







5、素特征,北區(qū)高Pb同位素特征暗示其熔融源區(qū)可能有大洋沉積物的加入。南北大興安嶺的同位素組成差異支持前人認(rèn)為的索倫山-賀根山-小興安嶺代表了古亞洲洋縫合帶的觀點(diǎn)。6東北地區(qū)中生代火成巖_(Nd)(t)(或T_(DM)和Pb同位素比值隨時(shí)間演化顯示出平穩(wěn)變化的趨勢(shì),反映中生代尤其是巖漿活動(dòng)峰期(早白堊世)期間區(qū)域上并不存在大規(guī)模的地殼增生作用,其巖石成因暗示地殼物質(zhì)的再循環(huán)和分配作用是形成廣泛中酸性巖漿的主要機(jī)制The NE China fold belt is the eastern segment of Central Asian Orogenic belt (CAOB), which is

6、the largest accretion orogen between the North China Block and the Siberian Plate. Based on systematic Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic analyses of Mesozoic volcanic rocks and available data from Mesozoic intrusive plutons by previous studies in NE China, this paper presents a new isotope mapping of region, and di

7、scusses the origin of the extensive felsic magmatism and their relationship with the crustal growth and mantle-crust interacion. The results provide robust evidence for understanding the regional tectonic framework and the evolution of the CAOB. Major conclusions are summarized below.1 The Sr-Nd-Pb

8、isotope mapping results of Mesozoic igneous rocks in NE China identify four Nd-Pb isotope provinces: (1) the northern Hinggan Mountains; (2) the southern Hinggan Mountain-Yanji-Liaoyuan region; (3) the Zhangguangcai Range -Jiamusi block; and (4) the Wandashan massif. The Wandashan massif, in which o

9、ccurred HIMU-type OIBs with highly radiogenic Pb isotope compositions from the Raohe area, is a foreign terrane accreted to the CAOB. Except for HIMU-type OIB with negative7/4 ratios in the Wandashan massif, all other rocks have positive7/4 and8/4 values, a feature of the Laurasia continent in the N

10、orthern Hemisphere.2 In the southern Hinggan Mountains distributes a Cretaceous felsic igneous rock belt characterized by highly positive-_(Nd) (T_(DM) = 0.420.64Ga,_(Nd)(t) = +4.0+5.9) and radiogenic Pb (206)Pb/(204)Pb(i) = 18.36 18.56) isotope compositions. These melts were derived from a source c

11、omprising mainly juvenile crust with subordinate metasediments. Combined geochemical data and subordinate crustal growth during late Mesozoic time suggest that the tectonically entrained Paleo-Asian oceanic crustal relics were the likely candidatesfor the juvenile components.3 The west Ujimqin andes

12、ites in the southern Hinggan Mountains have unradiogenic Nd (_(Nd)(t) = -10.5-6.3, T_(DM) = 1.221.51Ga) and unradiogenic Pb (206)Pb/(204)Pb(i) = 17.2917.33) and moderately radiogenic Sr isotopic compositions (87)Sr/(86)Sr(i) = 0.70630.7066). These melts also have positive7/4 (3.76.9) and8/4 (94104)

13、values, a DUPAL Pb isotope signature as observed in the Indian Oceanic mid-ridge basalts. Such features are typical of ancient lower continental crust, e.g., Archean granulite terranes that experienced extensive U-Th loss and developed time-integrated low radiogenic Pb compositions. The occurrence o

14、f the west Ujimqin andesites indicates the existence of ancient continental lower crust beneath the NE China fold belt.4 The Mesozoic granitoids in the Zhangguangcai Range and Jiamusi block have lower Nd (_(Nd)(t) = -3.5+ 2.1, T_(DM) = 1.01.27Ga) and highly radiogenic Pb and Sr isotopic composition

15、(206)Pb/(204)Pb(i) = 18.418.9, (87)Sr/(86)Sr(i) = 0.7050.711), suggesting that the pelagic sediments of the Paleo-Asian Ocean or their metamorphosed derivates were an important component in the region.5 The Pb isotope mapping results show that the mafic rocks in the northern Hinggan Mountains have h

16、igher and weakly variable (206)Pb/(204)Pb ratios than those from the southern Hinggan Mountains and the Liaoyuan-Yanji area. Such a Pb isotope difference between the two regions supports the previous hypothesis that the Suolun-Hegenshan-Less Hinggan mountain belt represented the collisional suture b

17、etween the North China and the Mongolian Blocks. On the other hand, the higher radiogenic Pb compositions in the northern Hinggan Mountains mafic rocks were possibly attributed to the recycling of the pelagic sediments into the mantle source, whereas the less radiogenic Pb compositions in the southe

18、rn Hinggan Mountains and Liaoyuan-Yanji counterparts suggested the involvement of terrigneous sediments derived from the continental lower crust of the North China Block.6 The lack of systematic correlations between emplacement age and_(Nd)(t) (or T_(DM) and Pb isotope ratios and the absence of abrupt change in Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data at any given time throughout the Mesozoic indicate that the crustal growth was subordinate during Mesozoic time, especially at the peak stage (early Cretaceous) of magma


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