



1、、概念(1)表示將來某個(gè)時(shí)間要發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或者存在的狀態(tài)。She will arrive tomorrow. 她明天到。 shall 與 will 的區(qū)別rshall :常用于第一人稱否定式:shall not=shantwill:常用于第二、第三人稱,但在口語中各種人常都可以用will否定式:will no t=w ont三、否定句結(jié)構(gòu)主語 + shall / will+ not +V 原形She will not arrive tomorrow.四、一般疑問句結(jié)構(gòu)Shall/Will+ 主語 +V 原形肯定回答:Yes, l/we + shall. / Yes. 主語 +will.否定回答:

2、No, l/we shan t.主語 + won t. Will she arrive tomorrow?她明天會(huì)到嗎?一 Yes,she will. / No, she won t.五、will/shall的特殊用法(1) 主語是第一人稱 l,we 時(shí),常用助動(dòng)詞 shall+V 原形I shall write you a letter n ext mon th.我下禮拜將會(huì)給你寫信。(2) 在問對(duì)方是否愿意,或者表示客氣的邀請(qǐng)時(shí),常用will.Will you go to the zoo with me?你能和我一起去動(dòng)物園嗎?(3 )在表示建議或者征求對(duì)方意見時(shí),用shall.Shall

3、 we go at ten?我們可以十點(diǎn)鐘走嗎?六、be going to 與 will 的區(qū)別:(1) be going to表示近期、眼下就要發(fā)生的事情,will 表示的將來時(shí)間則較遠(yuǎn)一些,1He is going to write a letter toni ght.2He will write a book one day.(2) be going to 表示根據(jù)主觀判斷將來肯定發(fā)生的事情,will 表示客觀上將來勢必發(fā)生的事情。1He is seriously ill. He is going to die.2He will be twenty years old.(3 ) be g

4、oing to 含有 計(jì)劃,準(zhǔn)備的意思,而 will 則沒有這個(gè)意思,1She is going to lend us her book.2He will be here in half an hour .will 表示將來時(shí)We shall go to see him tomorrow.(2)表示將來經(jīng)?;蛘叻磸?fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。From now on I will come everyday. will 表將來時(shí)態(tài),其后常跟的時(shí)間狀語:next week 下周,this Sun day 這個(gè)星期天二、肯定句結(jié)構(gòu)主語 + shall / will +V 原形我們明天去看他。從現(xiàn)在起,我將每天來。t

5、omorrow 明天,the day after tomorrow 后天, ,in+以后的時(shí)間,in the future 在將來。他明天不會(huì)到。(4)在有條件從句的主句中,一般不用be going to,而多用 will,If any beasts comes at you, Ill help you.練習(xí)題一、單項(xiàng)選擇I._The next time you see Niko, hesixtee n years old.A. will be B. is C. was D. will2n ten years, John_ an astr on aut.A. is B. will be C.

6、was D. will3. I hope that you_a good time this evening.A. have B. are havi ngC. will have D. has4. Look at those big black clouds. It_rain. Let hurry.A. must B. will C. would D. is going to5. There_ a basketball match this after noon.A. will have B. will be C. has D. have6. We_ to the park if it is

7、fine tomorrow.A. will go B. go C. goes D. to go7. There_ a kite show in the zoo tomorrow.A. wasB. is going to have C. will haveD. is going to be8. Mother_ me a nice prese nt( 禮物)on my n ext birthday.A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give二、 用一般將來時(shí)填空。(借助 will)1.1_ (visit) my uncle tomorrow.2. The

8、re_(be) a football match in our school next week.3. He_ (help) you with your En glish this evening.4. We_(have) a meet ing tomorrow.三、 按要求完成下列句子。1.1 will go to school by bike. (改為一般疑問句) _?2. He will check his e-mails this after noon.(改為否定句)3. Li Mi ng and his friends will have a pia no lesso n.(改為一般

9、疑問句并作肯定和否定回答)_?_ ._ .4. There will be some robots in our homes.(改為否定句 )There_robots in our homes.5. Everyone will have a small car.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)_ every one_?四、 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. _(be) you free tomorrow?2. What_you_(do) tomorrow morning?3. Hurry up! Or we_ (be) late.、1-5 ABCDB 6-10 ABB如果野獸攻擊你,我會(huì)幫助你。、1-4 will visit, will be, will help, will have三、 1. Will you go to school by bike? 2.He won check his email this after noon.3. Will Li Mi


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