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1、UQ Abroad Presentation Semester Two, 2012 UQ Abroad Presentation Semester Two, 2012 Unit 10 Culture ShockUnit 10 Culture Shock UQ Abroad Presentation Semester Two, 2012 OutlineOutline 1) The definition of culture shock 1) The definition of culture shock 2) The stages of culture shock2) The stages of

2、 culture shock 3) 3) Symptoms of Culture ShockSymptoms of Culture Shock 4) The Culture Shock Circle4) The Culture Shock Circle 5) The Reverse Culture Shock5) The Reverse Culture Shock 6) Ways to manage culture shock6) Ways to manage culture shock cultureshock文化差異文化差異 cultureshock文化差異文化差異 cultureshoc

3、k文化差異文化差異 cultureshock文化差異文化差異 DiscussionDiscussion Discuss in groups for 5 minutesDiscuss in groups for 5 minutes 1. What do all these situations have in common? 2. What is your definition of culture shock? 3. Where does culture shock happen? 4. What could be the damage caused by culture shock? 5.

4、Why do we need to study this concept? cultureshock文化差異文化差異 UQ Abroad Presentation Semester Two, 2012 Culture Shock is.Culture Shock is. The inevitable process of your mind and body adjusting to a new place A highly individual experience that may last weeks or even months. For some peopleFor some peo

5、ple Cultural differences are interesting and stimulating and they want more! For othersFor others Cultural differences result in discomfort and confusion, they tend to judge or evaluate other people and places and reach negative conclusions. Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Culture shockCultur

6、e shock is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture. It is the trauma of bewilderment (困惑、緊張 )which people find themselves in when they are isolated in an alien culture. 文化沖擊指

7、在大量地收到一種異文化的信 息之后,尤其身處異國,不同程度地產生 的一種心理反應。這是因為失去自己原有 熟悉的社會信號和符號,對于對方的社會 符號不熟悉,而產生的深度焦慮癥 1 .The Definition of Culture Shock1 .The Definition of Culture Shock Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLECulture Shock Culture shockCulture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencin

8、g an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, or to a move between social environments, also a simple travel to another type of life. Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE 2. Phases of Culture Shock: Honeymoon phaseHoneymoon phase Negotiation phase Adjustment Phase Mas

9、tery Phase Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLEHoneymoon phaseHoneymoon phase During this period, the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light. For example, in moving to a new country, an individual might love the new food, the pace of life, and the locals habits. D

10、uring the first few weeks, most people are fascinated by the new culture. They associate with nationals who speak their language, and who are polite to the foreigners. This period is full of observations and new discoveries. Like most honeymoon periods, this stage eventually ends. Name of presentati

11、on Month 2008 SAMPLE Negotiation Phase (Irritation and Hostility) Focus turns from similarities to the differences which are suddenly everywhere Become easily frustrated by the differences Often feel inadequate and unproductive Little difficulties become major sources of irritation Experience cultur

12、e shock as the reality of the new life hits Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Negotiation phaseNegotiation phase After some time (usually around three months, depending on the individual), differences between the old and new culture become apparent and may create anxiety. Excitement may eventua

13、lly give way to unpleasant feelings of frustration and anger as one continues to experience unfavorable events that may be perceived as strange and offensive to ones cultural attitude. Language barriers, stark (完全的 )differences in public hygiene, traffic safety, food accessibility and quality may he

14、ighten the sense of disconnection from the surroundings. Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Has adopted some of the local values and feels less isolated Finds increased self confidence Becomes integrated into a new social network Crisis is over and slowly learn to function under new conditions P

15、hase Three: Adjustment Phase Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Adjustment phaseAdjustment phase After some time (usually 6 to 12 months), one grows accustomed to the new culture and develops routines. One knows what to expect in most situations and the host country no longer feels all that new.

16、 One becomes concerned with basic living again, and things become more normal. One starts to develop problem-solving skills for dealing with the culture and begins to accept the cultures ways with a positive attitude. The culture begins to make sense, and negative reactions and responses to the cult

17、ure are reduced. Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Mastery Phase (Biculturalism) Increased enjoyment found in new customs and ways of doing/saying things Ability to function in two cultures with confidence Life may be just as good or even better than before Realization that there will be things

18、 you will miss when you pack up and return home anticipate reality of reverse culture shock! Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Mastery phase Mastery phase In the mastery stage people are able to participate fully and comfortably in the host culture. Mastery does not mean total conversion; peopl

19、e often keep many traits from their earlier culture, such as accents and languages. It is often referred to as the biculturalism stage. Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE 3. Symptoms of Culture Shock. Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Sadness, loneliness, melancholy Preoccupation with healt

20、h Aches, pains, and allergies Insomnia, desire to sleep too much or too little Changes in temperament, depression, feeling vulnerable, feeling powerless Anger, irritability, resentment, unwillingness to interact with others Identifying with the old culture or idealizing the old country Loss of ident

21、ity Name of presentation Month 2008 SAMPLE Symptoms of Culture Shock Trying too hard to absorb everything in the new culture or country Unable to solve simple problems Lack of confidence Feelings of inadequacy or insecurity Developing stereotypes about the new culture Developing obsessions such as o

22、ver-cleanliness Longing for family Feelings of being lost, overlooked, exploited or abused 4. The model of culture shock The process of culture shock can be illustrated by a The process of culture shock can be illustrated by a model known as the “W” curve (see diagram on the model known as the “W” c

23、urve (see diagram on the following page). This model may not relate to your following page). This model may not relate to your experience or only partially. Sometimes the process is experience or only partially. Sometimes the process is faster or slower. Many people go through different faster or sl

24、ower. Many people go through different phases of the process of adjustment several times, so phases of the process of adjustment several times, so parts of the curve in the diagram may repeat of the curve in the diagram may repeat themselves. cultureshock文化差異文化差異 W-CURVE 故事章節(jié) 過渡頁 01

25、 cultureshock文化差異文化差異 Cycle of AdjustmentCycle of Adjustment HOST COUNTRYHOST COUNTRY go on exchange? cultureshock文化差異文化差異 故事章節(jié) 過渡頁 Moods would change like this if you suffer from culture shock cultureshock文化差異文化差異 5. Reverse Culture Shock (Re-entry Shock) n The often unexpected and difficult period

26、 of disorientation(迷惑,迷失方 向) and readjustment experienced after returning to ones own culture after an extended period of living abroad. cultureshock文化差異文化差異 Most people anticipate some degree of culture shock. Very few people believe they will experience reverse culture shock. cultureshock文化差異文化差異

27、The Phases of Reverse Culture Shock are almost the same as those of Culture Shock nHoneymoon phase nNegotiation (disintegration ) phase nAdjustment (integration) phase nMastery (biculturalism) phase cultureshock文化差異文化差異 Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock are not just unpleasant side effects of

28、international living. They are the necessary ingredients that bring about quality exchanges. cultureshock文化差異文化差異 1) Participation is the key 2) Establish new support systemsexpatriates, locals 3) Take care of yourself -physically and mentally 4) Learn the host country language 5) Relax your grip on

29、 home culture 6) Stay in touch back home 7) Blend your own cultural traditions with the new 8) Keep a journal 9) Maintain your sense of humor 10) Have faith in yourself 11) Experiment, expand, explore Keys to Survive Cultural AdjustmentKeys to Survive Cultural Adjustment cultureshock文化差異文化差異 UQ Abro

30、ad Presentation Semester Two, 2012 Exercises nHere are some excerpts from the postcards of English students studying in China. Please identify they were written in which stage of culture shock. cultureshock文化差異文化差異 Culture shock nDear Joan, nLife here seems not so bad after all. The people are quite nice once you get to know them a little better and begin to figure out their way of looking at things. Guess Im beginning - just beginning - to know the ropes. nLove nPeter cultureshock文化差異文化差異 Culture shock l Dear Mum and Dad, lIm really fe


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