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1、上海巿房屋租賃合同制定上海市房屋土地資源管理局 上海市工商行政管理局二 008 年 4 月印制While all terms and con diti ons shall be based on the Chin ese vers ion of Tenancy Agreeme nt, this En glish vers ion shall be for refere nee only.上海房屋租賃合同SHANGHAI MUNICIPALITY TENANCY AGREEMENT(合同編號(hào):)(Con tract No. )本合同雙方當(dāng)事人:Parties to Con tract(出租)出租

2、人(甲方):Lessor (Party A):承租方(乙方):Lessee (Party B)根據(jù)中華人民共和國(guó)合同法、上海市房屋租賃條例(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng):條例) 的規(guī)定,甲、乙雙方在平等、自愿、公平和誠(chéng)實(shí)信用的基礎(chǔ)上,經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,就乙方承租 甲方可依 出租 (出租)的 商品房 (房屋/商品房)事宜,訂立本合同。In accorda nee with the Laws of Con tract of the People ' sRepublic of Chi na and the Tenancy Regulati ons of the Shan ghai Mun icipality (her

3、e in after referred to as “ the Provisions ” ), Party A and Party B,having reached an agreement based on the principles of equality, willi ngn ess and mutual ben efit, hereby en ter into this Con tract on matters in relati on to the Lease of the Property by Party A to Party B.一、出租房屋情況Con diti on of

4、the Lease or Pre-Lease Property1- 1甲方 出租(出租)給乙方的房屋座落在本市 (區(qū)/縣)路號(hào)(弄/新村)_ (號(hào)/幢)_室(部位)(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)該房屋)。該房屋 實(shí)測(cè) (【出租】實(shí)測(cè))建筑面積為平方米,房屋用途 住宅,房屋結(jié)構(gòu)為 鋼混。甲方已向乙方出示:Party A shall lease Party B the Property situated at , , (herein after referred to as “ the Property ” )The total gross area of the Lease Property shall be sq

5、uare meters, the purpose of the Land shall be for Consolidated Purpose , the type of Property shall be Residential Building , the structure shall be e floor pla n of the Property see Appe ndix 1 of this Con tract.Party A has already prese nted to Party B:1)【出租】房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證/房屋所有權(quán)證/滬房地產(chǎn)權(quán)證 市字;(證書(shū)編號(hào):Lease Shan

6、ghai Certificate of Own ership of the Property (Certificate No.).1- 2甲方作為該房屋的房地產(chǎn)權(quán)利人 (房地產(chǎn)權(quán)利人/代管人/法律規(guī)定的其他權(quán)利人)與乙方建立租賃關(guān)系。簽訂本合同前,甲方已告知乙方該房屋(已/未)設(shè)定抵押。Party A being the Owner of the Property and Party B have developed a lessor/lessee relati on ship. Before the sig ning of this Con tract, Party A has alread

7、y in formed Party B that the Property subject to a mortgage.1-3該房屋的公用或合用部位的使用范圍、條件和要求;現(xiàn)有裝修、附屬設(shè)施、設(shè)備 狀況和甲方同意乙方自行裝修和增設(shè)附屬設(shè)施的內(nèi)容、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及需約定的有關(guān)事宜,由 甲、乙雙方分別在本合同附件(二)、(三)中加以列明。甲、乙雙方同意該附件作為甲 方向乙方交付該房屋和本合同終止時(shí)乙方向甲方返還該房屋的驗(yàn)收依據(jù)。The area and the use of the public or com mon part of the Property; the existi ng fixtures,

8、 facilities, condition of equipment and the contents, standard and other releva nt matters to be ascerta ined in relati on to the fixtures and the facilities added by Party B with the consent of Party A shall be specified in Appendix 2, 3 of this Con tract. Party A and Party B have agreed the said A

9、ppe ndix shall represe nt the condition of the Property at the time of hand over of the Property by Party A to Party B and whe n Party B deliver up the Property to Party A at the expiry of this Con tract.二、租賃用途Purpose of the Property2- 1乙方向甲方承諾,租賃該房屋作為住宅 使用,并遵守國(guó)家和本市有關(guān)房屋使用和物業(yè)管理的規(guī)定。Party B warra nts t

10、o Party A that the Property shall be used for Residenand follows the regulations of the State and this Municipality in relation to the use and man ageme nt of Property.2- 2乙方保證,在租賃期內(nèi)未征得甲方書(shū)面同意以及按規(guī)定須經(jīng)有關(guān)部門(mén)審批核準(zhǔn) 前,不擅自改變上款約定的使用用途。Party B guarantee that during the lease term, it shall not alter the purpose

11、 of the Property without Party A sprior written consent as well as the approval from the releva nt gover nmen tal departme nt.三、交付日期和租賃期限D(zhuǎn)elivery Date and Lease Term3- 1甲乙雙方約定,甲方于 年月日向乙方交付該房屋?!境鲎狻糠课葑赓U期自年月日起至年月日止。Party A and Party B have agreed that Party A shall hand over the Property to PartyB befo

12、reLease The lease term of the Property shall be fromun til .3- 2租賃期滿,甲方有權(quán)收回該房屋,乙方應(yīng)如期返還。乙方需繼續(xù)承租房屋的,則 應(yīng)于租賃期屆滿前2個(gè)月,向甲方提出續(xù)租書(shū)面要求,經(jīng)甲方同意后重新簽訂租賃合 同。Upon expiry of the lease term, Party A shall have the right to repossess the Property in its en tirety and Party B shall deliver it up accord in gly. If Party B

13、 wishes to renew the lease, it shall submit such intent in writ ing to Party Atwo mon ths prior to theexpiry of the lease and sig n a new lease con tract with the consent of Party A.四、租金、支付方式和期限Rent, Method of Payme nt and Term4- 1甲、乙雙方約定,【出租】月租金人民幣()(大寫(xiě):)。該房屋租金_ (年)內(nèi)不變。自第 (年)起,雙方可協(xié)商對(duì)租金進(jìn)行調(diào)整。有關(guān)調(diào)整事宜由甲

14、、乙雙方在補(bǔ)充條款中約定。Party A and Party B have agreed that.Lease The total monthly rent shall be RMB Yua n.The rent shall rema in un cha nged for year. The rent may be adjusted by both parties through consultation commencing from year. Matters related to theadjustme nt shall be agreed by Party A and Party B

15、in suppleme ntary clauses.4- 2乙方應(yīng)于每月 日前向甲方支付租金。逾期支付的,每逾期一日,則乙方需按日租金的%支付違約金。Party B shall pay the rent by the of each mon th. Late payme nt by Party B shall be subject to a penalty of % of the monthly rent per day.4- 3乙方支付租金的方式如下:The rent shall be paid by Party B as follows:五、保證金和其他費(fèi)用Deposit and Othe

16、r Fees and Charges5- 1甲、乙雙方約定,甲方交付該房屋時(shí),乙方應(yīng)向甲方支付房屋租賃保證金,保證 金為貳個(gè)月的租金,即(人民幣貳萬(wàn)貳仟元整)。甲方收取保證金后應(yīng)向乙方開(kāi)具收款憑證。租賃關(guān)系終止時(shí),甲方收取的房屋租賃保證金除用以抵充合同約定由乙方承擔(dān)的費(fèi)用 夕卜,剩余部分一周內(nèi)無(wú)息歸還乙方。Party A and Party B have agreed that at the time of the hand over of the Property byParty A, Party B shall pay to Party A a rental deposit of the

17、Property, the deposit shall be Two mon ths of rent, that is ( RMB Curre ncy Twen ty-two thousa nd yua n.Party A shall issue a receipt to Party B after receiving payment of deposit.At the term in ati on of the lessor/lessee relati on ship, the rema ining deposit of the lease of the Property obtained

18、by Party A shall be refunded to Party B after setting off the fees and expe nses borne by Party B un der the Con tract without in terest withi n one week.5- 2租賃期間,使用該房屋所發(fā)生的水、電、煤氣、通訊費(fèi)用及ADSL安裝費(fèi)由乙方(甲方/乙方)承擔(dān)。其他物業(yè)管理費(fèi)、衛(wèi)星電視收視費(fèi)和現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的家庭會(huì)所卡兩 人,均由 甲方(甲方/乙方)承擔(dān)。Dur ing the lease term, the water, electricity, gas,

19、com muni cati on of the Property,ADSL usage fee and other fees resulted from the use of the Property shall be borne by Party B. All other man ageme nt fee, satellite TV in stallati on, on site clubmembership card shall be bor ne byParty A.5- 3乙方方/乙方)承擔(dān)的上述費(fèi)用,計(jì)算或分?jǐn)傓k法、支付方式和時(shí)間:根據(jù)上述企事業(yè)單位列出的帳單憑證支付,如不按期付款,

20、滯納金由乙方承擔(dān)。Party Bshall be responsible to pay the above fees and charges, thecomputation or amortization,method and time of payment: Accordingto thedema nd no tes, if delay ingpayme nt, Party B should be resp on siblefor thepen alty.六、房屋使用要求和維修責(zé)任Stan dard Required for Use of Property and Resp on sibil

21、ity of PropertyMaintenance and Repair6- 1租賃期間,乙方發(fā)現(xiàn)該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施有損壞或故障時(shí),應(yīng)及時(shí)通知甲方修復(fù);甲方應(yīng)在接到乙方通知后的 日內(nèi)進(jìn)行維修。逾期不維修的,乙方可代為維修,費(fèi)用由甲方承擔(dān)。During the lease term, if Party B discovers any damages or defects of the Propertyand facilities attached, it shall notify Party A immediately for repair. Party A shall carry out t

22、he repair withi n days after receiv ing no tificati on from Party B. Any delayin repair may be repaired by Party B on Party A' s behalf and the expenses incurredshall be borne by Party A.6- 2租賃期間,乙方應(yīng)合理使用并愛(ài)護(hù)該房屋其附屬設(shè)施。因乙方使用不當(dāng)或不合理 使用,致使該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施損壞或發(fā)生故障的,乙方應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)維修。乙方拒不維 修,甲方可代為維修,費(fèi)用由乙方承擔(dān)。During the lea

23、se term, Party B shall reas on ably use and take good care of the Property and the facilities attached. Party B shall be responsible to repair immediately the damages caused to the Property and/or facilities due to improper and un reas on able use by Party B. If Party B refuses to repair, Party A ma

24、y repair on its behalf and the expe nses in curred shall be borne by Party B.6- 3租賃期間,甲方保證該房屋及其附屬設(shè)施處于正常的可使用和安全的狀態(tài)。甲方 對(duì)該房屋進(jìn)行檢查、養(yǎng)護(hù),應(yīng)提前_日通知乙方。檢查養(yǎng)護(hù)時(shí),乙方應(yīng)予以配合。甲方應(yīng)減少對(duì)乙方使用該房屋的影響。During the lease term, Party A shall guara ntee the no rmal usable and safe con diti onof the Property and facilities attached. Pa

25、rty A shall notify Party B days inadva nee before carry ing out exam in ati on and maintenance works. Party B shall ren der cooperati on duri ng the exam in ati on and maintenan ce. Party A shall reduce the effect caused to Party B in using the Property.6-4乙方需裝修或者增設(shè)附屬設(shè)施和設(shè)備的,應(yīng)事先征得甲方的書(shū)面同意,按規(guī)定須 向有關(guān)部門(mén)審批

26、的,則還應(yīng)由甲方(甲方/甲方委托乙方)報(bào)請(qǐng)有關(guān)部門(mén)批準(zhǔn)后,方可進(jìn)行。乙方增設(shè)的附屬設(shè)施的設(shè)備歸屬及其維修責(zé)任由甲、乙雙方另行書(shū)面約 定。Except for Appe ndix 3 of this Con tract, before carry ing out any extra reno vati on or addition of facilities attached and equipment, Party B shall obtain the written consent of Party A and submit the same to the releva nt authori

27、ty for exam in ati on and approval in accordanee withthe regulations. The works could only be carried outupon completi on of the procedure of approval with the releva nt authority byPartyA . The responsibility of the maintenance of the added facilities by Party B shall be agreed by Party A and Party

28、 B in separate writte n agreeme nt.七、房屋返還時(shí)的狀態(tài)Con diti on of Property at Delivery Back7- 1除甲方同意乙方續(xù)租外,乙方應(yīng)在本合同的租期屆滿后的_日內(nèi)返還該房屋,未經(jīng)甲方同意逾期返還房屋的,每逾期一日,乙方應(yīng)按 向甲方支付該房屋占用期間的使用費(fèi)。Except for the ren ewal of lease agreed by Party A, Party B shall deliver up the Property withi n after the expirati on of lease term o

29、f this Con tract. Late deliveryof the Property without the consent of Party A shall be subject to a charge for adverse possessi on of the Property at time of rent per day.7- 2乙方返還該房屋應(yīng)當(dāng)符合正常使用后的狀態(tài)。返還時(shí),應(yīng)經(jīng)甲方驗(yàn)收認(rèn)可,并相 互結(jié)清各自應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)的費(fèi)用。The Property at the time of delivery up by Party B shall be of a condition a

30、fter normal use. The delivery up shall be exam ined and authorized by Party A and the fee and charges resp on sible by the parties shall be cleared at the time of delivery up.八、轉(zhuǎn)租、轉(zhuǎn)讓和交換Sublease, Assi gnment and Exchange8- 1除甲方已在本合同補(bǔ)充條款中同意乙方轉(zhuǎn)租外,乙方在租賃期內(nèi),需事先征得甲 方的書(shū)面同意,方同將該房屋部分或全部轉(zhuǎn)租給他人。但同一間居住房屋,不得分割 轉(zhuǎn)租。

31、Un less otherwise agreed in the suppleme ntary clauses of this Con tract, Party B shall obtain the written approval from Party A before it could sublease part or all of the Property to a third party during the lease term. Party B shall not sublease part of the Property or sublease to two lessees or

32、more tha n two lessees at the same time.8- 2乙方轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋,應(yīng)按規(guī)定與接受轉(zhuǎn)租方訂立書(shū)面的轉(zhuǎn)租合同。并按規(guī)定向該房 屋所在區(qū)、縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場(chǎng)系統(tǒng)受理處辦理登記備案。Whe n Party B subleases the Property, it shall en ter into a sublease con tract with the lessee in writi ng in accorda nee with the regulati ons. The sublease con tract shall be registered and

33、 filed with the Real Estate Trade Management Department or the Mi ni stry of Agricultural Systems where the Property is located.8-3在租賃期內(nèi),乙方將該房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓給他人承租或與他人承租的房屋進(jìn)行交換,必須 事先征得甲方書(shū)面同意。轉(zhuǎn)讓或交換后,該房屋承租權(quán)的受讓人或交換人應(yīng)與甲方簽 訂租賃主體變更合同并繼續(xù)履行本合同。During the lease term, Party B shall obtain the written consent from Party A

34、before assigning the Property to a third party for sublease or exchange the Property subleased by a third party. After the assig nment or excha nge, the assig nee of the Property or the party to the excha nge shall sig n the Con tract for the ame ndme nt of the lease and con ti nue to enforce this C

35、on tract.8- 4在租賃期內(nèi),甲方如需出售該房屋,應(yīng)提前三個(gè)月通知乙方。乙方在同等條件下 有優(yōu)先購(gòu)買(mǎi)權(quán)。若乙方無(wú)意購(gòu)買(mǎi)該物業(yè),本租賃合同繼續(xù)生效。During the lease term, if Party A shall sell the Property, it shall notify Party B 3 mon ths in adva nee. Party B shall have the priority to purchase un der the same con diti ons.九、解除本合同的條件Con diti ons for Termin at ing thi

36、s Con tract9- 1甲、乙雙方同意在租賃期內(nèi),有下列情形之一的,本合同終止,雙方互不承擔(dān)責(zé) 任:Party A and Party B have agreed that duri ng the lease term, this Con tract shall be term in ated un der any of the follow ing circumsta nces and both parties shall not be held resp on sible as a result thereof:(一)該房屋占用范圍內(nèi)的土地使用權(quán)依法提前收回的;The right t

37、o use of land withi n the scope of the Property was early resumed in accorda nee with the laws;(二)該房屋因社會(huì)公共利益被依法征用的;The Property was resumed for public in terests;(三)該房屋因城市建設(shè)需要被依法列入房屋拆遷許可范圍的;The Property has bee n classified as premises to be demolished accordi ng to the law for the n eed of tow n pl

38、a nning;(四)該房屋毀損、滅失或者被鑒定為危險(xiǎn)房屋的;Damages, fire hazards occurred to the Property or otherwise bee n classified dan gerous premises;(五)甲方已告知乙方該房屋出租前已設(shè)定抵押,現(xiàn)被處分的。Pen alty as a result of the mortgage created over the Property as no tified to Party B by Party A before the lease;9- 2甲、乙雙方同意,有下列情形之一的,一方可書(shū)面通知另

39、一方解除本合同。違反合同的一方,應(yīng)向另一方按月租金的倍支付違約金;給對(duì)方造成損失的,支付的違約金不足抵付一方損失的,還應(yīng)賠償造成的損失與違約金的差額部分:Party A and Party B have agreed that one party may term in ate this Con tract bywritten notice to the other party under any of the following circumstances. The partyin breach shall pay to the other party a pen alty of2 time

40、s of the rent per mon th; ifdamages is caused to the other party and the penalty is not sufficient to offset the damages of the other party, the party in breach shall also compensate for the differe nee betwee n the pen alty and the damages caused:(一)甲方未按時(shí)交付該房屋,經(jīng)乙方催告后_7_日內(nèi)仍未交付的;Party A fails to deli

41、ver up the Property accord in gly and rema in fail to deliver within 7 days after dema nd give n by Party B;(二)甲方交付的該房屋不符合本合同的約定,致使不能實(shí)現(xiàn)租賃目的的;或甲方交 付的房屋存在缺陷,危及乙方安全的。The Property delivered up by Party A falls short of the agreeme nt of thisCon tract, caus ing failure to realize the purpose of the lease

42、; or the Propertydelivered by Party A is defective and affects the safety of Party B;(三)乙方未征得甲方書(shū)面同意改變房屋用途,致使房屋損壞的;Party B alters the use of the Property without the written consent of Party A, caus ing damages to the Property;(四)因乙方原因造成房屋主體結(jié)構(gòu)損壞的;Damages caused to the main structure of the Property a

43、ttributable to Party B;(五)乙方擅自轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋、轉(zhuǎn)讓該房屋承租權(quán)或與他人交換各自承租的房屋的;Party B subleases the Property, assig ns the Property to or excha nges the Propertywith the third party without consent;(六)乙方逾期不支付租金累計(jì)超過(guò)壹月的;Party B fails to pay rent for over 1mon ths;十、違約責(zé)任Liabilities for Breach of Contract10- 1該房屋交付時(shí)存在缺陷的,

44、甲方應(yīng)自交付之日起的_日內(nèi)進(jìn)行修復(fù),逾期不修復(fù)的,甲方同意減少租金并變更有關(guān)租金條款。For defects exist at the time of delivery of the property, Party A shall perform the repair work within _ ays after the delivery, in the eve nt of delay and non-repair, Party A agrees to reduce the rent payable and alters the releva nt ren tal provisi ons.1

45、0- 2因甲方未告知乙方,該房屋出租前已抵押或產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)移已受到限制,造成乙方損失的,甲方應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)賠償。Party A shall be liable to compensation for loss incurred by Party B due to Party A' sfailure in notifying Party B of the restriction of the Property under mortgage orassig nment of in terests before the lease of the Property.10-3租賃期間,甲方不及時(shí)履行本合同約定

46、的維修、養(yǎng)護(hù)責(zé)任,致使房屋損壞,造成 乙方財(cái)產(chǎn)損失或人身傷害的,甲方應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任。During the lease term, if Party A fails to perform the duties of maintenance and repair un der this Con tract, caus ing damages or losses to the Property an d/or personal injuries to Party B, Party A shall be liable to compensation.10-4租賃期間,非本合同規(guī)定的情況,甲方擅自解除本

47、合同,提前收回該房屋的,甲 方應(yīng)按月租金的 _2倍向乙方支付違約金。若違約金不足抵付乙方損失的,甲方還應(yīng) 負(fù)責(zé)賠償。During the lease term, if Party A termi nates this Con tract and takes back the Property before the expirati on of the lease in any eve nt other tha n those stipulated in this Con tract, it shall pay to Party B a pen alty of_ times of rent pa

48、yable for the remaining days of the term. Party A shall be liable for compensation if the penalty is not sufficie nt to offset the losses suffered by Party B.10-5乙方未征得甲方書(shū)面同意或者超出甲方書(shū)面同意的范圍和要求裝修房屋或者增設(shè) 附屬設(shè)施的,甲方可以要求乙方恢復(fù)房屋原狀(恢復(fù)房屋原狀/賠償損失)。Party B has renovated the Property or added facilities attached to t

49、he Property without obtaining the written consent of Party A or outside the scope of the written approval of Party A, Party A may require Party B to restore the Property to its origi nal state.10- 6租賃期間,非本合同規(guī)定的情況,乙方中途擅自退租的,乙方應(yīng)按月租金的_2倍向甲方支付違約金。若違約金不足抵付甲方損失的,乙方還應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)賠償。甲方可從租賃保證金中抵扣。保證金不足抵扣的,不足部分則由乙方另行交付

50、。During the lease term, except for circumsta nces stipulated in this Con tract, if Party B withdraws from the lease without obtaining the approval of Party A. Party B shall pay a pen alty to Party A 2 times the rent payable for the rema ining days of the term.If the penalty is not sufficient to offs

51、et the loss suffered by Party A, Party B shall be liable to compensation. Party A may offset the amount from the deposit. If the deposit is not sufficie nt to offset the amount, the outsta nding amount shall be paid by Party B.十一、其他條款Other Clauses11- 1租賃期間,甲方需抵押該房屋,應(yīng)當(dāng)書(shū)面告知乙方,并向乙方承諾房屋抵押后當(dāng) 事人協(xié)議以折價(jià)、變賣(mài)方式

52、處分該房屋前叁十 日書(shū)面征詢(xún)乙方購(gòu)買(mǎi)該房屋的意見(jiàn)。During the lease term, if Party A shall require to mortgage the Property, it shall notify Party B in writing and guarantee to Party B that after the mortgage of the Property, Party B ' s opinion as to the purchase of the Property would be consulted in writ ing 30 days be

53、fore agreeme nt on method of disposal of the Property is reached.11- 2本合同自雙方簽字/簽字后即刻生效。生效后的15日內(nèi),由甲方負(fù)責(zé)按規(guī)定向房屋所在地區(qū)、縣房地產(chǎn)交易中心或農(nóng)場(chǎng)系統(tǒng)受理處辦理登記備案,領(lǐng)取房屋租賃登記 備案證明;本合同經(jīng)登記備案后,凡變更、終止本合同的,由甲方 (甲方/乙方)負(fù)責(zé)在本合同變更終止之日起的15日內(nèi),向原登記機(jī)構(gòu)辦理變更、終止登記備案手續(xù)。因甲方未辦理房屋租賃登記備案或變更、終止登記備案的,所引起的法律糾紛, 由甲方承擔(dān)一切責(zé)任。This Con tract shall take effect a

54、fter sig ned by both parties. Withi n 15 days of the sig ning of this Con tract, Party A shall be resp on sible to register with the Real Estate Trade Management Department or the Ministry of Agricultural Systems where the Property is located and obtain the Certificate of Lease upon registration: In

55、 cases of modificati on or term in ati on of this Con tract after the registratio n of this Con tract, Party A shall be resp on sible to register the modificati on or term in ati on with the original registration office within 15 days of such modification or termination. Any legal disputes arising f

56、rom the failure of Party A to register the Certificate of Lease or to register the modificati on or term in ati on shall be bor ne by Party A.11-3本合同未盡事宜,經(jīng)甲、乙雙方協(xié)商一致,可訂立補(bǔ)充條款。本合同補(bǔ)充條款及 附件均為本合同不可分割的一部分,本合同及其補(bǔ)充條款和附件內(nèi)空格部分填寫(xiě)的文 字與鉛印文字具有同等效力。Party A and Party B may through mutual consultation enter into the supplementary clauses on matters not stipulated in this Con tract. The Suppleme ntary clauses


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