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1、進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革的又一項(xiàng)重要舉措 -全國大學(xué)英語四、六級考試改革方案(試行)簡介2005年2月 為適應(yīng)我國高等教育新的發(fā)展形勢,深化教學(xué)改革,提高教學(xué)質(zhì)量,滿足新時期國家對人才培養(yǎng)的需要,2004年初教育部高教司組織制定并在全國部分高校開始試點(diǎn)大學(xué)英語課程教學(xué)要求(試行)(以下簡稱教學(xué)要求)。教學(xué)要求規(guī)定,大學(xué)英語課程的教學(xué)目標(biāo)是:培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語綜合應(yīng)用能力,特別是聽說能力,使他們在今后工作和社會交往中能用英語有效地進(jìn)行口頭和書面的信息交流。自教學(xué)要求在全國部分院校開始試點(diǎn)以來,廣大教師積極參加和關(guān)心這次改革,在教學(xué)模式、教學(xué)手段和教材使用等各方面做了許多有益的嘗試。參加試點(diǎn)的學(xué)生也

2、普遍反映新的教學(xué)理念和方法大大提高了他們學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,實(shí)現(xiàn)了個性化學(xué)習(xí),提高了學(xué)習(xí)的效率。     教學(xué)大綱指出:大學(xué)英語教學(xué)的目的是培養(yǎng)學(xué)生具有較強(qiáng)的閱讀能力、一定的聽的能力(理工科適用的大綱還規(guī)定一定的譯的能力)以及初步的寫和說的能力,使學(xué)生能以英語為工具,獲取專業(yè)所需要的信息,并為進(jìn)一步提高英語水平打下較好的基礎(chǔ)。為此,本考試主要考核學(xué)生運(yùn)用語言的能力,同時也考核學(xué)生對語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞語用法的掌握程度。     大學(xué)英語四、六級考試是一種為教學(xué)服務(wù)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試。因此,考試改革的方向是在保持考試的科學(xué)性、客觀性和公正性的同

3、時,使考試最大限度地對大學(xué)英語教學(xué)產(chǎn)生正面的導(dǎo)向作用,即通過四、六級考試的改革,引導(dǎo)師生正確處理教學(xué)與考試的關(guān)系,更合理地使用四、六級考試,使考試更好地為教學(xué)服務(wù)。大學(xué)英語四、六級考試改革的目標(biāo)是更準(zhǔn)確地測量我國在校大學(xué)生的英語綜合應(yīng)用能力,尤其是英語聽說能力,以體現(xiàn)社會改革開放對我國大學(xué)生英語綜合應(yīng)用能力的要求。由于大學(xué)英語四、六級考試是一個超大規(guī)模的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試,因此考試的改革需前瞻性與可行性相結(jié)合,分步實(shí)施,既有近期改革目標(biāo),又有中長期規(guī)劃。    近期內(nèi),四、六級考試將采取的重要舉措之一是改革計(jì)分體制和成績報道方式。自2005年6月考試起,四、六級

4、考試成績將采用滿分為710分的計(jì)分體制,不設(shè)及格線;成績報道方式由考試合格證書改為成績報告單,即考后向每位考生發(fā)放成績報告單,報道內(nèi)容包括:總分、單項(xiàng)分等。為使學(xué)校理解考試分?jǐn)?shù)的含義并根據(jù)各校的實(shí)際情況合理使用考試測量的結(jié)果,四、六級考試委員會將向?qū)W校提供四、六級考試分?jǐn)?shù)的解釋。     在考試內(nèi)容和形式上,四、六級考試將加大聽力理解部分的題量和比例,增加快速閱讀理解測試,增加非選擇性試題的比例。試點(diǎn)階段的四、六級考試由四部分構(gòu)成:聽力理解、閱讀理解、綜合測試和寫作測試。聽力理解部分的比例提高到35%,其中聽力對話占15%,聽力短文占20%。聽力對話部分

5、包括短對話和長對話的聽力理解;聽力短文部分包括短文聽寫和選擇題型的短文理解;聽力題材選用對話、講座、廣播電視節(jié)目等更具真實(shí)性的材料。閱讀理解部分比例調(diào)整為35%,其中仔細(xì)閱讀部分(careful reading)占25%,快速閱讀部分(fast reading)占10%。仔細(xì)閱讀部分除測試篇章閱讀理解外,還包括對篇章語境中的詞匯理解的測試;快速閱讀部分測試各種快速閱讀技能。綜合測試比例為15%,由兩部分構(gòu)成。第一部分為完型填空或改錯,占10%;第二部分為短句問答或翻譯,占5%。寫作能力測試部分比例為15%,體裁包括議論文、說明文、應(yīng)用文等。試點(diǎn)階段四、六級考試各部分測試內(nèi)容、題型和所占比例如下

6、表所示:試卷構(gòu)成測試內(nèi)容測試題型比例第一部分:聽力理解聽力對話短對話多項(xiàng)選擇35%長對話 多項(xiàng)選擇聽力短文短文理解多項(xiàng)選擇多項(xiàng)選擇復(fù)合式聽寫第二部分:閱讀理解仔細(xì)閱讀理解篇章閱讀理解多項(xiàng)選擇35% 篇章詞匯理解選詞填空快速閱讀理解是非判斷+句子填空或其他第三部分:綜合測試完型填空 或 改錯多項(xiàng)選擇15%錯誤辨認(rèn)并改正篇章問答 或句子翻譯簡短回答中譯英第四部分:寫作寫作 短文寫作 15%    根據(jù)目前的改革進(jìn)程,近期內(nèi)大學(xué)英語四、六級考試口語考試仍將與筆試分開實(shí)施,繼續(xù)采用已經(jīng)實(shí)施了五年的面試型的四、六級口語考試(CET-SET)。同時,考委會

7、將積極研究開發(fā)計(jì)算機(jī)化口語測試,以進(jìn)一步擴(kuò)大口語考試規(guī)模,推動大學(xué)英語口語教學(xué)。    在考務(wù)管理方面,2005年6月起教育部考試中心將啟用新的四、六級考試(試點(diǎn))報名和考務(wù)管理系統(tǒng),嚴(yán)格認(rèn)定考生報名資格,加強(qiáng)對考場組織和考風(fēng)考紀(jì)的管理,切實(shí)做好考試保密工作。具體方案將由教育部考試中心在近期內(nèi)另行公告。    由于四、六級考試是一個每年涉及上千萬考生的超大規(guī)模標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試,因此考試內(nèi)容和形式的改革須經(jīng)過一定規(guī)模的試點(diǎn),對新試卷的有效性和可行性作出科學(xué)的論證,并了解師生的反饋。為此,自2006年1月開始,從參加大學(xué)英語

8、教學(xué)改革試點(diǎn)學(xué)生中試行改革后的四級考試,自2006年6月開始以同等方式試行新的六級考試。初步定于2007年1月全面實(shí)施改革后的四級考試,2007年6月全面實(shí)施改革后的六級考試??嘉瘯凑战虒W(xué)要求制定新的四、六級考試大綱和樣題,并及時向教師和學(xué)生公布。    任何一項(xiàng)大規(guī)模標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試的發(fā)展都是一個不斷改進(jìn)和完善的過程。四、六級考試十七年的發(fā)展歷程也證明了這一點(diǎn)。國家改革開放對我國大學(xué)生的英語交際能力不斷提出更高的要求,因此,四、六級考試中長期改革任務(wù)仍十分艱巨??荚囄瘑T會將不斷研究開發(fā)適合四、六級考試的新題型,研究改革后的四、六級考試對教學(xué)的后效;同時,

9、充分利用高科技手段,完善考務(wù)管理系統(tǒng),實(shí)現(xiàn)四、六級考試網(wǎng)上閱卷(CET-Online Marking),研究計(jì)算機(jī)化的四、六級考試(CET-CBT),爭取在一定考生范圍內(nèi)或在某種能力測試中實(shí)現(xiàn)四、六級機(jī)考。    大學(xué)英語四、六級考試還將進(jìn)一步完善其考試系列,更好地適應(yīng)不同層次學(xué)校的需要,更有利于分層管理、分類指導(dǎo)。為此,四、六級考委會將根據(jù)對目前國內(nèi)、國際語言測試?yán)碚摵蛯?shí)踐的研究和分析,制訂以中國英語學(xué)習(xí)者為對象,能與國際接軌的英語語言能力等級量表,以更準(zhǔn)確地描述我國大學(xué)生的英語能力。同時,研究開發(fā)入學(xué)水平考試(CET-Placement Test),

10、用于測量大學(xué)生入學(xué)時的英語水平,為學(xué)校制定切實(shí)可行的教學(xué)目標(biāo)提供依據(jù),并采用“平均級點(diǎn)分”等統(tǒng)計(jì)手段,更準(zhǔn)確地反映教學(xué)的進(jìn)步幅度,以調(diào)動廣大師生的教學(xué)積極性。此外,考委會還將研究開發(fā)高端考試(CET-Advanced Level),用于測試學(xué)生是否達(dá)到教學(xué)要求中“更高要求”所規(guī)定的英語綜合應(yīng)用能力,即能以英語為工具,直接參與國際學(xué)術(shù)會議、國際學(xué)術(shù)交流等。    考試的改革是一項(xiàng)復(fù)雜的系統(tǒng)工程,四、六級考試委員會將加強(qiáng)宣傳,使教師和學(xué)生真正了解改革的目的和舉措,并通過教師培訓(xùn)等手段使改革思想融入教學(xué)??荚囄瘑T會將關(guān)注改革措施的后效,跟蹤考試改革對教學(xué)所產(chǎn)生

11、的影響,及時調(diào)整改革措施,使四、六級考試更好地服務(wù)于教學(xué)。關(guān)于試點(diǎn)階段的大學(xué)英語四級考試說明    根據(jù)全國大學(xué)英語四、六級考試改革方案(試行),全國大學(xué)英語四、六級考試改革項(xiàng)目組和考試委員會設(shè)計(jì)了四級考試新題型試測卷,并于2005年6月進(jìn)行了較大規(guī)模的試測。數(shù)據(jù)分析結(jié)果表明,新設(shè)計(jì)的試題題型和難易度總體上符合要求,但試卷結(jié)構(gòu)需做微調(diào)?,F(xiàn)就試點(diǎn)階段的四級考試說明如下。 一、試卷構(gòu)成和成績報道    就所測試的語言能力而言,試點(diǎn)階段的四級考試由以下四個部分構(gòu)成:1)聽力理解;2)閱讀理解;3)完型填空或改錯;4)寫作和翻譯。&

12、#160;    聽力理解部分分值比例為35%;其中聽力對話15%,聽力短文20%。聽力對話部分包括短對話和長對話的聽力理解;聽力短文部分包括選擇題型的短文理解和復(fù)合式聽寫。     閱讀理解部分分值比例為35%;其中仔細(xì)閱讀部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速閱讀部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔細(xì)閱讀部分分為:a)選擇題型的篇章閱讀理解;b)篇章層次的詞匯理解(Banked Cloze)或短句問答(Short Answer Questions)??焖匍喿x理解部

13、分測試的是瀏覽閱讀和查讀能力。     完型填空或改錯部分分值比例為10%。完型填空部分采用多項(xiàng)選擇題型,改錯部分的要求是辨認(rèn)錯誤并改正。     寫作和翻譯部分分值比例為20%;其中寫作部分(Writing)15%,翻譯部分(Translation)5%。寫作的體裁包括議論文、說明文、應(yīng)用文等;翻譯部分測試的是句子、短語或常用表達(dá)層次上的中譯英能力。     試點(diǎn)階段的四級考試各部分測試內(nèi)容、題型和所占分值比例如表1所示:  表1:試

14、點(diǎn)階段的四級考試各部分測試內(nèi)容、題型和所占分值比例試卷構(gòu)成測試內(nèi)容測試題型比例聽力理解聽力對話短對話多項(xiàng)選擇35%長對話 多項(xiàng)選擇聽力短文短文理解多項(xiàng)選擇多項(xiàng)選擇復(fù)合式聽寫閱讀理解仔細(xì)閱讀理解篇章閱讀理解多項(xiàng)選擇35% 篇章詞匯理解選詞填空快速閱讀理解是非判斷+句子填空或其他完型填空 或 改錯完型填空 或 改錯多項(xiàng)選擇或錯誤辨認(rèn)并改正10%寫作和翻譯寫作短文寫作20%翻譯中譯英    試點(diǎn)階段四級考試單項(xiàng)分的報道共分為四個部分:聽力(35%)、閱讀(35%)、完型填空或改錯(10%)、作文和翻譯(20%)。各單項(xiàng)報道分的滿分分別為:聽力249分

15、,閱讀249分,完型填空或改錯70分,作文142分。各單項(xiàng)分相加之和等于總分(710分)。二、關(guān)于樣卷的說明    四、六級考試改革項(xiàng)目組和考試委員會在試測的基礎(chǔ)上設(shè)計(jì)了本樣卷,即改革后四級考試的范型卷。實(shí)際考試中,可根據(jù)表1所描述的框架結(jié)構(gòu),采用與樣卷不完全相同的題型。    根據(jù)考生答題的順序,樣卷共分為六個部分:寫作測試、快速閱讀理解、聽力理解、仔細(xì)閱讀理解、完型填空和翻譯。樣卷結(jié)構(gòu)、各部分答題時間和所用答題卡見表2。  表2:樣卷結(jié)構(gòu)、各部分答題時間和所用答題卡樣卷結(jié)構(gòu) 試題內(nèi)容答題時間答題卡Pa

16、rt IWriting30 minutesAnswer Sheet 1Part IIReading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) 15 minutesPart IIIListening Comprehension35 minutesAnswer Sheet 2Part IVReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)25 minutesPart VCloze15 minutesPart VITranslation5 minutes    樣卷答題時間共125分鐘。考試開始后,考

17、生首先在答題卡1上完成寫作部分。30分鐘后,監(jiān)考員發(fā)試題冊,考生在接著的15分鐘內(nèi)完成快速閱讀理解部分的試題。然后,監(jiān)考員收回答題卡1??忌诖痤}卡2上完成其余部分的試題。    在答題過程中,考生必須在答題卡上作答,在試題冊上作答無效。所有選擇性試題務(wù)必用2B濃度的鉛筆劃線作答;所有非選擇性試題(即寫作、填空等)務(wù)必用黑色字跡簽字筆作答。大學(xué)英語四級考試試點(diǎn)考試樣卷(試題冊)Part I Writing (30 minutes) 注意:此部分試題在 答題卡 1 上。 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and

18、 Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 . For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the in

19、formation given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Landfills  You have just finished your meal at a fast food restaurant and you throw your uneaten food, foo

20、d wrappers, drink cups, utensils and napkins into the trash can. You don't think about that waste again. On trash pickup day in your neighborhood, you push your can out to the curb, and workers dump the contents into a big truck and haul it away. You don't have to think about that waste agai

21、n, either. But maybe you have wondered, as you watch the trash truck pull away, just where that garbage ends up.   Americans generate trash at an astonishing rate of four pounds per day per person, which translates to 600,000 tons per day or 210 million tons per year! This is almost twice

22、as much trash per person as most other major countries. What happens to this trash? Some gets recycled ( 回收利用 ) or recovered and some is burned, but the majority is buried in landfills. How Much Trash Is Generated?  Of the 210 million tons of trash, or solid waste, generated in the United

23、States annually, about 56 million tons, or 27 percent, is either recycled (glass, paper products, plastic, metals) or composted (做成堆肥) (yard waste). The remaining trash, which is mostly unrecyclable, is discarded.  How Is Trash Disposed of? The trash production in the United States has alm

24、ost tripled since 1960. This trash is handled in various ways. About 27 percent of the trash is recycled or composted, 16 percent is burned and 57 percent is buried in landfills. The amount of trash buried in landfills has doubled since 1960. The United States ranks somewhere in the middle of the ma

25、jor countries (United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France and Japan) in landfill disposal. The United Kingdom ranks highest, burying about 90 percent of its solid waste in landfills.What Is a Landfill? There are two ways to bury trash: · Dump an open hole in the ground where trash is buried and th

26、at is full of various animals (rats, mice, birds). (This is most peoples idea of a landfill!) · Landfill carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain). This isolation is accomplished with a bo

27、ttom liner and daily covering of soil. o Sanitary landfill landfill that uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environment o Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill landfill that uses a synthetic (plastic) liner to isolate the trash from the environment.  The purpose of a landfill i

28、s to bury the trash in such a way that it will be isolated from groundwater, will be kept dry and will not be in contact with air. Under these conditions, trash will not decompose (腐爛) much. A landfill is not like a compost pile, where the purpose is to bury trash in such a way that it will decompos

29、e quickly. Proposing the Landfill  For a landfill to be built, the operators have to make sure that they follow certain steps. In most parts of the world, there are regulations that govern where a landfill can be placed and how it can operate. The whole process begins with someone proposin

30、g the landfill.  In the United States, taking care of trash and building landfills are local government responsibilities. Before a city or other authority can build a landfill, an environmental impact study must be done on the proposed site to determine: · the area of land necessary f

31、or the landfill · the composition of the underlying soil and bedrock· the flow of surface water over the site · the impact of the proposed landfill on the local environment and wildlife· the historical value of the proposed site Building the Landfill  Once the environme

32、ntal impact study is complete, the permits are granted and the funds have been raised, then construction begins. First, access roads to the landfill site must be built if they do not already exist. These roads will be used by construction equipment, sanitation (環(huán)衛(wèi)) services and the general public. A

33、fter roads have been built, digging can begin. In the North Wake County Landfill, the landfill began 10 feet below the road surface.What Happens to Trash in a Landfill?  Trash put in a landfill will stay there for a very long time. Inside a landfill, there is little oxygen and little moist

34、ure. Under these conditions, trash does not break down very rapidly. In fact, when old landfills have been dug up or sampled, 40-year-old newspapers have been found with easily readable print. Landfills are not designed to break down trash, merely to bury it. When a landfill closes, the site, especi

35、ally the groundwater, must be monitored and maintained for up to 30 years! How Is a Landfill Operated?  A landfill, such as the North Wake County Landfill, must be open and available every day. Customers are typically municipalities and construction companies, although residents may also u

36、se the landfill.  Near the entrance of the landfill is a recycling center where residents can drop off recyclable materials (aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspapers and paper products). This helps to reduce the amount of material in the landfill. Some of these materials are banned from la

37、ndfills by law because they can be recycled.   As customers enter the site, their trucks are weighed at the scale house. Customers are charged tipping fees for using the site. The tipping fees vary from $10 to $40 per ton. These fees are used to pay for operation costs. The North Wake Coun

38、ty Landfill has an operating budget of approximately $4.5 million, and part of that comes from tipping fees.  Along the site, there are drop-off stations for materials that are not wanted or legally banned by the landfill. A multi-material drop-off station is used for tires, motor oil, lead-aci

39、d batteries. Some of these materials can be recycled.  In addition, there is a household hazardous waste drop-off station for chemicals (paints, pesticides, other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill. These chemicals are disposed of by private companies. Some paints can be recycled

40、 and some organic chemicals can be burned in furnaces or power plants.  Other structures alongside the landfill are the borrowed area that supplies the soil for the landfill, the runoff collection pond and methane (甲烷) station.   Landfills are complicated structures that, when pr

41、operly designed and managed, serve an important purpose. In the future, new technologies called bioreactors will be used to speed the breakdown of trash in landfills and produce more methane. Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short c

42、onversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B)

43、, C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分試題請?jiān)?答題卡 2 上作答。 11. A) The man hates to lend his tools to other people. B) The man hasn't finished working on the bookshelf. C) The tools have alrea

44、dy been returned to the woman. D) The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing. 12. A) Save time by using a computer. C) Borrow Martha's computer. B) Buy her own computer. D) Stay home and complete her paper. 13. A) He has been to Seattle many times. C) He holds a high position in his c

45、ompany. B) He has chaired a lot of conferences. D) He lived in Seattle for many years. 14. A) Teacher and student. C) Manager and office worker. B) Doctor and patient. D) Travel agent and customer. 15. A) She knows the guy who will give the lecture. B) She thinks the lecture might be informative. C)

46、 She wants to add something to her lecture. D) She'll finish her report this weekend. 16. A) An art museum. C) A college campus. B) A beautiful park. D) An architectural exhibition. 17. A) The houses for sale are of poor quality. B) The houses are too expensive for the couple to buy. C) The hous

47、ing developers provide free trips for potential buyers. D) The man is unwilling to take a look at the houses for sale. 18. A) Talking about sports. C) Reading newspapers. B) Writing up local news. D) Putting up advertisements. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.

48、 A) The benefits of strong business competition. B) A proposal to lower the cost of production. C) Complaints about the expense of modernization. D) Suggestions concerning new business strategies. 20. A) It cost much more than its worth. C) It calls for immediate repairs. B) It should be brought up-

49、to-date. D) It can still be used for a long time. 21. A) The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency. B) A few engineers should be employed to modernize the factory. C) The entire staff should be retrained. D) Better-educated employees should be promoted. 22. A) Their competitors have lon

50、g been advertising on TV. B) TV commercials are less expensive. C) Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient. D) TV commercials attract more investments. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. A) Searching for reference material. C) Writing a course book. B

51、) Watching a film of the 1930s'. D) Looking for a job in a movie studio. 24. A) It's too broad to cope with. C) It's controversial. B) It's a bit outdated. D) It's of little practical value. 25. A) At the end of the online catalogue. B) At the Reference Desk. C) In The New York T

52、imes . D) In the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature . Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the

53、best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分試題請?jiān)?答題卡 2 上作答。 Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. A) Synthetic fuel. C) Alcohol. B) Solar energ

54、y. D) Electricity. 27. A) Air traffic conditions. C) Road conditions. B) Traffic jams on highways. D) New traffic rules. 28. A) Go through a health check. C) Arrive early for boarding. B) Take little luggage with them. D) Undergo security checks. Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passa

55、ge you have just heard. 29. A) Beauty. C) Luck. B) Loyalty. D) Durability. 30. A) He wanted to follow the tradition of his country. B) He believed that it symbolized an everlasting marriage. C) It was thought that a blood vessel in that finger led directly to the heart. D) It was supposed that the d

56、iamond on that finger would bring good luck. 31. A) The two people can learn about each other's likes and dislikes. B) The two people can have time to decide if they are a good match. C) The two people can have time to shop for their new home. D) The two people can earn enough money for their we

57、dding. Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. A) Because there are no signs to direct them. B) Because no tour guides are available. C) Because all the buildings in the city look alike. D) Because the university is everywhere in the city.33. A) They set th

58、eir own exams. C) They award their own degrees. B) They select their own students. D) They organize their own laboratory work.34. A) Most of them have a long history. B) Many of them are specialized libraries. C) They house more books than any other university library. D) They each have a copy of ev

59、ery book published in Britain.35. A) Very few of them are engaged in research. B) They were not awarded degrees until 1948. C) They have outnumbered male students. D) They were not treated equally until 1881. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passag

60、e is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or wr


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