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1、單項(xiàng)選擇匯編總分值 135 分 鹽城地區(qū)專用鹽都區(qū)( )1.Teachers always tell us to try to behonest student today anduseful man tomorrow.A. an;a B.an;anC.a;an D.a;a( )2.Don t worry.There is wrong with the TV set. It s oenr lcyubt.ecause of powA. somethingB.everythingC.anything D. nothing( )3.I don t knowhe will come or not th

2、is afternoon.( )4.Don t hurry him. You will just have to be and wait until he finishes the work.( )5.-Look!There is some fish s a waste -oWf feosohdo. uld A.sell it outB.drink it up C.eat it up D.put it out( )6.Mr Green devoted all the time he had the people.A.to serve B.to serve for C.to serving( )

3、7.There is no ticket left for Lang LangA.Either;or B.not only;but also C.Neither;nor( )8.-Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday?s piano concert.you your sister can go to it.D.Both;and-No,not at all! I was dead after four-hour hard training.A.so good as B.as good as C.as well as D.so well as(

4、)9.-What would you like to have for supper,Jack? -Either noodles or ri ceOK.I don t mind.( )10.Young people seem to be by fashion more easily now than in old days.( )11.That is an important bridge this old townNanjing.A.connect;to B.connect;with C.to connect;with D.connecting;to( )12.They all though

5、t difficult them to work with that serious man.A.it s ;to B.it;for C.it s ;of D.it;of( )13.The boss is unhappy Dick. He doesn t think Dick is suitable the job.A.with;for B.to;toC.with;withD.for;with( )14.Now more and more people prefer to in order to reduce the air pollution.A.to walk;driving B.walk

6、ing;drive C.walking;driving D.to walk;drive( )15.-Have you read the book Jane Eyre? Yes.It s a famous book and really worth ( )16. David, get up early, you ll mbisus.the earlyA. but B. andC. afterD. or( )17. - you go shopping with us now? - I d like to, but I can t. I have lots of work to do.A. Why

7、don t B. Why not C. What about D. How about( )18. , great changes have taken place in China.A. To our shame B. To our surprise C. At lastD. In the beginning( )19. I feel tired after such a long walk, so I want to drink tea.A. a bit of, a bit B. a little bit, a bit of( )20 When will you go shopping w

8、ith me?A Not until my housework is finishedC.After my housework will be finishedC. a bit, a little of D. a bit little, a bitB. Until my housework is finishedD As soon as my housework will be finished大豐區(qū)1. Have you seenfilm A Dogs Purpose ?, its quiteinteresting film full of loveA

9、. a, anB . the; theC . a; theI have bought a new book named Alice in Wonderland .No, tha nks . I have already bought.A . one; itJim, hurry up ,A . andB . it; oneC . one;one_ youll catch the early bus .B . butC . orWhen should I hand in my report , Mr Grace ?A . fini shesB . is fini shedC. will finis

10、hI want to see it aga in.D . the; anWould you like to readD . it; itD. soAs soon as itD . will be finishedMy gra ndmas hobby iscook ingwatch ing TV . Its square dancing .A . not only , but also B . neither,nor C .It was raining hard outside yesterday after noon ,A . si neeB . afterC .at home tha n p

11、lay footballA . stayB . stay ingC .To be healthy, I preferto school toI would rathertomorrow .both , and D . either, orso I did nt go outthe rain stopped .tillD . un tilIts too hot outside .to stayD . staysthe school bus .A . walk; takeB . walk ;takingC . walking ; taking D . walking ; takePard on?

12、I did nt hear.I said there was someth ing wrong with my computer .D . what to sayA . what did you say10 . Can you tell meA . whetherB . what I should say C . what you saidit will rain or not tomorrow ?11.B. ifC. thatwhe ngoing on a picnic with the classmates, Peter ? it will be fun .A . LetsB . What

13、 aboutC . Shall weD .Why not12 . In the PE class,some students are running around the playground , others are playing basketball .A . whe nB . beforeC . afterD . while13 . Eno ugh sleep is very importa nt for health . If you A . pick upB . stay upC . take up14 .won derful n ews program we are watchi

14、 ng!WhatB . HowC . What a15.阜寧縣1.8.for your favourite progrannes , you will feel sleepy in class .D . give upThe party here is very interesting .Thank you for inviting me .B . Dont me ntio n itC . Dont thank meAll rightUsually, it$ taasiakedecision than to take action .Why are you look ingA . awakeD

15、. How aWith pleasureB. /C. anin class all day? Because I canB . asleepC. sleepingD . thet finish my homework until eleven every nightD . sleepyHow much difficulty did you haveA . to solveB . solvedthis problem?C . solvi ngNone . Its quite easy .D . solvesAndy foundto be a host at the charity show .A

16、 . it s excited B . it excitedC . it s excginI know smok ing is bad for my health,A . forB . orI just canC . butD . it excit ingYeaht iips easier said tha n done .D .soThis piece of music is well worth . Many people like it very much .A . listenB . to listenC . listeningD .I finished my homework .Wh

17、e n did you go to bed last ni ght?A . UntilB . Not untilC . WhenJimliste ning toWhilehis cous in has bee n to America, but both of them know the country well .A .Not only, but alsoB.Both, andC.Neither, norD.Either, or9. As the New Year is coming, we havepreparation work to do .A .a great dealofB .a

18、great dealC .a number ofD.the number of10 . I never doubthis advice is of great value to me .A .thatB .whetherC .howD.what11. Wars are disasters A large nu mber of people will lose their homes if a war.A .breaks outB .is broken outC .breaks upD.is broken up12 . Our teachers often tell us we can t be

19、because no mistake is too small for usA .very carefulB .carefulC .so carefulD.too careful13 . I am getting weaker and weaker.?A . Why not spend more time with your friendsB . What about taking more exerciseC . Shall we write letters to each otherD . Why don t you eat less food14 . Thank you for shar

20、ing your ideas .A . It doesn t matterB . It sounds great C . Don t mention itD . It depends15 . Can you explain? Maybe you don t get eno ugh sleepA . why do I always feel tiredB . why I always feel tiredC . how much sleep do we n eed every dayD . how much sleep we n eed every day建湖縣1. When Tan Dun w

21、as very young, he showed interest in music.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Shanghai makes CIIE進(jìn)博會(huì)great success, winning high from all over the world.A. prideB. praiseC. promiseD. progress3. The most beautiful thing about learning is that can take it away from you.A. an ybodyB. somebodyC. everybodyD. n obody4.

22、 We are much sure to win any trade warour coun try.A. ofB. inC. aga instD. from5. great fun it is to go fish ing in the coun tryside at the weeke nd!A. WhatB. HowC. What a D. What an6. It is said that the nu mber of forest tow ns in Yan che ng to more tha n 30 so far.A. i ncreaseB. i ncreasedC. has

23、in creased D will in creased7. A lot of new roads in order to develop thevillages in the n ext five years.A. builtB. were builtC. buildD. will be built8. my friends I like playing computer games because we think it wastes time.A. Both; andB. not only; but alsoC. Either; orD. Neither; nor9. Many peop

24、le talk about“ Didi . I really wonder Just call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phone.A. how can I use itB. how I can use it C. why people use itD. why do people use it10. Mike has some difficulty the task by himself. Could you help him?A. finishB. finishingC. to finishD. fini shes11. I pr

25、omise I will work harder this term, Miss Li. Well, just as the saying goes, “ I do hope thteyou will act soon.A. It n ever rains but poursB. Many hands make light workC. Actions speak louder tha n wordsD. A friend in n eed is a friend in deed12. We don t know the love of our paren we become parents

26、ourselves one day.A. un tilB. thoughC. whe nD. since13. To engineers, a miss is a mile. They can t afford to make any mistakes.A. as good asB. as well asC. as many asD. as much as14. It doesn t need to be true! You can a story.A. set upB. stay upC. make upD. put up15. Thank you for tell ing me so mu

27、ch kno wledge about n ature. .If you have more questio ns, come to me any time.A. Don t mention it. B. No problem.C. That s right. D. Take it easy.明達(dá)中學(xué))1. KittyA. tried outfor the school volleyball team, but she failed at last.C. found outB. broke outD. look out)2. A:A. What )3. Spud Webb? B: The yo

28、ung man fell off his bike and hurt his leg.s oB. What s up C. What fors proudestcame in 1986. He won the Slam Dunk Con test.D. What aboutA. period)4. AfterB. timesD. mome ntC. poi nt,he worked as an acco untant in a small compa ny.A. his graduated B. he graduat ingC. he graduatedD. him graduati on)5

29、. Our team played quite well in the game a team from Beiji ng.B. aga inst)6. Your hair is too Ion g. I think you shouldA. have it cut B. have cut itC. have it cutt ingD. have cutt ing it.)7. The stude nts are very happy becausean art show tomorrow.A. toC. withD. attomorrow.A. there was B. there have

30、 bee n C. there will beD. there will have)8. A: How long have youthe scientist? B: For about a year.A. got to know B. knows)9. My teacher praised my desig n. He said I had a realC. knownD. bee n knownfor pain ti ng.A. giftB. prese nt)10. A: What art form do you like best? B:,Michael Jacks on is my h

31、ero.C. i nterestA. MusicB. Drama)11. Tan Dun is known B. for, forA. as, asC. Photographya world-famous composerC. for, asD. Filmhis music.D. as, for)12. A:A. How soon B. How long)13. My stude nts get boredA. inB. onis the opera going to start? B: In a minute. Everything is ready.C. How often D. How

32、fardoing too much homework. They n eed a rest.C. withD. for)14. The filmFeng Xiaoga ng is so famous that many stude nts like it.A. directs withB. directed by)15. Noth ing can make you learn En glish wellC. director ofD. direct ing foryou work hard at it.A. ifB. uni essC. un tilD. so亭湖區(qū))1. He hardly

33、worries about his En glish,A. doesn t he B. does heC. is heD. all right)2. Nowadays we can lear n a great deal ofabout the world through the Intern et.A. i nformatio nC. people)3. Father does nt allow the whole familyat all.C. smokeD. coun triesB. to smokeA. smok ing)4., my brother passed the exam.D

34、. smokesA. To my great surpris ingB. To my great surprise C. With my joyD. With my surprise()5. When shall I hand in my report? As soon as ittomorrow.A. will be fini shed B. will finishC. is fini shedD. fini shes()6. My grandma didn t go to sleepI got back homeA. whereB. un tilC. as soon asD. while(

35、)7. Thank you for giving us so many .A. adviceB. suggesti onsC. suggesti onD. advices()8. Each time the award music, we wouldthe composer.A. was prese nt, thi nk of B. was prese nted, think about C. was played, think of D. was play, think about()9. Wars are disasters. A large nu mber of people will

36、lose their homes if a war.A. is broke n outB. is broke n up C. breaks upD. breaks out()10. I can t befeBen has made much in Chinese.He works hard every day. He goes over Chin ese as ofte n as he can.A. progressB. promiseC. projectD. profile()11. I m afraid I ll fail the coming English exam. . We sti

37、ll have one week to prepare for it.A. That s not the case B. Don t lose heart C. That s too badD. Don t forget it()12. Her dog a car accident yesterday. It made her very sad.A. died awayB. died offC. died fromD. died out()13. youDaniel has to finish the report toni ght.Why not ask both? It will take

38、 much time.A. Either; or;B. Neither; norC. Not only; but also D. Both; and()14. The film was wonderful. Thank you for inviting me. . I m glad you like it.A. I agreeB. Don t mention it()15. I really wo nderA. what is the result of givi ng up smok ingC. how can I improve my knowledge of historyC. You

39、are right D. Thank you all the sameB. whether are red and white a perfect matchD. whe n our school will have the sports meet ing東臺(tái)市第七聯(lián)盟()1. The woma n in a white shirt isAfrica n America n. She playsguitar very well.A. a, theB. a, /C. an, theD. an, /()2. Though the work is very hard, he doesn t want

40、 toeasily.A. make upB. give upC. eat upD. get up()3. Michael Jacks on is one of the most famous pop stars. His songs are worthA. heari ngB. liste nC. liste ning toD. liste ning()4. Philip is n ever a modest pers on and he alwaysin front of his classmates.A. takes off B. shows offC. gets offD. turns

41、off()5.We can invite Daniel and Maria to Shanghai Disneyland with us. ? I ll give them a call right now.A. Why notB. What forC. WhyD. What()6. East or west, home is best. That s why more and more people prefertheir parents totravellduri ng holidays.A. visit ing; going B. visit ing; goC. to visit; go

42、ingD. to visit; go()7. He speaksEn glishFren ch. In stead, he speaks Chin ese.A. either, orB. not only, but also C. both, andD. n either, nor()8. Could you tell me if ittomorrow? Iat home if it.A. rains, will stay ,will rain B. will rain, stay, rainsC. will rain, will stay, rains D. rains, will stay

43、, rains()9. His advice is of great. I th ink it s well worth.A. value, take B. valuable, tak ing C. valuable, to take D. value, tak ing()10 Dan iel, could you tell me? Certai nly, in Tokyo.A. whe n the 2021 Olympics will be heldB. whe n will the 2021 Olympics be heldC. where the 2021 Olympics will b

44、e heldD. where will the 2021 Olympics be held()11. Thank you for pick ing me up on your way home, Jerry. . That is what friends are for.A. All rightB. Thank youC. Don t mention it D. It doesn t matter()12. The old man cancer.His made us very sad.A. died from; dead B. died of; dying C. died from; dyi

45、ngD. died of; death()13. What do you think of our football match? Won derful! Our football team has n ever playedA. worseB. betterC. moreD. louder()14. They always work, so theyhave time to liste n to music.A. hard hard B. hardly hardC. hard hardly D. hardly hardly()15 When will you go shopp ing wit

46、h me? .A. Not un til my housework is fini shedB. Un til my housework is fini shedC. After my housework will be fini shedD. As soon as my housework will be fini shed東臺(tái)市六校聯(lián)考-It sounds likeunu sual dream.D.a nanD. with1. -My dream is to builduni versity on the moon some day.A. a anB. an aC. a a2. Yello

47、w can remind you a warm sunny day.A. atB. toC. of3. -1 n ever expected you could offer such a report with in formati on. Thank you!-D on t men tio n it.A. a great deal of B. a fewC. a bitD. a large nu mber of4. She didn t go to bedher mother came back.A sinceB untilC whileD as soon as5. Mr wang ofte n en courage us _A getB gett


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