



1、1.Why did the phone call change Haleys life? If you were in the same situation, would you accept the offer?That call drove Alex Haley to make up his mind to become a full-time writer. He had decided to choose writing as his life-longprofession no matter how hard it would be. Although his acquaintanc

2、e was trying to tempt Alex to give up his writing, herejected his offer and chose to live in poverty.It was just his spirit of persistence that led him to success.2. What lesson did Haley learn in the end ?Roots made Alex Haley famous and wealthy. He was very excited about what was brought to him by

3、 fame. He nearly forgot hishardships in the past until he saw the brown paper bag which contained the things of the past. Now Alex Haley realized thatthese things were also part of his roots. It was telling him that only courage and persistence may bring success and when onehad gained fame one shoul

4、d not forget the past,be proud and self-complacent.Unit 21. This is a science-fiction story but the author has successfully made it more like a real story than a fictitious one.How did he achieve his purpose?At the beginning of the story, the author explains that he is writing it up for someone else

5、 because I, the storyteller, does notwrite well. He further explains that he uses fictitious names for the owner of The Goose and the head of his section at theDepartment of Agriculture. Towards the end of the story, the author brings the reader back to the question of why he is asked towrite the st

6、ory, and finally casts the unsolved problem of the golden eggs to the reader, as if inviting them to join ProjectGoose. All these add to the authenticity of the story.Unit 41.What kind of person was Mable Howard?Mable Howard was serious about her job as block captain. She cared for the wellfare of t

7、he neighborhood and was considerateto others. She could not tolerate littering of the street.2. Why did the author say that he was proud to call Mable Howard my captain?The author was deeply moved by Mable, who had for decades made great efforts in keeping the neighborhood neat and cleanand who was

8、now becoming too old and frail to perform her duty. Greatly inspired by Mable, the author gradually becameself-conscious in maintaining the block clean and felt proud to call Mable my captain3.What can we do to protect the worsening environment today?Any threat to our shared environment is a threat

9、to us all.We should pay due attention to the environmental problems and takeproper measures to protect our“global village”. For example, totackle the Greenhouse effects, the city planning should be revised and dykes and reservoirs should be built. To check thepopulation growth the one-child policy s

10、hould be strictly obeyed.?Unit 51. What do you think of Tims way of solving the problem?Tim was a filial son. He was very considerate and could read his mothers mind. Considering she was getting old, he took theside of his wife as to where to plant the garden in the beginning. Seeing Mom was unhappy

11、 about that, he apologized to her thenext morning and respected her feelings and choice. Knowing Mom wasnt willing to move out, Tim had an idea that wouldmake both smile.Unit 61. What do you think makes a good father?Tradition expects a father to protect, discipline, and provide for their offspring.

12、 Today, society expects him to do more.A father should not only be strict with his children, but also be friends with them. He should be sensible, knowledgeable andconsiderate, with a sense of humour and a strong sense of responsibility2. The author says, Being a father (parent) is a pretty thankles

13、s job. Do you agree? Give your reasons.Parents responsibilities are to bring up their children both physically and mentally healthy. They work hard and even sacrificetheir needs to meet the needs of their children. They do not expect their children to pay back. Perhaps in this sense being afather is

14、 a thankless job.3. What should be the proper relationship between fathers and daughtersThe relationship between fathers and daughters should be in perfect harmony. In the eyes of fathers, daughters areemotionally fragile. They need more love and care. Fathers should have tender hearts towards their

15、 daughters. They shouldalways look at their daughters with affection.Unit 81. What is meant by sleep debt? In what ways does it affect our life?If one gets less hours than he needs, he is in sleep debt.Those in sleep debt tend to fall asleep during the daytime, and the less one sleeps than heneeds,

16、the stronger thetendency becomes, and the more likely he is to make mistakes with tragic consequences. In addition, sleep-debt will affectpeoples health and well-being 2. How can a person work off sleep debt?He may get a good nights sleep if his sleep debt is small. Otherwise, he has to make up as m

17、uch sleep as possible and adopta sleep-smart lifestyle to avoid accumulating another large sleep debt. Unit 91. How did Pasang Puti save the narrator?When the narrator was lying on the stair, holding the handrail with feeble hand, helplessly facing the menacing horns of a yak,Pasung Puti approached

18、the yak and hit him with a stick. Then, she came up the stairs, helped the narrator to his feet, guidedhim to the outhouse, and afterwards escorted him back to his bunk.2. What did the narrator do to help Pasang Puti afterwards?The narrator proposed that the girl be sent to school. He also gave the

19、host 20 dollars for the purchase of the girls schoolclothes. They did send her to school as a result, and the girl really enjoyed the school activities Unit 101. What is the heritage of the ancient Olympic Games?The Games were originally religious celebrations that were held 3 thousand years ago in

20、Olympia to show respect to the god ofthe Greeks. Greeks valued fame as well as physical excellence, and athletic competition became so important that the periodof the Games became a peaceful period without war or conflict. People, except women and slaves, would come to see thegames; the victors woul

21、d be honored with laurel or wild olive wreath. So the ancient Games suggested friendly competition,mental and bodily fitness, peace, etc.2. What are De Coubertins contributions to the modern Olympic Games?De Coubertin advanced his idea of starting the Olympic Games again in 1892, at a meeting of the

22、 Athletic Sports Union.Though his idea was not well accepted then, he continued his effort until the modern Olympic Games was held in 1896.Coubertin remained director of the IOC till 1925. In his office tenure, he directed the course that the games were to take. Hedrafted the Olympic charter, and at

23、hletes oath. Besides, he also planned the ceremonies.Unit 141. How much do you know about the Nanjing Massacre?60 years ago the Japanese Army conquered Nanjing and launched the Great Nanjing Massacre. 300000 Chinese were killedand thousands of women were raped. This was the most horrible crime commi

24、tted by the Japanese troops.2. Compare the Nanjing Massacre with the slaughter of the Jews during World War IIBoth were terrible crimes committed in the 20th century. Civilians constituted the main body of victims in each case.3. Why should we Chinese always remember the Nanjing Massacre?Every Chine

25、se should always remember the Nanjing Massacre. The Japanese invasion of China more than sixty years agomade us Chinese realize the importance of being powerful. Being weak, well be bullied;being poor, well beexploited. The bloody history gave all of us a lesson to learn. China does not want to invade others, nor will she succumb to anyalien aggression. Once any aggression is committed again


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