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1、企業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略管理理論簡述(Brief introduction ofstrategic management theory of enterprise sustainabledevelopment)0. introductionThe sustainable development of enterprises refers to the enterprises in the pursuitof self survival and sustainable development, not only to achieve and improve themarket position of

2、the company to consider business objectives, but also tomaintain the enterprise keep sustainable profit growth and improve the ability inthe field of competition has lead and future expansion of business environment,ensure the enterprise prosperous in quite a long period of time In the following,the

3、 author sums up the theory of enterprise sustainable development strategy athome and abroad by combining the research object of the selected topic一一Hebeipetroleum and natural gas pipeline Fourth Engineering Company of china 1 ,the emergence, concept and type of enterprise sustainable developmentstra

4、tegyReasons for sustainable development of 1. 1. 1 EnterprisesSustainable development, a new concept proposed by the people in the 80s of thiscentury, is a crystallization of peoples long-term reflection on the traditionaldevelopment model, as a result of the extensive discussion on the globalenviro

5、nment and development In 1992 the United Nations Conference onenvironment and Development held in Rio De Janeiro (UXCED) sustainabledevelopment as the common development strategy of human beings in twenty-firstCentury, the first time in human history, the strategy of sustainable developmentfrom conc

6、ept into global action. In 1987, Barbier and others published a series ofarticles on the sustainable development of economy and environment, whichattracted the attention of the international community The same year, (Ms GroHarlem Brundtland Brundtland) in the World Commission on environment anddevel

7、opment our common future formally put forward the concept of sustainabledevelopment, has marked the emergence of the theory of sustainable development At the same time, the research focuses on how human society can adapt to andmeet the ecological environment carrying capacity as well as the coordina

8、teddevelopment of population, environment, ecology and resources and economy inthe process of economic growth Since then, this theory has been constantlyenriched and perfected, and has formed its own research contents and researchapproaches With the development of sustainable development, people pay

9、 more and moreattention to sustainable development, and infiltrate it from various fields The theory of sustainable development of enterprises is a relatively late, butrelatively rapid development of an area With the change of social environment, enterprises are facing the rapid change ishard to ada

10、pt to the environment, and with the failure of many enterprises, toenable enterprises to maintain the current, but also enable enterprises still have agood momentum of development in the period, companies are paying moreattention to.1.1.2 definition of conceptsEnterprise development refers to the ad

11、aptation of enterprises to the unknownenvironment in the future, so that enterprises can further run and achieveenterprise goalsSustainable development should not only consider the needs of the currentdevelopment, but also consider the needs of future development It can not beexchanged for the prese

12、nt development at the expense of the latter interests tomeet the present interests At the same time, sustainable development alsoincludes a development outlook that keeps the development trend in the face ofunexpected environmental shocks Enterprise strategy is the guiding ideology of how to operate

13、 an enterprise It is ageneral expression of the past, the running situ at ion and the future operation of anenterprise in a changing competitive environment (Wang Xuxiao) the sustainable development strategy of the enterprises refers to theenterprises in the pursuit of self survival and sustainable

14、development, not only toachieve and improve the market position of the company to consider businessobjectives, and to keep the enterprise in the field of competition has lead andfuture expansion of business environment and always maintain sustained growthand profitability of the improvement, guarant

15、ee business focused in quite a longperiod of time.1.1 3 sustainable enterprise strategy typeThe strategy of enterprise sustainable development is very complicated, but manytheories are discussed from some aspects of an enterprise. According to thesummary of domestic and foreign researchers and pract

16、ical workers, we can classifythe M & A into the following types The strategy of enterprise sustainable development mainly includes innovation,sustainable development strategy, cultural sustainable development strategy,system sustainable development strategy, core competence sustainabledevelopmen

17、t strategy and factor sustainable development strategy.(1)innovation strategy of sustsinable development;The so-called innovation sustainable development strategy, that is the core ofenterprise sustainable development is innovation. The core issue of 3 enterprisesis effectiveness and efficiency, not

18、 only institutional guarantee, but also constantinnovation Only continuous innovation enterprises can guarantee thesustainability of their benefits, that is, the sustainable development of enterprisesHorizontal merger refers to the merger or acquisition between enterprises thatproduce or operate the

19、 same kind of products.(2)the strategy of sustained cultural developmentThe so-calledz/vertical cultural sustsinable development7strategy, that is, the coreof enterprise development is corporate culture Facing the changing internal andexternal environment, enterprise development is dominated by ente

20、rprise culture (3)the strategy of sustainable development of the systemThe so-called system of sustainable development strategy refers to the sustainabledevelopment of enterprises mainly from the enterprise system.(4)sustainable development strategy of core competenceThe enterprises core competence

21、refers to the relative competitive ability of theenterprise with its own characteristics The sustainable development strategy ofenterprise core competence refers to the sustainable development of errterprises,mainly to cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises (5)strategy of sustainable deve

22、lopment of factorsSustainable development strategy considers that the development of an enterprisedepends on the following factors: human, knowledge, information, technology,leadership, funds and marketing 2. comment on the theory of enterprise sustainable development strategy2. 1 Marx development t

23、heoryMarx doctrine that development refers to the emergence of new things and thedemise of old things He stressed the revolutionary nature of new things instead ofold ones 2.2. theory of enterprise developmentAgainst against against to the development of enterprises mainly exists in theenterprise st

24、rategy. And strategic management mainly has the following severalkinds 2.2.1 and the strategy of the core competence of PRA haladAs mentioned earlier, the core competence strategy emphasizes the characteristicsof an enterprise that is different from that of other enterprises Han Ladd andHamer argues

25、 that core competence is the accumulation of knowledge in theorganization, especially how to strips of different production skills and int egratemulti pie streams of technology knowledge7. Therefore, core competence is acombination of a series of complementary skills and knowledge within anorganizat

26、ion that enables one or more businesses to reach world-class levels 2.2. 2 capital management theoryCapital management strategy is an enterprise strategy- formulated under the ideaof capital management. The strategy of capital operation is a complex systemcomposed of many elements, the relation effe

27、ct exists between these elements, soany elements of the construction error, then the completeness of capital operationstrategy system will be affected (1)development strategy of capital management;Including centralized development capital strategy, concentric diversified capitalmanagement strategy,

28、vertical integration capital management strategy,horizontal integration capital management strategy, and compound diversifiedcapital management strategy.(2)stable capital management strategy;Stable capital management strategy has the following characteristics: enterprisesto meet its past benefit lev

29、el, decided to continue to pursue the same or similargoals; the annual expected achievement growth by roughly the same proportion;enterprises with basically the same products or services for customer service Against against (3) tightening capital management strategyWhen the enterprise s operating co

30、nditions, resources and conditions can notadapt to changes in the external environment, it is difficult for enterprises to bringsatisfactory income, and even threaten the survival and development of enterprises,enterprises often take contraction strategy. There are four ty pesPumping capital strateg

31、y against against, steering strategy against against giving upstrategyLiquidation strategy(4) combination strategyIncluding simultaneous combination,the sequence ofcombinations 2. 2 3 knowledge management strategyKnowledge management is a new management mode of creating, using, saving andtransferrin

32、g knowledge and intelligence It integrates enterprises different aspectsof human resources, information technology and market analysis 2.2.4 corporate culture strategyEmphasis is placed on enterprise development, depending on the sustainability ofcorporate culture, and on the consistency of corporat

33、e strategy and culture.2. 2. 5 P Sinclair and Bernard. L. Simon for alliance strategyThe strategic alliance includes five types, namely, to ensure market funding, tradefriction, avoidsnt advanced experience of technical management, productionorganization transfer system 2.2.6 transnational operation

34、 strategyIn fact, the modes of operation include commodity export trade, licensing trade,franchising, joint investment, turnkey project, compensation trade, and so on3.against summaryThrough the above on the sustainable development of the enterprise internal andexternal economic focus of attention,

35、it is not difficult to foresee, in the face ofdevelopment and changes of domestic and international environment and theinternal and external environment, how to find the opportunity to avoid the threat,how to play the advantages of the enterprise, make up the weakness How to makethe enterprise susta

36、inable development will attract the attention of manyenterprises Only by correctly analyzing the task environment and socialenvironment, and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprisecarefully, the sustainable development of the enterprise should be realized in thebalance of the advantages of competition. In the process of enterprise sustainabledevelopment, it is necessary to constantly improve its competitive ability and level,so as to achieve the goal of sustainable development Identify your corecompetencies before you can achieve sustainable developm


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