



1、2016春牛津譯林版英語(yǔ)七下Unit 8Petsword同步詞匯練習(xí)牛津七下Unit8同步詞匯練習(xí)I、閱讀下面的email,從方框里選擇合適的詞語(yǔ),并用其正確形式填空brush, quiet, lear n about, up to, look afterDear Mr Lin ,I d like some help for Puppy Puppy is a lovely dog、 We love him and ( 1) himwell、 Every day, I spend (2) three hours with him、And I (3 ) his fur everyweek、 But

2、 these days, Puppy is ill、 He is not (4) any more、 He often barks in theearly morning、Last month , I bought your book How to be dogs friends、I (5) much valuable (有價(jià)值的)information、And I know you re aexpert (專家)、Can you tell me why my dog barks so ofte n ?A worried dog keeper Helenn、閱讀下面的對(duì)話,根據(jù)所給的首字母提示

3、,用合適的單詞填空。Andy : Mum, I want to keep some goldfish、 Fish are quiet、 They never make any (1) n、Mum: But do you really know how to take (2) c of them?Andy: Yes、 I listened to a (3) t about how to keep fish yesterday、Mum : Do you know fish need (4 ) s food?An dy: Yes、 But their food is no t (5) e、 My p

4、ocket money is eno ugh、Mum : OK、Do you know how much can a fish (6 ) w?Andy : Some fish are heavy when they (7) g up、 We can keep some small fish、Mum: OK、 And another question, do you know why one of Anndied (死亡fi)?Andy: Because she (8) p the fish up with her hands、 And she (9) f her fishtoo ofte n、

5、Mum: Bingo (嘿; 答對(duì)了 )! If you keep a fish, remember not to feed her too (10) m 、We will go to buy two fish this after noon 、川、請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面的搜索內(nèi)容,從方框里找出匹配的關(guān)鍵詞,并將其填寫在橫線上。cat care, dog food, pet names, feed fish , pet clubs1、Wendy wants to share some stories of her pets with others、2、Ann doesn t know how to loo

6、k after her cat3、Andy wants to find some nice names for his fish 、4、John doesn t know what he should feed his dog5、 Andy wonders (想知道) how to feed his fish、W、本周英語(yǔ)角的主題就是 My pet,每個(gè)成員都要寫一篇短文介紹自己的寵物假設(shè)您就是An dy,請(qǐng)您根據(jù)下面的照片及文字,用合適的語(yǔ)句填空,完成下面的短文Name: PeterAge: 6 mon thsWeight :8 kgLooks : lovely ,yellow and gr

7、ey furFavourite food :bonesFavourite activity:playi ng with ballsI keep a dog、 He is my best friend、His name is Peter、(1)、 He grows very quickly、 (2) 8 kilograms、Look at his photo、(3)、I feed him three times a day、 (4)、Peter is active(好動(dòng)的)、He often plays with me、(5)、And he also enjoys running on the grass、Peteris a member of my family、We all love him、參考答案:I、 1、look after 2、 up to 3、brush 4、 quiet 5、lear nt aboutn、 1、no ise 2、 care 3、 talk 4、special 5、 expe nsive 6、 weigh7、 grow8、picked 9、fed 10、 much川、1、pet clubs 2、 cat care 3、pet n ames 4、 dog food 5、 feed fishIV 1、Peter is six mon


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