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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx(教師版)高一英語-定語從句(介詞加關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)定從)【精品文檔】定語從句精講精練介詞+關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)的定語從句第一部分 精講介詞+關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)的定語從句【知識(shí)點(diǎn)1】直接位于介詞之后的關(guān)系代詞只能是which或whom,構(gòu)成介詞+which(指物);介詞+whom(指人)兩種結(jié)構(gòu)。【例】The man to whom you talk just now is a famous runner.【例】The service which the students complain a lot should be improved.【例】He is a library ass

2、istant I borrowed some books.【例】It is a famous school he graduated 3 years ago.【例】The chair he is sitting now is made of wood.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)2】直接位于介詞后面的關(guān)系代詞不能省略,但如果將介詞移于句子末尾而不位于關(guān)系代詞之前時(shí),可省。【例】The man (who/that/whom) you talk to just now is a famous runner.【例】The service (which/that) the students complain about

3、a lot should be improved.【例】He is a library assistant (whom/that/who) I borrowed some books from.【例】It is a famous school (which/that) he graduated from 3 years ago.【例】The chair (which/that) he is sitting on now is made of wood.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)3】關(guān)系副詞when, where, why 可以相應(yīng)地轉(zhuǎn)化為:介詞+which結(jié)構(gòu)?!纠縏his is the house wher

4、e I lived two years ago.=This is the house in which I lived two years ago.【例】Do you remember the day when you joined our club?=Do you remember the day _you joined our club?【例】I dont know the reason why he said so.=I dont know the reason _ he said so.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)4】有一些動(dòng)詞短語中的介詞是固定搭配,不可以拆開,一般還是放在動(dòng)語之后,不提前:【例】He

5、is the student (who/whom/that) the teachers are looking for.【例】The number of the children (who/whom/that) she takes care of is 30.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)5】注意復(fù)雜介詞短語+which或whom引導(dǎo)的定語從句,是高考考查熱點(diǎn)?!纠縏hey finally climbed up the mountain, on top of which many strange birds were seen. 【例】Look at the photo. This is Mr. Green, s

6、it three students.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)6】不定代詞+of+ which/ whom 引導(dǎo)的定語從句可化為of+ which/ whom+ 不定代詞 結(jié)構(gòu);這也是高考??键c(diǎn)。其中用到的不定代詞有some, any, none, both, all, many, a few, few, a little, little, either, neither, one, 等等?!纠縏here are 40 students in our class, most of whom(=of whom most)like English.【例】These are books written by Mar

7、k Twain, one of which(= )was read to me by my father【例】She has two sons, _(=of whom neither)is a teacher.【例】She has many books, none of which( ) is interesting.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)7】關(guān)系代詞whose+名詞 引導(dǎo)的定語從句可轉(zhuǎn)化為 the+名詞+of+ which / whom 或 of+ which/whom+ the +名詞結(jié)構(gòu);of 表所屬關(guān)系?!纠縄 live in a room whose windows are all broken

8、.=I live in a room of which the windows are all broken.= I live in a room the windows of which are all broken.【例】This is my teacher _ handwriting is excellent.= This is my teacher _ is excellent.= This is my teacher _ is excellent.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)8】由介詞+關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)的定語從句,當(dāng)主從句主語一致時(shí),定語從句可縮略為:介詞+ which/whom+ to do 結(jié)構(gòu)?!纠?/p>

9、I have a small room in which I live in.=I have a small room in which to live.=I have a small room to live in.【例】He has a good friend to whom he can turn for help.=He has a good friend_.=He has a good friend to turn to for help.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)9】介詞后不一定只能接關(guān)系代詞,可能會(huì)接關(guān)系副詞,主要取決于介詞及句子意思。【例】He used to live in London, f

10、rom where he came .【例】He graduated from Beijing University in 1988, since when he has improved himself in all aspects.【知識(shí)點(diǎn)10】如何確定關(guān)系代詞前的介詞:將定語從句還原:構(gòu)成兩個(gè)搭配,即從句謂語部分與介詞的適當(dāng)搭配;介詞與先行詞的正確搭配?!纠縏he picture _which he paid $100 was once owned by a king.【析】定語從句謂語是pay some money;先行詞為the picture;還原句子即:He paid $100

11、 _ the picture.在本句中填上合適介詞;構(gòu)成短語:pay some money for something。【例】This is Tom Sawyer, _ whom his teacher is proud.【析】還原:His teacher is proud _ Tom Sawyer.構(gòu)成短語:be proud of?!纠緾an you think of a situation _ _ which this word can be used?【例】Im grateful to him for that advice, _ _ which I owed all my succe

12、ss.第二部分 精練介詞+關(guān)系詞專項(xiàng)練習(xí)選擇1On his 10th birthday Marty manages to escape from the zoo and gets onto the subway, _he believes that he can go to the wild.A. which B. from what C. through which D. that 2Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes_ people

13、 were eaten by the tiger.A. that B. by which C. which D. in which 3. I am grateful to him for that advice, _ I owe all my success.A. which B. that C. to which D. by which4The farmers use wood to build a house _to store grains all the year around.A. with which B. to which C. which D. in which 5Can yo

14、u tell me where Peter lives?Over there. The two- storey house, _there is a garden.A. near it B. from which C. in front of it D. in front of which 6Why does she always ask you for help?There is no one else_ ,is there?A. who to turn to B. she can turn to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn 7Is ther

15、e a gas station around_ _ I can get some petrol?A. which B. what C. where D. that8. The biggest hobby in American, the one Americans spend most time, energy and money, is gardening.A. thatB. whichC. on whichD. /9. Newton invented a new kind of telescope mirrors instead of lenses.A. which used B. in

16、which he usedC. that he used D. in that he used10. The Second World War millions of people were killed ended in 1945.A. thatB. whichC. during thatD. in which11.In fact the Swede did not understand the questions were asked in French.A. whereB. whoC. in whichD. which12. Antarctic we know very little i

17、s covered with thick ice all the year round.A. whichB. thatC. about whichD. where 13. The doctor is leaving for Africa next month.A. the nurse is talking to himB. whom the nurse is talkingC. the nurse is talking toD. who the nurse is talking14. The train she was travelling was late.A. whichB. whereC

18、. on whichD. in which15. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _ up to half will be from overseas.A) in which B) for whom C) with which D) of whom16. The beautiful dress Miss Jones went to the ball was borrowed.A. in whichB. worn by C. wearing whichD. that17. Can you lend me the book th

19、e other day?A. which you talkedB. that you talkedC. about that you talkedD. you talked about18. There are two small rooms in the house, served as a kitchen.A. the smaller of whichB. the small of whichC. the smaller of themD. smallest of which19. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the

20、 village _ he belonged A. to which B. which C. to where D. at which20. I remained in the office until 5:30 _ all the others had left.A. at which B when C. by which time D. that 填入“介詞關(guān)系代詞”1. The ship, _ the Europeans sailed to the American continent, was called the Mayflower.2. The family _ I stayed

21、in Rome is coming to England soon.3. He has written a book, the name_ I have completely forgotten.4. It is a family of 8 children, all _ are studying music.5. Can you suggest a time _ it will be convenient to meet?6. The town, _ they came, was in the north of the province.7. Here are some blouses, n

22、one _ suits me.8. The fur coat _ the lady was dressed was very expensive.9. The emperor, _ the palace was built, was very cruel.10. Little Peter had a dream _ he was taken to the amusement park.11. He spent a wonderful summer, _ he joined us in the camping trip.12. The money, _ he bought the bike, w

23、as given by his grandfather. 13. The buses, most _ were already full, left the school one after another.14. Ann White, _ we received the invitation, lives next door to us.15. The story, _ the film is based, is a true one.介詞填空 speed_ which you drive your car mustnt too high. the park there are many flowers, the color_ which is bright and nice.


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