已閱讀5頁,還剩13頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、液袋用集裝箱應適合非危險類液態(tài)物品的安全、合法運輸必須按照以下標準挑選集裝箱:It requires that containers selected should be suitable for the safe and legal transport of non-hazardous bulk liquid in flexitanks. Containers must be in strict compliance with the following criteria:(1) .集裝箱應嚴格按照相關國際標準制造,其設計、尺寸、承重、檢測、鑒定、銘牌以及操作要求都應 符合國際標準。Cont

2、ainers should be manu factured strictly in accorda nce with all the releva nt ISO requireme nts, defi ning desig n, dime nsion, rati ng, test in g, ide ntificati on, n ameplate, operati on requireme nts.(2) .集裝箱銘牌上應標明30噸(30000公斤或67000鎊)最大承重量。"Max. rated loads : 30Ton( 30000kg or 67000lb)"s

3、hould be indicated on container labels.(3) .集裝箱應為箱齡不超過5年的20尺標準集裝箱。All 20 foot sta ndard containers should be no more tha n 5 years and un der good con diti on.(4) .集裝箱箱體應無任何修補。No repair trace is allowed on outer container pan els. All pan els are free from repair.(5) .集裝箱應適用于公路,鐵路和海洋運輸。Containers sh

4、ould be suitable for highway, railway and ocea n tran sportati on.(6) .集裝箱兩邊的門栓旁各帶有一個垂直凹槽。Either door bolt has a vertical groove or recess aside.(7) .集裝箱左右兩扇門上各有兩把功能完好的條鎖。Two fully workable locking bars are on either door.(8) .集裝箱不應有標有危險”字樣的嘜頭或標簽,不應該裝載過任何危害人體的放射性物質或有毒物質。Containers should be free of

5、any“ DANGEROUS cargo markings or labete't Ondtieave以免滲漏到貨物里發(fā)生交叉污染,any radioactive or toxic material harmful to huma ns.(9) .集裝箱內不應有任何碎片、銳邊、尖刺、螺絲松動、 凹凸、焊接修理痕跡等可能引起液袋損壞的現(xiàn)象。f 箱體表面不應有任何污染物,集裝箱內不得有任何異味, 或與液袋材料發(fā)生反應。(見圖1)Containers for the use of the tran sport of flexita nks should be clea n and dry,

6、free of any debris, sharp edges, floor spli nters, loose floor screws, dents or any such weld or similar repair on the in side surface Of the cargo area that may cause damage to flexita nks.All interior surfaces, including the floor surface, should be free of transferable stains and othersources con

7、tamination or odor that may react with the flexitank material and/or leach into the liquid cargo.(See Pic 1)圖12.液袋和門擋的鋪設Flexita nk and Bulkhead Fitti ng(1).在集裝箱內部的三面箱壁附上瓦楞紙(1.50米高)并在地板上鋪設瓦楞紙,用膠帶固定,將液袋放置于集裝箱內的右側。(見圖2)Attach corrugated paper (1.50m high) on the inner side walls and the floor then fix

8、with tapes. Placethe flexitank on the right side of container, adjoining right side wall. (see picture 2)圖 2(picture2)(2) .將液袋裝有閥門的一面向箱外展開,袋體緊貼右側箱壁,并向箱子底部和左側充分展開,確保 袋體緊貼三面箱壁,同時距離集裝箱門口凹槽處一指寬的距離(見圖3)。Unfold the face with valve completely to the outside, make it vertical to the groove of the container

9、door. The flexita nk should be close to the right side wall, with a fin ger width away from the groove. (see picture3)圖 3(picture3)檢查確認液袋的位置,液袋中心線應與集裝箱中央線對齊。然 裝向門口的袋體向內折進50cm左右,便于安裝擋板和方鋼(見圖 4)。Inspect and confirm that the location: flexitanks centerline be alig ned with the container of the cen tral

10、 li ne.圖 4(picture 4)排氣閥的固定。將排氣管上的繩子解開,系住排氣閥口部,將排氣管伸展至集裝箱右側門口, 用繩子系住排氣口,固定在凹槽內最上面的栓上,將排氣口的蓋子擰下便于 排氣。(見圖5)在裝貨后,排氣管的尾端可以向上升至集裝箱頂部,并擰上蓋子Un tie the Air Vent, use the strip to faste n the air vent to container loops n ear the right floor ( make sure the air vent is straight without bending), secure the s

11、trip to container loop firmly. And take off the vent cap,so that the air release from the air vent.Air vent is for air release automatically, when cargo generate air by itself一 And Air vent can be used for sample-tak ing.圖 5(picture 5)(5).將液袋正確鋪裝完畢后,請按以下步驟說明安裝方鋼和擋板。(以下安裝均以16-20方液袋為例)Assemble contain

12、er door with bulkhead, after placing flexitank correctly.(e.g. 16-20CBM flexitank for an example in the follow in g).A. 第一步:熟悉液袋規(guī)格、方剛及擋板配合明細,根據實際情況選擇合適的配合方式First Step: please check In structi on to fitti ng Steel Bars and Cardboard as belows, to fit the steel bars and Cardboard according to flexitan

13、k specification .液袋規(guī)格、方剛間距及擋板配合明細Instruction to fitting Steel Bars and Cardboard液袋規(guī)格方鋼1 (從下向上)方鋼2方鋼3方鋼4方鋼5擋板高度規(guī)格Flexita nkGap betwee n 1st steel2nd gap3th gap4thgap5th gapCardboardCapacitybar& container floorHeight(From Bottom to Top)16-20 CBM10 cm21 cm21 cm23 cm23 cm130 cm21-24CBM10 cm23 cm23 c

14、m28 cm28 cm150 cmB. 第二步:將紙筒切成上表中規(guī)定適合長度,以待放置在伸縮方剛兩端集裝箱的凹槽內,需要用膠 帶固定在集裝箱壁上。(見圖6)Second Step : Cut the paper pipe into ones with required length according to the flexitank capacity,please check in the above table.C. 第三步:將第一根鋼管放在集裝箱側面槽內,落在第一根支撐短管上。Put the first steel bar in the side slot of the containe

15、r, use the 10cm paper pipe to support on.its 2 en ds.Use tape to secure the paper pipe.( see picture 6)圖 6( picture 6)D. 第四步:以此類推從下往上依次安放好方鋼2、方剛3、方鋼4、方鋼5Fourth Step: Repeat the above operation and fix the five steel bars one by one.Note: must use paper pipe with suitable length to fix the gap betwee

16、n each two steel bars, check the above table.E. 第五步:將擋板的折邊折到集裝箱內,用扎條或者擋板上的系繩把檔板固定在方鋼上。(見圖7)Fifth Step: Put the flat area of Cardboard under the flexitank, and use cable ties or Strips tofaste n the cardboard to the steel bars. ( see picture 7)(6)將箱內袋體伸展至紙擋板處,再次檢 集裝箱三面墻壁及擋板。(picture7)查確認袋體是否完全伸展開,并緊貼

17、Check and make sure flexitank has been sufficiently unfolded, adjoining both side walls and endwall of container and the front Cardboard.(7)將泡沫條放在方鋼和左側箱門之間,關閉左門后貼上LAF警示標簽,Lock the left door,paste the warning label on thedoor .(see picture 8)圖 8 (picture8)準備裝貨(見圖8)3.裝貨管的連接與液袋的裝載Tran smitti ng Pipe Co

18、nn ecti on & Flexita nk Load ing(1).裝貨管的要求Requireme nts oftran smitti ng pipeA. 裝貨管上要裝有一個與液袋閥門管徑相符的快速接頭(見圖9)oA load ing pipe must have a proper size cam lock adaptor.(See picture 9)圖 9 (picture9)B. 管內不能有殘留的液體,以免在連接閥門時污染液袋與箱體。There should be no liquid residue in the pipe which may con tam in ate

19、flexita nk and container whe n connecting it to flexitank valve.(2).裝貨管的安裝 Installation of loading pipeA.先打開閥門蓋,把閥門把手下面的緊固栓向外拉,再將把手逆時針旋轉90度完全打開。Open the valve cover first, pull out the fastening bolt , pull up thehandle anticlockwise, and make it vertical to the ground.B. 將裝貨管連接在閥門上,將快速接頭上的兩個凸輪鎖扣扣緊。

20、安裝時禁止用力按壓、用力摔擊閥門(見圖10 ) oConnect the pipe with the valve and faste n the two cam lockof the adapter. During installation, pressing and pounding the valve violently are forbidden(see picture 10).圖 10 (picture 10)(3) .啟動機器開始裝貨,液袋高度開始增加并且側壁折疊將向墻面展開。Start up the pump and start load in g.The flexita nk w

21、ill beg in to in flate in height and the sidefolds will expa nd toward the container walls.(4) .在液袋裝貨時,保持液袋裝載平穩(wěn)。裝貨過程中隨時調整裝貨管位置與液袋保持垂直。(見圖11)Keep load ing eve nly. Adjust the support ing strap and the height of load ing pipe as n eeded duri ng loadi ng in order to raise up the pipe and keep it vertic

22、al to body of flexitank (see picture 11).(5) 當到達貨物裝載需求量時,依次關閉 機器及液袋閥門并系緊閥門襪套。貨物裝滿 后液袋上表面應繃緊(見圖12)。Stop loadi ng whe n reach ing the requiredvolume / weight of liquid. Stop pump engine, and the n close flexita nk valve.The upper flexita nk surface should be expa nded圖 12( picture 12)tightly whe n ful

23、ly loaded ( see picture 12).4裝載后的處理 Disposal After Loading(1).檢查管子內是否還有殘留的液體,如有,先處理管子里剩余液體。pipe with the valve.(2) 斷開裝貨管的連帶將防護罩扎緊(見圖Close the flexita nkWipe off spilled(3) .灌裝完畢后,關一)并回傳我公司,Check carefully if there is liquid residue in the pipe . If yes, drain off the liquid before disc onnecting the

24、接,如有液體滲漏,處理干凈。蓋上密封閥蓋,用扌L12)。valve, the n disc onnect the pipe from it.liquid( if there is any).好集裝箱右門,認真填寫鋪箱裝貨記錄(見附件以便在必要時我們做出快捷的應急反應。After loading, close the right container door, record the container number, carefully fill inLAF FLEXITANK LOADING TRACING RECORD(See Appendix 1) , and send it to LAF

25、 Company,so that we can make prompt resp onse in emerge ncy.(4) .在移動集裝箱前,確保集裝箱門安全關閉。Close and secure the container door before moving container.(5) .船運前確保用經認可的海關鉛封封好右側箱門。En sure the right container door is tagged with an approved customs seal prior to shipping .和0 :烈??偨栽?#39;1川顯*b*5.液袋的卸載 Flexitank

26、Discharging(1)為卸載液袋貨物,需要以下設備:The follow ing equipme nt will n eed to be procured in order to discharge thegoods:A. 一臺泵來完成卸貨。 1 positive displacement pump to ensure complete discharge.B. 根足夠長的裝貨管,確保長度可以從液袋到泵。1 hose with sufficient length to span distance from flexitank to pump.C. 一根轉換管。確保長度可以從泵到儲罐。1

27、tran sfer hose with sufficie nt len gth to spa n dista nce from pump to storage receptacle.D. 組合適的陰端轉接頭,取決于泵和液袋連接尺寸。頂部裝卸液袋使用的是標準3寸接口1 set of suitable cam lock adapter, depending on supplied pump and connections.Top Valve equipme nt will be supplied with a 3cam mkevalve as sta ndard.E. 副吊帶以吊起裝貨管。1 su

28、pporti ng strap.F.個合適容積的儲罐。1 storage receptacle of suitable capacity以上所提到的只是基本的卸貨設備及工具。如遇特殊情況,可向朗夫售后服務部門征詢建議。The above list is a very brief syno psis of the equipme nt required to discharge and itis recomme nded thatadvice always be sought from tech ni cal departme nt before proceedi ng.This is impo

29、rta nt due to the potential variations in discharge sites, as well as the different valve connections that can potentially be supplied on the equipme nt.(2) 集裝箱的檢查與準備 Container In specti on & Preparati onA.檢查集裝箱箱號是否與提單上顯示的一致。Check container nu mber corresp onds with all releva nt paperwork.B.檢查集

30、裝箱箱況是否良好。In spect container side walls and chassis unitto en sure no damage or safety risk.C檢查警告標簽是否在左側箱門上。Check warning label and tag are prese nt on left hand door.D.在液袋卸貨過程中,嚴禁打開左側箱門。NEVER OPEN left ha nd door during discharge of flexita nk.E.確保船運鉛封仍然完好并且與提單上一致。e MUST be supported1.0與歹鋁閭cyEn sure

31、 that shipp ing seal is still in tact and corresp onds with all releva nt paperwork.F.打開并且固定右側箱門,檢查門擋是否完好。Open and secure right door. Check bulkhead assembly is secure and un damaged.G.檢查閥門是否完好且處于關閉狀態(tài)。En sure valve in good con diti on, with cap secured and han dle in closed & locked positi on.(3

32、)連接卸貨管ConnectionA.取下閥門蓋,露出閥口。Remove valve cap to expose male cam lock connection.B.連接卸貨管并打開閥門,固定好轉換接頭鎖環(huán)。Connect suction hose and open valve. Use straps or cable ties on cam arms for safety.C.在卸貨管未連接前,嚴禁打開閥門。NEVER OPEN valve before suct ion hose is conn ected.D.用吊帶吊起卸貨管,減少閥門壓力。Support hose from the r

33、ight hand door cams with an adjustable support ing reduce stress on valve.11 -亠.亠.離J og毆 cs AgonQfJ1- CXitiV %' - 1s-rE.檢查泵所有的連接處是否到位。Check all pump conn ecti ons are correct and safe.(4) 卸貨 DischargeA. 卸貨時,依次打開液袋閥門、機器和儲存裝置閥門,液袋高度隨之降低并且向內部塌陷。Open flexitank valve, and then open pump hose

34、s and inlet of the storage container, start engine todischarge cargo.Flexita nk will beg in to decrease in height and “ collapse ” in ward as product is dischargedB. 繼續(xù)監(jiān)控液袋的卸載,直至液袋上表層接觸到集裝箱地板。Con ti nue to mon itor dischargeun til the upper surface beg ins to reach the container floor.C. 建議減低泵速但不間斷抽吸液體。這將有助于最終剩余貨物卸出。It is recommended that pump be slowed and continues to run at this stage.


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