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1、Now read the passage and compare youranswers withthe authorsQUESTIONDo you think animals have a culture? If yes ,give an example. What makes human bei ngs different from animais?A The ability to use toolsB The learning and sharing of behaviorC The use of language第1頁/共17頁第一頁,共17頁。content課文 lately soc

2、ial scientists have begun to ask if culture is found just in humans,or if some animals have culture too. When we speak of culture,we mean a way of life a group of people have in common.Culture includes the beliefs and attitudes we learn.It is the patterns of behavior that help people to live togethe

3、r.It is also the patterns of behavior that make one group of people different from another group.The first paragraph第2頁/共17頁第二頁,共17頁。content翻譯 最近最近, ,社會科學(xué)家們已經(jīng)開始問如果文社會科學(xué)家們已經(jīng)開始問如果文化是在人類身上發(fā)現(xiàn)化是在人類身上發(fā)現(xiàn), ,或者如果也發(fā)生在一些或者如果也發(fā)生在一些動物文化身上。當(dāng)我們談到文化時動物文化身上。當(dāng)我們談到文化時, ,我們指的我們指的是一種生活方式的一群人的共同是一種生活方式的一群人的共同(gngtng)(gng

4、tng)點。文化包括我們學(xué)到的信仰和態(tài)度。它的點。文化包括我們學(xué)到的信仰和態(tài)度。它的行為模式有助于人們共同行為模式有助于人們共同(gngtng)(gngtng)生活生活在一起。它也是行為模式在一起。它也是行為模式, ,讓一群人不同于另讓一群人不同于另一組。一組。The first paragraph第3頁/共17頁第三頁,共17頁。The second paragraph課文(kwn)翻譯(fny) Our culture lets us make up for having lost our strength, claws, long teeth,and other defenses.ins

5、tead,we use tools, cooperate with one another,and communicate in language. But these aspects of human behavior, or culture“ , can also be found in the lives of certain animals.我們的文化讓我們彌補了我們失去了的力量,爪子,長牙和其他防御。相反(xingfn),我們使用工具,互相合作,交流的語言。但是,這些方面的人類行為,或“文化”,在某些動物的生命的身上,也可以被發(fā)現(xiàn)。第4頁/共17頁第四頁,共17頁。The third

6、 paragraph文章We used to think that the ability to use tools was the diving line between human beings and other animals. Lately, however,we have found that this is not the case. Chimpanzees can not only use tools but actually make tools themselves. 翻譯我們習(xí)慣于認為(rnwi),使用工具的能力是潛藏在人類與其他動物之間。然而,最近我們發(fā)現(xiàn)情況并非如此。

7、黑猩猩不僅能使用工具,但實際上它們本身也制造工具。第5頁/共17頁第五頁,共17頁。CONTENTSThis is a majoy step up from simply picking up a handy object and using it. For exemple,chimps have been stripping the leaves and twigs off a branch,then putting it into a termite nest.When the termites bite at the stick,the chimp removes it and eats

8、 them off the end-not unlike our use of a fork!這是一個生產(chǎn)臺階這是一個生產(chǎn)臺階,從簡單地揀起一個方便從簡單地揀起一個方便的對象的對象,并使用它。為例并使用它。為例,黑猩猩已經(jīng)被剝奪黑猩猩已經(jīng)被剝奪了枝葉間的一個分支了枝葉間的一個分支,然后把它變成白蟻巢。然后把它變成白蟻巢。當(dāng)白蟻咬棒當(dāng)白蟻咬棒,這只黑猩猩刪除這只黑猩猩刪除(shnch)它它并且吃掉它們推到了并且吃掉它們推到了不像我們使用叉不像我們使用叉子子!第6頁/共17頁第六頁,共17頁。content課文 For some time we thought that although huma

9、n beings learned their culture,animals could not be taught such behavior. Or even if they could learn,they would not teach one another in the way people do.This too has proven to be untrue.A group of japanese monkeys was studied at the Kyoto University Monkey Centre in japan.They were given sweet po

10、tatoes by scientist who wanted to attract them to the shore of an island.The fourth paragraph第7頁/共17頁第七頁,共17頁。content翻譯 一段時間我們認為,盡管人類學(xué)習(xí)他們的文化,動物不能教這樣的行為。甚至如果他們可以學(xué)習(xí),他們不會互相教人們在做。這也已經(jīng)被證明是不真實的。一群日本猴子在京都大學(xué)(jn du d xu)研究中心在日本的猴子。他們被賦予的甜土豆的科學(xué)家想吸引他們到岸上的島。The fourth paragraph第8頁/共17頁第八頁,共17頁。CONTENTSOne day a

11、 young famale began to wash her sweet potato to get rid of the sand.This practice soon spread thoughout the group.It became learned behavior,not from humans but from other monkeys.Now about all monkeys who have not come into contact with this group do not.Thus we have aculturaldifference among anima

12、ls.一天一個年輕的女性開始洗她的甜土豆來一天一個年輕的女性開始洗她的甜土豆來消除沙子。這種做法很快蔓延的所有組。消除沙子。這種做法很快蔓延的所有組。它成為學(xué)習(xí)行為它成為學(xué)習(xí)行為,不是來自人類不是來自人類,而是來自其而是來自其他猴子?,F(xiàn)在他猴子?,F(xiàn)在(xinzi)所有的猴子沒有接所有的猴子沒有接觸到這組。因此我們有一個觸到這組。因此我們有一個“文化文化”之間之間的差異的動物。的差異的動物。第9頁/共17頁第九頁,共17頁。CONTENTS文章(wnzhng)翻譯(fny) We have ruled out tool use and invention as ways of telling a

13、nimal behavior from human behavior.We have also ruled out learning and sharing of behavior. Yet wet still have held onto the last feature-language.But even the use of language can no longer separate human curture from animal culture.Attempts to teach apes to speak have failed.我們已經(jīng)排除了使用工具和發(fā)明的方法告訴動物行為

14、的人類行為。我們也排除了學(xué)習(xí)和分享行為。然而濕還持有(ch yu)的最后一個特性語言。語言的使用可以讓人類文化和動物文化不再分開。試圖教猩猩說話已經(jīng)失敗了。第10頁/共17頁第十頁,共17頁。CONTENTSHowever,this is because apes do not have the proper vocal organs.But teaching them language has been very successful if we are willing to accept other forms than just the spoken word.Two psycholog

15、ists trained a chimpanzee named Washoe to use Standard American Sign Language.然而然而,這是因為猿沒有適當(dāng)?shù)陌l(fā)聲器官。但教他這是因為猿沒有適當(dāng)?shù)陌l(fā)聲器官。但教他們語言非常們語言非常(fichng)成功成功,如果我們愿意接受其如果我們愿意接受其他形式不僅僅是口頭的。兩位心理學(xué)家名叫華秀他形式不僅僅是口頭的。兩位心理學(xué)家名叫華秀訓(xùn)練一只黑猩猩使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的美國手語。訓(xùn)練一只黑猩猩使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的美國手語。第11頁/共17頁第十一頁,共17頁。content文章This is the same language usd by dea

16、f people.In this language,talkis made through gestures,and not by spelling out words with individuai letters.By the time she was five years old,Washoe had a vocabulary of 130 signs.Also,she could put them together in new ways that had not been taught her originally.This means she could creat languag

17、e and not just copy it.She creates her own sentences that have real meaning.This has allowed two-way talk.It permits more than one-way command and response.The fifth paragraph第12頁/共17頁第十二頁,共17頁。content翻譯這是同一種語言的美元聾人。在該語言中,“交談”是由通過手勢,而不是由拼寫出單詞與獨特的信件。當(dāng)她五歲的時候,有一個130年的公共詞匯跡象。同時,她可以將它們組合(zh)在一起以新的方式,沒有教她

18、最初。這意味著她可以創(chuàng)造語言,不是復(fù)制它。她創(chuàng)建了她自己的句子,有真實的意義。這使得雙向交談。它允許超過單向命令和響應(yīng)。The fifth paragraph第13頁/共17頁第十三頁,共17頁。The sixth paragraph課文(kwn)翻譯(fny) Of course,there are limits to the culture of animals. As far as we know,no ape has formed social institutions such as religion,law,or economics.Also,some chimps may be able to learn sign language;but this form of language


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