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1、9英語中的否定一、否定概念1 ,否定的基本特征:含有否定詞(語)。例如:(1) not, never, seldom, hardly,(2) no, few, , neither,(3) none, nothing, nobody,(4) without, but, except含有否定詞綴的詞,也是一種否定意義的表達手段。但不屬于否定結(jié)構(gòu)或否定句。2 否定范圍否定范圍指否定意義在句中涉及的范圍。一般講,從否定詞開始到句末,或到表示頓的標點為止。在口語中,句末用升調(diào),表示修飾形狀語在否定范圍之內(nèi),反之則在范圍之F列句子的劃線部分是否定范(1)1 didn st ee Jack in the c

2、inema yesterday.(2) None of them passed the exam.(3 ) I didn rgot there because I was afraid of him.(4) I didn rgot there, because I was afraid of him.(我沒去那兒,因為我怕他。)句(3)在 書面語中意義不明確:可能是“我沒去那兒,因為我怕他”;也可能是“我去那兒并不是因為怕他”。所以最好避免,或改寫成句(4)和句(5)兩個意思不同但明確 的句子。(5)1 did go there not because I was afraid of him.

3、3.否定轉(zhuǎn)移從結(jié)構(gòu)上看,not通常用于否定動詞。但實際意義上講,not真正要否定的焦點可能是否 定范圍中的其他成分。這種情況稱為否定轉(zhuǎn)移。例如:(6) Shut up. I didn tt oc olimste n to your stupid excuse.=(7) I came here not to listen to your excuse.(8) I don f t think it will rain tomorrow.=(9) I think it will not rain tomorrow.(10) I do not go to school by bike everyday

4、.= (11) I go to school by bike at times, but not everyday.二、常見的否定手法1 全句否定和局部否定(也稱“一般否定和特指否定”)1 - 1全句否定(g eneral negation):結(jié)構(gòu)上not, never否定謂語或no否定名詞。(12 ) They are not interested in these subject.(13) You can t take these books out of the readi-nrogom.(14) There is no time to be lost.1 - 2局部否定(special

5、 negation) : not置于某個特定對象之前。(15) You must always remember not to become conceited.(16) The moon gives no light of its own.局部否定用得很少,通常采用全句否定形式。但可以通 過否定轉(zhuǎn)移來達到局部否定的目的。例如,句(17)比句(18)更自然:(17) I wont stay here for long :.(18) I will stay here but not for long.但有時用全句否定會產(chǎn)生歧義:(19) It didn t rain all the month.

6、句末用升調(diào),表示否定轉(zhuǎn)移至狀語:是下雨了,但沒有整整下一個月。句末用降調(diào)時,not否定rain :整整一個月沒下雨。t r則ainall the month處于否定范如果將狀語置于句首原句改為All the month it didn 之 外,not只能否定rain,意思也就明確了。采用局部否定也可避免類似的歧義。例如:(20) It rained not all the month but for part of the month.有時全句否定和局部否定意義全然不同:(21 )He didn t try to mention it to Tom.他不想對 Tom 提起這件事情。(22) H

7、e tried not to mention it to Tom.他盡量不對 Tom 提這件事 否定的前綴、后綴也是一種局部否定,但從結(jié)構(gòu)上講,不屬于否定句結(jié)構(gòu)。因此,在含有這 類詞的句子后,附加疑問句中用否定。如: It is unimportant, isn t it?2 全體否定和部分否定2 1全體否定(absolute negation)含有no, none以及neither, never等否定詞,或every, all與帶有否定詞綴的詞連用時,均 為 全體否定:(23) No one can do it.(24) Neither of the sisters is good-look

8、ing.(25) All these stars are invisible to naked eyes.(26) Every plan he has made in impossible to carry out.(27) I looked everywhere for the cell phone, but it could be found nowhere. 2 2 部分否定(partial negation)not 與下列詞語連用時、具有部分否定意義:both, all, every, every-, always, entirely, wholly等。例如:(28) I don t

9、wholly agree with you._(29) All that glitters is not gold.(30) Both of his parents are at home.(31) Not everything he says is right,但這些詞語否定的前綴連用時,意為全部否定。如:(32) All this is unnecessary.3雙重否定和重復否定3 , 1雙重否定(double negation )雙重否定時止,同一結(jié)構(gòu)中用一個否定詞否定另一個否定詞 (也包括否定前綴詞)。兩個否定詞互相抵消。雙重否定通常強調(diào)一個肯定的意思。(33) He doesn 4

10、 lend his books to nobody.(34) I did 1 t do it for no reason.(35) We are not unprepared for the outcome of the conference.(36) He never came without asking for money.(37) I can not but admire his courage.(38) They couldn t help laughing a jot kthee.3 , 2重復否定(repeated negation)重復否定是指用兩個(以上)的否定詞連續(xù)否定一個

11、意思,所 以就加強了否定的意義。其一般形式是:否定的謂語+否定的賓語;否定的主語+否定的謂 語:(39) I don 4 know nothing about the matter.= (I don 4 know anything about it.)(40) We won 1 t lose nothing by i=t. W( e won1 t lose anything)(41) Nobody hardly took notice of him. (=Nobody took notice of him)重復否定在早期英語里很普 遍,因為詞的重復是正常的修辭手段。在現(xiàn)代英語里,不是標準語言。

12、但在口語中仍不少。尤 其是教育程度不高的人群中。4 延續(xù)否定(resumptive negation )A 用 not not /neither / nor(42) I II not do such a thing, not 同 I. 一(主語)(43) You cannot do it, nor can I, nor can anyone else.(不同主語)(44) But Oliver did not come that day; nor the next day,; nor the next after that; nor for many ,many days after.(連續(xù)否

13、定多個狀語)(45) It was not surprise, nor disappointment, nor anger, not any of the expressions that Della had been prepared for. 用 to say nothing of, not to mention, not to speak of, let alone, still less, much less + 名詞(后 三 個短語也可接動詞),表示“(連都不,)更別說了。”(46) He doesn t like music, still less dancing.(47) He

14、does not speak English well, to say nothing of German or French.(48) She cant afford to buy a bicycle, let alone a car. (CIDE )(49) “Are you getting a new car this year?” “You must be joking! I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new car! (CIDE)(50) At the age of fourteen I had never even b

15、een on a train, much/still less an aircraft.5 半否定(semi-negation)用 hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely, few, little, almost not / no;(51) He seldom went out on Sundays.(52) It is hardly possible, is it?(53) Few believed it, did they?(54) He is interested in almost nothing except computer games.6.排除否定(ex

16、cluded negation)用 all but, every but, anything 等 b。ut(55) All the people at the meeting agreed but Jack.(56) I d like to do everything except housework.(57) He is anything but a good teacher.在否定句中用but/except則成了肯定的意思:Nobody except Bill can do it.7.強勢否定(emphatic negation)強勢否定實際上就是加強否定的語氣。7 1使用副詞:certa

17、inly, simply, just, absolutely等用于否定結(jié)構(gòu)之前。You just dont listen, do you? I told you youd burn yourself if you touched that pan, didnt I? No one wants to buy these toys - we just cant sell them.Look here, my (dear) boy, this simply wont do.It is absolutely impossible to finish the work within a week.7 2

18、 使用介詞短語:in no way, by no means, at no time 等 It is by no means certain that we will be able to move to our new office in June.I would like to point out that I am in no way connected with them.At no time and under no circumstance will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.7 - 3 在 not 后使用 single,

19、at all, a bit, in the least, the slightest 等表示“微量”的詞語 He didn t have a single word about it.I am not in the least tired.If an accident happens to him I will not surprised at all.7.4用the last表示“最不”。He is the last person to do such a thing.他是最不可能做這種事情的人。Housework is the last thing that I want to do.Bi

20、ll was the last person that Kate wanted to see.三、否定結(jié)構(gòu)中的用詞問題1 -非肯定詞英語中有些詞義相近的詞語,有的只用于肯定結(jié)構(gòu),稱為“肯定詞(assertive words )v ;有些只用于非肯定結(jié)構(gòu),稱為“非肯定詞(non-assertive words)M。如:I肯定詞 非肯定詞some , some-, already, still, as well, too, either, once any, any-, yet, either, at all, ever注:(1)非肯定結(jié)構(gòu)指:否定,疑問,條件。 ever 可用在以下的肯定意義中:

21、This is the most beautiful city that I have ever been to.非肯定詞用于含有not, never, hardly等詞的否定句時,不可置于否定詞之前。以下是誤 句:(葛著DEU )Either of them is not a doctor.(應改為:Neither of them is a doctor.) Anybody cannot do it.(應改為:Nobody can do it.)2 情態(tài)動詞 may, can, must這三個詞用于否定句時,意思大相徑庭。He may not come this afternoon.(他可能

22、不來)He cannot come this afternoon.(他不可能來)He mustn 4 come this afternoon.(不準他來) 3 almost 和 nearlyalmost后可接nobody, nothing等否定詞,nearly則不行;可以說not nearly (遠非),但 almost前不能用否定詞。There was almost nothing in the fridge.There is almost no possibility of our winning the lottery.Therefs not nearly enough (= There

23、 is much too little) food for all these people!Shes not nearly as beautiful as you said she was. 4 在非肯定句中用 long,在肯定句中用(for) a long timeHave you been waiting long?I waited (for) a long time.She seldom stay out long.He didn 4 speak for long. (PEU)It takes a long time to get to her house.一個疑問:在否定句中,for

24、 long與long是否等同? PEU的例句似乎表明等同,但敘述 時似乎并沒有等同的態(tài)度。注意以下特殊情況long與too, enough, so, as等詞連用時,可用于肯定句:I have been working here too long.You can stay as long as you like / want. 在否定句中如果用for a long time,意思就有了區(qū)別:She didn 4 speak for a long time.她好久沒講話 = For a long time she didn 4 speak.She didnt speak long.她的講話不長。

25、5在非肯定句中用far 在肯定句中用a long way How far did you walk?We walked a long way.與 too, enough, as, so 搭配時far 用于肯定句 6 在否定句中,besides與except, but意思相同:Mark Twain had no other ties besides / but / except this one. 7 still, yet; everStill要用于否定詞之前,因為它是個肯定詞須用在否定范圍之外;yet和ever是非肯定詞, 須用于非肯定結(jié)構(gòu)中。She still didn t know the

26、 result of the discussion.Have you finished the work yet?I have not ever been to Beijing. (not ever=never) 8 含有 not 和含有 never 的固定短語 not to mention更不必說believe it or not 信不信由你 not to say 簡直It would be unwise, not to say stupid, to leave your first job after only six months, never mindnever say die永不言敗小學二(2 )班班規(guī)一、安全方面1 每天課間不能追逐打鬧。2中午和下午放學要結(jié)伴回家。3、公路上走路要沿右邊走,過馬路要注意交通安全。4、不能在上學路上玩耍、逗留。二、學習方面1 每天到校后,不允許在走廊玩耍打鬧,要進教室讀書。2、每節(jié)課鈴聲一響,要快速坐好,安靜地等老師來上課。3、課堂上不做小動作,不與同桌說悄悄話,認真思考,積極回答 問題。4、養(yǎng)成學前


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