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1、Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty? 重點知識(一)單詞:speak to 與.交流mobile phone 手機phone call 電話In ternet互聯(lián)網(wǎng);網(wǎng)絡(luò)go on the Internet 上網(wǎng)send送;發(fā)送send a message發(fā)短信read an e-book讀電子書e-mail電子郵件send an e-mail發(fā)電子郵件out外面的;在外的take a message留言 think about 考慮(二)詞組與句子:1、What do you th ink is the most usefu?你認(rèn)為什么是最重要的?2、May I spea

2、k to.?我可以和誰通話嗎?3、Sorry,Kitty is out.抱歉,kitty 出去了。be out外出。Can I take a message我可以捎個口信嗎?4、This is.我是. This is.speaking5、Could you please ask Kitty to call me ?你能讓 kitty 給我打個電話嗎?6、ask sb to do sth讓某人做某事。7、I tell her when she comes back她回來的時候我將告訴她。8 Is that Liu Zhaoyang?你是劉朝陽嗎?9、Who is that?你說誰?10、Wher

3、e did you go this morning?今天早上你干什么了?11、I went shopping with my mom.和我的媽媽購物了。12、She bought me a mobile phone她給我買了一部手機。 buy sb sth/buy sth for sb13、I will use it to make phone calls and send message我.將用它打電話 和發(fā)信息。use sth to do sth用某物做某事。13、I hope to have a mobile phone too.我也希望有一部手機。14、hope to do sth希望

4、做某事15、Im afraid you can.恐怕你不能。16、Mobile phones are very usefuI手機非常有用。17、It takes too much time and ifs bad for their eyes它花了太多的時間, 而且對眼睛不好。18、One.the other一個另一個19、What a fine day!多好的一天!Un it2 What Would You Like? 重點知識(一)單詞:a bowl of 一碗 a plate of 一盤a glass of 玻璃杯a bottle of 一瓶 a cup of 一茶杯 a piece o

5、f 一片; 一塊;an ythi ng任何東西else別的;其他的 take up拿起address地址;住址(what 引導(dǎo)) knife 刀(復(fù)數(shù) knives)(二)詞組與句子:1、welcome to 歡迎來到.2、What would you like to eat?你想吃點什么?We/I like.我想要.3、What kind of noodles would you like ?你想要什么種類的面條?Would you like somethi ng to drin k?你想要喝點什么?4、Anything else?還要其他的東西嗎?No, thanks./Yes pleas

6、e.5、Please wait a minute請稍等。6、電話用語:This is我是.7、Bye the way順便說一下8 How much are they?他們多少錢?How much is it ?它多少錢?(三)語音知識:ow /au/ how now brow n flower cow dow n tow n power/o/ know snow grow bowl row show blow throw(四)練習(xí)題:情景交際。1. 當(dāng)你給Kitty打電話時,你應(yīng)該說: A. Hello, are you Kitty? B. Hello, may I speak to Kitt

7、y?2. 在電話中問對方是誰時,應(yīng)說: A. Who is that? B. Who is this?3. 詢問對方想喝點什么”,用英語應(yīng)說: A. What would you like to eat? B. What would you like to drink?4. 手機很有用”,用英語應(yīng)說: A. Mobile phones are very useful. B. Mobile phones are not useful.5. 我想要兩塊面包”,用英語應(yīng)說: A. I want two piece of bread. B. I want two pieces of bread.Uni

8、t 3 Who That Man? 重點知識(一) 單詞:pupil小學(xué)生 actor演員 sin ger歌手 reporter記者 scie ntist科學(xué)家 police警方;警察police officer警官player運動員set up建立;建造 a hope school 一所希望學(xué)校past過去的grassla nd草原age年齡 at the age of.在歲時 lose失去difficult困難的(二) 詞組和句子:1. What is.? She/He is.他/她是一名.What do/does he/she do(二)練習(xí)題1、根據(jù)要求填空。1、I II的完全形式()

9、2、I d的完全形式()3、won t的完全形式()4、what s的完全形式()5、take的過去式()6、win的過去式()2、給下列句子選答語。1、Sorry, she is out.2、Running race.3、No, I lost it.went shopp ing with my()What s your favorite sport?()Did you wi n?()May I speak to kitty?() Who s that man? 4、Imom.()Where did you go? 5、 He is a scientist.3、單項選擇()1.Did you

10、doelse ?A. somethi ng B. any thi ngC. some()2.Can you sende-mail to me?.A. some . B.a n. C.a .()3.I can playfootball with my father.A. the B. C. with()4Could you let me thin k?_it for a mome nt?A. as B. of C. about()5. -is a glass of gree n tea?-Ten yua n.A.How far B. How much C.How mang()6.-kind of

11、 dump ing would you like?A. Which B. Where C.What()7.-the age of I want to be a doctor.A. On B. AtC. I n()8.Jakie Cha n isactor.A. a B. an C. The()10.-Did you play footballweekend ? -Yes , I did .A. this B. last C. nextUnit 4 At the Sports Meet ing.重點知識(一)單詞。meeting 會議;聚會 have a sports meeting 舉辦一場運

12、動會 throwing投擲運動 meter米 race比賽100-meter race1O0米賽跑 long jump 跳遠 high 高;高的high jump 跳高 running race賽跑 take part in參加; 參與any way無論如何 guess猜測wish 祝福;祝愿(二)詞組與句子1、What are you good at你擅長什么?be good at doing sth 擅長.2、How often do you play it ?你多久玩一次?How often對頻率進行提問3、You look tired.你看起來累。4、We had the school

13、 sports meeting yesterday天我們舉辦了校運動 會。5、What sports did you take part in?你參加了什么?6、Did you win?你贏了嗎?7、I was the first in the 100-meter race一百米比賽我是第一名。8、I lost it.我輸了。Lose-lost9、The weather was fine and the pupils were excite(天氣很好,學(xué)生們 很興奮。10、Our class did very well in the sports meet ing我們班在運動會上做的很好。11

14、、do well in doing sth在某方面做得好。12、Who won the race fin ally ?最后誰贏了? Winwon13、best wishes最美好的祝福。14、We d better play sports every day我們最好每天做運動。 had better do sth最好做某事(三)練習(xí)題連詞成句1、aEdis onscie ntistgreat is2、to he basketball wants be player a3、leavewouldalikemessage youto4、 manwiththeIsfather glassesmy5.

15、any wayyoudidwellUnit 5 What Is He Like 重點知識(一)單詞。clever聰明的;機靈的outgoing開朗的;外向的shy害羞的;內(nèi)向的kind和藹的;溫和的 friendly有好的hard-working努力的serious嚴(yán)肅的;認(rèn)真的 lazy懶惰的;認(rèn)真的easy容易的;簡單的 understand理解;明白Ms.女士 Mrs.夫人 Mr先生 teach教 teacher老師 without無;沒有 smile微笑 get變;變得(二)詞組與句子:1、touch your nose摸你的鼻子2、He is kind to us他對我們很好。3、W

16、hat s your /her/his favorite subject?你/她/他最喜歡的科目是什 么?My/Her/His favorite subject is.4、 Why do you like it ?你為什么喜歡它? Because I.因為.5、Who 誰? Whose 誰的?6、What is he/she like?他 /她怎么樣?7、He always tries to make Math easy to understanc他總是試圖使數(shù)學(xué) 容易讓我們理解。try to do sth試圖做某事8 What do you th ink of her/him ?你認(rèn)為他 /

17、 她怎么樣?think of認(rèn)為思考9、She is a little serious她有一點嚴(yán)肅10、She teaches very wel她教得非常好。11、get up late起得遲12、He ran to the school bus without breakfast.他沒有吃早飯就跑到學(xué)13、He got to the classroom at 8:00 lock. 8: 00他到達教室。14、.What a hard-working boy!多努力的一個孩子?。。ㄈ┱Z音知識wh whe n wh who ph photo P42Unit 6 A School Sale 重點

18、知識(一)單詞。sale賣; 拍賣 (buy 買)notebook筆記本 magazine雜志 glue 膠水 storybook故事書 model plane飛 機模型 toy car玩具 小汽車 scissors剪刀 sell賣;出售 money錢 before在之前(after在.之前)bring 帶來 and so on等等(二)詞組。1、a pair of scissors一把剪刀two pairs of scissors 兩把剪刀(a bowl/plate/glass/bottle/cup/piece of.)2、do with 處理3、a school sale學(xué)校義賣4、giv

19、e sth to sb (give sb sth)把某物給某人5、many kinds of許多種類的.6、bring sth to sp把某物帶到某地7、want sb to do sth想讓某人做某事want to do sth想做某事8、the first time 第一次9、do well做得好10、on Children s Day 在兒童節(jié)11、on the playground 在操場上(三)句子。1、There will be a sale at our schoo我們學(xué)校將有一場義賣There will be+名短+介詞短語 某處將有.2、Where shall we hav

20、e i?我們在哪里舉辦3、when什么時候4、What will you sell ?你將要賣什么?5、Will there be many pupils?將有許多學(xué)生嗎?6、What shall we do with the money?我們將怎樣處理錢?7、We will give the money to the poor pupils in the moun tai ns.我們將 把錢給山里的窮孩子。8、Before the sale, the pupils brought many kinds of things to theplaygrou nd.在義賣之前,學(xué)生們把許多種類的東西

21、拿到操場。9、I want more pupils to read them我想更多的學(xué)生讀他們。10、I can help others with the money我可以用錢幫助其他的人。Unit 7 Sha nghai Is in the Southeast of Chi na重點知識(一)單詞。hope希望;期望 somewhere某處;某地by沿著;在旁邊 famous著名的;出名的town城鎮(zhèn);市鎮(zhèn)no rthwestnorth no rtheastwesteastsoutheastsouthwest south(二)詞組。I. come on過來/加油2thi nk so我認(rèn)為如

22、此I don th ink so我認(rèn)為不是這樣的3. go on holiday 度假4. have a meeti ng開會5. by the sea沿海6. south of Ch ina 中國南邊7. too hot 太熱8. ma ny places of i nteres許多名勝古跡9. go by train坐火車走 take a train乘坐火車10. fly to Sha nghai 飛往上海II. takephotos 照相12. How about? =What about? .怎么樣?(三)句子。1. We are hav ing a meeti ng我們正在開會。2.

23、 What are we going to talking abou?我們將要談?wù)撌裁矗?. Where would you like to go?你們想去那里? would like to do sth 想要做某事。4hope to go somewhere by the se我想到海邊的某個地方。5.Hai nan is in the south of Chi na 海南在中國的南邊。6like big cities.我喜歡大城市。7.Shall we fly to.?我們將飛往 嗎?8. We can enjoy the beautiful places along the way.我們

24、享受沿路的風(fēng)景。9t was really a busy street那真是個大而繁華的街道。10. Where did you go last summe?上個暑假你去哪里了?11. Where is.?12Where do you think of the people there?你認(rèn)為那里的人怎么樣?13. They are very frie ndly 他們非常的友好。Unit8 What Your Dream?重點知識(一)單詞。dream 夢想; tour guide 導(dǎo)游 travel around the world 環(huán)游世界land到達;抵達join加入 the National Team國家隊study研究 come true實現(xiàn);成真 hard努力地from now on從現(xiàn)在開始o(jì)ne day有一天; 總有一天 maybe可能; 也許 believe相信(二)詞組1、become a tour guide成為一名導(dǎo)游2and on t


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