新概念二冊(cè) LessonA COLD WELCOMEPPT課件_第1頁(yè)
新概念二冊(cè) LessonA COLD WELCOMEPPT課件_第2頁(yè)
新概念二冊(cè) LessonA COLD WELCOMEPPT課件_第3頁(yè)
新概念二冊(cè) LessonA COLD WELCOMEPPT課件_第4頁(yè)
新概念二冊(cè) LessonA COLD WELCOMEPPT課件_第5頁(yè)
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1、Passage 9A cold welcome第1頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2 復(fù)習(xí)第2頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2飛機(jī)誤點(diǎn)了,偵探們?cè)跈C(jī)場(chǎng)等了整整一上午。他們正期待從南非來(lái)的一個(gè)裝著鉆石的貴重包裹。數(shù)小時(shí)以前,有人向警方報(bào)告,說(shuō)有人企圖偷走這些鉆石。當(dāng)飛機(jī)到達(dá)時(shí),一些偵探等候在主樓內(nèi),另一些偵探則守候在停機(jī)坪上。有兩個(gè)人把包裹拿下飛機(jī),進(jìn)了海關(guān)。這時(shí)兩個(gè)偵探把住門(mén)口,另外兩個(gè)偵探打開(kāi)了包裹。令他們吃驚的是,那珍貴的包裹里面裝的全是石頭和沙子!第3頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2 Warm up exercise(熱身練習(xí)):As we have seen TITANIC already:1

2、. Talk about the movie;2. Suppose now Jack is persuading Rose who intended to jump into the water at the end of the ship and try to save her from suicide.Role paly this episode in pairs you can also modifiy the conversation with your own words but remember to speak English.第4頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2Lead-in(導(dǎo)

3、入):Guess what the following countries are according to the hints:第5頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)Do you know about the country?France第6頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)Do you know about the country?Italy第7頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)Do you know the country?China第8頁(yè)/共34頁(yè) Do you know the country?USA第9頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)Do you know the country?Japan第10頁(yè)/共34頁(yè) Do you know the country?Aust

4、ralia第11頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)What is the name of the country? Do you know?Singaporethe Lion City.It is also calledIs it beautiful?第12頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)第13頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)Do you know about the country?the United Kingdom第14頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2第15頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-21. welcome v. to show someone you are pleased when they arrive.2.crowd n. a large n

5、umber of people第16頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-23. gather v. 1) to come together eg: A crowd gathered to watch the fight. 2) to bring together, to collect. eg: We gathered information for our project.第17頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-24. shout v. to speak very loudly5. refuse v. to say you will not do something you have been asked

6、 to do. eg: She refused to tidy her room.第18頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-26. laugh v. to make sounds to show that you are happy or think something is very funny.7. hand n. 1) the part of the body at the end of your arm. 2) needle A watch has three hands - the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.第19頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11

7、-2 第20頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)welcome n. 歡迎;v. 歡迎crowd n. 人群gather v. 聚集hand n. (表或機(jī)器的)指針shout v. 喊叫refuse v. 拒絕laugh v. 笑第21頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)hand n. (表或機(jī)器的)指針;手hour handminute handsecond handSecond-hand 二手的,舊的The shop sells second-hand second hand.第22頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2第23頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2 What does a cold welcome refer to ?第24頁(yè)/共34

8、頁(yè)2021-11-2第25頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2Fist listen and then answer the question:What does a cold welcome refer to?第26頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)A cold welcome On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in

9、 twenty minutes time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted. Its two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped! I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock re

10、fused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.第27頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2Answer these questions and recite the text according to these questions: 1 Where did we go on New Years Eve? 2 Were there a lot of people there or not ? 3 In how many minutes would the Town Hall clock strike twelve? 4 At what time did it stop? 5 Did it refuse to welcome the New Year or not? 6 What did the crowd do then?第28頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2Summary(小結(jié))1. Key words:welcome,crowd,gather,hand,shout,refuse,laugh 2. Key sentence: To express time 第29頁(yè)/共34頁(yè)2021-11-2


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