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1、高二上學(xué)期第三次教案設(shè)計人: Unit 3 Life In the Future Period 1 & 2 Warming Up & Pre-reading, Reading Teaching Goals: 1. To illustrate Ss imagination of future life.2. To arouse Ss to pay more attention to the problems that probably appeared in the future life.3. To make Ss know the difference of life bet

2、ween the past, present and future.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-inPurpose: To talk about past and future changes of life. 1. Group work Let Ss discuss the questions in groups of four. (1) How do you usually get to school? (2) Where do you live, in a city or in the countryside?(3) Where would yo

3、u like to live in the future?(4) Do you live in a flat or a house?(5) Do you have a room of you won? Can you describe the room in the picture?(6) What kind of housing would you like to have in the future?(7) What would you like to have in your room?(8) What can we use to build houses? (brick, stone

4、, steel , glass, ice, wood , plastic bamboo, )2. Conclusion This unit introduces what life in the future might be like to Ss. By discussing and answering the questions above can make Ss have a general understanding of the present and future life and can also illustrate Ss imagination about the futur

5、e life.Step 2. Warming Up1. Pair work In pairs let Ss list the changes in housing, transport, jobs, families and education will happen in the next century. 2. Individual workAccording to the result of the above Pair work, fill in the chart.Step 3. Pre-reading1. Pair work Ask Ss to discuss the follow

6、ing questions in pairs.(1) Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today.(2) What problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years? Which ones do you think will still exist in AD 3008? Suggested Answers: The first problem I would like to point out is the decline of m

7、orality.(道德淪喪) The second problem is the racial bias problem. (種族歧視) The third problem , which is a most serious problem , is the rapid depletion of resources on the Earth. (資源匱乏) Now I come to the fourth problem, the problem of the large gap between the poor and the rich . (貧富懸殊) The fifth problem

8、is the pollution problem.(環(huán)境惡化) Now I would like to talk about the sixth problem, the expensive arms race problem. (軍備競爭)。 The seventh problem is that the technologies vital to the welfare of human beings are becoming more and more concentrated in the hands of a small group of people. (技術(shù)壟斷)Suggeste

9、d Answers: Picture one: global warming, Picture two: acid rain, Picture three: growing areas of desert, Picture four: over large world population, Picture five: lack of enough drinking water,Step 4. Reading1. Skimming (1) Pair work: Ask Ss to look the three pictures (P18) and then discuss with their

10、 partners and answer the following questions: Picture one:* What can you see in the picture?* What are the people doing?* Where do you think they are doing? Picture two:* How many people can you see in the picture?* Who are they, do you know?* What else can you see in the picture? * What can you use

11、 them for? Picture 3. * What can you see in the picture?* Where is Li Qiang?* What is Li Qiang doing?* What is the table and chairs made of?* What is the wall made of? What function does it have?(2) Discussion: Ask Ss read through the text as quickly as possible and talk about Li Qiangs first impres

12、sions of AD 3008, and at the same time underline words, phrases, or sentences that are closely related to Li Qiangs first impressions.2. Scanning (1) Team workAsk Ss to discuss how far their ideas of the future are from those in the story. Let them discuss the following questions. Do you think Li Qi

13、ang is impressed by what he finds in the future? Why or why not? What improvements do you think there will be to your home city or home village one thousand years in the future? What problems might there be? What ideas do you think were believable in this story? Why? Which ideas do you think are too

14、 unrealistic? Why? (2) Group workThis text is written as if it were a letter from a son to his parents. He is telling them his impressions in an informal way. So the descriptions are mixed with his impressions to give you his idea of what the future is like. Now please discuss the style of the text.

15、 Do you think Li Qiangs descriptions are fair? Why or why not? What language does he use that gives you that impression? Do you think he feels comfortable in the future? Why or why not? What language does he use that gives you that impression?3. ComprehendingAsk Ss to tell the following sentences ar

16、e True or False (T or F)(1) Li Qiang was worried about the journey, so he was unsettled all the time.(2) Wang Ping is his friend who is also a good guide. (3) His head ached because of lack of oxygen. (4) Li Qiang lost in touch with Wang Ping, but he found him at last. (5) Wang Pings mother was not

17、friendly to him. Suggested Answers: (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) F 4. ListeningListen to the tape and fill in the chart bellow:Good changes Bad changes Time travel Transport Houses Towns Air qualitySuggested Answers:Good changes Bad changes Time travel Can travel to different times as you wish After

18、effects of travel Transport Can move swiftly Disorganized, difficult to find way Houses Save living space Short of space Towns Busy, look like markets easy to get lost Air qualityOwn family oxygen supply Poor quality in public places. 5. Group workDivide the whole class into four groups. Each group

19、is supposed to read through the text and find out the difficult words, expressions and sentences and then discusses them. (1) take up 占領(lǐng);占據(jù);接受When does the incoming manager take up his job? The copying of these documents took up the whole morning.He has taken up art in college.He decided to take up

20、photography as his career.He is going to take up the story where he left off yesterday.(2) constantly adv 不斷地His report was constantly interrupted by applause.The area was constantly hit by drought.拓展:constant: adj 不斷的(3) remind vt 使想起;提醒常見用法:remind sb. to do sth. / remind sb. of sth./ remind sb. Th

21、at 提醒某人做某事;使某人想起Please remind me to leave her this noteThe film reminded him of what he had seen in China.Please remind me that I must call her up before nine.(4) previous adj 在前的;早先的He has had no previous experience of this kind of job.(5) tablet n 藥片He took a sleeping table.(6) opening n 口子; 通路He

22、put a gate across the opening in the fence.(7) surroundings n 環(huán)境We must learn to get used to social surroundings.拓展:surrounding adj. 周圍的(8) lack: n 缺乏;沒有The lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food.拓展:lack: vt& vi 缺乏Owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done.Is she l

23、acking in courage?(9) press: vi & vt 按;壓;逼迫He pressed the doorbell.Just press this button, and you'll start the engine.The debts pressed on him.拓展:press: n 壓;推;新聞界; The press have / has been invited to a press conference to hear the government's statement on the event.(10) swiftly adv. 迅

24、速地;敏捷地He swiftly glanced at the book and answered the question. (11) sight: 視力;視覺常見用法:lose sight of: 不再看見in sight of: 可被.望見in sight: 可見,看得見;out of sight: 看不到,不被看到;at the sight of: 一看見就.at first sight: 一見就.; 初次看見時catch sight of: 瞥見(12) sweep up 橫掃;打掃Herry was swept up into the center of them and my l

25、ink with him was broken as I was carried up to the top of a high building nearby. (13) switch n. 開關(guān);閘The switch is broken so you need a new one.拓展:vt 轉(zhuǎn)換He switched the TV onHe switched the conversation from one subject to another.Step 5. DiscussionWhat three visits would you ask to go on if you were

26、 Li Qiang? Make a list of them below. Then compare your list with your partners or classmates.1._ 2. _ 3. _Suggested Answers: 1. A space station 2. Another planet 3. A historical museum.Step 6. Homework1. Read the text again and again and go over the main language points.2. Finish Ex1 and Ex2 in Lea

27、rning about language.3. Retelling the story, either in writing or in speech, is very useful to learners of a foreign language. It demonstrates his understanding of the story. Next you are going to practise in pairs retelling Li Qiangs story traveling to the year AD 3008. You may make use of the word

28、s and expressions you have just learnt. Period 3 & 4 Learning about Language, Using LanguageTeaching Goals:1. To discover the useful words and expressions in the text.2. To learn and improve the use of useful words and expressions.3. To practise reading skills and learn something more about the

29、future life.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Learning about Language 1. Discussion As we all know that robots now have become a very important part in humans life. Let Ss discuss the robots advantages and disadvantages.2. Ask Ss to do Ex2 (P20). In this Exercise, Ss can learn some phrases meaning by learn

30、ing their forming. That is, a verb can change its meaning slightly when you add a preposition or adverb to it. Now, look at the boxes below. Write the phrases down:search take slide sweep press for up down intoSuggested Answers: (1) search for (2) take up (3)slide into (4) sweep up (5) press downSea

31、rch for/swept up/ pressed down/ sweep up/took up/ slidinto3. Ask Ss to choose the correct phrases to finish each sentences.use up speed up sweep up come up eat up sit up turn up take up(1) When I was young, the teacher always required us to _ straight.(2) In Britain you show your good manners at a m

32、eal if you _ all the food.(3)Well make our bathroom more comfortable if we _ the mess every day.(3) Charles bicycle started to _ as it went down the hill.(4) Dont forget that you must _ for the examination.(5) All the paper was _ before the work was finished.(6) The director showed his interest in y

33、our work when he _ to see it.(7) I hope you will _ the new job you have been offered.Suggested Answers: (1) sit up (2) eat up (3) clear up (4) speed up (5) turn up (6) used up (7) came up (8) take upStep 2. Using Language 1.Pair workAsk Ss to read the text again and make a dialogue with their partne

34、rs to describe the life of one space creature. Ask one or two pairs to read the dialogues to the whole class. And then let Ss discuss them and see which group do a better job.Sample dialogue:S1: Our space creature is called a moddock. It comes from a planet going around a star on the outer part of t

35、he Andromeda galaxy. To begin with we thought it would be impossible to talk to this creature. It used to run away and hide whenever we came near. However, my friend thought of a good way to make friends with it. S2: I noticed that it always looked up when oil was near. SO I thought maybe it could s

36、mell the oil so I covered myself in oil and went near. The moddock did not run away but came close to sniff me. S1: Once we knew that an oil smell was the way to make friends with it, everything was much easier. S2: It would put one of its six hands over your face and feel the lip movements. Then it

37、 remembered them and watched your face. We found it could speak our language very quickly and soon we were having long conversation s. They re marvelous language learners. 2. Writing Ask Ss to draw a picture of their aliens and then write an essay based on their pictures. At last let them read it to

38、 their partners.Sample writing:The moddock is an alien from the Andromeda galaxy. It is shy until you get to know it. To make friends you need to cover yourself in oil as that is the thing the moddock likes best. It should be able to help you with your English homework because it is such a marvelous

39、 language learner! It stays in one place most of the time as it finds moving so painful. When it has to move, it rolls over and over like a ball. Moddocks live alone and never go to school. They dont need to, as they are good observers and quick learners from others. It really likes humans and as we

40、 are now friends, it wants to become a human being too.Step 3. Discovering useful structures1. Individual workGive Ss two sentences in which the past participle is used as an adverbial phrase. Eg Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.Then ask Ss to find other three senten

41、ces from the reading passage with the past participle used as the adverbial.(1) Well-known for their expertise, his parents company(2) Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack(1) Exhausted, I slid into bed Lets Ss discuss the usage of past participle and find some grammar usages.2. Ex

42、planation of the grammar.(1) 和現(xiàn)在分詞一樣,過去分詞或過去分詞短語也可以充當(dāng)副詞,修飾謂語動詞。過去分詞可以表達(dá)下列四種意思: 方法或活動方式,如:He walked up and down, lost in thought I sat before the desk until after mid-night, absorbed in writing. Surrounded by a host of fans, the film star left the airport excitedly . 原因,如:Greatly disappointed, some s

43、taff decided to leave the place. Taken by surprise, the enemy surrendered. 時間,如:Born and bred in a turbulent age, the older generation of people experienced all sorts of hardships. Thrown to the floor, the boy regained his footing a few minutes later . 條件,如:Given more time, the slow learners would h

44、ave done better . Criticized by someone else, Tony would not have fared up like that. (2) 除了直接修飾動詞之外, 過去分詞或短語也可以和連詞組成短語,表示下列四種意思: 由 when ,whenever , while until等連詞引導(dǎo),表示“時間”,如:When asked about his previous job, Bill said he had been a motor mechanic. Susan seldom speaks in class until spoken to. 由whe

45、re , wherever 連詞引導(dǎo),表示“地點”。Mosquitoes should be completely exterminated where found. Retires in good health should be invited to return to work wherever needed. 由if , unless引導(dǎo),表示“條件”,如If kept for too long, some medicines will lose their effectiveness. We have made a point of not attacking unless atta

46、cked. 由 though, although , even though 連詞引導(dǎo),表示“讓步”,如:Though warned of the danger, they still went mountaineering. Even though defeated for a second time, our team did not give up hope for the ultimate victory. IV Studying the past participle as the attribute. (3) 過去分詞做定語, 在語態(tài)上表被動,在時間上表示動作已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成,與它所

47、修飾的名詞有邏輯上的動賓關(guān)系。 過去分詞做定語時, 所修飾的名詞在邏輯上相當(dāng)于被動句中的主語,過去分詞相當(dāng)于謂語。 (4) 過去分詞作定語表示動作在謂語之前發(fā)生,已經(jīng)完成并具有被動意義。有時也不表示時間性。作定語的過去分詞一般由及物動詞變來,因為只有及物動詞才有被動意義。如:He is a teacher loved by his students. 他是個很受學(xué)生愛戴的老師。 (5) 也有不及物動詞作定語的情況,一般作前置定語,它不表示被動意義,只表示主動意義,強(qiáng)調(diào)動作完成。不能像及物動詞的過去動詞那樣放在名詞后面作定語。如: fallen leaves, retired workers ,

48、 the risen sun 注意下面過去分詞作定語的幾種情況: 單個的過去分詞作定語一般放在被修飾的名詞之前。如:We needed much more qualified workers My friend is a returned student. 過去分詞短語作定語要放在被修飾的名詞后面,作后置定語,其作用相當(dāng)與一個定語從句。如:The student dressed in white is my daughter = The student who is dressed in white is my daughter. 如果被修飾的詞是由every /some/any / no+t

49、hing /body/one 所構(gòu)成一個復(fù)合代詞或指示代詞those 等時,即使一個單一的分詞做形容詞,也要放在被修飾詞的后面。例如:Is there anything unsolved?There is nothing changed here since I left this town. 單個過去分詞前加一名詞或副詞,常用連字符將它們連起來構(gòu)成一個復(fù)合形容詞,放在其修飾詞前,作前置定語。This is a state-owned factor. This is our school run factory. 作前置定語的某些動詞的過去分詞的形式與作謂語或表語的過去分詞的形式往往不一樣。例

50、如:原形用作定語的過去分詞用作表語或謂語的過去分詞 drink drunken drunk light lighted lit melt melten melted sink sunken sunk We lit the candle and the candle lit up the room. 我們點著蠟燭,蠟燭照亮房間。There is a lighted candle on the table. 桌上有一只點著的蠟燭。2. Pair work(1) In pairs combine these two sentences using the past participle as the

51、 adverbial. I was frightened by the loud noise. I went to see what was happening. _ He was hit by the lack of fresh air. He got a bad headache._ I felt very tired after the long journey. I still enjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station._ The little girl was frightened by the noise outside. Th

52、e little girl dared not sleep in her bedroom. _ The museum was built in 1910. the museum is almost 100 years old. _ The student was given some advice by the famous scientist. The student was not worried about his scientific experiment any more. _Suggested Answers: Frightened by the loud noise, I wen

53、t to see what was happening. Hit by the lack of fresh air, he got a bad headache. Tired after the long journey, I still enjoyed meeting the aliens on the space station. Frightened by the noise outside, the little girl dared not sleep in her bedroom. Built in 1910, the museum is almost 100 years old.

54、 Given some advice by the famous scientist, the student was not worried about his scientific experiment any more.(2) In pairs combine the following sentences using the past participle as the attribute. Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer. He is called Li Qiang. I am going to buy a painting.

55、 It is copied from Vincent van Gogh. I like that old private house. It is built of wood and mud. The room is completely empty. The room is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage. The queen was sitting in a royal carriage. The carriage was drawn by four horses. The vehicle is mentioned in the book. The vehicle is unknown to me. The castle is under repair. It was built in 1432. (3) After finish the two exercises, ask Ss to discuss a


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