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1、附件 2作者姓名: 顧振華論文題目:2,3- 聯(lián)烯酸(酰胺)與聯(lián)烯和炔烴的偶聯(lián)環(huán)化反應(yīng)研究 作者簡介:顧振華,男, 1979年02月出生, 2002年 09月師從于中國科學 院上海有機化學研究所麻生明教授,于 2007年 7月獲博士學位。中文摘要聯(lián)烯是一類含有 1,2-丙二烯官能團的化合物。在聯(lián)烯的三個碳原子中,末端的兩個sp2雜化的碳原子以剩下的未雜化的 p 軌道與中間的 sp雜化的碳原子的兩個互相垂直的 p- 軌道交 蓋形成兩個互相垂直的 軌道。當聯(lián)烯末端的同一碳原子上的取代基兩兩不同時, 聯(lián)烯則具有 軸手性,其構(gòu)型可通過 Cahn-Ingold-Prelog規(guī)則判定。 聯(lián)烯化合物獨特的反

2、應(yīng)性一方面來自這 種獨特的互相垂直交蓋 -軌道,另一方面來自聯(lián)烯末端的兩個碳原子(四個取代基)對不同 取代基的裝載能力。通過對底物及反應(yīng)條件的調(diào)控,反應(yīng)可以選擇性的發(fā)生在聯(lián)烯的三個不 同的碳原子上。 由于其獨特的結(jié)構(gòu)及反應(yīng)性, 聯(lián)烯在天然產(chǎn)物的合成中也有比較廣泛地應(yīng)用。 近年來越來越多的含聯(lián)烯結(jié)構(gòu)的天然產(chǎn)物被分離和鑒定,到目前為止已有約 150 個,這也極 大地推動了聯(lián)烯化學的發(fā)展。我們小組在官能化的聯(lián)烯的環(huán)化反應(yīng)方面也作了一些研究。最近我們小組發(fā)現(xiàn)并發(fā)展了 官能化聯(lián)烯的雙分子氧化偶聯(lián)反應(yīng),該反應(yīng)能有效的一步構(gòu)建雙環(huán)化合物。基于這些發(fā)現(xiàn), 我的工作就是設(shè)計和發(fā)展聯(lián)烯與聯(lián)烯、 聯(lián)烯與炔烴的偶聯(lián)環(huán)

3、化反應(yīng)。 主要包括以下三大部分: 第一部分: 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸 (酰胺)與聯(lián)烯的偶聯(lián)環(huán)化反應(yīng)1我們研究了 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸雙分子氧化偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)。 在研究過程中我們發(fā)展了三套氧化體系(a) n-C3H7I + O2, (b) KI + O2, (c) 苯醌來實現(xiàn)鈀物種的催化循環(huán), 并且還研究了在這三 套氧化體系下的取代基效應(yīng)。2在實現(xiàn)了 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸自身雙分子氧化偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)之后我們又研究了 2,3-聯(lián)烯酰胺與 1,2- 聯(lián)烯基酮的交叉偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)。根據(jù)我們小組以前的研究 2,3-聯(lián)烯酰胺有兩種環(huán)化方式: 即氧進攻生成 Furanimine 結(jié)構(gòu)的化合物,或氮進攻生成內(nèi)酰胺的產(chǎn)物。通過 X-射線 單晶衍射和

4、核磁研究,我們確認了在這一雙分子氧化偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)中聯(lián)烯酰胺的關(guān)環(huán)方 式是氧進攻生成 Furanimine 結(jié)構(gòu)的化合物,并且產(chǎn)物亞胺部分的結(jié)構(gòu)是順式的。同 時我們還觀察到了 2,3-聯(lián)烯酰胺自身雙分子偶聯(lián)環(huán)化后部分水解的產(chǎn)物。3我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸與 2,3-聯(lián)烯醇的交叉偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)。 與前面的雙分子氧化偶聯(lián)環(huán)化反應(yīng)相比較,這是一種新的聯(lián)烯的雙分子偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)模式,即: (a) 該反應(yīng)并不需要添 加任何氧化劑就實現(xiàn)了鈀物種的循環(huán); (b) 只有 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸環(huán)化了,而 2,3-聯(lián)烯醇則 形成了一個開鏈的 1,3-共軛二烯結(jié)構(gòu)。 研究過程中我們發(fā)現(xiàn)當使用二級醇時, 我們得 到的是高選擇性的單一的反式

5、產(chǎn)物, 該選擇性可以通過立體位阻作用及中間體 -烯丙 基鈀的 - - 過程加以解釋。使用光學活性 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸為底物,我們得到的是部分消 旋的產(chǎn)物;但當向體系中加入適量的質(zhì)子酸,如三氟醋酸時,產(chǎn)物的消旋能夠被很 大程度的抑制。該實驗間接證明了反應(yīng)的一個關(guān)鍵步驟 - 羥基消除的一個中間體 PdCl+OH -的存在。我們對產(chǎn)物的衍生化也作了一些研究,如新形成的1,3-共軛二烯能夠順利地與缺電子親雙烯體發(fā)生 Diels-Alder 反應(yīng)。4前面我們實現(xiàn)了不同官能化聯(lián)烯之間的偶聯(lián)反應(yīng),但如何實現(xiàn)兩種性質(zhì)完全不同的聯(lián)烯之間的偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)是一個比較有挑戰(zhàn)性的課題。這里我們發(fā)展了官能化聯(lián)烯,如2,3- 聯(lián)烯酸

6、與簡單的聯(lián)烯的偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)。 在該反應(yīng)中底物溴化鋰的溴負離子能夠有效的 淬滅 -烯丙基鈀中間體,高選擇性地得到了 Z-式產(chǎn)物,而氯負離子或碘負離子并不 能得到預(yù)期的烯丙基化合物。該反應(yīng)的高選擇性可能源于呋喃酮基鈀物種與簡單聯(lián) 烯靠近時的立體位阻作用。產(chǎn)物烯丙基溴衍生物在合成中是一個很有用的中間體, 我們也進行了對產(chǎn)物的衍生化研究,如它可以選擇性地與胺或苯亞磺酸鈉發(fā)生SN2型的親核取代反應(yīng),與 CH3MgBr 在 CuBr?SMe2催化下高選擇性地發(fā)生 SN2型的取代 反應(yīng),同時在 NaBH4 存在下 C-Br 鍵能被還原。第二部分: 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸與炔烴衍生物的偶聯(lián)環(huán)化反應(yīng)1我們發(fā)展了 2,3-聯(lián)

7、烯酸與炔丙醇碳酸酯的偶聯(lián)生成 -聯(lián)烯基呋喃酮的反應(yīng)。 在反應(yīng)過 程中新生成的聯(lián)烯基并沒有發(fā)生進一步的轉(zhuǎn)化, 有效的保留在了呋喃酮的 -位。通過 條件篩選我們確立了該反應(yīng)的最佳條件:即以醋酸鈀 /三( 2-呋喃基)膦為催化劑, 二甲亞砜為溶劑。 研究過程中我們發(fā)現(xiàn)該反應(yīng)有明顯的取代基效應(yīng), 如 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸的 -位和炔丙醇碳酸酯的炔烴末端同時為非氫取代時該反應(yīng)產(chǎn)率很低,這很可能是由 于產(chǎn)物上 1,3-共軛二烯結(jié)構(gòu)上取代基的 1,3-張力的影響。 我們同時對產(chǎn)物 -聯(lián)烯基呋 喃酮作了衍生化研究:(a) -聯(lián)烯基呋喃酮能與缺電子炔烴進行 Diels-Alder 反應(yīng),進一步異構(gòu)化后能一步有 效地構(gòu)

8、建多取代及全取代苯環(huán)衍生物,為這類化合物提供了一個有效的合成方法。(b) 我們還發(fā)現(xiàn) -聯(lián)烯基呋喃酮能發(fā)生高選擇性的羥碘化反應(yīng),該反應(yīng)的選擇性可能 來自親核試劑進攻碘鎓三元環(huán)時的立體位阻效應(yīng)。這是少數(shù)幾例非雜原子導向的高 選擇性羥碘化反應(yīng)。(c) 我們還初步研究了 -聯(lián)烯基呋喃酮的 -羥基化反應(yīng)。 在有氧和堿性條件下, 2(5H)- 呋喃酮能發(fā)生 -羥基化反應(yīng)生成 5-羥基 2(5H)-呋喃酮。當?shù)孜锸?-聯(lián)烯基呋喃酮時, -羥基化產(chǎn)物在 I2 存在下能有效的發(fā)生碘環(huán)化反應(yīng),有效地構(gòu)建了雙環(huán)化合物。(d) 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)了 1,2,4(Z),7-四烯( -烯丙基 - -聯(lián)烯基呋喃酮 )異構(gòu)環(huán)化成八元

9、環(huán)的反應(yīng)。 該反應(yīng)操作非常簡單, 只要將 1,2,4Z,7-四烯在二甲苯中 100 oC 攪拌反應(yīng) 6 小時即可, 產(chǎn)率高達 98%。當向體系中加入親雙烯體,如馬來酰胺時我們能得到一系列結(jié)構(gòu)新 穎的橋環(huán)化合物, 反應(yīng)的立體選擇性是單一的, 即親雙烯體是以 endo方式從位阻較 小的一面靠近底物的。我們對反應(yīng)的機理作了比較詳細的研究,當將- 位烯丙基換成丙基取代基時,中間體發(fā)生了進一步地 1,7-氫遷移反應(yīng),得到一種新的共軛三烯 (順反異構(gòu)體);當將 - 位烯丙基換成芐基取代基時,中間體則發(fā)生了進一步的 6 - 電環(huán)化反應(yīng),得到一類五元并六元的雙環(huán)化合物。氘代實驗顯示聯(lián)烯末端的烷基上 的氫與 -

10、位烯丙基上的亞甲基的氫有交換,這說明了聯(lián)烯末端的烷基上的氫參與了 該異構(gòu)化過程。最后我們認為該反應(yīng)可能經(jīng)歷了如下一個比較復(fù)雜的過程:首先底 物發(fā)生 1,5-H 遷移得到順反兩個中間體, 其中一個反式中間體可以通過 8 -電環(huán)化最 終形成八元環(huán)產(chǎn)物,而順式中間體則不能;但是這兩個中間體可以通過兩次 1,7-H 遷移相互轉(zhuǎn)化。2我們研究了 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸與貧電子炔烴的偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)。當炔烴是丙炔酸甲酯時,產(chǎn)物是 1:1加成和 1:2加成的混合物,但新形成的 C=C雙鍵是單一反式的。通過條件優(yōu)化, 我們能得到以 1:2 加成為主的產(chǎn)物,比例為 9:116:1。我們還發(fā)現(xiàn) 2,3-聯(lián)烯酸與丙炔 酸甲酯的 1

11、:2 加成產(chǎn)物發(fā)生了 -鍵的遷移,通過機理研究我們認為該 -鍵的遷移可能 是通過分子內(nèi)的兩次 1,7-H 遷移來實現(xiàn)的。當炔烴是炔酮時,并沒有發(fā)現(xiàn) 1:2 加成的 產(chǎn)物,但反應(yīng)得到的是一對順反異構(gòu)體。在 n-Bu3P 作用下能有效地將順式產(chǎn)物轉(zhuǎn)化 為反式產(chǎn)物,最終高選擇地得到以反式為主的產(chǎn)物。在這一部分的工作中我們發(fā)現(xiàn)以呋喃酮為母體的這一類結(jié)構(gòu)中較普遍地存在著 的氫遷移反應(yīng),而氫遷移得到的中間體(含兩個環(huán)外雙鍵的呋喃酮)并不穩(wěn)定,它會 進一步發(fā)生氫遷移或電環(huán)化反應(yīng)得到開鏈或環(huán)狀的共軛烯烴衍生物。第三部分:鈀和胺共催化的有機碘化物與聯(lián)烯 -醛的偶聯(lián)反應(yīng) 有機小分子催化是近年來備受有機化學家關(guān)注的

12、領(lǐng)域,如何結(jié)合有機小分子催 化劑及過渡金屬催化劑,在同一反應(yīng)中發(fā)揮它們各自不同的功能是一個十分有意義 的課題。這里我們初步研究了過渡金屬鈀和有機小分子胺共催化的有機碘化物與聯(lián) 烯-醛的偶聯(lián)反應(yīng)。在該反應(yīng)中聯(lián)烯的鈀碳化反應(yīng)得到-烯丙基鈀中間體,其接受被 胺活化了的醛的 -位的進攻得到環(huán)狀化合物。通過條件篩選發(fā)現(xiàn),二異丙胺和脯氨 酸都能有效的催化該反應(yīng),順反比為 1:71:11。對比實驗表明鈀和胺在該催化反應(yīng) 中缺一不可。關(guān)鍵詞:聯(lián)烯、鈀、交叉偶聯(lián)、 1, n-氫遷移、電環(huán)化The Coupling Cyclization Reaction Between 2,3-Allenoic Acids (

13、or Amides) and Allene or AlkynesZhenhua GuABSTRACTAllenes are a class of compounds with a 1,2-diene functionality possessing two mutally perpendicular -orbitals. This type of molecules has chirality when the two subsituents on both of the two terminal carbons are different to each other. Their confi

14、guration can be assigned based on Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rule. The unique reactivity of allenes is due to the presence of the two perpendicular -orbitals as well as the substituent-loading capability. The reaction site may selectively be any carbon atom of the three-carbon unit via the tuning of the rea

15、ction conditions and its substituents. In many cases, it is advantageous to use the allene unit as a retrosynthetic fragment. In addition, about 150 natural products containing an allenic or cumulenic structure are also known, which greatly stimulates the development of allene chemistry.The research

16、 program in our group is mainly on the cyclization of functionalized allenes. Recently, we have discovered an oxidative dimeric cyclization reaction of functionalized allenes, which would easily afford bicyclic compounds in one step. In this dissertation, I have focused on the design and development

17、 of the cross-coupling cyclization between two allenes, or allene and alkyne. Thus, the dissertation can be divided into three parts: Part I: The Coupling Cyclization Reaction between Two Allenes1. We have studied the oxidative dimeric cyclization of 2,3-allenoic acids. Three different sets of react

18、ion conditions: (a) n-C3H7I + O2, (b) KI + O2, and (c) benzoquinone, have been developed to regenerate the catalytic active Pd(II) species. We also studied the substituent effects of the oxidative dimeric cyclization reaction under these three systems.2. We realized the heterodimerization reaction o

19、f 2,3-allenamides and 1,2-allenyl ketones. Based on the previous study on the coupling-cyclization reaction of 2,3-allenamides with organic halides in this group, there are two cyclization patterns: one is the N-attack to form -lactams and the other is theO -attack to form furanimines. The NMR and X

20、-ray diffraction studies show that the reaction only afforded furanimine-type structures, the O-attack products. We also observed the formation of the homodimerization monohydrolysis product of 2,3-allenamides, whose structure was also determined by the X-ray diffraction analysis.3. We discovered an

21、d studied the cyclization of 2,3-allenoic acids in the presence of2,3- allenols. It is a new reaction pattern between two different type of functionalized allenes, in which (1) the catalytically active Pd(II) species would be regenerated “automatically” after the reaction and (2) two allenes functio

22、n differently, i.e., 2,3-allenoic acids form the butenolide skeletons while the 2,3-allenols introduce the 1,3-diene substituent to the -position of the butenolides formed. It is interesting when secondary alcohols were used the reaction afforded exclusively the E-products, which might be explained

23、via a - - process of the -allylic palladium intermediate. When optically active 2,3-allenoic acid was used as a substrate, the reaction afforded the product with partial racemization. Interestingly, the addition of an carboxylic acid, i.e., trifluoroacetic acid, could greatly inhibit the +- racemiza

24、tion of the products, which indirectly supported the formation of PdCl OH during the -hydroxide elimination process. We also studied the Diels-Alder reaction of the products with dienophiles.4. We have developed a cyclization reaction of 2,3-allenoic acids in the presence of simple allenes. The alle

25、nes used in the above three cyclization reactions are all functionalized ones. It is a challenge to couple with two allenes with completely different nature, such as2,3- allenoic acids and simple allenes. In the presence of LiBr, we successfully realized the coupling-cylization between 2,3-allenoic

26、acids and simple allenes affording highly selectively gave the Z-isomer. A plausible mechanism based on face-selective coordination of allenes was proposed to explain this Z-selectivity. The newly formed allylic bromide derivatives are useful synthetic intermediates, which could be further elaborate

27、d via the SN2 nucleophilic substitution with amine or sodium benzenesulfinate, the reduction of C-Br bond by NaBH4 and the CuBr?SMe2-catalyzed SN2-substitution with CH 3MgBr.Part II: The Coupling Cyclization Reactions Between 2,3-Allenoic Acids and Alkynes1. We have established a protocol of the pal

28、ladium-catalyzed coupling reaction of2,3- allenoic acids with propargylic carbonates forming -allenyl butenolides, in which the newly formed allene moiety does not undergo further transformation under the current coupling cyclization conditions. A survey of ligands showed that tri-(2-furyl)phosphine

29、 is the best for this reaction. It was observed there are serious substituent effects, i.e., the reaction of 2,3-allenoic acids with non-hydrogen substituents of -position withnon-terminal propargylic carbonates would give the preducts in very poor yields probably due to the high 1,3-strain of the p

30、roducts. We also studied the synthetic application of these -allenyl butenolides:(a) It is a challenge to synthesize poly- and fully- substituted benzene derivatives. The -allenyl butenolides would highly selectively react with electron-deficient alkynes to give poly- and fully- substituted benzene

31、derivatives.(b) We studied the highly regio- and stereoselective iodohydroxylation of -allenyl butenolides. Electrophilic additions of allenes are synthetically attractive since two functionalities are introduced in one step. However, the poor regio- and stereoselectivity greatly inhibit the applica

32、tion of this reaction. It is interesting to observed that the -allenyl butenolides would high selectively afford 4-3-hydroxy-2-iodoalk-1(Z)enyl-2(5H)-furanones in the presence of I2 and H2O. The regio- and stereoselectivity of this reaction may be controlled by the electronic and steric effects of t

33、he furanone ring.(c) We studied the -hydroxylation reaction of -allenyl butenolides. The -hydroxylation products could be easily cyclized in the presence of2 .I(d) We have discovered a cycloisomerization reaction of 1,2,4(Z),7-tetraenes, i.e. -allyl- -allenyl butenolides, for the synthesis of eight-

34、membered bicyclic compounds.The procedures are straightforward, the conditions (xylene, 100o C, 6 h) are mild, and the yields are high (up to 98% yield). In the presence of dienophile, i.e., 1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione, the reaction would highly selectively afford poly-cyclic products. When a propyl group

35、was induced to -position instead of the alllylic one, the reaction would give a new triene. When a benzyl group was induced to -position, the intermediate would afford a newsix-membered ring via 6 -electrocyclization. The deuterium-labeling studies show that the hydrogen of the alkyl group at alleny

36、l terminal involved in the isomerization process. We proposed that 1,5-H shift of the starting material would afford both E- and Z-intermediates. The E-intermediates would afford the eight-membered ring compounds via 8 -electrocyclization, while the Z-isomer could not. However, these two intermediat

37、escould be interconverted to each other via a double 1,7-H shift.2. We have studied the coupling cyclization reaction of 2,3-allenoic acids in the presence of electron-deficient alkynes. When methyl propiolate was used as substrate, the newly formed C=C double bond in the products was exclusively in

38、 their E-forms. However, both1:1 and 1:2 adducts were formed. After optimizing the reaction condition, 1:2 adductswere formed as the major products with the ratio up to 16:1. It is interesting that “-bond migration” was observed in the 1:2 adducts. After some mechanistic studies we believed that the “-bond migration ” product may be formed via double 1,7-H shifts of the normal 1:2 adducts. When 1-al


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