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1、人教版九年級英語專題練習一詞匯及短語I.根據句意及首字母或漢語提示完成單詞。l.-I don't want to go to the movie.-N do I.2. If we work hard together, our actions can make a d to the world and leadto a better future.3. Look! There are many b on the lake.4. Beidaihe River is a w place to go to take summer holiday.5,What*s the p of China

2、? 一About 13,000,000.6. -Have you s my bike? - Yes. I saw it behind the classroom.7. Our foreign teacher is an I.He said it was very hot in India.8. Tm going to give my brother a football as a birthday p.9. With his help, I have made great p in my subjects.10. The dancer felt a bit n in her first per

3、formance.11. Qian Xuesen is one of(優(yōu)秀的)scientists.12. Taking care of the(環(huán)境)is taking are ourselves.13. Noise is unpleasant(尤其)when you are trying to sleep.14. Many students want to be(志愿者)for the Asian Winter Games in Changchun.15. The air is much(稀?。﹐ver5,000 meters above the sea.16. They(籌集)1,200

4、 yuan for charity yesterday.17. It is very relaxing for me to(躺)on a soft sofa after a long time study.18. He didn't know what was(發(fā)生)outside.19. Can you(組織)the games for the class party?20. The teacher has(檢查)my homework twice already.n.用所給單詞的適當形式填空。1. The(able)won't feel that lonely ifever

5、yone can do something to help them2. These clothes are very cheap. They are(expensive).3. While the alien was(visit)the museum,the boy called the TV station.4. In English, I'm(good)at reading than listening.5. For many young people, becoming a(profession)athlete might seem like a dream job.6.1 h

6、ear a great(science )who will give us a talk tomorrow.1.1 think I can do all the housework by(I).8. Computers cant take the place of(human)completely.9. We must try our best to save water and(electric).10. Would you like to go(skate)with this weekend?11. There are(hundred)of people on the ground.12.

7、 (predict) the future can be difficult13. There(be) heavy rain the day after tomorrow.14. Tom was(clean ) his room when his mother came in.5. What(happen)to the boy when you saw him yesterday?16. She answered me(polite) yesterday.17. Several(skate)are still skating.18. If she(come)tomorrow,ril be ha

8、ppy.19. Family members always get together to enjoy(they)on Mid-autumn Day.20. Tom has a pet dog(call) Connie.HI.用適當的介詞填空。1. You'd better not go the forest. Its dangerous.2. Which room are you going to live?3. The building is fire. There are some people the top floor.4. Before 2.000 there was no

9、 airline the two cities.5. It's not good to come late school.6. Whafs wrong your bike?7. Thank you very much coining to see me.1.1 couldn't finish it your help.9. Donft laugh others mistakes.10. Do the twins look their father?11. -How do you usually come to school every day?Sometimes bike, s

10、ometimes foot.12. The teacher told us the moon travels the earth.IV.單項選擇。1. -When would you like to go swimming with me, this Friday or this Saturday?-. I am free only this Sunday.A. None B. Both C. Either D. Neither2. The chicken soup very delicious, all the children like it a lot.A. tastes B.sound

11、s C. looks D. feels3. Before making an important,we had better think it over and over.A. direction B. suggestion C. decision D. culture4. If you are in good, you will find you can study or work better.A. timeB. spiritsC. rolesD.senses5. The young man is a here, so he knows little about this city.A.

12、friendB.strangerC. monitorD. husband6. The bus was very crowded at that moment and all the felt terrible.A. person B. passengersC. sleepers D. guests7. Santaishan Forest Park is beautiful that it has become a hot tourist attraction.A.so B. veryC. suchD. quite8. His grandfather lives in the village b

13、y himself but he never feels becausehe often goes to visit his old friends when he is free.A. alone B. lonely C. common D. lively9. Tim often spends too much time playing computer games. As a result, he themath exam last week.A. fail B. fell C. felt D. failed10. -The local food may taste a bit stran

14、ge.Well,we are here, why not give it a try?A. though B.unless C. since D. becauseV用方框中所給詞組的適當形式填空。get on with, be afraid of, hang out with, compete with, be good for, fall asleep,pick up, call up, pay for, come true1 . Mary is a very shy girl and she talking with others.2 Do you often your friends o

15、n weekends?3.1 think it's good for kid to each other?4. Eating vegetables and fruit your health.5. Mike is easy-going and he is easy to.6. She didn't the phone when I called her.7. He is under too much pressure, so he can't at night.8. John wanted to be a policeman when he was young. But

16、 his dream never9. -Who'll your piano lessons?-Me. of course. I will get a part-time job.10. Please me there is something important.VI.根據漢提示完成句子,每空一詞。1 .媽媽打電話時我正在寫作業(yè)。I was doing my homework my mother on the phone.2 .我的問題是不能跟家人和陛相處My problem is that I canft my family.3 .你能想象那有多奇怪嗎?Can you how it

17、was?4 .盡管他們很累,但沒有停止工作They were very tired, but they didn't.5 .湯姆到學校的時候我正在跑步。I when Tom school.6 .安辿說他會帶一些飲料去參加那個驚喜聚會的。Andy said he some drinks to that7 .首先,讓我們翻開課本。,Let's open our books.8 .我的英語老師總是盡力把我最好的一點表現(xiàn)出來。(bring)My English teacher always tries her best the best in me.9 .多鍛煉,就能保持健康。You

18、can be if you do more exercise.10 .如果我不完成作業(yè),我的老師會很生氣的。If I don't,my teacher will be angry with me.VIL根據句意及所給漢語提示完成下列句子及對話,每空詞數不限。1. Two months passed, they had(用完;用盡)their money.2.1 want to be a volunteer in( 奧 林 匹 克 運 動 會)and(與交友)foreigners.3. Ifs polite to(排隊等候)at the bus stop.4. At first I wa

19、s not(對感興趣)history, but two months laterI found it was very interesting.5. 一How are you(相處)with Ellen?一Very well. We(兜風)yesterdayo6. This is not the first time for the two teams to play(對抗)each other.7. -Would you mind moving the bike? No,(一點也不).8. 一.(順便;附帶說說),how any students entered the contest? 一

20、(比多)ten, I think9. -Would you mind(調低)the TV?Sorry, I'll do it(立刻;馬上).10. -The Chinese(奧委會)encourages Chinese people to say English more.-1 think taxi drivers should(至少)speak easy English.VID.短文填空。閱讀短文,根據短文內容在方框內選擇適當的單詞并用其正確形式填空,使短文通 順、完整。(每空一詞,每詞只用一次)。who forget always care you friend up secret

21、s trust need.As a saying goes, MA friend in need is a friend indeed. HFriendship is one of the best things in our life. A true friend is 1.by our side and gives us his or her help an d comfort when we 2.them.Its not easy for everyone to make a true friend in the daily life. Be 3.to choose a friend.

22、We should choose someone 4.has a good character( 性 格).We also should avoid those people who aren't honest.If you hope that 5.friendship can last for a long time, please choose a good friend at first.We all know that friendship is very precious(珍 貴的). A true friend can always be 6.and respected I

23、 you tell a friend your 7.he or she won't tell a nyone else. Good 8.always help each other when they are in trouble and each other 9.when they are sad.In a word,don't 10.him or her when you have made a good friend!Lefs value our precious friendship.參考答案專題一詞匯及短語I.1. Neither 2.difference 3. bo

24、ats 4. wonderful 5. population 6. seen7. Indian 8. present 9.progress 10. nervous 11. the most excellent12. environment 13. especially 14. volunteer 15. thinner 16. raised17. lie 18. happening 19. organize 20. checkedII.1 .disabled 2. inexpensive 3. visiting 4. better 5. professional 6. scientist7. If 8. humans 9. electricity 10. skating 11. hundreds 12. Predicting13. will be 14. cleaning 15. happened 16. politely 17. skaters 18. comes19. themselves 20. cal


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