容。該篇文章: 第

48、一人稱(chēng)說(shuō)的話(huà)在縮寫(xiě)中轉(zhuǎn)換成第三人稱(chēng), 從而把大段的對(duì)白簡(jiǎn)化。2. 話(huà)題詞匯author作者writer 作家describe 描述be written by 由創(chuàng)作be about 關(guān)于the central idea 中心思想be based on 以為根據(jù)3. 話(huà)題句式(試著替換方框中的黑體部分, 變成你需要表達(dá)的意思)(1)The writer describes the story in a pleasant way. 作者以愉快的方式描述了這個(gè)故事。(2)The story begins with a dialogue between a son and his father. 這個(gè)

49、故事從一對(duì)父子之間的對(duì)話(huà)開(kāi)始。(3)The author intends to tell us that we should make the most of every day and live life to the full. 作者想告訴我們, 我們應(yīng)該充分利用每一天, 充分地生活。 (4)The play tells a story of two children searching for Blue Bird of Happiness. 這出戲講的是兩個(gè)孩子尋找幸福的青鳥(niǎo)的故事。(5)The Blue Bird written by Maurice Maeterlinck is a

50、six-act fairy play which is about Tyltyl and Mytyls adventures. 莫里斯梅特林克創(chuàng)作的青鳥(niǎo)是一部六幕童話(huà)劇, 講述了泰爾和邁爾的冒險(xiǎn)經(jīng)歷。(6)The author tells us a tale about the Wonderland. 作者給我們講了一個(gè)關(guān)于仙境的故事。閱讀下面短文, 根據(jù)其內(nèi)容寫(xiě)一篇 60詞左右的內(nèi)容概要 。My old professors death sentence came in the summer of 1994. Doctors guessed he had two years left. Mo

51、rrie knew it was less. But my old professor had made a great decision, one he began to construct the day when he came out of the doctors office with a knife hanging over his head. “Do I give up, or do I make the best of my time left? ” He had asked himself. He would not be ashamed of dying. Instead,

52、 he would make death his final project, the center point of days. The last class of my old professors life had only one student. I was the student. The last class took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study, The class met on Tuesdays. It began after breakfast. The subject was The M

53、eaning of Life. It was taught from experience. No grades were given, but there were oral exams each week. You were expected to respond to questions, and you were expected to ask questions of your own. You were also required to perform physical tasks now and then, such as lifting the professor s head

54、 to a comfortable spot on the pillow or placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Kissing him good-bye earned you extra credit. No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and, finally, death. I look back sometimes at the pe

55、rson I was before I rediscovered my old professor. I want to talk to that person. I want to tell him what to look out for, what mistakes to avoid. I want to tell him to be more open, to ignore the tricks of advertised values, to pay attention when your loved ones are speaking, as if it were the last

56、 time you might hear them. Mostly I want to tell that person to get on an airplane and visit a gentle old man in West Newton, Massachusetts sooner rather than later, before that old man gets sick and loses his ability to dance. I know I cannot do this. None of us can undo what weve done, or relive a

57、 life already recorded. But if Professor Morris Schwartz taught me anything at all, it was this: there is no such thing as“ too late”in life. He was changing until the day he said good-bye. 1. 教授professor 2. 被判處死刑be sentenced to death3. 充分利用make the best of 4. 放棄give up 1. 完成句子(1)作者給我們講了一個(gè)關(guān)于他的老教授的故事。 The author tells us a story about his old professor. (2) 他因病被判死刑。He was sentenced to death because of his illness. (3) 但是他盡量利用剩下的時(shí)間而不是放棄。But he tried to make the best of his time left rather than give up. (4) 他們討論了生命的意義。They talked about the meaning of life. (5)作者從中了解到生命中沒(méi)有“太遲”這回事。


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