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1、 高考英語-非謂語動詞填空專練1. The great hall was crowded with many people, _ (include) many children _(seat) on their parents laps.2. Its said that the Olympic Games _(hold) in London in 2012 will cover more events than any other Olympics did.3. There _ (be) no rain for a long time, most of the crops in this ar

2、ea died from lacking water.4. Yesterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, _(make) him a millionaire overnight.5. In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in the fire-stricken areas moved out _(escape ; burn)6. Taking this medicine, if _(continue) , will

3、of course do good to his health.7. The little boy still needs the _ (remain ) 20 dollars to do with some things _(remain; settle).8. _ (consider) his age, the little boy read quite well.9. _ from the appearance, it is very peaceful; but in fact, a war will break out soon.(judge)10. Tom enjoys _ (pla

4、y) basketball on Sunday afternoons, doesnt he? Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys _(dance) .11. His letter, _(address) to the wrong number, reached me late.12. The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February 1, 2003, _ (kill) all seven astronauts

5、 aboard.13. There are lots of places of interest _(need; repair) in our city.14. What caused the party to be put off? Toms _ the invitations.15. I was afraid _(talk) back to my customers because I was afraid of_(lose) them.16. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but _(enjoy) the

6、 flowing of the smog around me.17. Is Tom a good talker? No, he never speaks to me other than _(ask) for something?18. I cant get my car _(run) on cold mornings, so I have to try _(fill) the radiator with some hot water.19. The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls _(fly) in a

7、ll directions before he was sent _(sleep) by his wife.20. When we got back from the cinema, we found the lamp _(burn) on but the door _(shut).21. We found the students seated at tables and had their eyes _(fix) on the scene of the launch of Shenzhou V spaceship.22. A doctor can expect _ (call) at an

8、y hour of the day or night.23. The boy often gives a satisfactory answer to the teachers question, _(think) just a minute. So hes usually the teachers pet.24. The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door _(open), _(stand) there for a while and then entered it.25. I _(drive) along the quie

9、t road at forty miles an hour, and then an old man suddenly started to cross the road in front of me.26. Mr. Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had _(repair) was nowhere to be seen.27. What did the librarian _ (forbid; take) out of the library?28. Mum, why do you give me so much popco

10、rn? _ (kill)the boring time.29. What Yang Liwei wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was _(share) the joy with all the Chinese.30. When she was alone at home, Mary needed a friend with whom _(play) with.31. _ (see)the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree _(frighten) out of life.3

11、2. The competitor never dreamed of there _(be) a chance for him to win the first prize in the 100-meter race.33. _(except) everything to go wrong in advance, and you wont feel quite so bad when it does.34. You _(be to take) part in the party on time. Sorry, I was delayed by the accident.35.When _(co

12、mpare) with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.36. _ (dress)in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself _(notice) at the party.37. The matter _(relate) to your study surely requires _(deal) with carefully.38. Her _(not come) back made her parents worried a

13、 lot.39. Everything _(take) into consideration, they believed themselves more and returned to their positions.40. He moved away from his parents and missed them too much to enjoy the _(excite) life in New York.41. What do you think of the plan? Its easier said than _(carry) out.42. Many businessmen

14、attended the Boao Forum (博鰲論壇)because they knew what _(get) from the forum.43. There was a famous person at the party whom everyone would like _(introduce) to themselves.44. Were you at home last Sunday? Yeah! I devoted the whole day to _ (review) the English grammar.45. Once _(catch; steal) at the

15、shop, you will be dismissed immediately.46. Prices of daily goods _(buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices.47. The summer vacation _(be) over, John returned to school from his hometown.48. _(suppose) she cant come, who will do the work?49. Is there anything you want from town? No, th

16、ank you. But I would like to get those letters _(mail).50. After the guests left, she spent as much time as she could _ (tidy) up the rooms.答案及部分解析:1. including; seated including為介詞;由seat的用法可知,此處應用其過去分詞形式。2. to be held hold與the Olympic Games之間是被動關(guān)系,且2012奧運會尚未舉辦,應用不定式表將來。3. being. There being no rain

17、為 there be句型的獨立主格形式。4. to make不定式作結(jié)果狀語表示主語未曾預料到的結(jié)果。5. to escape being burned不定式作目的狀語。escape 意為“逃脫”,不接不定式,而常接-ing形式作賓語。只能接-ing形式作賓語的動詞還有:mind, admit,avoid, appreciate, consider(考慮), delay, imagine, miss, practice等。6. continued if continued 是“if taking this medicine is continued”的省略形式。7. remaining; re

18、maining to be settled 第一個remaining用作形容詞,作“剩下的”解;第二個remaining to be settled 是-ing形式短語作定語。8. Considering considering為介詞,作“就而論;考慮到”解。9. Judging judging from意為“從來判斷”,為固定結(jié)構(gòu)。10. playing; is to dance。 enjoy后常接-ing形式作賓語; what his sister enjoys作主語,is to dance構(gòu)成句子的謂語。11. having been addressed。address所表示的動作發(fā)生在

19、謂語動詞所表示的動作之前,且與letter之間邏輯上存在著被動關(guān)系,having been addressed.在句中作非限制性定語。12. killing。13. needing to be repaired。needing to be repaired相當于needing repairing,在句中作定語。另外,require和want也有類似的用法。14. delaying sending。Toms delaying sending是-ing形式的復合結(jié)構(gòu)可代替what在句中作主語。15. to talk; losing。be afraid to do作“不敢”解(側(cè)重指不敢作出的一種行

20、為); be afraid of doing 作“擔心”解(側(cè)重強調(diào)害怕產(chǎn)生某種后果)。16. enjoy。but用作“除了”解,當其前含有實義動詞do時, 則but后的不定式短語要省去to。17. asked。 other than asked for something相當于unless he is asked for something。18. running; filling。get my car running意為“使我的車發(fā)動起來”;try doing表示“試一試做某事的辦法”;try to do意為“努力去做某事”。19. flying; to sleep。send sb./st

21、h. doing意為“使 快速移動”;send sb. to sleep意為“使某人入睡”,其中to 為介詞,sleep為名詞。20. burning; shut。句中的burning,shut均作found的賓語補足語,表狀態(tài)。21. fixed。fix ones eyes/attention on/upon為固定短語,意為“注視,注意”,故此處應用過去分詞形式作賓語補足語。22. to be called。expect后跟不定式作賓語,call與doctor之間是被動關(guān)系。23. having thought。-ing形式短語作狀語,且think(思考)表示的動作發(fā)生于give a sat

22、isfactory answer之前,故用having thought。24. open; stood。with the door open是with 的復合結(jié)構(gòu),open 為形容詞,表狀態(tài); stood與came, entered為并列關(guān)系,在句中作謂語。25. was driving。因句中有連詞and,所以and 之前必須是一個并列關(guān)系的分句。26. repaired。he had had repaired是省去了關(guān)系代詞that/ which的定語從句。27. forbid to be taken。forbid sb./sth. to do sth.為固定用法,此句中forbid 的賓

23、語為what。28. To kill。why引導的特殊疑問句通??捎貌欢ㄊ蕉陶Z來回答。29. share。what引導的名詞性從句作主語且從句中含有實義動詞do時,用作表語的不定式可不帶to。30. to play。with whom to play為“介詞+關(guān)系代詞+不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)在句中作定語,其相當于一個定語從句(with whom she could play)。31. Seeing; frightened。32. being。由題意“這位選手從來也沒想到他竟有機會在100米比賽中獲得第一名”,及dreamed of后需用-ing形式短語可知應選B。33. Expect。句中and決定了前

24、句應為祈使句。34. were to have taken。You were to have taken part in the party.意為“你本來應該參加那次聚會的”。35. compared。When compared.是When the highest mountain is compared.的省略。36. Dressed; noticed。be dressed in, be lost in, be seated, be disappointed in等類似的短語在句中用作狀語時,常用過去分詞形式;make herself noticed意為“使自己被別人注意”。37. rela

25、ting; dealing。 relate to意為 “與有關(guān);涉及”,第一空既可以用relating to, 也可以用related to;deal with為固定短語,與the matter之間是被動關(guān)系,因此,應用dealing with(主動形式表被動意義)或to be dealt with。38. not coming。此句考查-ing形式的復合結(jié)構(gòu)在句中作主語,其否定形式是在-ing形式前加not。39. taken。everything taken into consideration是獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)在句中作狀語。40.exciting。41. carried out。carrie

26、d out 與said是兩個對等成分。42. to get。英語中,許多動詞(如:know ,decide, tell sb., show sb.等)后可接疑問代詞或疑問副詞+不定式短語的結(jié)構(gòu)來作賓語。題中knew what to get相當于knew what they would get。43. to be introduced。此題考查would like sb. to do 的結(jié)構(gòu)。題中的introduce與whom之間是被動關(guān)系。44. reviewing。devote . to .中,to為介詞。45. caught stealing。Once caught為Once you are caught 的省略; catch sb. doing sth.意為“發(fā)現(xiàn)或發(fā)覺某人正在做某事”。46. bought。bought through a computer是過去分詞短語作定語。47. being。The summer vacation (being) over是獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)在句中作狀語。48. Supposing。


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