高中英語 Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module教學案 外研版必修2_第1頁
高中英語 Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module教學案 外研版必修2_第2頁
高中英語 Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module教學案 外研版必修2_第3頁
高中英語 Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module教學案 外研版必修2_第4頁
高中英語 Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module教學案 外研版必修2_第5頁
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1、Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Other Parts of the Module原文呈現(xiàn)讀文清障Steven Spielberg Film DirectorAsk a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is, and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg. He has certainly made more successful films than any other director in the

2、west.Spielberg was born in the state of Ohio, America, in 1946. He showed that he had unusual abilities when he was very young, completing his first 15minute home movie at the age of 13. When he was 16 he made a 135minute home movie called Firelight. This was shown at a local cinema and made $100.ma

3、y表示推測,意為“或許”本句為“祈使句and陳述句”結(jié)構(gòu)。make films 拍電影in the west 在西方the state of Ohio 俄亥俄州when引導時間狀語從句。completing .為現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語。at the age of 在歲時called Firelight為過去分詞短語作定語。local cinema 當?shù)仉娪霸菏返傥乃蛊栘惛耠娪皩а莸?2段譯文到大街上去問一個年輕人誰是美國電影界最偉大的導演,你也許會得到答案:史蒂文斯皮爾貝格。他確實比西方任何其他導演拍了更多成功的電影。斯皮爾貝格于1946年出生于美國俄亥俄州。他年幼時就顯露出非凡的才華,在13歲

4、時就完成了他的第一部長15分鐘的家庭影片。在16歲時,他制作了一部長135分鐘的叫做火光的家庭影片。這部影片在當?shù)仉娪霸汗?,票房收?00美元。At the age of 24, Spielberg made a 26minute film called Amblin. A Hollywood film studio liked it and employed Spielberg to make a fulllength film. This film, SugarlandExpress, made in 1974, had some success. Spielbergs next fil

5、m was Jaws, a film about a sharkthat ate people. This was one of the most successful films of all time. Other wonderful films followed: E. T. TheExtraTerrestrial(1982) , TheIndianaJonesTrilogy, JurassicPark(a film about dinosaurs), and SchindlersList. For this last film Spielberg won an Oscar, Holly

6、woods highest prize.For many years, Spielberg could not make a mistake. However, in the last fifteen years, some of his films have been less successful. But it is generally agreed, that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”film studio

7、電影工作室employ vt.雇用employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事fulllength film 長片電影SugarlandExpress為This film的同位語。made in 1974為過去分詞短語作后置定語。shark/ak/n. 鯊魚a film . people為Jaws的同位語,其中含有that引導的定語從句。of all time 有史以來win v. 贏,贏得(won, won)Hollywoods highest prize作Oscar的同位語。make a mistake 犯錯誤in the last fifteen years 在過去的15年

8、里“it is過去分詞that .”結(jié)構(gòu),其中it為形式主語,真正的主語為that從句。entertainment n娛樂entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的第34段譯文24歲時,斯皮爾貝格制作了一部長26分鐘的叫做慢步前行的電影。一個好萊塢電影工作室看好這個片子,并雇斯皮爾貝格制作一部長片。這部影片橫沖直撞大逃亡,拍攝于1974年,票房收入不錯。斯皮爾貝格的下一部影片是大白鯊,講述一條吃人的大白鯊的故事。這是有史以來最成功的影片之一。接下來是其他優(yōu)秀的電影:E. T. 外星人(1982),奪寶奇兵三部曲,侏羅紀公園(一部有關(guān)恐龍的電影)和辛德勒的名單。因為這最后一部影片,斯皮

9、爾貝格榮獲奧斯卡獎好萊塢的最高獎。多年來,斯皮爾貝格沒犯過一個錯誤。但是,在過去的15年里,他的一些影片不是很成功。但是,大家普遍認為,在電影史上,他比其他任何人都更理解“娛樂”這個詞的含義。Step1Skim the text and answer the following questions.1Whats the main idea of Paragraph 1?Steven_Spielberg_is_a_famous_film_director_in_the_west.2What film made him win an Oscar?SchindlersList.3Why is Spi

10、elberg so special as a film director?Because_he_knows_how_to_entertain_his_audience.Step 2Choose the best answers according to the text.1Spielberg is popular among _.Afilm directorsBAmericansCyoung people Dwesterners2Which of the following is NOT Spielbergs masterpiece?AJaws. BSchindlersList.CJurass

11、icPark. DAmblin.3Steven Spielbergs films are most successful because _.Ahe likes to use sharks and dinosaurs as the materials for filmsBhe is best at directing filmsChe knows how to entertain audience bestDthere is not a mistake in his films4Please arrange the following sentences in an order accordi

12、ng to the text.aSpielberg produced a lot of famous films.bSpielberg is most famous.cSpielberg knows best how to get along in the film industry.dSpielberg showed his great talent in filming as a child.Aabcd BbcadCbdac Ddbac答案:14CDCC一、這樣記單詞記得準寫得對記得快記得多.基礎(chǔ)詞匯1.channeln頻道2.plotn. 情節(jié)3.sectionn. 部分;節(jié).拓展詞匯1

13、.occasionallyadv.有時;偶爾occasional adj.有時的;偶爾的occasion n場合;機會2.arguevi.爭論argument n爭論;辯論3.entertainingadj.有趣的;令人愉快的 entertain vt.使快樂 entertainment n娛樂4.draman戲劇dramatic adj.戲劇(性)的5.settingn(小說、戲劇、電影的)背景 set vt.以為背景1.drama n戲劇詞塊put on a drama上演戲劇a musical drama 音樂劇a radio drama 廣播劇2.ad(簡稱)advertisement

14、(全稱) n廣告聯(lián)想st. (簡稱)street (全稱) n. 街道Dr. (簡稱)doctor (全稱) n. 醫(yī)生;博士Co. (簡稱)company (全稱) n. 公司3.argue vi. 爭論比較discuss v. 討論quarrel v. 爭吵debate v. 辯論二、這樣記短語記牢固定短語多積常用詞塊1.from_time_to_time有時2.at_the_end_of 在的盡頭3.good_for_you 干得好4.at_the_age_of 在歲時5.of_all_time 有史以來6.in_the_last_fifteen_years 在過去的15年里1.in t

15、he west 在西方2.three times a week 一周三次3.every two days 每兩天4.all the time 一直;從頭到尾5.at the weekend 在周末6.make a mistake 犯錯誤三、這樣記句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾經(jīng)和家人爭論過看哪個電視節(jié)目嗎?“疑問詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)作賓語。I havent decided which_dictionary_to_buy.我還沒有決定買哪一本詞典。2.How oft

16、en do you watch it?你多久看一次?how often為特殊疑問詞,意為“多久一次”。How_often do you go home?你多久回家一次?3.But it is generally agreed, that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”但是,大家普遍認為,在電影史上,他比其他任何人都更理解“娛樂”這個詞的含義。It is 過去分詞that .,it作形式主語,that從句為真正的主語。It_

17、is_agreed_that this is the best novel he has ever written.大家一致同意這是他寫得最好的小說。1(教材P54)It has occasionally been done.偶爾做這件事。occasionally adv.有時,偶爾occasional adj.偶爾的,不時的,特殊場合的occasion n. 場合,時機,機會on occasion(s) 有時on the occasion of 在的時候;在之際We go for walks in the fields occasionally.我們偶爾去田野里散步。There will b

18、e occasional (occasion) showers during the day.白天將偶爾有陣雨。He was presented with the watch on_the_occasion_of his retirement.他在退休時獲贈這塊表。2(教材P54) every two days每兩天 每幾every other單數(shù)名詞 每隔一every few復數(shù)名詞 每幾The Olympic Games take place every four years.奧運會每四年舉辦一次。We have English lessons every other/second day

19、; that is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.我們每隔一天上一次英語課,就是在星期一、星期三和星期五。Trees should be planted every few metres (metre)樹應(yīng)每間隔幾米種一棵。3(教材P55)Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are entertaining?你同意不同意廣告有趣這一說法?entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的(1)entertain vt. 使娛樂,使快樂;招待entertain sb.to sth. 用某物招待某人enter

20、tain sb.with sth. 用某物使某人快樂(2)entertainment n 娛樂,文娛節(jié)目;招待,款待to ones entertainment 使某人高興的是There are lots of entertainingprogrammes on TV.電視中有許多令人愉快的節(jié)目。He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. 他給我們講故事、說笑話,讓我們高興了好幾小時。To_my_great_entertainment,_he promised to entertain us to ice cream.令我非常高

21、興的是,他答應(yīng)請我們吃冰淇淋。4(教材P55)Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch?你曾經(jīng)和家人爭論過看哪個電視節(jié)目嗎?argue vi.爭論;辯論 (1)argue with sb. about/over sth.與某人辯論某事argue for/against sth. 贊成/反對某事argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 說服某人做/不做某事(2)argument n. 爭論;辯論They argued with each other aboutwhere to

22、spend their summer vacation.他們就去哪兒過暑假這個問題爭論不休。We argued her out_of going on such a journey.我們說服她不要去做這樣一次旅行。I accepted the decision without argument (argue)我沒有爭論就接受了那個決定。辨析比較argue, quarrelargue指一方堅持自己的意見、立場和觀點,企圖通過爭論說服對方quarrel“爭吵,爭論”,表示由于不滿或憤怒與他人就某事進行激烈的爭辯,這種爭辯的氣氛通常是不愉快、不友好的形象記憶選用上述單詞填空People genera

23、lly quarrel after they argue about something for a long time.人們通常因為某事辯論很長時間而爭吵起來。5(教材P57)I won!Good for you!我贏了!干得好!good for you干得好be good for對有益處/好處be good to 對友好/和善do good to 對有好處be no good 沒用處,沒好處He passed the College Entrance Exam.Good for him!他考上大學了。真棒!Eating more fruit and vegetables is good f

24、or ones health.吃更多的水果和蔬菜對人的健康有好處。My friends were_good_to me when I was ill.我生病時朋友對我關(guān)懷備至。1How often do you watch it?你多久看一次?(1)本句為特殊疑問句,how often意為“多久一次”,表示頻率。How often do you have a haircut?你多久理一次發(fā)?(2)類似的結(jié)構(gòu)還有:how far多遠,對距離提問 how long 多長,對時間或長度提問 how much 多少,對數(shù)量提問,后接不可數(shù)名詞 how many 多少,對數(shù)量提問,后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù) ho

25、w soon (將來)多快;(過了)多久。對“in時間段”型狀語提問How_far is your house from here?Twenty kilometres.你家離這里多遠?20公里。How_soon can you finish it?In three hours.你多快能做完?三個小時。2But it is generally agreed, that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”但是,大家普遍認為,在電影

26、史上,他比其他任何人都更理解“娛樂”這個詞的含義。(1)本句中的it is generally agreed, that .屬于“It is過去分詞that .”結(jié)構(gòu)。其中it是形式主語,真正的主語是that從句。常見的還有:It is said that .據(jù)說 It is thought that . 大家認為 It is believed that . 人們相信 It is hoped that . 人們希望 It is reported that . 據(jù)報道 It is proved that . 據(jù)證實It is said that the meeting will be put o

27、ff.據(jù)說這次會議將要被推遲。It_is_believed_that the place will become a paradise if all people live in peace.人們相信,如果所有的人能和平共處,那個地方就能變成天堂。(2)該句型可以轉(zhuǎn)換成下面的兩種句型:People say/report/believe/know/think . that .Sb. be said/reported/believed/known/thought . 不定式It is said that she is as effective as God, bringing the dying

28、back to life.People_say_that she is as effective as God, bringing the dying back to life.She is_said_to_be as effective as God, bringing the dying back to life.據(jù)說她能妙手回春。.單句語法填空1We dont meet often. We only see each other occasionally (occasion)2We should try to settle the problem by arguing (argue),

29、not by fighting.3The club offers us many entertaining activities, bringing us much entertainment.(entertain)4The sports meeting is said to_be (be) successful.5Is the light good enough to take photographs?.完成句子1It_is_agreed_that free time should be made full use of.人們一致認為要充分利用空閑時間。2I won the first pr

30、ize in the English competition last week.Good_for_you! Congratulations!我在上周的英語競賽中得了一等獎。干得好!祝賀你!3I wonder how_often you water this kind of flower. Every_other_day/Every_two_days/Every_second_day.我想知道你多久澆一次這種花。每隔一天。4Many experts argue_for_the_ban_of_riding_motorcycles in the city.許多專家贊成禁止在該城市中騎摩托車。一、全

31、練語言點,基穩(wěn)才能樓高本課語言點針對練習.單詞拼寫1We occasionally (偶爾) go fishing during the vacation.2He argued (爭論) with John about which to choose.3The setting (背景) of the story is Paris in the 1920s.4The plot (情節(jié)) of the movie is really complicated.5Some students think the TV play is entertaining (有趣的) and is well wort

32、h seeing.6He is the editor in charge of the newspapers sports section (部分)7He studied drama (戲劇) at college, because he wanted to be an actor.8There are more than 100 television channels (頻道), but CCTV 5 is my favourite.單句改錯1I have argued him in giving up smoking.ininto2I dont know how to do next.ho

33、wwhat或do后加it3The book is so entertained that he is crazy about it.entertainedentertaining4The flood there is believed be the biggest in 100 years.be前加to5He spent five years in Paris, with occasionally visits to Italy.occasionallyoccasional6He went back home every other weeks and never failed to do t

34、hat.weeksweek或othertwo.選詞填空good for you,at the age of,every five days,how often,from time to time,of all time 1She began to learn English at_the_age_of three.2I used to have a rest every_five_days.3It is generally agreed that he is the greatest scientist of_all_time.4How_often do you phone your pare

35、nts?5I have finished the work ahead of time.Good_for_you.6Many of my former patients continue to visit me from_time_to_time to check in.本單元語言點溫故練習.單句語法填空1His words are entirely in character with his actions.2They had_been (be) in love with each other for many years before they got married.3All the g

36、uests were impressed with the hostessgraceful (grace) manner.4Their love story was very moving and the audience were deeply moved.(move)5An interesting book for children must interest them and make them interested in it.(interest)6It is brave of her to go into the burning building, so we all respect

37、 her for her bravery.(brave)7The flowers came out late this year because of the cold weather.8She was busy preparing for the entertainment (entertain) of the guests.9A large/great number of children are (be) playing in the park.10Running a company is not simply (simple) a matter of hiring people the

38、y also need to be trained.完成句子1It_is_often_said_that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.人們常說人類天生就會說話。2Healthy habits will_play_an_important_part_in our daily life.健康的習慣將在我們的日常生活中起到重要的作用。3I am thinking about how_to_answer the question.我正在考慮如何回答這個問題。4Much_to_my_delight/To_my_great_delight,_m

39、y son was admitted to a key university.令我非常高興的是,我的兒子考上了一所重點大學。5The little girl was walking in the street, cold_and_hungry.小姑娘又冷又餓地走在大街上。6When he came in, all of us held_our_breath_in_surprise.當他進來時,我們所有人都驚奇地屏住了呼吸。7He hopes to earn as_much_money_as his friend.他希望能和他朋友掙一樣多的錢。8A selfish person cant get

40、 others help, because he never cares_about_other_peoples_problems.自私的人是得不到別人的幫助的,因為他從不關(guān)心別人的困難。二、勤練高考題型,多練自能生巧.閱讀理解From high definition (高清) television to 3D TV, if we asked our screens to produce lifelike and realistic pictures, that is certainly what we got. As the 3D TV revolution picks up pace, i

41、ts time to stop studying the technology itself and to start seeing exactly how we, as television fans, can benefit from it, and how it will change our viewing experience.It is true that what youve got is good if you dont know what youre missing out on; in other words, if youre living with a perfectl

42、y common television, which has on HD capabilities, the chances are that youre not hoping for HD TV and that your picture looks as clear as you need it to be.But as soon as you try HD TV, youll be amazed at the difference it makes to your viewing pleasure and the same is true of 3D TV.3D TVs are rapi

43、dly becoming as common as other TVs on goods shelves (貨架) of retailers and in the homes of people across the UK.And as the technology develops, the picture becomes clearer, sharper and more real.Television shows that look particularly good in 3D are sports, nature programs and those that are excitin

44、g and full of special effects, and lovers of these are in for a real treat when they buy a 3D TV.More and more football matches are shown on 3D TV, and those fans who have experienced a 3D football match compare it to being there in person.The same is true of nature programs, particularly those that

45、 feature brightly colored animals and plants, the details of which are quite realistic when viewed on 3D TV.Exciting films have always lent themselves to 3D technology, with dinosaurs surrounding you in your own living room and so on it can be a frighteningly realistic experience for viewers!語篇解讀:3D

46、電視是繼高清電視之后的新產(chǎn)品,它給人逼真的感覺,很受人們歡迎。1Some people are happy with perfectly common televisions because _.Athey dont know the benefits of HD TV and 3D TVBtheir common televisions are very expensiveCthey dont have enough money to buy HD TV or 3D TVDtheir televisions must have some HD capabilities解析:選A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的“It is true that what youve got is good if you dont know what youre missing out on .”可知選A。2What does the underlined word “retailers” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?APeople who study HD television.BBusinessmen who sell goods to


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