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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 牛津譯林版七年級英語下學(xué)期期末試卷 第卷(選擇題80分)一、聽力(共20小題,每小題1分,計20分。)A) 聽對話回答問題(聽兩遍)( ) 1. What is Alices mothers job? A B C( ) 2. What is the boy going to do? A BC( ) 3. Which animal can help people? A. B. C. ( ) 4. When is Toms birthday?A B C( ) 5. What is the mans T-shirt made? A. Its made in Nanjing

2、. B. its made of cotton. C. its made of wool.( ) 6. When does Jacky run? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.( ) 7. Where are they? A. In a bookshop. B. In a museum. C. In a library.( ) 8. Whats Simons telephone number?來源 A. B. . C. .( ) 9. Which floor is Lilys classroom on? A.

3、 On the sixth floor. B. On the ninth floor. C. On the tenth floor ( )10. How often does Tom write to his penfriend? A. Once a year. B. Once a month. C. Once a week.B) 聽對話和短文回答問題(聽兩遍)聽第一段對話,回答第11-12小題。( ) 1l. What day is it today? A. Friday. B.Sunday C. Saturday.( ) 12.Why does the girl care about to

4、morrows weather? A. Because she wants to fly to another city. B. Because she wants to visit her good friends. C. Because she wants to fly kites in the park.聽第一篇短文,回答第1315小題。Nicks familyfromNick is from EnglandsubjectNicks favourite subject is 13 sportsNick likes 14 bestfamilyThere are 15 people in N

5、icks family ( ) 13. A. Maths B. English C. Chinese( ) 14. A. running B. swimming C. skating( ) 15. A. 5 B.7 C.9聽第二篇短文,回答第1620小題。( ) 16.When did the girl find the rabbit? A. Last Christmas Day. B. Last National Day. C. Last New Years Day( ) 17. Who didnt let her keep the rabbit at first? A. Her teach

6、er. B. Her parents. C. Her grandma. ( ) 18. How many brothers and sisters does she have? A. One. B. None. C. Two.( ) 19. How does she feel when shes with the rabbit? A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Angry.( ) 20. What does the girl wish her parents to do? A. To sell it. B. To treat it kindly. C. To kill it.二、單項

7、選擇(共15小題,每小題1分,共15分。)( ) 21. My son seldom has breakfast. It is unhealthy habit. You must ask him to change it. A. /; an B. the; an C. /; a D. the; a( ) 22. Here are three books on history. Which one would you like to borrow? 一_. You see, Im interested in geography these days. A. All B. None C. Both

8、 D. Each( ) 23. Shall we listen to Sun of the Season again? Yes. How soft and beautiful it _! A. listens B. hears C. looks D. sounds( ) 24. My uncles dog was in the garden. I saw him _ under the tree. A. to lie B. lying C. lied D. is lying ( ) 25. Have you got the _news about the World Cup? Yes, Im

9、so _ because my favourite team has won again. A. exciting; exciting B. excited; excited C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting( ) 26. _weather! Shall we go to the park? _. Lets go. A. What a fine; Sounds great B. What fine; Sounds great C. What a fine; Youre right D. What fine; You are right( ) 2

10、7. Can you_ a tent by yourself ? Sorry . Its a little difficult for me. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. put out( ) 28. Dad, why should I stop _ computer games? For your health, my boy, Im afraid you _. A. to play; must B. playing; have to C. to play; can D. playing; may( ) 29. How much do you usu

11、ally _ on food and clothes every month? About ¥600. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay ( ) 30. Look! There are people in the supermarket. A. two thousands of B. thousand of C. two thousand of D. thousands of( ) 31. Summer holiday is coming ! _ will you go to Hainan for a trip ? In a few weeks. A. How l

12、ong B. How far C. How soon D. How often( ) 32. Excuse me! You cant take photos hereLook at the sign. It says “NO PHOTOS” Sorry,I _ see it and I _ do it. A. didnt; wont B. dont; wont C. wont; wont D. dont; dont( ) 33. Is the computer ? We dont have to buy it . A. enough cheap , enough money B. cheap

13、enough , enough money C. enough cheap , money enough D. cheap enough , money enough ( ) 34. Theres milk in the fridge. Lets go to buy some . A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ( ) 35. I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory last Sunday. Why didnt you tell me earlier? A. You did? B. I hope so. C

14、. Have a good time.D. Its kind of you.三、完形填空(共15小題,每小題1分,共15分。) 閱讀下文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的四個選項中選出一個最佳答案。Miss Hunt is a beautiful girl. Her father 36 two years ago and her mother made a terrible mistake and was sent to the prison(監(jiān)獄). She began to live a 37 life. When she 38 her middle school, she couldnt g

15、o on studying. Her uncle found a job for her. Mr Baker, a rich shopkeeper, hired(雇傭) her. Her work was to clean the rooms and sweep the floors. She tried her 39 and worked hard. Mrs Baker liked her and paid her 40 than the other cleaners.It was Sunday. Mr Baker was reading and Mrs Baker was watching

16、 TV in the sitting room. The girl 41 and said, “Im 42 , Mrs Baker. I have to tell you I cant work for you any longer. I .” It 43 Mr and Mrs Baker. The woman asked, “What makes you say that? Arent we 44 to you?” “Yes, you are, madam,” the girl said. “Do you find a piece of 45 work?” Mrs Baker asked.

17、“No, I dont,” Miss Hunt said,“46 I dont think you trust(相信)me.” “No, youre 47 , Miss Hunt,” said Mr Baker. “I always think you are a 48 girl. And I often leave my 49 in my office.” “It was true that you often left the keys in your office,” said the girl. “But I could use none of them to 50 the safe(

18、保險箱)!” “Well,” said Mrs Baker. “You can go right now!”( ) 36. A. hurt B. died C. slept D. fell( ) 37. A. boring B. happy C. easy D. hard( ) 38. A. finished B. stopped C. end D. over( ) 39. A. better B. good C. best D. well( ) 40. A. much B. more C. little D. less( ) 41. A. looked out B. came in C. j

19、umped into D. ran away( ) 42. A. glad B. happy C. pleased D. sorry( ) 43. A. excited B. interested C. surprised D. worried( ) 44. A. friend B. bad C. kind D. cold( ) 45. A. bad B. better C. well D. badly( ) 46. A. so B. if C. but D. or( ) 47. A. wrong B. right C. real D. really ( ) 48. A. good B. te

20、rrible C. lazy D. forgetful( ) 49. A. bags B. keys C. safe D. husband ( ) 50. A. find B. make C. close D. open四、閱讀理解(共15小題,每小題2分,共30分。)ANoBooksAuthors(作者)Price1Fruits and Our HealthP. H. Francis$17.502Successful planting in the gardenMark Brown$19.773A handbook for Taiwans National ParksJackson Fish

21、er$32.004Modern American HistoryThomas Birdsall$11.535Taking care of your rabbitHelen Piers$5.39( ) 51. Kelly wants to visit Taiwan next month. She needs to buy _. A. Fruits and Our Health B. Successful planting in the garden C. A handbook for Taiwans National Parks D. Modern American History( ) 52.

22、 How much is Taking care of your rabbit? A. $19.77. B. $17.50. C. $11.53. D. $5.39.( ) 53. Who is the author of Modern American History? A. Thomas Birdsall. B. Mark Brown. C. P. H. Francis. D. Helen Piers.(B)Jyoti Amge , an Indian girl, is the worlds smallest woman. She is only 0.628 metres tall. Sh

23、e is small, but her dream is great. On her 18th birthday in 2012, she shared the good news with others. She would act in two movies. Jyoti is the youngest of the five children in her family. She stopped growing after her first birthday. Because of her size, Jyoti has special clothes and jewellery(珠寶

24、首飾). She even has her own desk and chair in a regular(普通的)school. Jyoti also loves movies and fashionable dresses like others. Before 18, she acted in a music video along with a famous Indian singer. Jyoti said, “ Im just the same as other people. I eat like you, and dream like you. I dont feel I am

25、 different.”( ) 54. How old is Jyoti Amge in 2013? _ A. 16 years old B.17 years old C.18 years old D. 19 years old ( ) 55. How many sisters and brothers does she have? _ A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. we dont know ( ) 56. Jyotis _is (are) not different from others. A. clothes B. jewellery C. chair D. school( ) 5

26、7. What did Jyoti do before 18? _ A. She acted in a music video B. She played in two movies C. She sang a song in a movie D. She made special clothes for herselfCMy name is Ben. I live with my brother, mother and father in an flat. There are 27 floors in the tall building. My apartment is on the top

27、 floor. My father has a car .He parks it in the basement(地下室)of the building. Our apartment is not in the centre of the city. It is 4 kilometers from the centre. My father works in the city, so he goes to work by train every day. He doesnt often drive his car. He uses his car only at weekends. He ta

28、kes us into the country or to the beach on Saturdays or Sundays. Our apartment has three bedrooms. There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my brother. There is also a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom in the apartment. We do not have a garden, but there is a small ba

29、lcony. There are some plants on the balcony.( ) 58. Where is Bens apartment? _A. Twenty-seven kilometers from the centre of the city. B. In the centre of the city.C. In the country. D. Four kilometers from the centre of the city.( ) 59. Where does Bens father work? _A. In the park. B. In the city. C

30、. In the country. D. At home.( ) 60. Which floor do Bens family live on? _A. The 27th floor. B. The 4th floor. C. The 9th floor. D. The ground floor.( ) 61. Where does Bens family grow flowers? _A. In the garden. B. In the kitchen. C . On the balcony. D. In the living room.DMusic can be a great powe

31、r (力量) to change peoples lives. Regina del Carmen Sanchez, 14, always believes this. The girl from Kansas City, US, leads a hard life. She lives in a small house with her mom and grandparents. Her mom gets a very low pay.But it doesnt stop Sanchezs love of music. She wrote her first song Keep Your H

32、ead Up when she was 12. It described the bad situation(情況) at her home, but it also sent the message of hope: “My house is old and poor, but it beats (勝過) being homeless Love yourself and never give up. Youll see a better life if you keep your head up”It took Sanchez several months to finish the son

33、g. Sometimes during a break in class, when lyrics (歌詞) came into her head, “I would have to write them down right then,” she told the local newspaper The Kansas City Star.Jeremy Lillig was a spokesman for Bright Futures, a charity fund. When he saw the video of the song, he was moved. He shared it t

34、hrough social media (社交媒體). The fund has provided money for poor students in Kansas City.Now Sanchez often plays the song in public. “I want to help people understand what is happening in the world in an easy way,” she said.( ) 62. There are people in Sanchezs family. A. three B. four C. five D. six

35、( ) 63. Whats true about Keep Your Head Up? _ A. It was written two years ago. B. It showed a feeling of hopeless. C. It described the good situation of a house. D. It took Sanchez several weeks to write the song.( ) 64. The word “moved” can be replaced (代替) by . A. surprised B. interested C. touche

36、d D. excited( ) 65. The best title of the passage can be . A. A girl and her song B. Poor home is better than being homeless C. Charity changes the girls life D. Lets support poor students.第卷(非選擇題60分)五、詞匯運(yùn)用(共10小題,每小題1分,共10分。)根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給漢語提示或英語單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(每空一詞)66. My flat is on the _ floor. (二十) 67.

37、 The baby panda _ 20 grams now. (重)68. I am _ how I can change the water without taking the fish out. (琢磨)69. The moonlight shines _ the window. (穿過)70. You can find much _about MH370 on the Internet.(信息)71. Mrs Lee _ to my e-mail yesterday. (reply)72. His drawing is _ than Lucys. (good)73. When Jan

38、e woke up after a dream,she found _under the bed.( she)74. The cookbook is one of the famous _? (cook)75. _a car stopped in front of me and came out two people.(sudden)六、任務(wù)型閱讀(共10小題,每小題1分,共10分。)閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填寫表格。(每空限填一詞) Good morning, boys and girl. Today Ill give a talk about going online. We know

39、that there are too many net bars around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable(令人愉快的). Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer. We can learn English and read some newspapers and magazines to know more around us. It can make us clever

40、 in playing computer games. Also when we can send e-mails to our friends, they can get them at once. It can help us contact(交流) people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. Some girls even get to hav

41、e boyfriends or some boys get to have girlfriends online. They write too many letters to each other. It takes them too much time to chat online so they do worse in their lessons and they dont study well any more. I think we mustnt get online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or

42、 winter holidays. I think we should get online with our teachers or parents. At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some activities after school. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon . You can play basket ball or football. We also have some interest groups

43、 in school, such as drawing, singing and dancing. We can go to the English corner on Monday afternoon. We hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet. Title: A 76 about going online。Advantages(優(yōu)點(diǎn)) Make our lives interes

44、ting and make us 77 our lives. Learn how to use the computer and can get more information. Send e-mails to our friends 78 . Help us get in touch with people from 79 the world.Disadvantages(缺點(diǎn)) It 80 too much time to play computer games. Some students write too 81 letters to each other and spend too

45、much time 82 online so they do worse in their lessons. 83 Do it in summer or winter holidays; do some 84 activities and have some 85 groups in school.七、缺詞填空(每空一詞。共10小題,每小題1分,共10分。)In 2013, the most p 86 TV program must be Dad, where are we going .most of people fell in love with five lovely children

46、 ,and were moved by their childishness.(童真).Five star-daddies took care of them w87 mothers help. They took us to visit many wonderful places in our country by w 88 the program.Do you like Kimi? He is just four years old .He is a boy, b89 he is quite shy .His daddy is a superman in his heart.Angela is a smart girl.She likes eating so much.That is w 90 she looks a bit heavy. She is very polite to ask others for h 91 when she has problems.Cindy is a beautiful girl .


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