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1、外文資料翻譯food safety in the twenty-first centurythe past decade has taught us that pathogenic microorganisms are adapting themselves to processing treatments and environmental conditions once thought to be effective in controlling their proliferation. genetic exchange is sprouting new varieties of bact

2、erial strains with increased abilities to cause disease. the scientific community must adopt a proactive approach, including an aggressive research agenda that seeks to determine the ecology of the food production and processing environments, as well as the basic biology of pathogenic organisms. in

3、addition, it is crucial that we develop a well-integrated educational strategy that seeks to educate industry and consumers.issues facing food safetywhen we examine the historical overview presented above, we conclude that there are three basic issues, which must be addressed in the coming century i

4、f we are to make an impact in the improvement of food satiety: our limited knowledge about food safety risks; the limited applicaion and availability of effective intervention strategies; and limited educational efforts.limited knowledge of food safety risksin considering the risks to food safety, w

5、e must think in terms of the food continuum from farm to table. although much is known regarding how some organisms cause disease and how they are introduced into our food supply, we do not have a complete picture of how the practices that we employ from production to distribution impact the contami

6、nation of foods. for example, how do animal husbandry practices affect colonization with food-borne pathogens, as well as contamination of the farm environment? how do agents of disease interact with the animal host, and how dothese interactions affect the ability of the animal to carry and/or sprea

7、d these organisms?in addition our knowledge of some of the basic science behind microbial behavior is limited. for instance, how do microorganisms develop resistance to treatments designed to eliminate them? what environmental factors affect the emergence of new pathogens in nature? these and other

8、unanswered questions are what stand in the way of our ability to proactively prevent future outbreaks since they are at the core of our ability to assess the risk that food production, processing, and preparation pose to food safety.limited application of effective intervention strategiesin the past

9、 few years, several strategies have been developed and tested for the decontamination of animal carcasses at the slaughterhouse as well as strategies for the sanitation of fresh tits and vegetables. these strategies include organic acid rinses, hot water treatments, and steam pasteurization (corry e

10、t al., 1995). however, the use of several of these strategies in combination has not been sufficiently elucidated. moreover, the opportunity for recontamination of foods after treatment can occur, yet our strategies for minimizing such events are limited. if we are to impact the safety of our food s

11、upply, we need to use several strategies throughout the food continuum. for example, at the farm level, feeding regimens, type of feed used competitive exclusion, vaccine development, and genetic manipulation could be employed to prevent colonization and shedding of pathogens from the intestinal tra

12、ct of animals.in the case of tits and vegetables, practices used on the farm can impact the level and type of contaminant present on the crop (beuchal 1996). the type and method of application of fertilizer,the source and frequency of irrigation and genetic manipulation of surface properties could h

13、ave an impact on the reduction of contaminants attaching to plant tissue. in addition the handling and storage of produce often leads to the spread and growth of microbial contaminants. washing regimens as well as the application of novel technologies such as irradiation-must also be studied with an

14、 eye on the costs and benefits of using such treatments.limited educational effortsseveral educational programs aimed at processors have been implemented, all based on the hazard analysis critical control points system. however, these programs are limited in scope and have been provided primarily to

15、 the meat, poultry, and seafood industries. there is a need to develop training programs on haccp to farmers, both in animal and plant production. for maximum impact, such programs should be designed for both english- and spanish-speaking audiences and for all levels of learning ability. delivery of

16、 these programs is of utmost importance, requiring a vast network of educators working together. the primary problem is the lack of coordination between educational institutions.in addition, a concerted effort needs to be mounted to educate all sectors (farmers, industry, food service, and consumers

17、) for any educational program to be successful. such an effort could be in the form of assembling dedicated teams to deliver information to specific audiences and to specific regions. farmers must be surveyed to determine their knowledge of food safety and of the impact that their practices have on

18、food-borne illness. programs should be developed to prepare farmers and ranchers to meet future challenges associated with the introduction of the haccp system on the farm. finally, food service and consumers need to be included, with adequate resources being allocated to ensure the success and prom

19、pt application of existing and new efforts.strategies and solutionsseveral government agencies have gone through strategic planning exercises that have helped them to identify the strategies to be pursued in addressing the above issues. in simple terms, we can think of it as a two-pronged aproach in

20、 which research and education are linked together to develop the best solutions.researchfirst, the microbial ecology of food-borne pathogens needs to be fully characterized throughout the production and processing of muscle and plant foods. in order to do so, the prevalence of specific pathogens in

21、specific foods needs to be determined, including the sources of contamination from production through processing, retail sale, and food preparation. through epidemiological studies, we must characterize the risk to food safety related to specific practices on the initial level and type of contaminan

22、ts. we must also characterize the biological mechanisms of survival, adaptation to stress and antimicrobials, and growth of these organisms. advanced technologies for the rapid and sensitive isolation and identification of food-borne pathogens need to be developed so as to provide real-time detectio

23、n.second, scientists must develop, test, and implement new technologies for the decontamination of a variety of foods in order to reduce the risks posed by food-borne pathogens. along these lines, the effectiveness of existing strategies must be clearly determined and the appropriate application elu

24、cidated. third, a thorough study and documentation of the economic benefits of these strategies needs to be included in order to obtain a realistic picture of what strategies should and should not be used in particular operations and by particular-sized companies.educationan educational strategy, wh

25、ich is coordinated throughout all segments of the food continuum and involves all institutions, needs to be developed. partnerships with appropriate agencies, trade organizations, food industry organizations, consumer organizations, and educational organizations need to be established and/or strengt

26、hened. this will facilitate the dissemination of food safety information to those members of the continuum responsible for a particular segment. educational materials-related to the characteristics, prevalence, symptoms of illness, risk of certain practices, and preventive measures gained through re

27、search efforts at each step of the food continuum-need to be developed. producers and processors should be educated through partnerships with commodity associations. food service should be trained through existing vehicles and coordinated through partnerships with foodservice associations. consumers

28、 should be made aware of safe food handling, preparation, and storage through television, radio, public service announcements, print publications, interactive display/exhibit earning devices, as well as the world wide web.conclusionswhat will food safety look like in the twenty-first century? the pa

29、st few years have shown us that microbial pathogens are very adaptable, with newly emerging organisms challenging our long-established concepts of safety. in addition the centralized food distribution system and the changes in the demographic and cultural practices of consumers are contributing fact

30、ors to the apparent increase in the number of outbreaks of food-borne illness in the united states. increases in international food trade will only augment the challenges to food safety currently facing us. thus only with a proactive, aggressive, and science-based approach can we hope to have a meas

31、ure of control over the future of food safety. in this manuscript we have presented the types of programs that should be implemented in order to do this. it is up to scientists, policymakers, and health officials to work together now and not delay.二十一世紀(jì)的食品安全過去的十年告訴我們,一直被認(rèn)為加工處理和環(huán)境條件能有效控制它們的擴(kuò)散,可病原微生物在

32、這方面得到了適應(yīng)。改變基因是為提高細(xì)菌株新品種的發(fā)芽能力,引起疾病。科學(xué)界采取主動(dòng)的方式,包括確定糧食生產(chǎn)和提高生態(tài)環(huán)境,以及病原微生物的基本生物學(xué)的積極研究議程。此外,在教育行業(yè)和消費(fèi)者方面,我們還應(yīng)改發(fā)展了一個(gè)良好的綜合的教育戰(zhàn)略。 面臨糧食安全問題 當(dāng)我們回顧歷史,改善食物安全時(shí),認(rèn)為有三個(gè)基本問題,必須在未來的世紀(jì)解決:有限的食品安全風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的知識(shí);有限的的應(yīng)用分析和有效的干預(yù)策略的供應(yīng)和有限的教育工作。 食品安全風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的知識(shí) 我們考慮到食品安全的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)時(shí),必須著眼于從農(nóng)場(chǎng)到餐桌的食品。盡管人們知道一些關(guān)于生物體怎樣引起人們的疾病和如何進(jìn)入我們的食物供應(yīng)的知識(shí),可是對(duì)我們從生產(chǎn)到銷售如何影響食

33、物的污染沒有一個(gè)全面的了解。例如,畜牧業(yè)的生產(chǎn)方式怎樣影響到食源性致病菌的繁殖,以及是如何污染農(nóng)業(yè)環(huán)境的?病原體與宿主動(dòng)物之間是如何相互作用的,這些相互作用是怎樣影響動(dòng)物攜帶或傳播生物體的能力? 此外,我們對(duì)微生物的一些基本科學(xué)了解是有限的。例如,微生物是如何產(chǎn)生耐藥性,并消除這些影響的?什么樣的環(huán)境因素能影響新的病原體的出現(xiàn)?這些和其他未解決的問題都是在我們防止疫情的過程中遇到的,因?yàn)樗鼈儤?gòu)成了我們?cè)谑称钒踩性u(píng)估糧食生產(chǎn)、加工及儲(chǔ)備的核心。有效的干預(yù)策略 過去的幾年,在屠宰場(chǎng)為動(dòng)物尸體消毒以及新鮮的蔬菜保鮮和衛(wèi)生設(shè)施方面已經(jīng)應(yīng)用了幾個(gè)策略??屏⒌热嗽?995年實(shí)施的策略包括有機(jī)酸漂洗,熱水

34、處理和蒸汽殺菌。然而,在這些策略的使用過程中沒有得到充分闡明。此外,我們對(duì)處理后的食品可能再次發(fā)生污染的機(jī)會(huì)的防御是有限的。如果要保證我們的食品安全的供應(yīng),需要在整個(gè)食品生產(chǎn)的過程中同時(shí)應(yīng)用幾個(gè)策略。例如,疫苗的研制要在農(nóng)場(chǎng)的飼料中添加抗生素防止基因間的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)排斥,這些操作可以用來防止微生物繁殖和動(dòng)物的腸道病原體的脫落。 蔬菜方面,可以在農(nóng)場(chǎng)使用與作物(beuchal 1996)污染物影響程度相當(dāng)?shù)念愋偷脑囼?yàn)方法。作物的種類和施肥方法,灌溉來源和表面特性的遺傳操作能影響附于植物組織的污染物的減少。此外,在處理和存儲(chǔ)產(chǎn)品時(shí)往往導(dǎo)致污染物擴(kuò)散和微生物生長(zhǎng)。在處理方法和新型技術(shù)的使用時(shí)要考慮到成本及使用這些方法的好處,如輻照。 教育工作 幾項(xiàng)教育方案已經(jīng)實(shí)施,以危害分析和關(guān)鍵控制點(diǎn)制度為基礎(chǔ)。然而,這些計(jì)劃的范圍是有限的,提供的主要是肉類,家禽,海鮮行業(yè)。無


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